This highly interesting article in depth covers the reincarnation and past life Karma Horoscope or Kundli and also tells about how does the d60 or shashtiamsha chart impact or suggest about past life or reincarnation Karma for any Horoscope.
Then as a PRACTICAL real life example the past Life reincarnation Karma for Steve Jobs the software Moghul is evaluated in depth.
Questions like Was steve jobs born in Arab world in a war like condition , like he was born in this life time in Syria are evaluated in depth?
Was he doing big software business or mathematics even in previous life reincarnation?
This rare and unique article covers how the Job profile, Money flows, family, and country of birth for Steve jobs was same or similar in the past life as it is in this life time.:)
The d60 or shastiamsha chart of steve jobs for past life karma and reincarnation is evaluated in detail below.
a lot more to read ๐

What is Re-incarnation & Past Life Karma Kundli or Horoscope ?
The Past life karma or reincarnation is an ancient concept .
It similar to transmigration of souls followed in Buddhist belief systems.
where it is believed that souls through its several re incarnations learns more and more and continues to the Journey of perfection to GOD.
but now more confirmed by experiments of Sri Brian Weiss the Yale University psychiatrist. ๐
At the moment there are 3 approaches to know past life karma or reincarnation.
Hypnosis and regression as by Brian Weiss, then is the reading akashic records or engaging psychic.
the most reliable is the 3rd one or the Vedic astrology.
as there is not corruption of planetary ๐ configurations possible in it.
Here in this article we use the third approach of the Horoscope or the Kundli for Steve jobs, the software Moghul.

How does the d60 or shashtiamsha Varga divisional chart connect to past life karma or reincarnation in a Horoscope(Kundli)?
To study the d60 chart we need to know how does the d60 or shashtiamsha chart connect to past life karma or reincarnation .
The karma of any one is stored in the astral bodies the 3 sheaths primary as given in Yoga texts.
The d60 or shashtiamsha Varga Or Divisional Horoscope(Kundli), looks at the fundamental causes of karma of the previous life incarnations of ours.
So d60 or shashtiamsha Varga Or Divisional Horoscope(Kundli) shows the sum total of the karma we have added to our astral, casual and other bodies from the previous life times.
So the positive and negative traits both that we take to resolve in this life time are in the d60 or shashtiamsha Varga Or Divisional Horoscope(Kundli).
The role of each planet, especially rahu and ketu or dragonโs head or tail is studied along with the Lagna,sun moon to know impact of previous life reincarnation on this life time.

Birth details & Horoscope Kundli or Steve Jobs
Name: Steve Jobs.
Date of Birth: Thursday, February 24, 1955
Time of Birth: 19:15:00
Place of Birth: San Francisco CA
Longitude: 122 W 25
Latitude: 37 N 46

The Basic Profile of Past Life re-incarnation of Steve Jobs
In the past Life Karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli for Steve jobs, Mars is the lagan or ascendant lord and is in lagna .
This a is a strong indication of high passion and action for Steve jobs based on his Kundli or Horoscope in his past life as well.:)
Steve jobs Horoscope suggest that he could have been a sportsman type and also Steve jobs might be doing a lot of work in past life as well.
this is the karma he had carried over in this life time.:0
Moon or the mind of Steve jobs was influenced by 11th bhava or money and gains and also sun or Surya .
so this strongly indicates that based on past Life Karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli for Steve jobs.
he had a strong desire to win or become a leader in money matters and also technology( sun) in the past life as well.
The planet sun or Surya sits on the Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi or sign of the new age. ๐ this sign number 11 is for innovation :)and new things.
thats what steve Jobs was for .
so clearly Steve jobs was for new things & innovation in past life as well :), this is very interesting as such.
sun in Aquarius ( sun is number 1 and Aquarius number 11 and 1= winner).
so Steve jobs had a strong will in past life as well and he had a string desire to become reaching and reach the top :).
Also Steve jobs had a lot of money as well in past life as well.
due to the Aquarius or Kumbha rashi sign involvement.
So one can clearly see the Continuity of past life karma and reincarnation for Steve jobs kundli or Horoscope here.

What kind of Job or career was Steve Jobs in past life reincarnation or Karma bases on his Kundli or Horoscope.
Saturn or Shani dev ruling the career or job for past Life Karma or reincarnation Horoscope, or Kundli for Steve jobs is exalted in Libra sign or Tula rashi.
now Libra sign or Tula rashi is ruled by Venus, so clearly suggest that Steve jobs was in his past life karma.
or reincarnation involved in lord of work and creating large products. :0
so yes something big like apple Steve jobs had acquired in the past life as well.
Saturn or Shani dev in the kundli or Horoscope suggests big industry work for Steve jobs in past life as well :).
so clearly we continue with the big karma or bad karma of the past life reincarnation in this life time as well.
Saturn or Shani dev sign of Capricorn or makar rashi has mercury.
now this planet is for budha or the planet for software.:), mathematics or something to do with calculations(may be a head of a big organization managing money flows) and also business.
so most probably Steve jobs in past life reincarnation was into software or some large business work.
Now this is fabulous ,we see so strong correlation of past life and this life as well.:)

Which country was he born in Past Life re-incarnation of Steve Jobs ?
It was in Arab Palestine, or even England, the country like Germany, or Poland, Syria-(this is his present life time reincarnation country as well).
Israel or Jerusalem, also Lithuania, Senegal, the countries like Sierra Leone, or even Zimbabwe.
so please note ;0 Syria has figured out again. so he might have been born in Syria or some Arab countries in past life itself.
But as mars absorbs very strong energies of mars. Also it is Ashwini nakshatra ruled by ketu or dragonโs tail.
so it could be a highly spiritual cum and also in war like situation country like
Israel or Palestine where Steve jobs could have been born in his past Life Karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli .

The Basic Money and Luck factors of Past Life re-incarnation of Steve Jobs ?
We already suggested money was great for Steve jobs in past life reincarnation or karma set up.:
he continued to enjoy the same in this life time as well.
All based on his horoscope or kundli of past life.
yes Jupiter with ketu in Steve jobs kundli or Horoscope suggests he was deep into spirituality in his past life time karma or reincarnation as well.
in this life time as well we know Steve jobs was keen into dharma spirituality.
following the Hindu saint Sri Sri Neem karoli baba in fact so was Mark Zuckerberg his chela .
so also he or Steve jobs used to study ” autobiography of a Yogi” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda Ji ๐
so is there a strong correlation with spirituality of the past life for Steve jobs with this life time.

How was the family Life of Past Life re-incarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Steve Jobs ?
Moon absorbs energy of Saturn and 11th sign of kumbha or Aquarius.
so basic split and some strong difference of opinion was also there in Steve jobs life in past Life Karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli .
as it is there in this life time as well ๐ for him.
I mean his mother faced conflicts with his father, in fact strong conflicts.
also sun being there in Aquarius or kumbha the 11th sign , so too much of sun or solar energy.
This suggest Steve jobs had a high dignity and illustrious family in past life as well.
so was his fame also very good.

How was the Life of Past Life re-incarnation Karma of Steve Jobs based on his shashtiamsha or d60 divisional Horoscope or Kundli ?
The key point is that Rahu ketu axis in on the lagna or ascendant and 7th bhava.
So hard or tough karma from past life karma or reincarnation is there for Steve Jobs.
we know he had a tough cancer problem to deal with in the end of his life.
Rahu is in 9:16:2 in Sagittarius for him.
Ketu is in 9:16:02 in Gemini sign.
So if we look at his core and strong motivations that he brought from past life karma or reincarnation is basic dissatisfaction! So he was not satisfied with the existing mobile phones and created his own brand of apple.
Rahu in mridu division , so makes it desire for tender soft things, projected things the core motivation of steve Jobs from previous life and incarnations.
Now Gemini connects to software or mercury, so working in software area could have given him Moksha or liberation.
Thatโs what he was doing! Working on software.
He was very innovative and Jupiter controls the though process of his,.
Suggest he would have great gains by getting deep into subjects.
In d60 or shashtiamsha division Jupiter connects to the 7th house and is strong again.
So steve jobs retained his USP of deep thinking.
But yes mildy affected in this life time, else he could have done even better it seems even in this life time.
It clearly suggests a strong link between our past life karma and reincarnation and present life time of Steve Jobs the software Moghul . ๐
It suggests how the job or career profile, money or wealth and family profile was almost similar to past life time.
so was he born in Arab countries in the past life time karma or reincarnation as well.