About this article
This is a highly interesting article on Vedic nadi astrology to get details about children and child birth or number of children etc.
The article first discusses some basics on how to know about the child broth, obstacles or timings etc.
so also child health longevity or life span and future with high accuracy using nadi astrology.
Then in the next part it discusses various combinations to predict child future, number of children, child health and longevity.
so also child future .
so again in the end a practical example of known Indian celebrity and the children is taken to explains the efficacy of the nadi astrology to make above predictions!

How does bhrigu Nandi astrology do predictions for various aspects of children, Like child birth, karma, obstacles for children future, spirituality and children & remedies?
bhrigu Nandi nadi connects deeply to various material aspects of how horoscope could be used or predict on how to conceive children.
or say predict number of children, obstacles in conceiving children, challenges for parenthood and remedies on how to handle the same.
Bhrigu nadi astrology is a part of Vedic astrology and created by sage bhrigu.
where predictions for childbirth and progeny or even future of children are done.
1. Childbirth Predictions:
The predictions for childbirth are done when the natal Jupiter in transit is over the natal Jupiter in the horoscope.
so To predict the childbirth especially when the Jupiter which is the self connect to natal Jupiter in transit so childbirth could be expected.
2. Karmic Connections with Children:
Now to know the karmic connections with the child one needs to see what are the associations of planet Jupiter or guru in the horoscope with other planets or house or status or situation it is placed there.
say if Jupiter has connection with rahu or dragon’s head or Saturn or shani dev means tough karmic connections of past life reincarnation with the child .
3. Obstacles in Conceiving:
How to look at the basic factor for childbirth has associations with Rahu or Saturn or ketu.
Which clearly means that could be issues in the childbirth .
so also the planetary issues could be that resolved by prayer to Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu or going to pilgrimages .
so also doing propitiatory practices like meditation and Yoga, all depending on the situation to alleviate the problems
4. Child’s Future and Characteristics:
Now based on Bhrigu astrology one needs to look at core projections for future for child health , education and overall luck and success of the child.
These matters could include child longevity as well, called balarishtha.
So again there are predictions for child personality and attitude and aptitude using astrology especially Jupiter energy
5.Spiritual Significance of Children:
Now bhrigu Nadi being a classical text written by a great Sage bhrigu looks at the children special growth , plus what kind of deity prayers(be it hanuman ji , lord shiva etc) could give maximum growth to the child.
so all this is calculated based on the horoscope like Jupiter the karaka for self say is with Mercury karaka of Intelligence and smartness.
then in that case maybe the prediction is that Lord Krishna could be the deity .
so also if some female planet like Venus is there then deity could be something like some Mata Gayatri or parvati ji etc.
6 Remedies for Child-Related Issues:
Child or bringing up a child birth both are concerns , so various homas and prayer methods are recommended.
so again prayer for Lord Shiva or Lord Ganesha could be a possibility.
once again charitable acts like donation of clothes or pencils books to needy children or people or some organizations could be suggested.
if say childbirth is a problem Mantra chanting is done to get blessings for childbirth like santan Gopal mantra could be chanted.

Predictions about number of children, grand children, gains from children, health and longevity and also about son or daughter using Bhrigu nadi astrology
{Libra = sun}
How to know number of children using nadi astrology?
as sun the lord of Leo and the 5th sign functions as the sign for children.
it is weak in Libra sign or Tula rashi, so less children and not of much status.
{Taurus = Ketu or dragon’s tail }->{Gemini = Mars or mangal } ->{cancer = Jupiter and sun}->{Leo = Venus + mercury + Saturn(shani)}.
How Nadi astrology could Suggest HIGH DIGNITY CHILDREN & GAINS from CHILDREN of any person based on kundli or Horoscope?
Children is by Jupiter and 5th sign Leo.
3 planets there, though Saturn and Venus weak, so 2 or 3 children.
due to Jupiter exalted in cancer sign just before it, great dignity and gains to children.
so also sun is with them with Jupiter in previous house, so government service possible for the children.
exalted Jupiter previous to Saturn suggests good help of kids or children to the person in old age.
so in the 5th round Jupiter is again on Jupiter so help is there from kids whose karaka is or signifactor is Jupiter or Guru.
{ Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about the CHILDREN & GRAND Children of the person ?
Jupiter is children with rahu suggest grand children would be there.
{ Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about SON & DAUGHERS any person ?
Now Leo the 5th sign is karaka for children.
the lord sun has Venus and mercury near it.
Kindly note that mercury is a dual planet OR Neuter so also Venus and is female planet.
so 2 x2 =4 children and also daughters could be there .
{Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict gains from KIDS or CHILDREN?
The karaka for children is Jupiter and it ahs mercury in not so much strength there.
so also ketu is next to Jupiter.
so not much gains from kids is there for the person.
{Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}–>{Sagittarius = Jupiter+ Mercury }–>{Capricorn= ketu or dragon’s tail}
based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about CHILDREN ?
two of his sons will earn plenty
of money.
as Jupiter is very strong in own sign with mercury the planet of commerce.
so first thing he would have two sons at least and mercury dual planet there and deals with money so planet of money would be there.
He may wear the Sanyasi clothes as Jupiter is very strong in Sagittarius sign and so also ketu is in the next sign.
{Libra = Saturn or shani dev} ——>{Sagittarius = Jupiter }–>{Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}
How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about CHILDREN of the person ?
children are judged by the 5th house or sun or surya situation.
it has the dial sign Gemini or Mithuna and also in Pisces sign, so two children possible for the same.
{Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about CHILDREN or especially the sun rise and fall, health and longevity from person’s Horoscope ?
Ketu or dragon’s tail and the debilitated Jupiter is there.
Venus is afflicted with ketu and also with Jupiter in debility so is weak.
Saturn or shani dev is in enemy sign of Scorpio.
so Both Saturn and Venus are weak So also is the Moon is just next to the Sun’s
conjunction in the Aquarius signs and comes to Pisces sign.
The person could have 3 boys as 3 male planets but weak (Sun, Jupiter and Mars), but due to weakness they may
not be long lived.
as Venus afflicted so daughters will not survive.
Jupiter or Guru or karaka or signifactor of son comes with rahu cancer in 54-55 years.
so the son could get good position and value.
By 56-57 Jupiter over natal Saturn or shani dev.
so he may
retire between 56-57.
due to weak Saturn and ketu with Jupiter he could suffer from piles and wind troubles.
By his 60th year as Jupiter over natal Jupiter the kids could be settled in life .
so also due to high Jupiter energy and ketu or dragon’s tail there he will visit holy places and go round on pilgrimage.
{Scorpio = Saturn }–>{Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter + Venus + ketu}–>{Aquarius = Sun +Mer}–>
Based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology , how to get information about gains from CHILDREN person’s Horoscope ?
By 63 year Saturn or shani dev comes over natal Venus so not great for the wife or life partner.
He will come into possession of a house or property due to his son at the age of 64.

A practical example of children of a well known political figure
Now looking at a practical example the Bhrigu Nandi Nadi for one renowned politician .
as one can see , as Jupiter the karaka for son or children is in the 11th house in Taurus sign or say vrishabha rashi.
and it is along with ketu one sign ahead in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi.
High dignity and flying Yoga but accident Yoga for children based on bhrigu Nandi nadi
so this lady had two children and both of them died due to accidents.
one can see the malefic influence of planet ketu or dragon’s tail on longevity of the kids.
one of the child or son died in a plane crash and other died by terrorist killings.
so which is clearly indicated by Ketu or dragon’s tail being just besides Jupiter in the sign of Gemini.
so also one of the son was Prime Minister of a big country and other one also was very well known.
astrologically or based on bhrigu Nandi nadi one can clearly see the 7th aspect of sun or surya dev on Jupiter or Guru which suggests the kids could be holding good positions and also be well known.
so also mercury or budha the planet for flying as ruled by air or vata element is there.
so again this mercury or budha aspects Jupiter for children.
so one can see that one son was a was a commercial pilot while the other son died while flying!
So one can clearly see the influence of mercury and sun on Jupiter gave the son’s high dignity and mercury gave the air element or flying.
So also ketu or dragon’s head gave accidents or killings sadly! So one can very clearly see the effect of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi on the Destiny of children here! so again looking at the d9 or the navamsha chart.
Jupiter or guru in Taurus or vrishbha has Rahu or dragon’s head next in cancer sign.
High luxary and comfort to children by bhrigu Nandi nadi
so again suggest that both children prone to accidents.
venus or Taurus or vrishabha rashi the dispositer for Jupiter is in the Libra sign.
so what it means that children would have high luxury which is true for both the children and mercury gives them good Intelligence .
Plus maybe they had a career in flying which is true .
one person was a pilot and might have had technical education as well.
Education for children using bhrigu Nandi nadi
Looking at the 4th house and the second house in d1 chart we have mars and ketu.
hinting towards technical education.
or say actual hands on education .
that is to the elder son was engineer and had technical education for flying and the other son had regular education.
spiritual growth of the children
Spiritual quotient is high due to ketu nearby, but because of Jupiter in Taurus sign or enemy sign , so it gets diminished.
Bad company to the child bhrigu Nandi nadi
Now again we look at the chart here Jupiter or guru is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha rashi now we look at the Venus which rules the Taurus Sign .
in d1 chart venus the lord is in 6th house with Rahu .
so very clearly either the child gets into bad company .
which one of the child was because Venus is sitting in the sign of Dharma Sagittarius.
so this is a kind of guru chandaal Yoga.
proneness to accidents child bhrigu Nandi nadi
so also rahu or dragon’s head also with venus the dispositer of Jupiter or Guru could means sudden accidents to the children both of the children .
so also we have planet Uranus has the next planet to Venus.
in the d9 or navamsha chart Venus or shukra is in the Libra sign or Tula rashi in the 8th house.
so indication of luxuries to the child or son one.
one son was deep into luxuries and pleasures of life.
so clearly one son was deep into luxuries of women and wine vices.