About this article?
This article in depth talks about what is Argala concept in Vedic astrology and later as a real life example applies it to kundli of India
How could argala casue loss or gains is also discussed 🙂
Plus how the argala concept could be well utilized to predict future based on various houses that get impacted in the process of Argala formation.
It also looks at impact of Argala on the Horoscope of INDIA in detail covering economy and governance in detail.

what is Argala , also the benefits & planetary obstructions for Argala to manifest in any Kundli or Horoscope ?

What is Argala in any Kundli or Horoscope?
We know cosmic energy is stored in planets and also signs or rashis and hence the energy exchange in any horoscope happens due to both of them.
So like for example planet Saturn or Shani dev, it has aspect of 3rd,7th , 8th and also 10th bhava or house in any Horoscope.
so does the signs ruled by Saturn that is Aquarius Kumbha and Capricorn or makar rashi does have the same effects on signs 3rd,7th ,8th, or 10th from the same.
so that means Aquarius aspects the 3rd sign from it, that is Aries or mesha rashi. so Aries or mesha rashi gets energy from the Saturn or Aquarius sign.
so means Aries Rashi people would have Saturn like qualities as well due to Saturn energies due to the Argala concept.
SUMMARY of Argala
In any kundli or Horoscope, there is energy exchange by aspects between planets and planets, planets and sign or zodiac.
zodiac sign and planets and zodiac sign and zodiac sign or the houses the zodiac sign owns.
Argala is essentially the effect of these aspects of planets on various houses.
signs or planets

How is the Argala formed in any Kundli or Horoscope?
A particular bhava or house if it has planets in it.
It is said to be argala, if the planet is 2nd, 4th,5th, or 11th from the same.
Now the shadowy planet ketu(dragon’s Tail) is not considered for the argala concept in any Horoscope or Kundli.

what makes Argala auspicious in any kundli or Horoscope ?
so by natural common sense an auspicious argala is formed if auspicious planets like moon(Chandra),Venus(shukra),Jupiter(guru) or say strong mercury(budha) are there in the 2nd,4th,5th, or 11th bhava from the same.
similar logic holds for inauspicious argala like if Saturn(Shani), mars(mangal), sun(surya), Rahu(dragon’s head) and dragon’s tail are in these houses.
SUMMARY of Negative or Positive or In auspicuous or auspicious Argala
so the argala for any house is formed if natural benefics like Jupiter, mercury, moon, Venus are in the second house or bhav from the house, fourth, fifth or eleventh house.
so if malefics like Saturn, mars or Rahu(dragon’s head) or Ketu(dragon’s tail) are there could be issues to the house or bhava.
To have balance and positive energies in life the positive energies should be more in the core houses.

What makes Argala not so effective in any Horoscope or Kundli?
The argala energies gets blocked due to presence of planets in in between houses.
Like if there re planet in the 10th, 12th, 3rd, or 9th bhava for a house, then the argala energy is not shared.
so in that case argala in 2,4,11,9 becomes in-effective.
also kindly note that any Argala in the second house of horoscope, or third house and also ninth house get ineffective .
if there are planet in 12/11 and 5th bhava.

What are the effects of Argala on Life in any Kundli or Horoscope?
Any argala gives great results in the dasha of the sign in which the argala is getting formed.
Like if it is lagna or ascendant- then great gains and status and comfort is blessed to the person.
If it is the 5th bhava or hose or it gives great results for children and investments etc.
Summary of Argala
The good or bad effects of argala would come in the proper planetary periods or dasha.
bad or not so auspicious argala would not give great results.
If the ascendant or lagan is blessed one gets good luck and money by this argala.
one could get good car or vehicle if argala to 4th or fourth house is there

Argala or planetary obstructions and Impacts:

Impact of placement of various planets in various houses.
In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart), Grahas or planets in the fourth, second and the eleventh house or bhavas cause Argalas.
while obstructed of the Argala will be those in the tenth, twelfth and third from a Bhava, or a Graha or a planet.
In the event that In any kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) Argala creating Graha or planet is more grounded or benefic than the hindering one, the previous will win.
On the other hand In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart), if the quantity of Argalas are more than the negative Grahas, then additionally the Argala will win as with more energy.
if in case there are, at least 3 malefic in the third house or bhava they will bring about Vipreet Argala (more viable intercession), which will likewise be great and be extremely ideal.
In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) ,The fifth house is additionally an Argala place, while the Graha or planet in the in the ninth will check or balance such Argala.
As Rahu(dragon’s head) and Ketu(dragon’s tail) have retrograde movements, the Argalas and blocks by these two shadowy planets have to be additionally included .
In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) Argalas ought to be checked from a rashi or sun sign , or a Grah(planet), by and large.
The Argala, which is un-hindered will be productive, while the one appropriately hindered will reduce in its effects.
The Argala impacts will be there in the Dasha of the rashi or sun sign, or Graha or planet concerned.
“Argala” in Sanskrit is allegorically used to mean an obstacle, or deterrent.
Sometimes that the Argala or obstacle points are countable from the Argala .
But rather than from the first place, or Grah. This is not intelligent and a look into Gochar Vedha (deterrents amid transits) will confirm our findings.
In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) The Argala, brought on by position of a Graha or planet in the first fourth part of the rashi or sun sign( 0 to 7.5 degrees), is countered by.
Say another graha , put in the fourth quarter of the specific obstructive rashi or sun sign.
Also the second quarter’s Argala is disposed or reduced off by the third quarter situation of another Graha there.
Notes. On the off chance that the Argala bringing about Grah and also the hindering Grah are in the particular quarters of the sign, the check or balancing will happen. But Generally not.

The effects of Argala or blockages to energy of planets:

In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) ,if there be Argala for the Arudh Pad, for the Natal Lagna(ascendant) and the seventh from both, the person will be well known(popular) and be lucky.
As this shares benefic energy for the person.

In the kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) ,A malefic(Saturn, mars, rahu(dragons head),ketu or Shani, Mangal), or a benefic planet(, creating unhindered Argala, giving a Drishti or aspect to Lagna(ascendant) will make a person well known.

In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) Essentially a malefic, or a benefic, creating un-hampered Argala, giving a Drishti or aspect to Dhan Bhava(second house of wealth and prosperity) .

signifies procurement of riches and grains, to Sahaj Bhava( third house of business and initiatives) bliss from co-conceived, to Bandhu Bhava(fourth house of family,mother,home) living arrangements, quadrupeds, and relatives,

In any kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) if un-hampered Argala be there- effect for all 7 houses
In any kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) if un-hampered argala to Putra Bhava(fifth house of children house or lottery or thinking) children is there.
then one could have great children and insights.
if it is to Ari Bhava(sixth house of enmity, health, and diseases) fear from adversaries.
If to Yuvati Bhava 9seventh of love and marriage , sex, and love)plentiful riches and conjugal joy.
if it to Randhr Bhava( the right house of inheritance, unexpected happenings) challenges would be there in life.
If it is to Dharma Bhava(ninth house of luck and fortune) fortunes would eb there.
If it is to Karma Bhava(tenth house of career and action) illustrious respect would be there.
if is to Labh Bhava( eleventh house of gains or salary) gains would be there.
and if it is to Vyaya Bhava( twelfth house of expenditure and outflows) costs.
The Argala by benefics will give different sorts of bliss, while benefic impacts will intrude with malefic Argalas. Argala by both benefics and malefic will yield comes about.

1. In any kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) Argala can be brought upon by a benefic, which is known, as Subh Argala.
This Argala can be from a malefic likewise, so that the benefic, creating Argala, slows down the malefic part. On the off chance that the benefic’s Argala is hindered by another, then the benefic will get to be inadequate in Argala and the initially specified malefic will work uninhibitedly.
Argala can be by a malefic with reference to a benefic, so that the person hates great impacts, due to the benefic. This is Pap (malefic) Argala. On the off chance that the Argala is wiped out by a benefic, or a malefic, then the initially said benefic will be at freedom to act, as per his own initiative.
If In your kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) there is (unhampered) Argala for Lagna or ascendant, Putra( fifth house) and Dharma Bhava(ninth house), the local will surely turn into a lord and lucky.

India kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) ,10th house ruler ship –country governance, Economic Growth & Stock Markets:
The lord of the 10th (tenth house) in kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) of India sits in cancer or karkat rashi.
and absorbs multiple influences from various planets like moon, Venus ,mercury, sun, or Chandra,shukra,budha,surya.
So it is clear that our democratic setup is ruled by various factors like moon rules initiatives and mind here.
so there is a huge role of masses ( 4th sign cancer or karkata rules masses) that affects the democratic setup and policy making in India.
Which is ideal for any democracy.
The role of youth and connection with the stock market is clearly indicated by mercury or budha the lord of 5th being in third house.
Sun or surya the lord of masses and home family is close to the tenth house –so it suggests family level integration of the masses for voting and better governance.
Saturn the lord of ninth of judiciary, education, dharma & religion and corruption connects here.
so this suggest why Indian democracy or stock market is so much ruled by religion and also festivals liker deepwali as they have close connections.
The ninth house karaka education has a role to play for the democracy of India which is clear from the chart.