What is this article about?
This article in depth discussed the reincarnation in connection to Horoscope or kundli.
It shows a clear-cut connection of past life Karma or reincarnation and any horoscope.
As a practical or Live example also analyses Mark Zuckerberg’s past life using the power of Vedic Astrology Principles and Numerology with great Accuracy.
It discusses how Facebook starter Mark Zuckerberg’s Horoscope or Kundli. :).
It also analyses his horoscope based on combined power of Vedic Astrology and Numerology(Anka Jyotish) on also looks at aspects on what made Mark Zuckerberg do so well in life. 🙂

What is a reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli? Or say past life kundli?
The holy Vedas of the Hindu clearly assert past life is there and so in reincarnation and the energies of past life are saved in the 9th (Ninth) house or bhava of any Horoscope.
The energies here due to the lagan chart or the energies shared by the 9th bhava or Horoscope chart lord in the d9 or Navamsha .
It is considered for knowing about the past life karma or reincarnation of anyone.
This is further taken down to d12 or dwasahsmasha chart or horoscope. this tells about energies connected to the parents past life or any connection.
So is the d60 or shashtiamsha very important for the past life reincarnation analysis.
There are other methods by numerology(anka Jyotish) horoscope to get to know the past life reincarnation of people.
The interesting article below covers all the aspects covered above and applies to as a practical example to Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook head.

Past life and reincarnation Horoscope of Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook head- PRACTICAL EXAMPLE

What does Mark Elliot Zuckerberg or kundli (birth Chart)say about His past life- based on the ascendant /d1 or lagna chart?
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Mark Elliot Zuckerberg ,his Ninth bhava lord is mercury and is combust in the fourth bhava of public
For the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Mark Zuckerberg Mercury or budha rules the sixth bhava or vighna bhava of obstacles and also the ninth bhava of past life or re-incarnation of good karma.
Venus or shukra is there in the fourth house along with exalted rahu in the fifth house rules by Venus or Taurus sign(vrishabha).
along with mercury or budha in the fourth house of Mark Zuckerberg.
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of mark Elliot Zuckerberg ,So a strong Venus ruling the fifth bhava communicates the energy of wealth to him easily .
and Rahu(dragon’s head) sitting here suggests wealth earning by Mark Zuckerberg through non-conventional means or inventions.
Now we see the creation of Facebook like worldwide company is a clear example of the same.;)
Sun or surya the lord of unexpected & hidden ruling the eight houses. just like rahu(dragon’s head) . Mark Zuckerberg It is exalted technically as it is in Aries sign or mesha rashi- but very old at 29+ degrees.
So it(sun) becomes an atma karaka for him. That is a very non-conventional and hard effort would bring him(mark Zuckerberg) to fame and money and that’s what he brings form the past life karma.
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of mark Elliot Zuckerberg ,So due to Virgo or Kanya rashi lord ship.
So Mark Zuckerberg in past life reincarnation he could be from India, Iran, Turkey, Brazil, Crete, Assyria, West Indies, Jerusalem and Losangeles.
Also for the past life karma or reincarnation kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of Mark Zuckerberg .
The fifth house(rahu exalted in the same in Taurus sign) has a strong influence on the lord of ninth house have a strong influence of .
so in past life reincarnation he could also be born here-+ Greater Poland, Persia, Ireland, Asia minor, Georgia, Part of Russia, Holland, Greek Archipelago, Leipzig, Dublin.
Mercury having a greater sway on him(mark Zuckerberg) based on numbers- he was born on 14th= 1+4=5 and also may month=5th month.
and also total may(5) + 14(5) + 1984(22) = 32= 3+2= 5= mercury= Budha or Virgo energy is a high possibility energy of his past life incarnation .
That Mark Zuckerberg brings in to this life-.
Also note internet or computers come under Virgo or mercury= stands for communication in this life time or incarnation.
Please note Mark Zuckerberg is a Jews and Virgo(Kanya rashi) suggests Jerusalem also a possibility of his being born in the past life reincarnation.
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of mark Elliot Zuckerberg ,A very old – but exalted sun near mercury suggests.
he had great initiative and he might be and a fairly renowned family due to the family initiative.
Plus Venus or shukra indicates fair enough comforts and affluence in the past life reincarnation for Mark Zuckerberg.
So his past life planet is mercury and his birth number = 14=1+4=mercury and he is born on 5th month may, so over all mercury connects to his past very well.
That suggests he had the tendency to take high risks even in the past life- based on Mark Zuckerberg’s solar chart.
Once again It is clear he left Harvard graduation I between and took the risk of doing face book initiative clearly confirms this trend of the past.
Also success here connects clearly to his Ninth bhava of Luck or Past life incarnation Fortune :).

What does Mark Elliot Zuckerberg horoscope or kundli (birth Chart)say about her past life- based on the ascendant /d9 or Navamsha chart?
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of mark Zuckerberg, mercury is in the house of initiatives and along with Mars(mangal) and Rahu(dragon’s head).
Mars or mangal clearly indicates initiatives and rahu suggest exceptional or non-conventional initiatives.
or Plus mercury connect to d1 lord of ninth bhava and yes it is a business planet- so over all suggest exceptional initiative in business.
So over all we can see that there is a strong connection with non-conventional business and initiative in his past life incarnation as well.
does this life time initiative of face book differ? No- not at all.
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of mark Elliot Zuckerberg ,Also note his lord of ninth bhava lord is Mars or Mangal.
and is in house of initiatives- so a combination of {past life karma + luck + action + business + initiative} = {success of Mark Zuckerberg in this life time as face book creator}.

What does Mark Elliot Zuckerberg horoscope or kundli (birth Chart)say about her past life- based on the ascendant /d60 or Shashtiamsha chart?
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) of mark Zuckerberg the face book chairman.
Mercury the lord of ninth bhava of past life and re incarnation is at 5 degrees 29 minutes.
This is almost 5×2 + 1+1 division in the shashtiamsha division( d60 divisional or Varga chart) of the sign Aries sign or mesha rashi.
That is the 12th or 13th So we have
. Apampati: This is the god of the seas. Apa is known as water and Pati is the Apampati implies ruler of water or Jala tattva. JT: Varuna.
Nature: SHUBHA or benefic
What does Mark Elliot Zuckerberg numbers or numerology say about past life talent she got or acquired physical karma?

What does the Name Horoscope say for Mark Zuckerberg for his past life reincarnation ?
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg full name = Elliot Zuckerberg Mark
The past life acquired talent from past life is ROE =20 +6 + 5= 31= 4- is the number of SUN- saying purity/distinction and being special.
May be Face book was created by this special talent taken ahead taken sun
i.e. exalted, is atma karaka but very old and close to ninth bhava lord mercury in the Vedic astrology chart.
Now let us investigate his(mark Zuckerberg’s material goals in this life time).= EZB= 5+7+2 = 14 = Scorpio- makes him intense and passionate
Saturn or Shani the lagna is close to moon and mars, mars give agitation and intensity

One can easily see that both Vedic astrology and numerology are powerful sciences to discover our past .
Also make us of the same in this life for maximum success in this life be it love/career/job/money/relationships/health etc. Or an afterlife./
We see he (mark Zuckerberg ) carries the core energies of mercury from the past life.
also note mercury stands for communications or IT( information technology), don’t you see how mercury impacts the development of Face book – almost life a revolution!
Strange and great is the language of GOD- be it Vedic astrology or Numerology
Something About Mark Zuckerberg the American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur