About this article ?
This Vedic astrology article at depth discusses all the life aspects like career, job, wealth, marriage, name and fame and problems of life for Robert Vadra the Husband of Priyanka Gandhi based on his Kundli or Horoscope.
It helps you answer the question on what planetary combinations made Robert vadra marry such a high profile girl like priyanka Gandhi?
or what Gives Robert vadra such a muscled body?
or what makes Robert vadra so good at business?
or what planets and horoscope made Robert vadra marry such a high profile family of Gandhi ji’s?
also what made Robert vadra get embroiled in the tax issues? also many more aspect of life of Robert Vadra understood based on Vedic astrology..;)
so which specific planets in Robert Vadra ji’s Horoscope that made it easy for him to beautiful daughter from one of the most powerful families of India that is the Nehru Gandhi dynasty family.
Also what pushes Robert VADRA into business and not into politics?
That is based on Robert vadra’s horoscope & kundali so what makes him different and distinct from others.

About Robert vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli:
Name: Robert vadra
Date of Birth: 18 April 1969 (age 47)
Time of Birth: Not known to us
Place of Birth: Moradabad

Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope(kundli) Analysis and Forecast for Robert vadra :
what planets in Robert vadra’s horoscope suggest possible marriage to unique person like Priyanka Gandhi?
Lets first look at his house of marriage. He has venues ruling lord of 7th, venues sits in 12th,is retrograde and with Rahu.
Now Venus are strong in Pisces- but being the retrograde and with Rahu, plus in 12th gives some negative issues.

what planets in the horoscope of Robert vadra suggest that he would get a beautiful and accomplished wife like priyanka Gandhi?
As venues are strong- ruling beauty and comforts, he got a beautiful, from a good family and accomplished person like Priyanka Gandhi as a wife.
But Venus or shukra being retrograde and with Rahu( Rahu deals with Politics) and venues being in 12th house of stress- means there could be baggage of problems as well he could inherit due to the marriage.

does Scorpio situation the horoscope of Robert vadra suggest that he would be a gymnasium guy with big muscles?
His mars is in Scorpio- the sign of mars- mars rules muscles and action. Mr. vadra is fond of gymnasium and sports and building muscles.

which planetary combinations in the Robert vadra’s Horoscope or kundli suggest that he could have issues with the land related matters?
Now the land is ruled by Saturn or Shani dev , this planet is in Aries- so debilitated for Robert vadra. Plus mars plays a role as mars in 8th sign and 8th Scorpio- brings our digs out matters- we know how his DLF matter came to public glare.
So overall land deals could be hard for him at times due to weak Saturn, this could affect his public and family life as the moon the lord of 4th sits close to Saturn.

Analysis of lagna(ascendant) Kundali or sri Robert vadra ji

based on Robert vadra’s horoscope could we predict unexpected issues IN life or unexpected land related problems?
Now looking at the Surya kundali of Sri Robert Vadra ji the lagna or the ascendant is Aries or Mesha Rashi- this makes him an m very action oriented person.
The Lagna(ascendant) Mars is sitting in the 8th. This is the house is a house of occult knowledge, also of unexpected issues and problems. In some cases longevity issues.

what kind of public image does Mars or Mangle promise to Robert vadra based on his Horoscope?
Mars or Mangle is the Lagna or ascendant lord for him and also gives Robert vadra great action capability as we discussed above.
additionally in the Lagna sun is also sitting as it is exalted in the Aries sign for Robert Vadra ji.
That gives him a distinct personality that is very different from others. mars and sun together make him very much dedicated to sports because.
Also, the moon that is lord of public image is also there.

what kind of planetary configurations in Robert vadra’s Horoscope(Kundli) suggest he would marry a highly placed lady like priyanka Gandhi?
Now lagna(ascendant) based moon is not very comfortable as on Mars or Mangle sign, but still, it sits in Lagna(ascendant) bhava and gets Lagna(ascendant) energy.
sun in Lagna(ascendant) give shim connections with political people- yes he is the son in law of late Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji so one should not doubt this.

also, as malefic Saturn sits there and represents people or the masses, plus Saturn or shani is very weak in the lagna(ascendant), so this could give him problems from the state or the government.
As also the sun is closed by and Saturn shares energy.

What do the planets in the Horoscope say about Family life of Robert Vadra?
As the 4th bhava lord Moon of Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli is in the 1st bhava. so this combination creates a raja Yoga for Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli and also makes him very learned .
It makes him very sensitive in life.
over all Robert vadra has to be careful about the inherited wealth – but this applies only in special cases.
This combination in Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli ensures that he would be born in fair enough family background.
Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli has Moon infleuncing the 4th bhava:
Now Moon or Chandra influencing the 4th house gives a house as moon is the representation of self and this is a very good combination for property matters for Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli.
This planetary combination makes Robert Vadra very cheerful and contented. also he may derive happiness from your relatives and people around.
Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest that he may become popular as a leader as 4th bhava is house of public image and that is also strengthen in lagna(ascendant) bhaav.
it also gives home some self pride or confidence as well.
all the above deductions are 100% true for him.

What do the planets in the Horoscope say about Professional or career life of Robert Vadra?

As the 10th lord Saturn or shani dev in Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli is in 1st bhava so Robert vadra is generally very successful in whatever career he takes.
also his Kundli or horoscope suggest that he would command respect and honor as such.
As for Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli the karma or 10th bhava Lord is in Tanu Bhava or first house.
it gives him good learning , scholarly as this is raja yoga karaka.
Yes fame would be there in him. The Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest that he might have poetical or artistic taste or even interest in music.
he might have had health issues in childhood, but would have been OK later.
Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest that his wealth could be increase day by day as we said earlier.

Saturn or shani dev influences the 10th house of Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli . As the tenth house has a partial ruler ship of Saturn or shani dev .
Saturn or shani dev here makes robert vadra very affluent.
later in life based Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli he may work for the downtrodden people. he could visits sacred rivers and shrines may be of his faith.
The career or Job matters of Robert vadra ji may have sudden elevation and depression.

Sun or surya dev also influences the 10th house of Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli.
also is in harmony with the number 10 =1+0=1 of 10th house .
also of Saturn or shani dev gives learning and good fame to Robert vadra. so overall is Good for wealth or Robert vadra .
sooner or later he may open up hospitals as sun is vitality and also Saturn or shani dev is the hospitals.
Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest good domestic happiness and having sons or male child.
Over all it is Good for name /fame- and success in political and military work or management for Robert vadra ji.
sun influencing this house gives Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli good name and fame. obviously he is marries to the top lady of the nation.

As mercury also influences the 10th bhava of Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli .
also mercury or budha is the karaka for knowledge is in the 10th bhava this gives Robert vadra good knowledge and intelligence to solve business problems.
it is clear from Robert Vadra’s Horoscope or Kundli that he would be an avid reader. Lot of wealth and reading is there for him.

Planetary Energy Exchange for Robert Vadra
SUN <================> SATURN

what is the cause of tax issues Robert vadra faced based on his Horoscope?
Sun gets less afflicted as Mesha Rashi it is exalted. but still, the presence of Saturn is sufficient to cause conflict with the state so the tax issues that he was facing 2016 is obvious from the same.

Why is Robert vadra in business and not in politics?
now based on Robert vadra’s kundli or horoscope what kind of investments could help him? could investments in land or agriculture help him?
Now looking at the 10th bhava of Robert vadra ji it is ruled by planet Saturn or Shani.
AS Saturn is sitting on the lagna(ascendant) along with mercury or Budha, now most of the companies he works are agriculture based.
Plus also he has invested into land deals & real estate, getting a bad deal because Saturn(Shani) is very weak in the lagna(ascendant).
But as Mercury or budha deals with vegetation or Agro or Agricultural Products that gives Robert Vadra edge into Agricultural Products.

How does Saturn or shani dev help Robert vadra in agricultural products based on his horoscope?
the planet Saturn or Shani also give some great Raja Yoga’s in life.
As an eleventh house and tenth house lord are in the lagna(ascendant).
we know that obviously, he is a dignitary so he would do well areas to do with an agro and agricultural product.
How could Robert vadra do great in large industries?
He could also do well with anything to do with large Industries a and also for land deals procedures to be careful in regard to real estate business.
we need to note the debility of Saturn that is debilitated in the Lagna(ascendant) .
the same applies to Agricultural Products. That is some basic care is needed.

what made Sri Robert Vadra marry Smt. priyanka Gandhi Ji who is beautiful and from a very powerful family of India?

what planets in the horoscope of Robert vadra Ji give him a wife like priyanka Gandhi who has connection with foreign lands?
Looking at the seventh house of bhava Lord of Robert Vadra, it is Libra that is the Tula Rashi and sits in the twelfth house .
so giving a beautiful and an accomplished wife like Priyanka Gandhi Ji to him.
Also, Venus is retrograde along with it Rahu who is the 12th house. Now Rahu is a planet for people and politicians & also deals with foreign lands.

what roles does Ketu play for health of Robert vadra and also priyanka Gandhi ji based on his Horoscope?
so his horoscope \or kundali clearly suggest that this is a high chance that he would marry a foreigner and a beautiful wife.
Now, exactly Priyanka Gandhi is not a foreigner her mother is a foreigner.
strong Venus shows the strength of his wife Smt. priyanka Gandhi Ji. Robert Vadra has Jupiter in sixth bhava or house and is retrograde plus Ketu is also there. This suggests that he will have to be careful about money matters .
plus has to guard on the health and image of Smt. Priyanka Gandhi Ji. we wish the couple the best in life!

horoscope or Kundli forecast for Robert vadra based on his Kundli
There is a malefic conjunction of mars and Saturn in 8th house in transit in Scorpio sign or rashi.
This shares energy with moon in his ascendant. Causing issues in his public image as moon rules the house of public image 4th.
Mars deals with the government, and venues the lord of wealth flows gets energy from malefic mars-Saturn conjunction now in transit.
This explains why income tax( a government agency(mars) & dealing with wealth(2nd house) , has had an impact on him now.
This year 2016 could be hard for him, but at the same time his mars is strong( he is born on 18=1+8=mars and in April= Aries sign).
so he will come out with his very high energy levels now. He should avoid strife now.
Ding more gymnasium or sports would help to channelize his excess mars energy now, May 2016 could be demanding for him emotionally .
July 2016 could be stressful and September 2016 hard for him.
We wish him all the best

sri Robert Vadra is the husband of Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of late Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji- former prime minister of India.
He is son in law of smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji. He is a businessman by profession. He is in the news media because of his controversial land related dealing in DLF group and also tax matters.