About this article?
This is a highly interesting article about astrological View of Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope.
Who is the Google CEO.
It explores the Yoga’s or planetary combinations to see what in Horoscope or Kundli for his Big Booming Career, Job, Money, Family Life and Foreign Stay etc in detail .
This article in detail explains how based on Horoscope or Kundli sunder Pichai was bound to be great in the IT or information technology Industry. Also have a peaceful family life, and a Palatial Home and so much of wealth :).
Also as an additional investigation we look at the Numbers or Numerology makes Sundar Pichai CEO of google so successful and savvy in the world of software?
It checks on how does various planets like Mercury(budha), Ketu(dragon’s tail) and Mars(mangal) give Sundar Pichai of google great action, management ability , good ability in software writing and analysis for overall success in his Job, Money making and life :).
also this article looks at the Numbers of Sundar Pichai or numerology or anka to look at his motivations to make him the best in the world of software.

Name: Pichai Sundararajan
Date of birth: 12 July 1973

How does the Horoscope or Kundli of Sundar Pichai Google CEO suggests greatness and success in His career or Job?
Moon the lagan lord is in cancer sign itself with ketu in horoscope(Kundli) of Sundar Pichai of google .
so giving Sundar Pichai the Google CEO deep insights into matters and helping him to survive in companies like google where investigation is much needed.
So is the research and development of google a forte.
Mars the 10th and 5th lord is lagna is Raja Yoga karaka in his horoscope or kundli and gives great energy and action to Sundar Pichai for success in google.
as action or mars component gives Sundar Pichai an edge over others.
Mercury or budha the lord of 12th and 3rd bhava in lagna or ascendant of the Horoscope in Sundar Pichai’s Horoscope gives great intelligence to Sundar Pichai.
As it is close to ketu(dragon’s tail) so magnifies Sundar Pichai’s intelligence and insight into software.
mercury or budha deals with software as such and also the IT or information technology industry.
Also note Mercury or Budha rules the 3rd Bhava for Sundar Pichai’s kundli or Horoscope .
so suggest he will take great initiatives ( 3rd bhava rules projects- google chrome and now the CEO of google confirms this)
plus note mercury with ketu in moon sign or number 2.
means he would be very good at details as well.
that is all what is needed for success and name.
Sundar Pichai’s mercury or budha has sun or Surya dev the planet of name and fame sitting on it.
so suggests strong name and fame in mercury related or software business.
Mars or Mangal the planet of action in any kundli or Horoscope as well with mercury suggests strong success in management work for Sundar Pichai in Google.
so all this is true we know he is the google CEO, so he is the best in management.

What gives Sundar Pichai CEO Google such a distinct personality to create the Google chrome?
A very strong Jupiter in Sagittarius sign Gives Sundar Pichai of Google’s Kundli or Horoscope, this gives great dignity and expansion in career or Job.
it blesses Sundar Pichai with expansion and money and also a benevolent personality.
🙂 we know that Sundar Pichai is the highest Paid executive in the world.
all this is due to Jupiter or guru strong.
Jupiter or Guru also gives Sundar Pichai good knowledge and awards and distinction for sure and yes love for his mother land India.
Rahu(dragon’s head) or number 4 is next to Jupiter for Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope , so this gives good logic and discipline to Sundar Pichai.
which is also needed in software writing ability. also rahu gives ability to innovate that Sundar Pichai of Google did while creating the chrome stuff.:)
sun or Surya dev in Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope opposite to Jupiter in Gemini sign ruled by mercury suggest great gains and dignity and name and fame for Sundar Pichai.
It is written in his Horoscope, as sun or Surya dev is strong in the friendly sign of Gemini or Mithuna rashi here.
Aries and Leo sign or Mesha rashi and simha rashi give great dignity to Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope.
it gives him good action and karma.

What made Sundar Pichai of Google Have so much of Money or wealth based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
The lord of 2nd bhava of wealth and status is sun or Leo. the royal sign suggesting a status of a lion. 🙂
but it is in the 12th bhava or house or sunder Pichai’s Horoscope. so means all this success would be there in the foreign lands only.
which is 100% true he made his debut in career in foreign lands like USA.
The dispositers are Gemini sign or mercury.
this deals with business and management and also computers or IT or information technology and is sitting in lagna for his horoscope.
so clearly the Horoscope or Kundli of sunder Pichai suggest great success in foreign lands in business or management( Gemini) – and even IT or software industry and all the benefit would go to sunder Pichai.
as mercury going to lagna or ascendant of sunder Pichai.
Also Note the planet of action Mars though in debility is in the lagna of his horoscope.
so Gives Him a lot of hasty action.
Mars deals with management, so Management of mercury or say business and IT & computers made sunder Pichai such a success in life. 🙂
Mars is lord of 5th and 10th bhava and is in the lagan, so clearly raja Yoga karaka and suggest great gains to sunder Pichai with proper action or Karma
So his becoming a great Manager is written on the wall.:)
Lagna has ketu or dragon’s tail, there so gives exceptional ability to go deep into matters for sunder Pichai based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
He can go very deep into subjects and also manage it well.
note the effects of mars for management and ketu for insights and analysis is there.
Moon the lagna lord is there, so makes sunder Pichai’s personality very strong as t is and ketu nearby or mar debility does not impact his mind much .:)
A retrograde Jupiter from 6th bhava aspect the 2nd bhava lord of sunder Pichai in his Horoscope.
so clearly he would gain from deep thinking as well.
Jupiter is very strong in own sign of Sagittarius, so obviously great money is promised for sunder pichai here based on his Horoscope.
as his 2nd bhava of wealth and status gets blessed a lot.
Also Jupiter in 6th bhava of his horoscope gives sunder Pichai and edge in his competitions over others. 🙂
Thats why he is the CEO.;)

How does Sundar Pichai of Google maintain happy family and a Big House based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
The lord of Family & How is Libra or Venus it is in the house of gains in the 11th bhava.
so clearly happy Family 🙂 and as Venus is a planet of beauty and also 11th bhava a house of gains, so beauty x gains is a big house for him.:)
Saturn ruling stones is also there. so gives sunder Pichai a Big house and a solid one .:)
saturn or shani is lord of 7th and 8th bhaav.
so his house would be popular in the region for sure.:)
also he has to take care of house of people who are jealous of him based on his Horoscope or Kundli.
Also Family life might have some unexpected issues at times. so his wife’s heath and well being needs some care.

What made Sundar Pichai of Google so innovative and creative based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
Venus or shukra close to Saturn or Shani dev is strong. so not only does it give great opulence(wealth) to Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope.
it also suggest great ability to comfort others and also creativity is there.
This creativity Sundar Pichai needed for his success in creating new kind of software or new management strategies for that matter.
Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi gives great control on emotions and perseverance in Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope.
The Virgo sign in Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope gives him great artistic ability.
It also gives Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope a caring nature to handle the employees of Google as a CEO.
Rahu as shared is strong in the Capricorn sign , it gives Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope the stability of earth element , and also good logical ability in the Job.
Rahu and Saturn helps Sundar Pichai’s Kundli or Horoscope greatly in delivering work to do with software.

The Core numbers or Numerology for Google CEO Sundar Pichai for making him reach such a High level of success , name, and fame?
Birth number = 12= 1+2=3= Jupiter or Guru the planet of expansion 🙂
Sun Sign = Cancer or Karkat rashi.
The Rashi of sensitivity and compassion
He became the google CEO in 2016.
His 2016 horoscope based on numbers and astrology is analyzed below.
• Destiny number = 12 +July (=7) + 1972 = 12+7+19 (1972 = 1+9+7+2 =19) = 38 = 11 = Master Number.
suggest great inspiration in the mind of Sundar Pichai Google CEO.
so he was able to implement the revolutionary google chrome ! altogether a new innovative work.
• HEART # 1(first name Pichai) = (19) (Total sum of Vowels ( =I A I) for Pichai)=1 = sun or Surya dev= leadership gene in Sundar Pichai Google CEO to become the leader in anything.
• HEART # 3(second name Sundarajan) = (6) ( Total sum of Vowels (= U A A A)for Name Sundararajan)= Venus or shukra= caring gentle nature to keep the large company like Google in place for Sundar Pichai Google CEO.
• HEART NUMBER TOTAL = [25]= 7 = Dragon’s tail = Ketu= is a deep reflective heart, that helps Sundar Pichai Google CEO to take up new challenges and get deep into research or deep investigative work.

what is the Sun Sign and Birth number-based Horoscope predictions and Analysis of Sundar Pichai ?:
Looking at simply at Sundar Pichai Google CEO birth number(Jupiter) and Sun sign( Cancer ruled by moon).
It is clear that Sundar Pichai could be a bit shy and sensitive person( the characteristics of planet Moon).
but with desire to reach the top due to influence of ambitious Jupiter or Guru(birth number 3) working in tandem with Moon.
The tendency to be shy earlier years for Sundar Pichai and yes being sensitive to his team mates has been confirmed by the Newspaper reports.:)
Yes- Sundar Pichai also Sundar Pichai might be fairly conventional or Indian types at times due to Jupiter or Guru needs to be confirmed may be down the line when we hear more about him.
Though Jupiter or Guru(fire) with Moon or Chandra(water) is not very comfortable as such.
So could create a vacillations in being conventional or Sundar Pichai and sort of force him to accepting new. That is what google is doing. something new every day.

Congratulations to Mr. Sundararajan Pichai for his creditable achievement of becoming the world giant google CEO!!!
Let us see if we could decipher something about the person Mr. Sundararajan Pichai.
( Sundar Pichai is an x IIT Kharagpur guy) based on his
Date of birth information we have and what information we have from the newspapers.