About this article ?
This is a very interesting article for to do with nadi astrology and health matters. It first discusses various disease types of common knowledge and how they connect to or can be found in the horoscope using bhrigu nadi astrology.
so also the basic methods of prediction for health or bad health are given. like jeeva karaka or self is jupiter then how the malefic like Saturn, rahu , ketu or mars impact the same. so also how the good planets like venus or mercury etc in some cases could protect the health.
So also at the need of the article, a real life example of a world top physicists is taken and analyzed to see how his severe nerve weakness is reflected in his horoscope.

Various disease Types and Nadi Astrology
Now let us look at various health issues as given in Nadi for various planetary positions.
Now say if sun is weak or is in low degrees or high degrees, or in debility or say aspected any Saturn or shani dev.
so means
one could be prone to health issues like blood pressures.
so also blood related problems also possible.
or may be the eyes are weak or bones.
so also if say venus is weak or old or in debility or aspects by malefic like saturn,rahu or mars.
It could give kidneys troubles or sugar or diabetes trouble.
so also throat trouble could be there.
so again if Jupiter is weak or in debility or aspected by malefic, to could give liver or spleen issue.
so also it makes people more diabetes prone.
so also weak Jupiter could give issues in knees and feet as well.
Moon weakness or malefic aspects of malefic could lead to mental health issues or issues to do with sensitivity.
Mercury weakness or debility or aspects by malefic planet could mean speech issues or issues in thinking.
so also makes one prone to skin problems.
weakness of Saturn as we discuss below could give falls or issues to the nerves.
Mars deals with bones and bone marrow or the muscular Skelton system.
weakness here could affect the same.
{ Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about work or HEALTH and well being of the person ?
so also Jupiter the jeeva karaka is there with rahu or dragon’s head with Saturn or shani dev.
so means vata or gases domination is there with the person.

Bhrigu Nadi Astrology and Health
Bhrigu nadi is a unique systems to study health of an individual.
The influences of malefic like rahu and ketu or dragon’s head and tail or Saturn or mars on the jeeva karaka mars or mangal is studied deeply to get the health over view of any person.
so also any benefic compensatory influence on Jupiter the Jeeva karaka is looked into to balance the negative influences.
Health Indicators in Bhrigu Nadi Astrology
The health indications are by the lagna of nadi that is Jupiter or Guru.
one looks at the health or strength of lagna.
so also the 6th house from Jupiter that governs bad health and problems is looked into.
malefic or negative influences could mean bad health so also good or benefic influences means healing could happen soon.
The 8th house from Jupiter controls longevity or life span and so also chronic issues or sudden issues.
so also issues or afflictions could mean sudden and severe life threatening problems.
Moon control the mind of the child.
afflictions cause issues in mind and emotional issues.
Saturn in the natal chart suggests chronic ailments especially of advanced age.
Saturn deals with karma , so karmic health is indicated here.
Timing of Health Events
The health is controlled by sensitive points of the 1st, 6th or 8th or 12th house especially from Jupiter.
they could trigger health concerned.
so if planets like Saturn rahu or ketu or mars transit these points bad health can be there.
so also if transit of Jupiter happens at these points there could also be healing there.

Healing and Remedies
to solve the planetary problems various methods like mantras or even mediation donations can be done.
like for ketu it could be ganesh japam or for rahu it could be shiva japam.
again donation for ketu could be to temples etc.
so also Yoga and stress management could help.
so also a strong venus or Jupiter may suggest gain through Yoga or exercise and also mediation.
so also mars could suggest gains by gymnasium or physical activities.
so again mars deals with fire so havans could also help in that case.
so once we are able to tap the core energy you are able to solve or address the issue.
so also looking into deeper karmic patterns in bhrigu astrology can help to understand deeper health problems as most of the problems have a karmic origin.

Study of health of a Top physics person with above health issues using nadi astrology
what were the health problems the world top physicist suffered from ?
The great scientist and the most renowned physicist of the 20th century and this one as well.
had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS.
this is also called the Lou Gehrig’s disease.
This is a nerves degeneration disorder which affects the motor skills neuron and also the spine.
he was earlier suggested a short life.
but he was able to outlive by his will power.
with the progression of the nerve disorder, he lost all voluntary control of the muscle.
so got immobilized on the wheel chair.
but he still retained his mind and intellect.
he contributed to cosmology & theoretical physics.
he is a great source of inspiration to people.

roles of Saturn or shani dev for nerves
Saturn or shani dev as we know is the karaka for nerves , it in his horoscope is very weak in the 7th house.
this makes him prone to nerve related disorders as he had faced.
The nerves to do with muscles were fully damaged , so he was not able to move his body at all! as the entire control of nerves is needed to manage the muscles.
these are called the motor nerves.
but no matter how strong your muscles are if nerves are weak or not functioning nothing comes out of the same.
same had happened to these scientists, his whole body as immobilized.

Role of mars or mangal for this person for muscles
The mars the many planet or muscles planet is strong in Aries sign.
but it’s getting energy form very weak Saturn or shani dev.
that is a debilitated Saturn.
so also it is with the high level energy Saturn , so mars or muscles of the person are in an agitated form.
so one could expect muscle related or neuro muscular problems for this guy.
There is a 9th aspect of malefic rahu on the planet mars.
so delays or issues in functioning of muscles are clearly indicated for this person in terms of muscle healing.

roles of Jupiter or guru for this person the body karaka
Jupiter the self or the body is very weak in Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi.
so again it has a debilitated Saturn behind it, so suggesting chronic ailments possible.
that also to do with nerves.
so nerve problems or bones is confirmed from this placement of Saturn behind Jupiter.
so also mars which is aggressive is very strong with Jupiter.
so this mars gives him energy and strength to manage things in life and do so well in life or physics despite having so many problems in life due to health.
the triangular or trikona energy exchange of venus and mercury is also there on Jupiter or guru.
so giving high level of creativity and intelligence and knowledge of mathematics to this scientist.