It being the 6th house connects closely to the Virgo sign and is called the shatru bhava.
so a natural significator is mercury or budha but so is Saturn a significator of this bhava.
In the kaal purusha structure the 6th house rules the intestines, stomach, and digestive tract.
Based on public or mundane astrology view .The People to do with public health, or say safety, or even sanitation, and hygiene connect to this 6th house.
as 6th house is enmity so for mundane astrology It also refers to the defense of the country or the defense forces that protect the country.
Matters related to employment, also labor laws( nor Saturn is a karaka for the 6th house or bhava), and human resources management( once again number 8 and Saturn) also fall in the sphere of the sixth house.
as 6th house or bhava is for servitude so it also suggest the type of relationship with labor class(Saturn or Shani dev) and also co-workers(mercury).
Plus being 3rd from the 4th bhava, it deals with maternal relatives
Obviously the sixth house in the horoscope or kundli also connects to legal matters or disputes, litigation & court matters.
also conflicts one could indulge in and the ability to manage them. the wicked and sinful actions also come into 6th house as we know Saturn is the karaka for the same.
as 6th house is the house of challenges so based on planets here or placement of 6th house lord in other houses we get to know in which areas of life maximum challenges would be there.
so you know where to put the extra effort .
It forces you to discipline, servitude or serving others. plus motivates you for selfless service, and try to try for better financial situation

Karakamsha effects in any horoscope-

How to know from sixth house from karakamsha if the person could be hardworking or lazy?
Impacts of the sixth from karakamsha of a Horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart). In the event that the sixth from karakamsha is possessed by a malefic(Saturn/mars or rahu (dragon’s head); ketu(dragon’s tail).
also Shani/Mangal or rahu/ketu), the person will be an agriculturist.
while the person will be slothful & hardworking, if a benefic is in the sixth from karakamsha.
The third from karakamsha has to likewise be correspondingly considered.

Is there cancellation of energy in case of karakamsha calculations?
This is a typical case of negative cancels the negative or the basis of neech bhang Yoga- where two negatives .
that is if in the Horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) , the sixth house and the malefics together leads to cancellation of energy and hence positive effects like hardworking or agriculture.
so malefic in the 6th bhava can make the results positive

Kundli or Horoscope Of narendra Modi Ji and the sixth House of opposition or enmity

Where is the Karakamsha for narendra modi Ji’s Horoscope?
If we look in the Horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) of narendra modi ji, As Saturn or Shani is the highest degree planet in the lagan chart.
It becomes the atmakaraka or the soul realizing planet .
and it sits in the sixth house in the navamsha kundli (Horoscope) of sri narendra modi ji in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.

What qualities of Karakamsha in sri narendra modi ji’s Horoscope Give great speaking skills to him?
The sixth house lord is mercury or budha and is in the second house, this could give good speech skills to modi and good calculations.
(sri Modi ji is known to be deft in calculations as a chai wala or tea maker and manager of the tea unit).
but at the same time his words could cause him trouble as well as they carry energy of the sixth house or Vigna bhava.
The recent de monetization in 2016 and the resultant impact on modi ji is a direct impact of mercury(money) on modi ji’s status or image to some extent.

What makes sri Narendra Modi Ji talk with confidence and for the downtrodden people?
if in the Horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) of narendra modi ji ,the energy of eighth house lord sun or surya is with the sixth house lord mercury .
It is in the second house of navamsha- giving him a distinct speech and ability to communicate.
Also ruler ship of eighth house gives him the tendency to talk with full confidence about the down-trodden.

What attributes of Karakamsha gives sri narendra Modi ji great passion and zeal for the Nation?
If in the Horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) of narendra modi ji .
An aggressive mars or Mangal has an aspect on the planet mercury.
so this gives a great deal of passion and energy and dominance in speech for Sri Narendra modi ji.

What planetary energies make sri narendra Modi ji formidable? 🙂
Saturn (Shani) in the ascendant and in dhanu rashi or Sagittarius sign sends benefic energy to the sixth house of Vighna.
helping him to crush enemies and also make him friendly to farmers( Saturn) and also people to do with trees( Jupiter) and yes the people close to religion.
Religion or dharma again is controlled by Jupiter.
if in the Horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) of narendra modi ji .
We can clearly see that the navamsha Kundli or horoscope of Sri Narendra modi ji corroborates with the real-life facts.

What are the effects of Atma Karaka and sixth house for Rahul Gandhi Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli?

what is atama karaka and Karakamsha Lagna for rahul Gandhi ji and its impact on his life?
Saturn to shani dev at 25 degree 55 minutes and 55 seconds is the highrdt degree planet so it is the atmakaraka for sri Rahul Gandhi ji.
so expect him to take to recourse to philosophy sometime soon in life.
The lagna or atma karaka is agitated in the sign of Scorpio, so gives basic agitations and struggle in the life of sri Rahul Gandhi ji.
so is sun the planet of Dignity and name there in the atama karaka for Rahul Gandhi ji.
sun is the lord of 10th house of career and action and forms a raja Yoga in the lagan or ascendant of rahul Gandhi ji.
so Gives him name and fame.
Saturn and sun together in the karakamsha lagna for rahu Gandhi jis suggest issues of health to Father sri rajiv Gandhi ji and also issues to image of sri Rahul Gandhi ji.
All this is 100% true for Rahul Gandhi ji.

What is The sixth house or 6th house in Horoscope or Kundli of Karakamsha lagna for sri rahul Gandhi ji & impact on his Life?
The planet mars or aries rules the sixth house for Horoscope or Kundli of Karakamsha lagna for sri rahul Gandhi ji.
Mars or mangal is in the 5th bhava.
so suggest issues in having children or child birth, which is 100% true for sri rahul Gandhi ji.
he is yet not married and has no children.
Mars gives action and energy to sixth house of Horoscope or Kundli of Karakamsha lagna for sri rahul Gandhi ji.
Aspect of mars or mangal on the eighth house could suggest travels and changes and vicissitudes in life for sri Rahul Gandhi ji.
the aspect of 11th house of mars for sixth house lord of Horoscope or Kundli of Karakamsha lagna fro sri rahul Gandhi ji could suggest health and other issues Possible to smt, Priyanka Gandhi ji.
so also less gains from people he trust, especially seniors.

What are the effects of Karakamsha in Various signs or rashi’s of the zodiac in any Horoscope or kundli?
Karakamsha or karakamsha is the sign or rashi in any Horoscope where the atma karaka or the planet with highest degrees sits in the navamsha chart or d9 Kundli .
now what are the effects of various signs or rashis in any Horoscope (kundli)if the Atmakaraka planet is sitting there :

If the atmakaraka sits in Aries sign or Mesha rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) is sitting in the Aries sign or Mesha Navamsha in the d9 chart( navamsha chart).
In that case there could be problems due to rats and cats : ).
As mars (Mangal) the lord of Aries sign or mesha rashi gives a lot of energy to the restless animals like rats and cats .
so they could cause nuisance in house or home. : )

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
if an atmakaraka is in Taurus d9 or vrishabha Navamsha .
As Taurus sign represents quadrupeds or animals with four legs. it will give happiness from these animals .
As there is a lot of energy to Taurus and hence these animals.

If the atmakaraka sits in Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
if atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) is in Gemini sign or Mithuna navamsha .
so because of the restless nature of Mercury(budha) and mercury is ruling the skin there would itches on the skin or mental stress problems more.

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in cancer sign or Karkat rashi in any Kundli or horoscope of d9 navamsha – predictions
if atmakaraka is in the cancer navamsha or karkat sign. as cancer is ruled by moon and moon rules water .
so there could be fear from water and water borne diseases .

If the atmakaraka sits in Leo sign or simha rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
If atmakaraka is in the Leo sign in d9 chart or the simha navamsha .
so it could create fear of lion or simha or even tigers. That is lion type animals.

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Virgo sign or Kanya rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
If atmakaraka is in Virgo sign or Kanya rashi. as Mercury is lord of Virgo or Kanya rashi.
so could be skin of the person a problem.
The person could be obese or fat.
and issues from fire could also be there as Virgo is an earth sign .

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Libra sign or Tula rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
if atmakaraka is in the Tula navamsha or Libra sign .
we know that the Libra sign is ruled by Venus and Venus or shukra rules luxury, trade, and comfort so the person could be very skilful in making ropes or any other thing to do with luxury.

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
if atmakaraka is in the vrishchika Navamsha or the Scorpio sign .
The Scorpio being the 8th sign is a malefic sign and it rules to something under or below the earth.
it could give troubles from the snakes and affliction to mother as mars is an enemy of moon and moon= mother.
There is a chance of Falls from high places as 8th sign represent accidents.

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
if atmakaraka is in the Sagittarius navamsha or d9 of dhanu navamsha.
as due to Jupiter energies it could give good knowledge, education, and respect to the person.

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Capricorn sign or Makara rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
If atmakaraka is in the Capricorn sign makar rashi it denotes gains from water related things.
also gains from dwellings(houses as 4th sign so does represent houses as well).
It also means gains from conches and pearl and also Coral like gemstones.

If the Atmakaraka or karakamsha in the d9 or navamsha chart sits in Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
if atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) is in Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi.
so that means the person has a lot of Saturn energy .Saturn rules the house of construction .

If the atmakaraka or the Karakamsha planet(planet with highest degrees in the lagan chart) sits in Pisces sign or Meena rashi in any Kundli or horoscope – predictions
If karakamsha or atmakaraka is sitting in the Pisces sign in the navamsha horoscope or d9 chart.
so as it is the 12th sign, so final emancipation to the person is there.
Pisces is a spiritual sign of emancipation and also spiritual growth .
benefics would help and malefic cause more problems.