What is this Article About
The article discusses in depth about the horoscope of smt. Priyanka Gandhi ji .
In a unique manner various life events and personality of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in is analysed.
Like what planetary combination in the Kundli or horoscope makes Priyanka Gandhi ji so charismatic in nature?
Or what planetary combinations or Yoga’s make Priyanka Gandhi ji do so much of help for poor people of India?
Does the Horoscope or kundli or Priyanka Gandhi ji suggest she would rise in her Political career?
What are the planets in the horoscope of Priyanka Gandhi ji makes her relationship with Robert Vadra and Much more . 😉
It also looks at role of each planet like sun(surya),Moon, Jupiter(Guru),Rahu, Mercury(budha), Venus(shukra),Ketu(dragon’s tail), Saturn(Shani dev) or even Mars on political and personal life of Priyanka Gandhi ji
The analysis is a rich one Based on a combination of Surya kundali and then the lagan kundali or Horoscope .
Also Later in the article details of life events like the connection of her husband Sri Robert Vadra ji, husband of Smt. Priyanka Gandhi is also analysed.
in depth
What Yogas or planetary combinations made Robert vadra do business and also marry a Girl Like Priyanka Gandhi ji from such a reputed family? all analysed at depth.

Horoscope or Kundli of Priyanka Gandhi ji:
Date of Birth :- 12th January, 1972
Time of Birth :- 12(solar Horoscope or Kundli taken)
Place of Birth :- Delhi, India
We have erected a solar Horoscope for her:

Kundli /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Forecast for Priyanka Gandhi vadra :

Is the relationship of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra with Robert vadra a protected one by GOD in her Horoscope? :)YES
Jupiter or Guru ruling the lagna or ascendant in Priyanka Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope.
Also the ascendant lord Jupiter sits on its own house.
So, blesses Priyanka Gandhi with good dharma and good human being qualities.
It also Gives her protection to her relationships and marital life.

Does Priyanka Gandhi Vadra have a heart 🙂 for the Poor People? 😉
She will have a sensitive heart for lesser privileged people.

Does Priyanka Gandhi vadra have Good Human being qualities? 🙂
Also note she is 12th born- that is 1+2=3 – Number of planet Jupiter. Giving her all the good qualities of a good human being .

Does the Horoscope of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi hint towards a Royal and Dignified lineage for her?
Jupiter or Guru also blesses Priyanka Gandhi ji with good home, conveyances(cars) and family.
We know that Priyanka Gandhi ji has lived in big homes with her late father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji And Illustrious grandmother smt. Indira Gandhi ji.
So, she must have also had time in best cars of the world. All confirmed astrologically

what in the Horoscope or Kundli Gives Priyanka vadra Gandhi great Lineage and inheritance?
She has a raja Yoga of strong sun in first house or lagna from 9th house( House of Luck and fortune in her Horoscope).
So, Priyanka Gandhi ji is blessed with good inheritance and fortune.

Does Priyanka Gandhi Vadra ji’s Horoscope Hint towards a great lineage of hers?
The lord of her career( politics) is in trines(1st,5th,9th bhava or house of the Horoscope) in lagna(ascendant)- along with Jupiter and sun ruling 9th.
So, she could do well in her career & politics.
Mercury also gives her good enough communication skills.

what are the indications in horoscope of lesser Longevity for Priyanka Vadra Gandhi ji’s Father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji>
The planet Venus is in 3rd house and rules Ari bhava(6th house) aspects 9th house- house of father and also is enemy of sun the lord of house of father.

what is the status of Horoscope of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi regarding her father’s long life or longevity?
The house of family has malefic mars ruling vyaya bhava(12th) – could explain to some extent father(late Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji) not living long.
Also sun the lord of 9th (representing father) is at 27 degrees

Lagna Kundali of smt. Priyanka Gandhi ji
now what does the lagna horoscope for smt .Priyanka Gandhi Ji say ?
are there indications in horoscope Of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi of high IQ, quickness, and Youthfulness ? 😉
The weather looking at the lagna horoscope and not at the Surya Kundali now the lagna of smt. Priyanka ji is Gemini sign rising or mithuna Rashi.
Mercury or Budha in the Horoscope is the Lord gives her good intelligence IQ, youthfulness and quickness in thought and action.
At the same time, it could make Priyanka Gandhi ji a bit jumpy and restless as well.
mercury has the aspect of the Dev Guru Jupiter; this is wonderful conjunction into the seventh bhava.
which(Jupiter) is in the own house of Sagittarius or dhanu Rashi.

are there indications in The Horoscope of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi of good depth of thought and intelligence plus creativity?
As it is close to her Mercury, the Lagna in Priyanka Gandhi ji’s Horoscope gives her very good intelligence, depth of thought and creativity in actions.
Plus, dharma or goodness-based outlook.
Yes, she would have more inclination towards doing well to others and yes she will incline to religion or some service as well.

what planets in the Horoscope of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi gives Great Initiative and willpower to her?
Smt Priyanka Gandhi Ji the planet Sun the Lord of the third house of action and initiative and to some extent represents Sri Rahul Gandhi to some extent.
So overall Sun or Surya gives her a lot of initiative, energy and will power things to do things.
So over all Sun Plus, Jupiter and mercury dominate the overall personality of Priyanka Gandhi Ji .

which planets in the Horoscope of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi suggest that she may do well in politics ?:)
All this makes her versatile and quick thinking. Good dharma inclinations and her sun or Surya dev gives are the leadership qualities like her grandmother smt. Indira Gandhi ji.
,li> One must note that mars or Mangal is sitting in the 10th House of Priyanka ji and is aspecting lagna/personality and the fourth bhava or house of her image.
Sun(surya dev) Plus Mars(mangal) in her Horoscope ,gives Priyanka Gandhi the strength to get into politics and may be a win as well.
depending on other factors.

Does Priyanka Vadra Gandhi have to fear her Political rivals?
This powerful combination and support of Jupiter or guru give her the good ability to solve problems .
Also note that Mars or mangal is Lord of the sixth bhava of horoscope(Kundli) of Priyanka Gandhi ji, so she must be careful about a political Rivals and enmity or problems they could create for her.

Would the actions of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi ji be dharma based- based on her Horoscope or Kundli? 😉
as people will try to pull her down as aspect mars mass on the lagna and the fourth house of the mass image regarding politics is there.
The planet Mars or Mangal also rule the eleventh bhava of her Horoscope or Kundli that is of friends and gains.
This means political gains for Priyanka Gandhi Ji , and it is blessed is in the Jupiter sign of Pisces in her Horoscope.
so political actions of Priyanka ji would be blessed with Dharma or the intent to do well to others.

What kind of career Priyanka Gandhi Ji would take?

what role does Jupiter play in Horoscope (kundli) choice of career of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi ?
Now, this is a very interesting question to know what kind of career would set.
Priyanka Gandhi Ji take up! Her Lord of career in her Horoscope or the 10th bhava so Pisces or Meena Rashi and is ruled by Jupiter(guru).

what is the role of mars or Mangal in the Horoscope or Kundli of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi’s Political career?
It is almost 1 degree in the 7th house.
so, this or good Jupiter energies indicates a career connected to benefit of people or for helping people.
Now as in the 10th Bhava we have Mars as well.
so, as Mars or Mangal the Planet of action and politics is there.

what are the indications of surroundings of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi based on her Horoscope? Is it the dignified people are indicated in the same?
The tilt of career of Priyanka Gandhi Ji would be towards politics.
Also, the 3rd House Lord sun (Surya )is also there close to Jupiter(Guru)_ in the seventh bhava.
All this strongly suggest that her surroundings would be people of high status and politicians.

Does Priyanka Vadra Gandhi ji have a Raja Yoga in her Horoscope or Kundli ? 🙂
Once again as mars also rule raj yoga and people from politics, so overall a career to help others.
also working with politicians and people in power clearly indicate.
As Mercury is also their 7th house and mercury stand for speaking or speech abilities. She would be good at thinking, collection, and analysis.
also, Ms. Priyanka Gandhi ji’s Jupiter(guru) is in the navamsha Horoscope or Kundli of hers is in the Aries Lagna with Rahu.

What are the indications in the Navamsha Horoscope(kundli) of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi regarding her Political career?
Now again in the d9 or Navamsha chart(Horoscope), we see an energy exchange of Jupiter and Mars – so a form of conjunction is there in the lagna.
So, a high chance for her to be active into the politics plus as Rahu(dragon’s head) is nearby also sitting in the navamsha chart or Horoscope.
It is a strong indication of a possible political career.

What could become a core focus in life of Priyanka Vadra Gandhi Later in Life ? 🙂
all this would be more correct if her birth time is correct. Kindly note that Rahu the Planet of masses and is also for politicians as well as a strong influence c on dev guru Jupiter.
influence on Jupiter the Pisces sign clearly indicates that she would get into work of management of the large set of people .
That is work like politics and yes it would it could be helping the downtrodden and the lesser privileged people may be opening an NGO based on her Horoscope or Kundli.
We again wish her the best in life.

Now what does her horoscope say about vadra ji?

which planets in the Horoscope(kundli) of Robert Vadra Ji Give him great initiative to do business?
now Jupiter or guru is The Lord of 7th bhava or house of his Kundli or Horoscope who. The seventh Bhava lord says a lot of good things about Robert Vadra.
That he could be a good human being. Plus, a good person .he would be a person the person who does well in life and grow well in life.
yes, we know has grown well in life.
The third bhava or House of energy of the Horoscope is there and that is the ninth Bhava for Robert vadra ji.
So, this gives Robert vadra Ji good and benefic initiative .
sun in his Horoscope or Kundli gives Robert Vadra good energy and life force- he is a sportsman of high order we know.

what makes Robert Vadra so quick witted and smart in his Business decisions?
Robert Vadra will shine well in his business .
also, as mercury also close by to 7th Bhava of Priyanka Gandhi Ji .
So the Horoscope or Kundli suggests Robert Vadra would be quick-witted and good at doing business as well.
There is no as such malefic aspect suggest a good blessing of marriage between Priyanka ji and Robert Vadra ji.

what do the planets say about Robert Vadra and his wife Priyanka Gandhi ji’s distinct relationship?
also this marriage would grow leaps and bounds in intensity. as Jupiter is a blessing then and then the lagna is close 7th bhava(Robert vadra Ji) in his Horoscope.
All this hints towards a strong connection of self and the life partner that is Robert Vadra.
sun in the Horoscope is close by also suggests good distinction to the family of Robert Vadra ji.
Rober Vadra’s father was a reputed businessman in Moradabad.
we wish them all the best in life! 🙂

2016 horoscope forecast(kundli) for Priyanka Gandhi vadra
This year could be extremely hard and problem prone for her. With unexpected matters coming up and a lot of work and restrictions.
May could be tough and so could September 2016.
The malefic mars-Saturn conjunction in transit is in her 12th house with moon- so mental anguishes/stress and anger could be there due to this transit.
Some slight trouble to mother as moon is karaka for mother
Aspect on 7th house of husband gives trouble to husband- we know about the stress he(Mr. Robert vadra) had to recently face for Income Tax /DLF and other issues.
Rahu-Jupiter conjunction in transit in 9th house- could take her more towards religion.
We wish her all the best.

Priyanka Gandhi vadra is the wife of Robert vadra, daughter of late Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
The former prime minister of India & also, her mother is smt. Sonia Gandhi ji. She is the Grand Daughter of late Smt. Indira Gandhi ji.