About this article?
This is a very interesting and detailed article about Anil Ambani The Industrialist based on Vedic astrology- one what made him so rich and then again with not much money :(.All based on this Horoscope or Kundli.
It looks deeply on what makes Anil Ambani so wealthy at some point of time? What made Anil Ambani success a success based on his planets? Also, what Made Anil Ambani Fail so badly based on his Horoscope or Kundli.?
Which planets in his Horoscope or Kundli makes Anil Ambani Marry s beautiful Film actress Like Tina Munim from films or Bollywood?
Or what makes Anil Ambani’s Children so Good based on his Horoscope or Kundli.? Anil Ambani’s longevity or Life span based on his horoscope? What makes Him different from others and Much more ..;)
Plus what awaits him business ventures(reliance infrastructure, reliance communication), Discover all this by science of Vedic astrology or Jyotish.

Anil Ambani Kundli or Horoscope
Name: Anil Ambani
Date of Birth: Thursday, June 04, 1959
Time of Birth: 22:30:00
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58
Time Zone: 5.5

Natal Chart or Kundli Or Horoscope Analysis and Predictions for Anil Ambani :

Does Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli suggests he may have a windy disposition or vata oriented?
The ascendant lord of Anil Ambani is Capricorn as per Vedic astrology. This Rashi describes the ankles of the kala purusha of Vedic astrology that is the human body.
It is a movable and active sign, with windy disposition in anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli.

Does Capricorn sign in Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli Give him action and movement in Life?
We all know how active and dynamic Anil Ambani is in real life and the kind of progress he has been able to take his father’s legacy of late Sri dhiru bhai Ambani.

How does Saturn or Shani dev in Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli create the
role of discipline provider for basic business success?
The lord of this sign is Saturn the planet of discipline and order that is Shani and Saturn as per western and Vedic astrology.
An industry of the scale of reliance cannot be built or sustained without the right kind of discipline and sustained effort.

Does strength of Saturn for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli Give him strength for landed properties?
This sign Capricorn has earth element domination that means gains from landed properties and also petrol for Anil Ambani.

Which direction does suit Anil Ambani based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
The strength is in the southern direction in Horoscope or Kundli of anil Ambani.
so Anil Ambani would gain more in industries in south of India or even extending his empire to Australia or Sri Lanka

Does Rahu or dragon’s tail give Anil Ambani success in petrol and energy industry based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
There is an element of tamoguna , demoniac nature of rahu effect. Rahu we know affects petrol. Reliance is also a big name in energy/petrol industry.
We see the accuracy of Vedic astrology in the same.

Does The lagan or ascendant of Anil Ambani ensure physical comfort to him based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
This combination of ascendant lord being in 12th reduces the physical comfort of the person (if devoid of benefic aspect from a good planet).
What role does Jupiter or Guru play for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
There is an energy exchange from Jupiter , so anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli says that would have good gains, but maybe he would not be attached to the same.

Are there indications for losses in business and less comfort as well for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
The happiness would be less for physical comfort matter .
Also, one could be more prone to anger.
The expenditure might be in excess due to placement in 12th house of lagan.
The expenditure part could be true for Anil Ambani
Also the nakshatra Anil Ambani has is Uttar Ashada in his Horoscope or Kundli, that gives him success in petrol etc and gives him a deeply human nature.
This nakshatra helps him to penetrate deeply to any problems and get success.
As sun the leader is the lord of this nakshatra. This kind of attitude also create success and money for Anil Ambani.

What planetary combinations makes Anil Ambani so rich or wealthy?

what planets make Anil Ambani stress prone based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
The lord of the lagan is Saturn and is in the twelfth bhava or house of Anil Ambani.
This could make him vata or stress prone. also, it is OK in degrees- but is retrograde at 11:59 degrees.
The dispositor of Saturn or Shani dev in Horoscope or Kundli is also very weak Jupiter at 1+ degree and is also retrograde. so, based on classical astrology principles Jupiter or guru is very weak.

Is Saturn or Shani dev strong or weak for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
so this should make his lagan Saturn very weak- being in 12th bhava and on a weak dispositor ? – but that is not the case.
Is there a Neecha Bhanga Yoga for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
The reasons is Saturn being weak and so does Jupiter in twelfth- create an opposite effects of neecha bhanga or negative negative being cancelled to a positive outcome. That is exactly the case of Anil Ambani.

How does Neecha Bhanga of Saturn or Shani dev for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli help him gain money?
The second bhava or house lord is also Saturn, and it is also very weak. now second bhava rules the wealth and status for Anil Ambani- how could this happen?
This can only be explained by the Neecha Bhanga effects of the lagan.
Does Mars or Mangal contribute to losses of Anil Ambani based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Mars or Mangal in Horoscope or Kundli the lord of eleventh house is again very weak and debilitated in the seventh house.
also, the twelfth house lord Jupiter is in eleventh s means losses and expenditure on friends and not so great gains.

What is strength of Mars or Mangal for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
Now again the dispositor of mars is moon and it is at 0:29 degrees , so very weak.
now mars in cancer sign is debilitated and along with debility or weak on moon again creates Neecha Bhanga Yoga for Anil Ambani and gives him great gains in life.
One must remember negative x negative = positive :).

How does the shatbishaj Nakshatra help Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli to attract more success and Luck?
The second bhava nakshatra is Shatbhishaj in Horoscope or Kundli of anil Ambani.
so that is the 24th nakshatra and also ruled by planet rahu and Saturn.
This gives him great protection and promise of success by hard work, planning and yes in petrochemicals for sure.

What does the horoscope of Anil Ambani tell about his career and kind of work he would be doing?
What kind of initiatives and effort Anil Ambani would do in his business or initiative based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Anil Ambani’s lord of third house or initiatives in Horoscope or Kundli has ketu(dragon’s tail) and is mars and sits in the eleventh bhava.
so, this suggest gains by self-effort for him and forms a kind of raja yoga for Anil Ambani. that is action and planning could give him great gains.
What kind of role does Mars play for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli in getting him into cinema and multiplexes?
Now mars are weak and close to Venus in the seventh bhava. so, he could get gains or take initiatives to do with cinema multiplexes etc- which is 100% true for Anil Ambani.
he has DTH business, also Anil Ambani has animation studios, plus several multiplex cinemas.
Ketu or dragon’s Tail sitting in the third bhava gives him company of saints and gives him or Anil Ambani exceptional initiative to do things.
also it could bring him out in flying colours.

How did Ketu and Mars bring Anil Ambani into FM radio Business based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Now Venus is the lord of his career and is close to mars in anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli .
So his interest with entertainment includes 44 FM radio stations also it includes his interest in Venus(= Home) and mars = energy.
That is reliance power. Venus here connects to reliance infrastructure as well.

What Kind of career Choices would Anil Ambani have based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
so his overall career is directed by mars and Venus both. that means things to do with art and creativity(=Venus= cinema/films/home) and ye mars or Mangal is to do with power FM etc.

How do the Swati and Pushya Nakshatra help Anil Ambani to proper him in his
career based on Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
Swati nakshatra here in his tenth house suggest great success as a businessman and cleverness in business for sure.
Venus the tenth lord.
It has a lot of Saturn or Shani dev energies, and it is in the Pushya Nakshatra. so, gains and lot success in industries is indicated for Anil Ambani.

What kind of wife of life partner would Anil Ambani be having based on his horoscope or kundali?

What kind of wife or lover is expected for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli?
Anil Ambani’s wife is from Bollywood actress Tina Munim. he has Venus sitting there indicating beauty and possible connection of wife from art related industry.

How does Moon add to Fair complexion of Anil Ambani’s wife based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
Moon the lord of seventh house is in the fifth house with sun in Horoscope or Kundli of anil Ambani.
so moon giving her a fair complexion and also sun giving his wife Tina Munim a high status may be in the film industry.

What the horoscope tells about anil Ambani’s children and possible future

What role does Venus or shukra play for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli for his children?
the fifth house or children lord is Venus that is fair enough in Kendra or the seventh house. giving good impetus to his children.

What role does Moon played for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli for his kids’ or children?
Moon being there and Venus being the lord and also sun- gives his son the handsomeness, fair complexion and sun would give them name and fame for sure.

Does Jupiter or Guru have a role to play for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli in regard to his children?
Jupiter or guru otherwise is fair in the Scorpio sign or Vrischika rashi- so they would do well in life and may be get deep into research matters.

Would Anil Ambani’s children be materialistic or spiritual based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
the children would get deep into religion matters though more focused on worldly matters due to Venus and sun energy.

What is the role of Pushya nakshatra for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli in regard to his children?
The seventh bhava of Anil Ambani is ruled by pushya nakshatra that is ruled by planet Saturn or Shani and is zodiac for cancer and is the 8th nakshatra.
so, lot of Saturn energy here gives him good professional contacts and makes his wife Tina Munim fair( due to moon).
but not fully fair as his other brothers (Mukesh Ambani’s wife is ).

How long would Anil Ambani live or his life span?
Now Saturn or Shani dev for Anil Ambani’s Horoscope or Kundli, though in twelfth house is strong by the Neecha Bhanga effect .
But Saturn the lagan lord is in the twelfth house – this is not good.
also Saturn or Shani is ayushkaraka for any horoscope or kundali. The eighth house lord sun is in the angular houses.
so is good but is not a friendly sign of Taurus – makes it a bit weak.
weak moon the markesh or the seventh lord is very close to sun the longevity lord for anil Ambani. This is not good as such.
mercury the lord of sixth bhava and ninth bhava is also there. which has mixed effects more of good effects for longevity for anil Ambani. Sun is at around 20 degrees sop fair enough strength here.
Now moon lagan is Venus that is fair enough in the third house but a secondary markesh. Jupiter the lord of eighth house is in the markesh bhava of seventh.
so good care of health is needed for Anil Ambani. he could have a 70-75-year life span at least.
yes more granular details could be gotten from navamsha chart and nakshatra details.