What is this article about?
This article talks about which planets & powerful Yogas in the Horoscope or Kundli of Mamata Banerjee Ji help her become the Top politician of West Bengal!
What is the Horoscope males Mamta Banerjee a charismatic leader?
The article also astrologically looks at various questions like what specific planets in her horoscope made Mamata Banerjee struggle a lot in her younger days- but she still came up with her grit?
Also based on Mamata Banerjee’s Horoscope or Kundli it is evaluated what made her lose her father early in life?
which planets out of Jupiter or Saturn(Shani Dev) made Mamata Banerjee study well and especially in Islamic studies?
Also which set of planets in her horoscope made Mamata Banerjee join Politics etc? all answered ; ) in a lucid language
This article further talks about the planetary combinations or YOGA’s that made her reach the pinnacle of chief ministership of west Bengal
despite the fact theta Mamata Banerjee was in sharp contrast was doing petty jobs like selling milk at a younger age to simply sustain herself in her childhood.
whichplanets or Yogas gave her great painting or artistic skills?
The why of the same is evaluated based on the Vedic Astrology and Nakshatra based predictions.
Also, the future predictions below made for her based on major transits of Rahu, and Saturn of her Surya Kundli.

Why Mamata Banerjee ji has a hard life in Youth and she could deliver hard speeches- all based on her horoscope or Kundli?

How does Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest she had blessed parents?
Now let us investigate Which planets in the horoscope of Mamata Banerjee Ji gave hard life to her.
we know her childhood very young from 10 to 15 years mainly ruled by Jupiter, so she has a blessed life with her parents 🙂

Which planets in the Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope make her speak at times a bit hard but with good dignity?
. But later the 2nd house lord of horoscope Capricorn takes over for youth or young age of Mamata Banerjee Ji.
Saturn or Shani dev the ruler of Capricorn or Makar Rashi is also responsible for certain hard speeches and statements by her but with given with good dignity.

Which planets in the Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest her respected father would leave early for the heavenly abode?
now if you look at the horoscope or Kundli of Mamata Banerjee the second house of hers has Saturn ruling and is a malefic and 4th house lord Jupiter sits in the 8th bhava.
so Mamata Banerjee ji’s respected father Sri promileshwar Banerjee left for heavenly early in her life. when she was about only 17.
but still despite this Mamata Banerjee ji with her grit completed her Secondary Board examination and she has a bachelor’s degree in history and Masters in Islamic history.

How Does Saturn or shani dev for Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope suggests a hard life for her?
as Saturn is ruling the second house of Mamata Banerjee and Saturn rules obstacles what is with old at 25° so this indicates hard life for Mamata Banerjee ji in her youth.

What planets got Ms. Mamata Banerjee Ji educated despite of obstacles in earlier life?
what does planet Jupiter or Guru suggest for Mamata Banerjee’s childhood based on her Kundli or Horoscope?
The sign of Sagittarius or dhanu rules the 4th house that means the childhood was very good. That is form the age of 0 to 10 years or say 15 years of age of her life . all is great because of Jupiter ruling the lagan or ascendant .

How does Saturn or shani dev in Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope suggests her connection with the masses?
and Saturn is on the Venus sign of Taurus. so, she has troubles in her life, but she also got into politics at that time at only at age of 15 . Saturn is a planet of masses and politics as well.
How does Saturn or shani dev help Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope in winning elections?
Saturn or shani dev for Mamata Banerjee ji sits in the 11th house of dignity and status so she won the elections by defeating the democratic Students Union of the socialist Unity centre of India.

What makes Ms. Mamata Banerjee ji so good in paintings and poetry ? 🙂

what makes Mamata Banerjee’s a self-taught painter or poet based on her Kundli or Horoscope?
Ms. Mamata Banerjee ji is a self-taught painter and poet as well . Ms. Mamata Banerjee ji ‘s paintings were sold for 9 crores .
Now the question is what made what made Mamata Banerjee such a great painter and with so good expressive skills.

What is the role of Jupiter and Venus for Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope?
so, we see that Jupiter is exalted & retrograde in the 8th house. this gives great creativity to Mamata Banerjee .
Jupiter or Guru also aspects Venus the master of creativity sitting in the 12th house of Mamata Banerjee .so Jupiter & Venus number 3 and number 6 give Ms. Mamata Banerjee ji exceptional creativity :).
Venus and Jupiter are well placed give Mamata Banerjee great impetus to doing paintings drawings and poetry.
one must also note that Jupiter or Guru is very strong exalted for Mamata Banerjee and gives great imagination to do things better especially the artistic things .
Jupiter is also responsible for what made Mamata Banerjee so educated and had higher education.

what made Ms. Mamata Banerjee ji specialize in Islamic studies and get better education?

what is the role of Pisces sign for Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope?
despite a hard childhood/ youth of Ms Mamata Banerjee ji the fourth house of Mamata Banerjee rule By Jupiter sign Pisces(Meena Rashi) and Jupiter is a blessed sign and exalted in 8th house in cancer sign or karkat Rashi.
so, this very clearly indicates that Mamata Banerjee good get a good education and because it is placed in the 5th house from the fourth house(8th) and retrograde.
How does Jupiter or Guru help in Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope her to study Islamic studies?
so, it is a high chance that Ms Mamata Banerjee ji’s higher education would be in some knowledge which is alien to her own culture that is Islamic Studies.
Jupiter is for Vedic studies and Vedanga but being retrograde it gives opposite results.
also, Jupiter is a philosophical planet and in the cancer sign plus exalted & retrograde.
This gives Mamata Banerjee a good philosophical outlook of things. also, for Ms Mamata Banerjee Ji as 4th Lord in 8th causes lot of misery for her.
struggle in Youth and the father leaving for heavenly abode is a clear indication.
also, this combination makes Ms Mamata Banerjee Ji religiously inclined as well. as Guru or Jupiter would give good spirituality sooner or later to her.

Which Planetary Combinations Make Mamata Banerjee the Current Chief Minister of West Bengal TMC Congress So Unique?
Given the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of West Bengal chief minister and Trinamool(TMC) congress leader Mamata Banerjee.
Based on her ascendant – she is Jupiter or Guru that ins in the eighth house of cancer.
In the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Mamata Banerjee- He Jupiter is exalted in the eighth house.
so clearly indicates that she will deal from the land in some sense. Her opposition of land acquisition and her subsequent winning in 2011 spells out this fact.
proves her clout as a women Indian politician against the communists.
In the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Mamata Banerjee- The dhanu Rashi or Sagittarius sign in ascendant gives her a kind heart(the lord Jupiter is benefic), a tinge of conventionality and yes dominating & critical nature.
Sagittarius sign also makes her dominating and aggressive as Sagittarius or dhanu Rashi is a fire sign.
All the above traits are 100% correct for Mamata Banerjee.
For the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of the West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee- Sun or Surya the lord of luck and fortune the ninth house and the karaka for fame and position are in the first house or ascendant.
Gives her such a high position and name and fame. Also gives her bounty in winning matters
Mercury the lord of the seventh house of political relationships and the tenth lord is in the first house or Kendra giving her very quick ability to solve problems and communicate.
Infact Rahu being close to mercury gives her a rash temper and she might speak with authority and aggression. All are true for her birth chart.

what planetary combinations based on Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest that she would not get married all over life?
Given the special kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- Ketu the malefic and sitting in the seventh house of love relationships and aspecting the lord mercury or budha.
So makes double aspect and keeps her unmarried throughout life. She might later in life either marry a very religious person or take up spirituality for sure.
This house also deals with her relationships with the Indian politics.

How does a retrograde Jupiter or Guru play a role Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope to make her critical about her political opponents?
Looking closely at the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- A strong and retrograde Jupiter might make her interested in occult and tantra and might make her very conventional or critical in nature.
Such people want to stay in the past or don’t like much of change. Her resistance of land acquisition is a hint in this direction.
Based on her birth star or nakshatra or birth star she would have splendid appearance and surely understood .
she would be generally be tranquil by nature and a decent guide Also she would have solid reason and be resolved She would have good insights however with an insecure personality.
Mamata Banerjee would also have blessing in expressive arts. She has great period 25-35 and 50-56 .
She would also have aggressive nature now and again. She won a landslide victory by her TMC congress victory in 2011, when she was 51 years old. Once gain a grand victory for the Indian politician.

Why did Mamata Banerjee Choose Politics as a Career? Based on her Kundli or Horoscope.

What do the Numbers say about Mamata Banerjee apart from her Kundli or Horoscope?
Look at her over all destiny number based on simple numerology = she is born on 5 January 1955 = 5 +1 +1955(=20/2) = 5+1 +2= 8= Saturn or shani.
This Saturn or shani would push her into hard life and management roles. Yes, being a chief minister is the highest management role anyone could have.

what is the role of a strong sun for success of Mamata Banerjee in Politics based on her Kundli or Horoscope?
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- A strong sun in the first house and a strong Jupiter promises her a good position and gain in life.
Also, rahu with sun gives success in politics and possibility of defamation.

what role does Mars or Mangal play for Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope?
But also note her mars or Mangal is very weak in the third house of initiatives or people who surround her.
This is an old planet- this could make her aggressive and give her success only with difficulty. She gained prominence late in political life.
What is the role of Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi in Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope to give her a picky nature?
In the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Mamata Banerjee- Her mars is on Aquarius and is very aggressive there.
so this could cause her to have high tempers and rash actions at times.
what message does planet mars have for Mamata Banerjee based on her Kundli or Horoscope? Her mars is also an atmakaraka for her( planet having the highest degree)- so she will later in life realize that impulse of haste or aggression of any kind would not help her. Instead, forgiveness is needed- this would be her spiritual lesson in life.

How does mercury in Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope connect her to the downtrodden masses ?
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- Her lord of career is mercury the tenth house(Virgo or kanya rashi_ and also the relationships, that is the seventh house lord(Gemini or mithuna rashi) .
this along with sun the lord of the ninth house makes is a raja yoga karaka for her to get a position where she could use her quick intelligence( mercury/budha).
the depth of through and concern for the downtrodden or the underdog (Jupiter in eight house) and also diplomacy and politics – rahu sitting close in the first house.
The above combinations clearly indicate that she is bound to become a well-known
Does moon or Chandra in Mamata Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope indicates more than usual conflicts in life for her?
Her moon or Chandra is exalted in the sixth house vighna with Taurus or vrishabha rashi.
this gives her a firm mind but she would be involved in fights as moon is in the sixth house of obstacles and vighna and conflicts

Would Mamata Banerjee be deeply devoted to the mother land India based on her Kundli or Horoscope?
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- Moon in Taurus sign the vrishabha rashi is the second sign of the zodiac gives her the basic grit and stubbornness to win in life.
there could be a love for music and harmony despite fights and issues cause by the weak mars.
She would be devoted to mother and motherland. There is a tendency to dominate others- as she would have a curious power to dominate over others. They could be unyielding with a lot of determination in them.
How is the Taurus lagan or vrishabha rashi affecting Mamata Banerjee’s personality in her Kundli or Horoscope?
They could be stiff necked. Good power of endurance both mental and physical like the bull it represents. but when they love something- they are the most yielding and pliable.
They have good memory and like literary work. They love pleasure and society includes their mother lands like India. Being dominated by Venus they would be wonderful hosts and hostesses.
Good taste for food and management of her party the trinamool(TMC) congress. Affection has greater hold on them than passion. She would always fight in open and hate tricky nature.
They could be jealous but easily forgive bye emotions by simple feeling of kindness.
Jealousy could drive them to fighting and temper tantrum and violence- which they regret later.
As leaders they inspire love and devotion and & often have great responsibility imposed on them.
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee– Mercury in the 10th house
Gives creative and fictional writing skills.
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- Sun sends energy to the 10th house
This gives son(sun is also a karaka for son), vehicle, money/fame/power, and government service. Good name. Ancestral property as sun is the karaka for father and ancestors. Fond of music and good personal magnetism.
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- Her 10th house lord in 1st house
The person would win the battle of life and rises in career, by sheer dint of courage and effort

What do the stars say about Mamata Banerjee in coming future ?
For Mamata Banerjee the year 2019 her key planet Saturn or Shani is in the Sagittarius or Dhanu sign.
the planet Saturn rules her second or third bhava or house. For Mamata Banerjee, it is in transit sitting in the lagan.
so this is a Raj Yoga Karaka primarily because the house of wealth and status initiatives or action is now in transit sitting on the Lagna current.
but from April 2019 to July 2019 Saturn or Shani is retrograde.
So, the actions or political actions are done by Mamata Ji and her status may not improve significantly as she might have expected.
One must note that Saturn or Shani is sitting in the 11th house of gains and friend s or well wishes.
so now taking Janata or the people, as well-wishers would give gains to her due to Shani dev?
But as we know Saturn is retrograde or reversed in energy this time. The planet sun also has issues as Saturn comes close to her natal Sun in the Lagna of her horoscope.
We know she had faced strong tiffs with the BJP government protecting the senior-most IPS officer. Also, for Dhanu Lagna people (she has Surya Lagna as dhanu).
Sun rules the 9th house or the house of Fortune so Saturn retrogression could impact the same.
Also, for her Ketu transits her Lagna. Now Ketu is very weak and always runs retrograde and this would aspect her seventh house for political alliances and partnerships.
As analysed above, she has to, therefore, be careful about her alliances and partnerships.
as also Rahu gets into her 7th house she has to be careful about connecting to the right people and not connecting to the wrong or negative rebellious people.
Especially t the people were Rebel fight against the law so as Rahu comes in the 7th house of relationships.
Mamata Banerjee may also have to travel to distant lands like Delhi as well. Travels could be in Haste especially when Rahu comes neat bhava Madhya for Mamata Banerjee.
Also, note that guru or Jupiter the Planet of Grace and Surya Lagna Lord in the house of Scorpio the 12th bhava is not at all great for Mamata Banerjee.
This could mean till Nov 2019 there is a lot of stress for her.
Self-put aside all the good benefits of Saturn and wealth and status coming to her from Saturn.
Now, this is a very serious situation for Mamata Banerjee need to take good care of her health and keep tabs on her political aspirations.
as the year 2019 could be a very emotionally demanding time for her.
This is especially the month of April to be very hard and she might get in contact with negative /rebellious people.
and or get in conflict with the law and negative people be careful on this part john would be better but she needs better care. Needs care of health in May .
Also in May, she must care about what she speaks as else it will land her into trouble.
IN summary 2019 could be an emotionally stressful time for her as Jupiter is retrograde this time. so, she needs to take more care of health and yes image overall.
we wish Mamata Banerjee best of luck in 2019 a hope in 2019 she takes care of what she speaks all over the year in general or even what she publishes.
AS this could work against her. But in the coming year 2020 when Saturn gets strengthened by Jan 2020.
Her position and the public image would get stronger as Saturn would come in the second Bhava of power and Jupiter would be in the lagan so the year 2020 is going to be great for her a new starting altogether.:).
Ego is to be kept in reins to avoid falls or scandals as law master Saturn would control all for her. we wish her all the best in her life. 🙂

What does future hold for Mamata Banerjee- forecast?
On 2017 January Transit of Saturn happens in Mamata Banerjee’s 8th House from Moon:
This transit could result in loss of wealth and comforts for the person. The initiatives or the endeavours of the person(That is Mamata Banerjee Ji) are not fruitful.
There could be a fear for a penalty from the government or by saying the centre. The troubles are very high as the eighth house is activated. Stomach troubles could be various problems.
There is a slight chance that she suffers from eye trouble and his or she with wicked women could bring up troubles. Eighth house transit is as fearsome as sadhe sati.
In the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Mamata Banerjee– Till September Mamata Banerjee the current chief minister of West Bengal Transit of Jupiter in fifth House from Moon:
This transit of Jupiter or guru from the natal moon is considered auspicious, this could mean full of enjoyments and This protects her from malefic transit of Saturn, but not after September .
In the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Mamata Banerjee- Every effort of the person(Mamata Banerjee) brings in gains and results.
There could be a promotion or gain in status as Jupiter transits the fifth house and the karaka of the fifth house is Jupiter plus aspects the ninth house of luck and fortune.
The business investments in west Bengal give good returns or steady returns. The native is logistic and wise.
As deep thinking and blessing of GOD is activated in this transit. There could be auspicious ceremonies at home of the West Bengal chief minister. The stocks to do with west Bengal government might go up stock markets that are speculative. she may donate liberally for social causes. One may get rewarded with good position.
In the Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of Mamata Banerjee- After September and in the coming year– Mamata Banerjee has the Transit of Jupiter in sixth House from Moon:
This transit is not auspicious ; this could cause health issues to the west Bengal chief minster mama Banerjee ji GOD forbid.
The money flow to the business investments in west Bengal could be affected and the person could come into conflict with subordinates within the TMC congress( Trinamool congress).
Due to transit of sixth house stomach troubles could also come to fore on the health front.
The enemies could trouble the person. The behavior of the person may not be up to the mark- that Saturn or shani affects health and thinking.
The unsocial behavior may not be liked by the people around. That is conflict with the people around is possible.
Transit of Rahu in Fourth House from Moon for mamata Banerjee of Indian Politician mamata Banerjee:
Rahu transit in the fourth house is not auspicious as her the education or basic studies of facts gets affected.
Mamata Banerjee may have to stay foreign or away from the family comforts- that is peace would be less.
In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- Transit of Rahu in Fifth House from Moon after September for the Indian politician cum chief minister mamata Banerjee:
Rahu transit in the fifth house could give confusion in mind and trouble to the subordinates as fifth house rules the subordinates and thinking of the person.
The person might gain in speculations as rahu could give unexpected results- so any quick or random decisions could help her.
Also, she might connect more to women of other religions.
Given the kundli & the Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee- 2017 and 2018 Saturn sun conflict
She should be more hands on and Use your work in hand(goals at personal and professional life) to discover the very best from this time period.
She can find excellent accomplishment by means of efficient by using self-control on herself. Indeed, power struggle at home & office could possibly be there.
Mamata Banerjee must Ensure you don’t get into a rivalry scenario at often office ( within trinamool (TMC)congress) or home front.
A lot of opportunity to get recognition of your
She may get into conflict with people in power. Properly thought out efforts beyond doubt could
Give you the desired gains.
For the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of chief minister mamata Banerjee- 2017 and 2018 Saturn mercury conjunction for Indian politician mamata Banerjee
Expect many changes from could be do the job, funds with opportunities if almost anything happening.
There could be opportunities in business/work for the state of west Bengal in addition to fun/outings/ for her more\ communication/meetings as well.
Nevertheless she might not be able to appreciate completely as a result of do the job force.
There could be combining impulsiveness\ in addition to rationalism in situations.
Following the fundamental efforts can be done- outings or travels within west Bengal state or outside in addition to excitement could possibly be relished.
She must Prevent staying disturbed and luxuriate in pleasures with focus not getting affected.
Looking at the kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) of mamata Banerjee– The conjunction of Rahu and Saturn effects for Indian politician of trinamool(TMC) congress
She could Expect surplus do the job in addition to responsibility- please do not disregard the details of almost any subject that you simply cope with now.
There could be more that average blocks and problems and even be delays.
She must Act as people oriented in comparison instead of self-applied oriented.
Beneficial time period about her trinamool(TMC) congress party in addition to her career growth if concerns well thought out.
We wish her all the best in life
Mamata Banerjee Kundli or Horoscope of Trinamool(TMC) Congress, West Bengal Chief Minister- Indian Politician Predictions
What are Some Interesting Facts about Mamata Banerjee- the current west Bengal Chief Minister?
Mamata Banerjee Is an Indian Politician Popularly also known as Didi was born 5 January 1955 in Calcutta or Kolkata.
Mamata Banerjee has been the Chief Minister of the state of West Bengal since the year2011.
Born on 5 January 1955 (age 62)[1]
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
She has been reported to be the first woman to hold the office.
She has also been the previous railway minister and minister of coal.
She has also been the minister for the state of West Bengal for Human resources and helps the department of Sports and Youth Development.
Also, the department of women and child development for the state of India.
How did mamata Banerjee rise to such prominence as now the chief minister of West Bengal?
Mamata Banerjee Fought against the land acquisition policies of the government and opposed the same.
by that time communist government in the state of West Bengal’s the government that time was planning special economic zone at the expense of the farmers.
Mama Banerjee had a landslide victory in the year 2011 does the party TMC congress alliance. She was able to defeat the over three decades old by the communist party(Marxist) left government.
She has been named as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2012. She was also listed as the most influential person or people by Bloomberg Magazine
She has also been voted as the most honest politician of India in the year- By the members of India against corruption.