Astrology Nadi Bhrigu & Wealth Or Money Horoscope

astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictionsastrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
About this article

  • This article at length talks about how wealth or money flows is evaluated in bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology.
  • be it based on planets like venus, mercury or mars or even Saturn or shani dev.
  • so again may be Jupiter as a benefactor.
  • so also roles of houses of the horoscope are evaluated.
  • That is the role of 2nd wealth flows, 10th or career, 11th the money flows and so also 6th the debts.
  • especially this is done with reference to Jupiter or even venus.
  • so again various examples of high money flows or debts or other issues are given.
  • At the end of the article.
  • practical example of mukesh ambani ji, the business tycoon’s horoscope is analyzed to check how he has gotten significant wealth and money flows.
  • all this is based on bhrigu nadi astrology.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    How is money or wealth status found in a Horoscope in Bhrigu Nandi nadi astrology

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the evaluation of money and wealth involves analyzing specific planetary positions, combinations, and house placements in a person’s horoscope.
  • The wealth and financial stability of an individual can be accessed through various astrological factors.
  • Here’s a detailed look at how money and wealth are evaluated in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology:
  • In nadi astrology or bhrigu Nandi astrology the money is evaluated primarily from venus.
  • venus or shukra the planet of opulence.
  • so also the 2nd bhava or house from Jupiter or Saturn or shani dev has relevance for money matters.
  • any conjunctions of 2nd bhava from Jupiter or Saturn with other planets indicate the possible source of money flows.
  • so also Jupiter or guru is signifactor of prosperity and gains.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions horoscope
    Key Houses and Their Significance for money and wealth matters in bhrigu Nandi nadi:
    2nd House:

  • Represents accumulated wealth, family assets, and financial security.
  • It is a primary house for evaluating a person’s financial status.
  • 6th House:

  • Deals with debts, loans, and financial struggles.
  • A well-placed 6th house can indicate the ability to overcome financial challenges.
  • 10th House:

  • Represents career, profession, and public status.
  • The income derived from one’s profession is evaluated through this house.
  • 11th House:

  • Indicates gains, income from various sources, and overall financial prosperity.
  • It is a crucial house for understanding one’s earning potential.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions planets
    Key Planets and Their Roles in wealth and money flows in bhrigu and nadi analysis :

  • Jupiter (Guru):

  • Symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and financial wisdom.
  • A strong and well-placed Jupiter is highly beneficial for financial growth.
  • Venus (Shukra):

  • Represents luxury, material comforts, and financial gains from partnerships and artistic pursuits.
  • Venus’s strength can indicate wealth through beauty, arts, and relationships.
  • Mercury (Budha):

  • Governs commerce, trade, and financial transactions.
  • A strong Mercury suggests success in business and trade-related activities.
  • Mars (Mangal):

  • Indicates property, land, and real estate.
  • Mars’s placement can show financial gains through real estate and property investments.
  • Saturn (Shani):

  • Represents hard work, persistence, and long-term financial stability.
  • A well-placed Saturn indicates wealth accumulated through hard work and discipline.
  • Rahu and Ketu( dragon’s head and dragon’s tail):

  • These shadow planets can indicate sudden gains or losses.
  • Rahu’s placement can show unconventional or sudden wealth, while Ketu can represent spiritual detachment from material wealth.
  • Yoga astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Important Combinations (Yogas):

  • Dhan Yoga:

  • Formed when the lords of the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses are well-placed and in mutual aspect or conjunction.
  • This combination indicates strong financial prosperity.
  • Chandra-Mangal Yoga:

  • The conjunction of the Moon and Mars can indicate financial gains through real estate and property.
  • Gajakesari Yoga:

  • Formed when Jupiter is in Kendra (quadrant) from the Moon.
  • This yoga signifies immense wealth and prosperity.
  • Lakshmi Yoga:

  • Formed when Venus is placed in its own or exalted sign, and the lord of the 9th house is strong.
  • This yoga indicates wealth and luxury.
  • Viparita Raja Yoga:

  • Formed when the lords of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are in mutual aspect or exchange.
  • This yoga can indicate sudden financial gains, often from unexpected sources.
  • Analysis Process in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi:

  • House and Planetary Analysis:

  • Astrologers examine the placement, strength, and aspects of the planets ruling the key houses (2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th) to assess financial potential.
  • Transits and Dasha Periods:

  • The influence of planetary transits and the specific dasha (planetary periods) on these houses and planets are analyzed to predict the timing of financial gains or losses.
  • Navamsa and Divisional Charts:

  • Detailed analysis using divisional charts like the Navamsa (D9) and other relevant divisional charts can provide deeper insights into financial stability and potential.
  • Combinations and Yogas:

  • Identification of wealth-related yogas and combinations in the horoscope to determine the overall financial prosperity.
  • Practical Applications:

  • Career and Profession:

  • Identifying suitable career paths that align with the strengths indicated by the horoscope for optimal financial growth.
  • Investment Strategies:

  • Guidance on favorable periods for investments in real estate, stocks, or other financial ventures based on planetary transits and dashas.
  • Financial Planning:

  • Personalized financial planning advice to maximize wealth and minimize potential financial challenges.
  • remedies solutions astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions

  • Suggesting astrological remedies like gemstone recommendations, mantra chanting, and rituals to strengthen weak planets or mitigate negative influences.
  • By analyzing these factors in a comprehensive manner, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology provides a detailed and nuanced understanding of an individual’s financial potential, helping them make informed decisions to enhance their wealth and financial stability.
  • planets astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Wealth flows or money flows in Bhrigu nandi Nadi astrology – a deeper view of the Horoscope and planets

  • Kindly note for houses the relative positions of planets are taken for wealth flows either with reference to Jupiter or even venus and saturn.
  • depending on the situation.
  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the inflow and outflow of wealth are significantly influenced by the planets Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, as well as the houses associated with finance and career, namely the 2nd house, 6th house, 10th house, and 11th house.
  • Here’s a detailed analysis of how each of these planets and houses affects wealth inflows and outflows:
    saturn shani astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Influence of Key Planets on Wealth:
    Saturn (Shani):

  • Saturn represents hard work, discipline, and long-term gains.
  • When well-placed, Saturn can indicate steady and sustained financial inflows through persistent effort and disciplined financial management.
  • It is often associated with wealth accumulated over time through professions like engineering, mining, agriculture, and labor-intensive industries.
  • Outflow:

  • If Saturn or shani dev is poorly placed, it can lead to financial challenges, delays, and obstacles in wealth accumulation.
  • Expenses may arise due to legal issues, chronic health problems, or losses in business ventures due to a lack of discipline or strategic planning.
  • mars mangal astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Mars (Mangal):

  • Mars signifies energy, initiative, and entrepreneurship.
  • A well-placed Mars can bring financial inflows through dynamic and aggressive business activities, real estate, construction, and industries requiring physical activity or machinery.
  • Mars’s placement can lead to sudden and substantial gains, especially from real estate or land deals.
  • Outflow:

  • A poorly placed Mars can lead to impulsive financial decisions, accidents, or disputes that result in financial loss.
  • It may also indicate high expenses related to property repairs, legal battles, or medical emergencies.
  • jupiter guru astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Jupiter (Guru):
    Inflow: Jupiter is the planet of abundance, prosperity, and wisdom.

  • When favorably placed, it brings financial inflows through teaching, banking, finance, religious or spiritual activities, and advisory roles.
  • Jupiter’s aspect on wealth-related houses can enhance overall financial prosperity and attract opportunities for wealth creation.
  • Outflow: A weak or afflicted Jupiter can lead to financial losses due to over-expansion, poor financial judgment, or losses in speculative activities.
  • It may also indicate charitable expenses or financial drain due to lack of planning.
  • venus shukra astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Venus (Shukra):

  • Venus represents luxury, beauty, and material comforts.
  • A strong Venus can indicate financial inflows through industries related to arts, entertainment, fashion, cosmetics, hospitality, and luxury goods.
  • Venus’s influence often brings wealth through harmonious partnerships and creative endeavors.
  • Outflow:

  • Poorly placed Venus can lead to excessive spending on luxury items, relationships, or indulgences.
  • Financial outflows may occur due to overindulgence, addictions, or losses in speculative activities related to arts and entertainment.
  • houses astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Influence of Key Houses on Wealth:
    2nd House (Accumulated Wealth):

  • The 2nd house represents family wealth, savings, and financial security.
  • A strong 2nd house and its lord indicate steady inflows of wealth through inheritance, savings, and accumulated assets.
  • Benefic aspects or conjunctions with the 2nd house can enhance financial security.
  • Outflow:

  • A weak or afflicted 2nd house can lead to challenges in saving money and financial instability.
  • Malefic influences can cause unexpected expenses or losses through family disputes, poor financial management, or theft.
  • loss debt astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    6th House (Debts and Loans):

  • The 6th house represents debts, loans, and financial struggles.
  • While it primarily deals with challenges, a well-placed 6th house can indicate the ability to secure and repay loans effectively, leading to business expansion and financial stability.
  • Outflow:

  • An afflicted 6th house can lead to financial burdens through debts, loans, and litigation expenses.
  • Persistent health issues and employee-related costs can also drain financial resources.
  • career job astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    10th House (Career and Profession):

  • The 10th house governs career, profession, and public status.
  • A strong 10th house and its lord signify substantial financial inflows through professional success, promotions, and public recognition.
  • Benefic aspects on the 10th house can lead to lucrative career opportunities and financial growth.
  • Outflow:

  • A weak or afflicted 10th house may lead to career instability, job losses, or professional setbacks, resulting in reduced income.
  • Malefic influences can cause financial outflows due to career-related issues like legal disputes or reputation damage.
  • money flows income astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    11th House (Gains and Income):

  • The 11th house represents gains, income, and financial prosperity.
  • A strong 11th house and its lord indicate robust financial inflows through multiple income sources, investments, and social connections.
  • Benefic planets in the 11th house can enhance overall financial gains and support wealth accumulation.
  • Outflow:

  • An afflicted 11th house can lead to difficulties in achieving financial goals and potential losses in speculative investments or network-related ventures.
  • Malefic influences can reduce the effectiveness of social connections in generating income.
  • Combined Analysis:
    saturn shani astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Saturn’s Role with Houses:
    Saturn in 2nd House:

  • Can bring wealth through hard work and disciplined saving, but may also cause delays in wealth accumulation.
  • Saturn in 6th House: Indicates challenges with debts and loans but also the ability to overcome financial struggles through perseverance.
  • Saturn in 10th House:

  • Suggests steady career growth leading to long-term financial stability.
  • Saturn in 11th House:

  • Can bring gains through persistent effort and long-term investments.
  • mars mangal astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Mars’ Role with Houses:
    Mars in 2nd House:

  • Indicates aggressive financial growth through real estate or business, but potential impulsive spending.
  • Mars in 6th House: Suggests the ability to tackle debts but also potential for financial disputes.
  • Mars in 10th House:

  • Brings dynamic career growth with potential for substantial financial gains.
  • Mars in 11th House: Indicates gains through assertive efforts and risk-taking ventures.
  • jupiter guru astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Jupiter’s Role with Houses:
    Jupiter in 2nd House:

  • Brings wealth through wisdom, savings, and inheritance.
  • Jupiter in 6th House:

  • Can help manage debts effectively, but overexpansion may lead to financial strain.
  • Jupiter in 10th House:

  • Indicates professional success and significant financial inflows.
  • Jupiter in 11th House:

  • Enhances overall financial prosperity through multiple income sources.
  • venus shukra astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Venus’ Role with Houses:
    Venus in 2nd House:

  • Indicates wealth through luxury, arts, and harmonious family relationships.
  • Venus in 6th House:

  • Can lead to financial struggles through indulgences but also creative solutions to financial issues.
  • Venus in 10th House:

  • Brings success in careers related to beauty, arts, and luxury, leading to substantial financial gains.
  • Venus in 11th House:

  • Indicates gains through social connections and creative endeavors.
  • conclusion astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions

  • In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology, the evaluation of wealth inflows and outflows involves a detailed analysis of the key planets and houses related to finance and career.
  • By understanding the combined influence of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus on the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses, astrologers can provide insights into an individual’s financial potential and guide them in managing their wealth effectively.
  • astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictionsnadi astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    Various Bhrigu Nandi examples to find money or wealth status and source of the same ?
    {Taurus = Jupiter or Guru} –> {Gemini = mars + ketu}–>{cancer = Saturn}–>{Leo=sun}
    How to know based on bhrigu nadi astrology the earnings or MONEY flow based on Horoscope or kundli?

  • so also as karma karaka Saturn or shani dev for job has sun and Leo or simha in the 2nd bhava.
  • so person would be earning through government or a government employee.
  • {Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
    based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about the PROPERTY & HOME Matters?

  • Saturn comes on natal Venus and Saturn itself after 28x 2= 56 years.
  • so it means some karma to do with home stuff is there.
  • so he would renovate his house at that age.
  • Saturn on Venus could also make person leave the place he r she is there.
  • also at that time Jupiter is on Natal Rahu or dragon’s head.
  • so could make the person leave place.
  • {Libra = Saturn} ——>{Sagittarius = Jupiter }–>{Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}
    How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about MONEY or WEALTH status of the person ?

  • Jupiter or self has Venus in the 2nd bhava from same or the house of money , so the person would be very rich and with good money.
  • so also he would own a house.
  • }–>{Capricorn= moon and mars}–>{Aquarius or kumbha rashi= ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Pisces or meena rashi = Jupiter}
    –>{Pisces or meena rashi = No planet} –>{Aries or mesha rashi = sun & venus}
    How to know the MONEY matters or finances based on Vedic brighu nadi astrology using horoscope or kundli?

  • Saturn or shani dev is the karaka for money matters or 6th house in regular astrology.
  • so also here Saturn or shani dev is agitated in the Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi.
  • so he could have debts as such.
  • In 56th year Jupiter would have gone through cycle 4 times and half.
  • so around 56 years there could be gains in position as
    it’s in cancer and is exalted there.
  • mukesh ambani practical examples astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    practical real life example of Mukesh Ambani bhrigu nadi astrology
    venus sun ketu astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    What is Role of Venus, sun and ketu for wealth and money flows for mukesh Ambani ji?

  • For mukesh ambani’s horoscope venus is in 9th house of luck and bhagya from Jupiter .
  • Infact it is in trikona or angular houses so shares all good energies with Jupiter.
  • Venus is with its enemy sun, but sun is exalted.
  • so suggest highly significant wealth and opulence to mukesh ambani ji.
  • so also as sun is in Aries sign so wealth and opulence by a high level initiative is promised.
  • all this is 100% true looking at reliance industries.
  • !so also ketu or dragon’s tail is with high energy with venus.
  • so gains from electricity and communication so promised for mukesh ambani for sure.
  • again research and development would pay off well to mukesh ambani.
  • Ketu is again like a dhwaj or magnifies the abilities of sun and venus nearby.
  • so exceptional initiative, name and fame and so also wealth and opulence for mukesh ambani ji is promised by ketu.
  • so again software computers and TV etc could also give good gains to mukesh ambani ji.
  • so is mercury there, so communication or reliance 4g or communication and computers related success is promised for Mukesh ambani ji reliance industries.
  • saturn shani astrology bhrigu nadi wealth and money predictions
    What is Role of Saturn for wealth and money flows for mukesh ambani ji?

  • Mukesh Ambani, one of the wealthiest individuals in the world and the chairman of Reliance Industries, has a horoscope that reflects his immense wealth and business acumen.
  • While we can’t access Mukesh Ambani’s exact birth chart details, we can analyze the potential influences in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi astrology that would typically indicate such immense financial success and business prowess.
  • The next house or 2nd house from Saturn or shani dev is Sagittarius.
  • the planet for opulence.
  • so also growth and dignity.
  • so also good image and good work would be done by mukesh ambani ji.
  • once again, Jupiter stands for growth and expansions and we know how much growth and expansion mukesh ambani ji has.
  • moon is also there so gains from travel industry is also thereof he wants to explores.
  • so again milk industry as well .
  • 🙂

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