About this Article?
This article goes to the basics of Vedic astrology of Longevity(Life span) and how longevity or lifespan is calculated in the Horoscope .To help a PRACTICAL example of Longevity for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji is also taken
As the saying Goes by PRACTICAL applications you learn about any concept much better.
In regard to Longevity or Lifespan for any Horoscope, the core parameters like strength of lagan or ascendant and eighth house or longevity Karaka so analyzed in the Horoscope(Kundli).so is the Presence of benefics analyzed in the Horoscope or Kundli .
also the malefic in the Kendra bhava(1,4,7,10) and also Trikona bhava or house (1,5,9) in any Horoscope or Kundli is taken into account for any Horoscope based on Vedic astrology Principles.
Also the Overall energy exchange for longevity or life span is analyzed for any Horoscope or Kundli- strictly based on Vedic astrology principles.
The Objective Pindayu method to look at longevity or life span objectively is also looked at.

What is the basic of calculation for Longevity or Lifespan using Vedic astrology Principles for Any horoscope or Kundli ?
That is the first house lord and eighth house lord and placement of planets in the horoscope.
It looks at the core overall energy exchange in the Kendra or core backbone houses like 1,4,7,10 and also the trikona bhava or houses like 1,5,9.
Then is the objective method for Pindayu also used.
so over all this helps to get a good understanding of longevity or lifespan of the person.

PRACTICAL example and concepts explained applying for longevity for Atal Bihari Vajpayee horoscope?
In the kundli or horoscope of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji’s lagan or ascendant is Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi.
and the lord mars or mangal is in the trikona house of fifth bhava of children and fun-loving nature. π .
which we now sri atal Bihari ji has and also poetic nature :).
For the kundli or horoscope of this is a good placement as it is a trikona house and also on Pisces or Jupiter(guru) ruled(Meena rashi).
As its dispositor, with a strong Jupiter there giving great strength to the personality and longevity of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji .
For the kundli or horoscope of The eighth house lord or longevity lord is combust in second bhava or house for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji .
This is not a good augury as second bhava is the markesh (killer)bhava or house.
Also given the kundli or horoscope Jupiter (guru) is a grace giver so helps mercury or the longevity lord for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji .
So there is a good balancing happening here for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji , helping his longevity or life span.
In the kundli or horoscope ,Saturn or Shani the ayushkaraka is just OK in the twelfth bhava or house of discusses and confinements and hospitalization(like in the AIIMS now) sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji.
As Saturn or Shani dev main and sub period runs and also Saturn(Shani) and Jupiter(guru) both are retrograde now.
so they work against longevity or life span of atal Bihari Vajpayee ji
In the kundli or horoscope ,as moon or Chandra is in the lagan so for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji the lagna and yes moon lagna or ascendant are the same, so helps longevity or life span.
So over all due to lagna and yes the eighth house lord strength and Jupiter benefic nature.
Atal behari Vajpayee ji’s longevity or life span is in dirghayu category and is at least 90-95 years of age or more.

what is the longevity or lifespan of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji based on his Navamsha or D9 chart or horoscope?
In the kundli or horoscope of Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji, Mars or Mangal the lagan lord is just OK in Kendra bhava in the tenth house of career or action, so supports longevity or life span.
In the kundli or horoscope ,Mercury or budha the longevity lord is in the eighth house of the horoscope- so helps in longevity or life span of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji.
Yes the lord of longevity sun ( surya dev) is in the seventh bhava in Kendra bhava but is markesh from sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji .
This does not help longevity or Life span for him
In the kundli or horoscope of atal Bihari Vajpayee ji, sun or surya is afflicted by ketu(dragon’s tail) energies but is ok on the cancer sign or karkat rashi.
The Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi has Jupiter(Guru) in it.
so the blessings of guru or Jupiter is also there again for his longevity or life span in the d9 chart or the navamsha or d9 chart for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji
In the kundli or horoscope of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, overall as lagan or ascendant is Saturn or Shani of the d9 bhava is ayushkaraka and is in the Pisces sign in the third bhava or house in the d9 chart for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji .
Also note as Pisces or guru) ruled (Meena rashi is the dispositor- Jupiter here again blesses him with the grace of good age and longevity!
so based on his d9 chart for sri atal Bihari Vajpayee ji, again his longevity or life span should be beyond 85 years of age.

what is the longevity of Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji based on Pindayu harana?
sun longevity arc value is = 241.2022 in degrees. contribution due to sun to longevity is = 12.730116111111 in years.
Moon longevity arc value is = 202.7816 in degrees. contribution due to Moon to longevity is = 14.082055555556 in years.
mars longevity arc value is = 316.4023 in degrees. contribution due to Mars to longevity is = 13.183429166667 in years.
Mercury longevity arc value is = 268.2545 in degrees. contribution due to Mercury to longevity is = 8.9418166666667 in years.
Jupiter longevity arc value is = 205.3589 in degrees. contribution due to Jupiter to longevity is = 8.5566208333333 in years.
Venus longevity arc value is = 225.203 in degrees. contribution due to Venus to longevity is = 13.136841666667 in years.
Saturn longevity arc value is = 359.7687 in degrees. contribution due to Saturn to longevity is = 19.98715 in years.
contribution due to ALL planets to longevity is = 61803 in years. Overall Effective Longevity after deductions from a)Chakrapathiharana b) swakshetriharana c)ashtanga harana d) krurodaya harna PLUS addition due to lagna == 90.61
so at least 90 plus years are promised for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji, rest comes from prayers/Yoga and yes modern medicines and may be Ayurveda.

summary of longevity & lifespan predictions for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji- planetary periods when he needs to take care of his health and vitality?
In the kundli or horoscope ,Saturn or Shani dev is the lord of third and fourth bhava or house for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji.
also Saturn or Shani is in the house of confinement or the twelfth house of diseases.
we know he was in AIIMS as well .
As Saturn is retrograde and also is Jupiter or the guru dev the great blesses or is a harmonizer to him is retrograde till July ending 2018.
so this June period may be a bit hard for longevity to lifespan of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji till 21st June 2018
Mars or Mangal is strong- but is in the third bhava of tertiary markesh for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji and aspects his Saturn or Shani dev.
so causing in third house problems of lungs or may be upper lungs as there is fair deal of heat there or pitta there. Also 3rd bhava is secondary markesh or impacting longevity or life span.
also Saturn or Shani dev is in the markesh sthana for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji and also is retrograde or reversed in energy.
so one needs to be careful- as this could impact longevity and life span.
But yes with prayers and by July 2018 matters could improve.

But again as Saturn or Shani dev the markesh is retrograde in august and till September and also its period of Leo/simha rashi so bad for Saturn people’s longevity- that means august ending and yes September could be hard for him
The above prediction unfortunately came true and he sri atal behari ji left for the heavenly abode on 16 august 2018 when the sun the lord of 8th bhava gets into 8th bhava
By June 2018 ending matters should start improving for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji as sun transits to cancer or karkat rashi as per western astrology and also even better after 15 July when Jupiter gets direct for sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji.
we wish sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji a long and happy π life as we all love him π

Longevity or lifespan is very simple thing. It suggest simply how long a person lived in years or months and days on mother earth.
From the eastern perspective longevity or lifespan is dependent on various parameters in any Horoscope.
It was in news that sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji has been admitted to AIIMS or All India institute of medical sciences in Delhi.
It was for his lower respiratory issues and also kidney problem, which had risk to his longevity and lifespan.
It is said that he had developed fever as well following it.
In this article below the longevity or lifespan of sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji has been discussed based one large framework of lagan/ascendant .
Also the eighth house lord / the Saturn or Shani dev that is the ayushkaraka and also the pindayu objective calculations methods.
Yes prayer can change anything.
As per Vedas thoughts create the entire worked and positive thoughts can change anything for you.
and we wish sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji to live long and 120 years of happy life.