What is this article about?
This article discusses at great details about the software Moghul Bill Gates. :). On what made home so successful, rich and lucky and a guru for software and how it connects to his past life horoscope! It talks based on Vedic Astrology and Numerology(Anka Jyotish) on what made Bill Gates so great in Life almost all aspects.
It then discusses bill gates past life based on Vedic astrology principles and Numerology with great accuracy and how these two major systems of Vedic astrology and Numerology explain bill gates great wealth, money, success and love from past life horoscope!

Birth details & Horoscope of -BILL Gates Microsoft chairman
Name: Bill Gates
Date of Birth: Friday, the October 28 th, 1955
Time of Birth: 20:58:00
Place of Birth: Seattle

What are the acquired talents and skills in this lifetime that made Bill gates such a super success

Does for Bill Gate’s Kundli Or Horoscope mars or Mangal helps the past life connection or better reincarnation? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates, chairman Microsoft), He has Gemini lagan or ascendant(mithuna rashi) and mercury(budha) is strong enough in the fourth bhava or home along with mars.

what role does mercury play for Bill Gate’s Kundli Or Horoscope in his computers? For the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates), Gemini or mercury ruler ship gives good and quick ability to solve problems and as mercury is strong in the fourth house along with mars- the planet of engineering and electronic- one has a clear idea why did Bill gates so do so well in computers or electronics and all has to do with good mathematical skills. This clearly is a karmic ability coming to bill Gates in this lifetime.

what is the role of mercury or budha for Bill Gate Kundli Or Horoscope in giving mutability to his behaviour? Gemini lagan gave him(bill gates) the mutability to respond to the changes in markets or technology very fast.is it a karmic link form the past life coming to his new incarnation now!

Does the Bill Gate’s Kundli Or Horoscope suggest his strong love for America or home ? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates chairman Microsoft), the lagan of ascendant in the fourth bhava gives a lot of love for homeland- we know Microsoft is at Seattle, his home place where he was born. All this comes from past life and transferred through the process of reincarnation

Does the moon or Chandra for Bill Gate Kundli Or Horoscope suggest him to go for philanthropy or donations ? For the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates chairman Microsoft), His mind or moon(Chandra) is in the tenth house- that means work and work. Also, moon is in the sign of Pisces(Meena rashi)- the sign of liberation and spirituality. so, this clearly indicates his tendency to be a philanthropist and person who would love to help and donate to others. The spiritual tendencies do come from the past lives for sure and so does the goodness to give to others. 😉

What do bill gates Numbers or numerology say?
Does the Bill Gate’s Number Kundli(Numerology) Or Horoscope also suggest great initiative borrowed form the past lives or through reincarnation ? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates- the chairman and architect Microsoft), Let us look at his basic talents= he was born on 28= 2+8=10= 1+0= 1= number 1 = sun- this clearly indicates a good initiative at his end. This exceptional initiative is a clear trait that connects to bill gates past life and karma and is here now for us through the process of re-incarnation. 🙂
Now does Rahu or dragon’s head the planet that connects to past life hard karma at times gets reflected for Bill Gate Number Kundli(Numerology) Or Horoscope ? Now the total of his birth date = 28+Oct(1)+1955(20) = 1+ 1+ 2= 4= rahu. rahu is not only a planet of foreign ln his past life and this lifetime reincarnation as well.
what is the role of rahu or dragon’s head in getting good mathematical skills and initiative from past life for Bill Gate Number Kundli(Numerology) Or Horoscope ? So as rahu= 4 and a close number to sun 1, means he is born to do exceptional initiative or work and number 4 or rahu is the number that creates good engineering or mathematical/logical work- we know software is all about the logical ability and also building up a large empire of Microsoft is a c clear indication of how rahu and sun are at work for him. in connecting his past life initiative and logic etc to this life reincarnation in a magical manner.

How did the past life karma of bill Gates shape his success and wealth in this lifetime- based on his lagan and navamsa chart?
Father connect to 9th house of past life as well, what doe the 9th house of Bill Gate Number Kundli Or Horoscope suggest for his father and also indirectly his past life reincarnation? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates), As ninth house or bhava lord for bill gates gets into your 5th bhava of children that means his father might have been fairly famous and prosperous-which is true.

Does saturn or shani dev hive him good sanchit karma as per Bill Gate Number Kundli Or Horoscope ? Also keeping in mind the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates), the lord of ninth bhava is Saturn(Shani) – the sign Aquarius( Kumbha rashi).This Saturn the lord of the same sits in the fifth bhava or house of his.
was it based on 5th house of Bill Gate Number Kundli Or Horoscope suggest that he was helping others in past life reincarnation as well ? Fifth Bhava or house again connects to past life good deeds and karma and Saturn represents the masses- so in his past lives as well he was helping the masses.
In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates), As Saturn(Shani) is strong so good for longevity and gains for foreign lands. what you will gain and what you will losses and from where is written in the horoscope and come into the karma from past life to current reincarnation.

countries in which Bill Gate’s could have been born in past life reincarnation based on his Number Kundli Or Horoscope ? The countries he could have been born in his past life = Sweden, Some parts of Arabia, Russia, Denmark, Lower Sudan,
Saturn is blessed with sun( or surya) the lord of initiatives and entrepreneurship and also Venus or shukra the planet of affluence and comfort. Such blessing’s do come from past life reincarnations we know ;).
So he attracted his great initiatives form past life and also the opulence or wealth.again connects from the past life reincarnation strongly.
We can clearly see the continuity of the consciousness for the past life to this reincarnation.

Which aspects of his or bill Gates are impacted by his past life Karma or he has carried from his past lives?.

what is the role of saturn or shani in Bill Gate’s Kundli Or Horoscope in suggesting his deeper and philosophical nature in this lifetime re incarnation and also past life? For the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates), His Saturn(shani) the lord of ninth bhava(house) is in the fifth bhava(house) of thinking- so philosophical thinking and helping others and philanthropic attitude he carries form his past life reincarnation.

How does venus or shukra play a role in continuity of opulence ad luxury from his past life reincarnation based on Bill Gate Kundli Or Horoscope ? The planet sun or surya the lord of initiatives third house is near Saturn or shani, suggesting he has the initiative of past life along with him, propelling his altruistic or humanitarian gaol as well.
Does venus or shukra play a big role for Bill Gate’s Kundli Or Horoscope in getting the home computer or PC in place? In the kundli or horoscope(birth chart of Bill gates), Venus or shukra the lord of opulence/beauty and comfort and also home in the fifth bhava clearly suggest create creativity and harmony in mind plus his success for home related stuff guaranteed. Obviously, a strong connecting with bill gates past life reincarnation good karma!
How the beauty of venus or shukra is showered on Bill Gate’s Kundli Or Horoscope- also connecting to his past life reincarnation good karma ? So Venus also contributed to his success for home computers or PC. Mark the lord home or beauty.
In navamsha chart or d9, varga chart Saturn rules the career and gains as well and also sits with Venus and mars.
So a cross connection of his past life and presents engineering effort is indicated.

Let is now do his numbers again to cross check matters
William Henry Gates III
A T E S 3
His physical talents from past life are by LNE =12+14+5= 31=4
This gives the ability to duplicate, replication of PC’s is a clear example. Very intelligent mind and one has to avoid arrogance.
Note number 4= rahu is half of Saturn(shani) or Aquarius(kumbha rashi) the lord of his ninth bhava of past life. One can see a karmic connection between astrology and numerology here.
The spiritual goals are also A+G = 4= rahu , connects to Saturn or helping the masses. That he has been doing by software and also donations.
We wish him and Microsoft all the best in life.
Some interesting facts About Bill Dates the American entrepreneur and personal computer revolution guy
Bill gates was born as full name William Henry Gates III ,he was born on the date of October the 28th, 1955.
Bill gates are an American business magnate, also an investor, great philanthropist, very humanitarian, and principal and the key founder of the Microsoft Corporation.
He has served Microsoft as the chairman, CEO and also the chief software architect and he consults for technology,
It was in the year 1975,bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen launched Microsoft, which became the world’s largest PC or personal computers software company- he also introduced the DOS or disk operating system.
Bill Gates led Microsoft as the chief executive officer until he decides to step down in January 2000, but he still remained as chairman and consulted as a chief software architect for technical design etc.
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