About this article
A very interesting article that in depth covers the reincarnation and past life Karma Horoscope or Kundli for leading politicians of India smt. Priyanka Gandhi ji .
This is a very special artciel covers the present life, parentage( smt. Sonia Gandhi ji and Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji) with the past life reincarnation karma for Priyanka Gandhi ji.
A connection with this sibling Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji is also done here.
Also the past life time reincarnation country of birth for Priyanka Gandhi is also correlated with this life time.:)
a lot more to read π

What is Re-incarnation & Past Life Karma Kundli or Horoscope ?
Reincarnation is the immutable law of nature, which is being scientifically established by scientists like Brian Weiss.
This is a process of soul evolution π or getting better and better and going to GOD head or GOD where it was in the earlier perfected state.
This has been followed in traditions of Sikhism, Hinduism, Jains, Buddhist and in Mystic traditions of Christianity and also Judaism.

Birth details & Horoscope Kundli or Priyanka Gandhi
Name: Priyanka Vadra
Date of Birth: Wednesday, January 12, 1972
Time of Birth: 17:05:00
Place of Birth: Delhi

The Basic Profile of Past Life re-incarnation of Priyanka Gandhi
The past life reincarnation karma lord Saturn or Shani or the Aquarius sign or Kumbha rules people and public.
also it suggest one could get into public connection and be a bit philosophical in the past life karma or reincarnation.
Kindly note that her sun Surya int his life time as well, based on western astrology is in the sign of Capricorn.
so this energy for
in)connection with people
ii) and being philosophical was strong there in past life as well and in this life time as well :).
Also Aquarius or Kumbha suggest a spiritual past life karma or reincarnation approach or at least trying to help the Humanity due to number 11 of Aquarius.
It also suggest that the person could be a bit picky π in nature and maintain distinctness in approach.
so note in this life time as well, her lagan is Gemini or mercury, and it is with picky or choosy planet = sun or number 1( note Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi is double 1 :))
The lagna mercury is close to a fair enough Jupiter in the 7th bhava of Priyanka Gandhi ji’s kundli or Horoscope.
so naturally gives her good philosophical and knowledge related inclinations.
as is reflected in her past life karma or reincarnation kundli or Horoscope lord Aquarius or kumbha.
Also Saturn in the 4th bhava or house of the past life karma or reincarnation kundli or horoscope clearly suggest great name and fame of the family for Priyanka Gandhi ji in past life as well.
also public connections of the family due to Saturn there . this is again true in this life time as well :).
As Saturn or Shani dev is a malefic, so similar chances of public censure was there in past life karma or reincarnation of Priyanka Gandhi ji.
we will talk more about the past life karma or reincarnation Family, job, and career of Priyanka Gandhi ji later in this article and look at the continuity of Karma as such.:)
The krittika nakshatra gives Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope to be a social or a spiritual warrior in past life.
she had the ability or fire of sun or Surya to cut through the negativities of society .
The same is true in this life time, as well .
she is in a position of power and try to work with social aspects and may be spiritual aspect.
only thing she may want to be not so aggressive in her actions.
this is just an indication based on planets and nakshatras.
There was beauty and elegance in Priyanka Gandhi ji in Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation as well.

What kind of parentage or father and mother did Priyanka Gandhi have in past life reincarnation or Karma bases on his Kundli or Horoscope?
as we just discussed above, the 4th house of the kundli or horoscope of past life karma or reincarnation of Priyanka Gandhi ji has Saturn or Shani dev and also taurus sign.
so Saturn here suggest strong connection with public in the past life reincarnation as well for her.:)
so was her(Priyanka Gandhi ji’s) mother also may be in public life in the past life reincarnation.
Now Venus or shukra is in Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi in lagna for past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli.
so good gains from mother and also very close to her mother.
this again is 100% true in this life time as well for smt. Priyanka Gandhi ji as she has gains from Sonia Gandhi ji and yes she is also very close to her.
also Venus shapes the personality of Priyanka Gandhi ji in past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli.
so the face and name would e closely inherited form her mother in past life reincarnation and also good material gains were there for her.
Libra or Tula also rules the 9th bhava of past life karma or reincarnation kundli or Horoscope.
so clearly in Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation her father was similar.
that is both father and mother were good looking, and also well off π in past life karma or reincarnation . as they are in this life time.
It is Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji and smt. Sonia Gandhi ji, both well off and good looking & smart people .
infacts sun in the 11th bhava in Jupiter sign suggest great dignity and status and money for Priyanka Gandhi ji’s father in past life as well.
Yes mother might have had health issues as moon is in Scorpio.
but as Venus is fair on a strong dispositor Saturn in past life karma or reincarnation kundli or horoscope. so good enough.:)
the dhanishtha nakshatra suggest that Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope her family was courageous and daring.
they were into materialistic pursuits like doing business or politics etc.
The ambition levels of the family in past life might have been very high.

What kind of career or job did Priyanka Gandhi have in past life reincarnation or Karma bases on his Kundli or Horoscope?
Mars or mangal is lord of the 2nd house of past life karma or reincarnation kundli or horoscope of Priyanka Gandhi ji it sin 2nd bhava or house.
Mars or mangal is strong enough otherwise.
Mars or Mangal is a planet for politics and or management and is strong in the sign of Pisces in 2nd bhava.
so gives good gains and position in the work Priyanka Gandhi ji might have been in past life karma or reincarnation job or work.
Yes it must have been an action or management job or connected with Politics as well.
Priyanka Gandhi ji must have had good dignity in the past life karma or reincarnation as well.
Yes some mild disturbances in money flows could have been there and also image being affected due to Mars or Mangal being in the 2nd bhava of past life karma or reincarnation kundli or Horoscope.
9th aspect of ketu or dragon’s tail in past life karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope suggest Priyanka Gandhi ji had a life or social status of distinction in that reincarnation.
also she was good and sharp in her speaking skills. π
we note Priyanka Gandhi ji’s this life time family is also very well off and distinct.
yes money flow issues are not there in this life time for Priyanka Gandhi ji as was in past life time.
Now revati nakshatra for job or career simply suggests that Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope.
It says she was a protector of flocks or large set of people in past life time.
something similar to we have her or Priyanka Gandhi ji in this life time.
Priyanka Gandhi ji was also presumably intuitive and towards dharma or ethical living in her past life time reincarnation as well.
she also had good taste for literature, music, and dance over and above her political career in her past life time reincarnation.
so apart from business or political work Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope suggests she found peace in music, literature, and dance.
she has carried some of the hobbies in this life time as well.
Like cooking reading and photography.
also Priyanka Gandhi jis is deep into Buddhism.

What kind of siblings Priyanka Gandhi have in past life reincarnation or Karma bases on his Kundli or Horoscope? (In this life time she has Sri Rahul Gandhi ji)
Mars or mangal again rules the siblings for past life karma or reincarnation kundli or horoscope for Priyanka Gandhi ji.
It has an aspect of ketu or dragon’s tail.
so once again suggest some management or Political connections for Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life siblings .
that is brothers or sisters, were into managing stuff or were politically connected.
There is also a strong energy of a fair enough Jupiter or Guru for siblings or brothers and sisters for Priyanka Gandhi ji’s past life karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope.
so there is High dignity, wealth, and good karma to siblings as well for Priyanka Gandhi ji in past life as well.:)
The same is true in this life time as well.

Which country was he born in Past Life re-incarnation of Priyanka Gandhi ?
the countries in past life reincarnation Priyanka Gandhi ji could have been born in are .
Like Iran, also it could be Finland, so is New Zealand, or Russia or smaller other related countries.
Or the countries like Sweden, it could be Syria but less chance. It could be Ethiopia but less chance. yes it could be The Holy Vatican City.
Though a lesser chance of Lanka.
also if born in India , it would be Punjab regions of India, Kashmir, or west Bengal type places.
The country could high chance be European country as mars and Saturn or Shani dev the planets to do with large industries are very strong in the horoscope.
so is there a strong correlation with Industries ,management and politics of the past life for Priyanka Gandhi with this life time.

It clearly suggests close enough link between our past life karma and reincarnation and present life time of Priyanka Gandhi ji.
who belongs to an illustrious family in past life reincarnation as she is in this life time . π
It suggests how the job or career profile, money or wealth and family profile was almost similar to past life time.
she was most probably born in a European country like sweden