About this article?
This article and depth discusses, how based on Bhrigu nadi astrology one could predict about relevant traits or talents of any person .
It looks at how to say about ability to think deeply, creativity or one having a jumpy mind set (lack of focus) etc;) .
What combinations in nadi could give comfort and luxury in Job or what planetary combinations could give mastery in archery : ) or study of Vedas etc.
what combinations could one take management or financial or teaching or administrative position etc.
At the end of the article one has a PRACTICAL EXAMPLE of sri RAHUL Gandhi ji based on nadi astrology.
How to get Career or Job related Talents, skills and capabilities based on Bhrigu nadi?
Saturn defines karma and Saturn defines career or job as well.
The sign in which Saturn or shani dev is in the horoscope or Kundli.
and the planets in the sign or around or sharing similar energies define the kind of career or karma one could have. .
so for example if Saturn is with MOON the fluid planet, so it could mean one working with women or a travelling salesman type job 🙂 .

How do you get to know the career related information based on BHRIGU NADI astrology(PRACTICAL EXAMPLES)?
What planetary combinations suggest great deep thinking, quickness in thought in connection to career or Job in nadi astrology ?
{Gemini (3rd house and sign) => sun + Saturn}->{Cancer=4th house ==>Mercury}–>{ LEO=> Mars Venus + ketu} .
Now as mercury or budha rules the power of analysis and has influence of sun and Saturn.
that is sun the planet of originality and Saturn the planet of Philosophy and discipline.
so is the 4th house having a lot of mercury influence or mind is having a lot of mercury influence.
That means sun and Saturn influence would also be there.
so also as adjacent to mercury the mind of the person we have creative and artistic Venus and planet of emotions and action Mars or mangal, plus planet of taking anything to excellence that is Ketu or dragon’s Tail.
so one is bound to think deeply about emotions.
,art beauty , has originality( sun) and discipline to implement the same(Saturn).
so the person could take up
art and Painting as such.

How is originality and quickness reflected in profession or career in nadi astrology ?
so also profession is by Saturn, with Gemini influence and sun there.
so one could be very original.
Plus mercury gives him quickness in doing things, and so does adjacent Venus and mars give the beauty and emotions as well in the career path.

How to find the core Planet influence on the career or Job in Bhrigu nadi astrology?
So as MIND and PROFESSION both are in influence of venus,mars,sun and mercury- so one is more prone to take up arts or painting as career.
Now looking at the above situation with Jupiter the jeeva karaka, mercury is 7th from it and Venus the 8th.
so it could give happiness due to two sources.

what planetary combinations in Horoscope suggest connection to Vedas or medical and fighting arts?
Vedas knowledge deal with intellect or mercury and do is there energies of Venus and mars in the same.
medicine and fighting arts.
so a mercury combination with energies of Venus and Mars , plus 8th bhava from Jupiter having Venus and 8th house is of secret sciences.
suggest that the person would have a great intellect and read Vedic lore.
as mercury the lord of 3rd is in 4th bhava, so good image is there and one could establish oneself in big place.
The 6th cycle of Jupiter would be greatest for the person.
from the age of 72 to 84.

How to find the Kind of Job or career one is having Talents like in Bhrigu nadi astrology?
{GEMINI = Saturn}{LEO= ketu or Dragon;s tail} >{SAGITTARIUS = Mars(7th house form Gemini}.
if say mars or mangal is 7th bhava from Saturn the karma karaka, so suggest actions to do with metals.
so also if we progress Saturn and we have ketu or dragon’s tail in leo sign or simha rashi.
mars are a malefic and kill the Saturn or karma energy plus it is agitated as well.
so over all suggest a low paid job the person would have.
Plus ketu or dragon’s tail in leo suggests exaltation to the above situation.
so one could work in the king’s court.

How to find the Time for great energy, passion and luxuries in job or career ?
{AQUARIUS = all planets with Jupiter = Mars +Jupiter+ Venus +Mercury +Dragon’s head}–>{ next sign= PISCES ==> SUN}.
in the 3rd round Jupiter reaches its natal position and gains good energy in 36th year, due to mars and benefics like Venus and mercury.
so gives gains, luxuries, fun , passion and energy.
so does the good energy being there is in 35th years as only one sign prior Capricorn.
so also is next sign that is next sign to PISCES or 38th year of age give great results.

How to find the Time for great comfort and luxuries in job or career ?
{CAPRICORN Jupiter is in}—> { SCORPIO sign has Mercury + Sun + Venus}.
so in second cycle at the time of Youth Jupiter touches Sun the planet for job and dignity.
so he starts life, so is mercury there or budha, so again money flows happens.
Venus also nearby gives good enough home luxuries.

How to find the Time for fair comfort and luxuries in job or career ?
{SAGITTARIUS = MARS} –>{CAPRICORN ==>Jupiter is in it}–>{AQUARIUS = RAHU or dragon’s head}
so in 3rd cycle the number of Jupiter, Jupiter touches Jupiter- so great life is there un 3×12 = 36th year.
so also the effects continue when Jupiter gets into Aquarius or Kumbha with RAHU or dragon’s head.

How to find best periods in career based on nadi astrology?
In 36th year Jupiter in 3rd round reaches natal Jupiter and gives great gains to the person.
though in 37th year Jupiter is on rahu or dragon’s head, but the good effects of previous year or 36th year still remain.
How to know one could get into a low paying job based on Bhrigu nadi astrology?
{ Gemini = Saturn} —> {Leo= ketu or dragon’s tail} –>{Sagittarius = Mars or Mangal}
Now saturn(shani dev) decides the career type and other descriptions.
a)say from 7th house from saturn(shani dev) or shani dev, one has mars and aggressive planet.
b)Plus say the next planet to saturn(shani dev) or shani dev is Ketu or dragon’s tail, so what does it mean.
as 7th house is of comforts and connections and mars in the 7th house create issues in the same.
so also the next energy to Saturn(shani) is ketu(dragon’s tail) in leo(simha).
now leo(simha) is royal and ketu goes against it and makes it less royal.
so one could be on a low paid job due to ketu or dragon’s tail being next to saturn or shani dev and 7th from the planet saturn or shani dev.
How to know good time periods of fun and money in life ?
{ Sagittarius = Mars} –>{Capricorn = Jupiter}–>{Aquarius = dragon’s head or rahu}–>{Pisces= No Planet}–> { Aries = no planets}
Jupiter or Guru comes on dhanu rashi or Sagittarius sign for the person.
making his life start the.
Jupiter would again be in the Sagittarius in 34th year and in 35 it would be on the natal Jupiter or Guru.
so fun is there.
then it is on dragon’s head or rahu in 36th years, so again being adjacent sign to Jupiter, gains energy.
so also in 37th years gets into Pisces sign or meena rashi so good fun is there.
Then in the 38th year it is in the aries sign or mesha rashi, the friendly sign so gains in money and success is there.
How to predict Job or Career of a boy born based on nadi astrology?
{ AQUARIUS Sign = JUP+ VENUS+ MARS + SUN} —–>{TAURUS sign = SATURN}——->{LEO = ketu or dragon’s tail}
sun or surya give children has to cross over Saturn or shani dev, then Moon and Ketu and reach the
next house-;-so sun has tough energies of saturn, ketu and also moon is there.
so The boy born will be an ordinary one with average means of livelihood.
Predicting the kind of work or JOB for the child or boy above based on nadi astrology ?
{ AQUARIUS Sign = JUP+ VENUS+ MARS + SUN} —–>{TAURUS sign = SATURN}—{GEMINI = MOON}—->{LEO = ketu or dragon’s tail}
Now Saturn or shan dev crosses Moon n Gemini and then Leo(rules by royal sign ) and ketu in it.
so some technical work but not of high order.
{ Gemini = Saturn and Mars} –>{ Cancer = Ketu}–>{ Leo= sun + Mercury}
How could ones Job or profession be guessed based on nadi astrology?
So if we look at the profession, that is ruled by Saturn.
Now Saturn is on the Gemini sign ruled by mercury or budha.
So as mercury deals with intellect,communication or mathematics- so the person could be working in some of the above areas.
So also Ketu or dragon’s tail the next, could cause obstructions in Job, plus also suggest that the person could also be working for a research organization.
As mercury gets stronger and is in Leo sign , so being dispositer of Saturn or shani dev.
it could be accounts departments is a higher chance.
{ Gemini = Saturn and Mars} –>{ Cancer = Ketu}–>{ Leo= sun + Mercury}
How could ones Job or profession be guessed based on nadi astrology?
now for Saturn the dispositer is Gemini or Mithuna rashi or mercury.
this mercury’s is in Leo sign with a strong sun there and so also mercury or budha is there.
so it means the JOB could be a big one due to sun or high dignity.
as mercury the dispositer of Saturn the ( karma karaka } is there.
so despite the obstructions by ketu or dragon’s tail the person would rise high in life.
{ Gemini = Saturn and Mars} –>{ Cancer = Ketu}–>{ Leo= sun + Mercury}
How family life and over all life be guessed based on nadi astrology?
Venus the karaka for family is in Leo sign or simha rashi but is in debility there.
so the person works for a high family but may work as a subordinate.
{ Pisces sign = Jupiter} ———–>{ Gemini = Saturn and Mars} –>{ Cancer = Ketu}–>{ Leo= sun + Mercury}–{Virgo sign}
How could one suggestion Religious or dharma work or Job and Good days at some age nadi astrology?
IN 3rd cycle of Saturn when Saturn or shani dev in transit is in the 6th sign Virgo.
Saturn would have passed mars Saturn, ketu or dragon’s tail and then sun and mercury and Venus and then in 6th sign Virgo.
also aspect of Jupiter the planet of divinity in Pisces sends 7th aspect energy to the same.
this means Saturn( karma) connects to Jupiter or dharma = so religious functions one could be doing at 66 years of age.
Good days would be there up to 74 or 75th years of age .
{ Pisces sign = Jupiter} ———–>{ Gemini = Saturn and Mars} –>{ Cancer = Ketu}–>{ Leo= sun + Mercury}–{Virgo sign}
How could the number of children and status of children be geussed from nadi astrology ?
Leo or simha rashi has 3 planets mercury , Venus and sun and Leo or simha rashi is 5th bhava, so mean children.
so one could have 3 children.
as 3 kinds of planets connect to 5th sign = Leo.
as sun is very strong in Leo, and mercury just OK and Venus weak.
so 22 kids would lead ordinary life.
{Virgo= Mercury}
How could one know success in computers , accounts or mathematics based on nadi astrology ?
If say mercury is in own sign in Virgo or kanya rashi.
so naturally mercury energy is strong so the person could be intellectual types.
so also mercury gives good success in computers and accounts
so the person would do well in the same.
{aries = Jupiter} ———->{cancer = Saturn and ketu or dragon’s Tail} –>{Leo}
How to know the status in job for a person using nadi astrology ?
as Saturn the karma karaka or Job karaka for the person is next to Leo or simha, so he also would have a good job as such.
as next sign or Saturn or shani position is Leo or simha.
Jupiter aspects the 2nd bhava from Saturn or job and that is the Leo sign is aspected.
so means good money and status is earned by the person .
so also with less effort.
{pisces} –>{aries = Jupiter} ———->{cancer = Saturn and ketu or dragon’s Tail} –>{Leo}
how to know what kind of Job one could be doing at the end of the life based on nadi astrology ?
so also in any case regular Saturn transit on Jupiter in aries, suggest that a strong Jupiter energy is shared with Saturn.
so one could go to exalted positions due to the same.
so also as Jupiter or guru is the jeeva karaka, and is on aries or mesha rashi.
The previous sign is Pisces(meena), that stands for sea side.
so Jupiter or self at the end of life is in aries or action or karma to do with religion or dharma.
so at the end of life one may be on the sea side and do some dharma related activities.
happy life in near religious place.
{pisces} –>{aries = Jupiter} ———->{cancer = Saturn and ketu or dragon’s Tail} –>{Leo}
How do the transits define the Happy years for the person especially from 67- 73rd year using nadi astrology ?
as Jupiter takes 12 years to transit, so 6 times is 72 years.
in the 73 year Jupiter is strong in aries sign.
previous sign pisces is also OK.
so is Aquarius OK.
but weak in Capricorn.
in the 70th year.
Sagittarius in 69th year , still good for the person and so is 68th year good for the
person :)/
{Aries= Mercury } –>{ Taurus= Jupiter } –> { Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s Tail}
How based on bhrigu nadi astrology one could know about EDUCATION or JOB or CAREER of a person?
so as we know Jupiter is the jeeva karaka, and as it is sandwiched between mercury the planet of education and intelligence, and followed by ketu or dragon’s tail the planet for spiritual liberation and dharma.
The person could take up spiritual or Vedic or dharma based studies.
{Aries= Mercury } –>{ Taurus= Jupiter } –> { Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s Tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or Shani RETOGRADE}–>{ Leo= mars}
How based on bhrigu nadi astrology one could know about JOB or CAREER of a person?
so as Saturn or shani dev is the karaka for Profession or career or job and is retrograde in nature.
so that means it is on Ketu in one sign before or Gemini sign.
so career or Job connects to Ketu or dragon’s tail as a karma he could occupy a fair position in some religious place.
as ketu means magnification of anything for a top job is promised.
Now if the Actual position of Saturn or shani dev is taken, in the cancer sign, in the next sign Leo we have Mars there.
The 2nd house symbolizes the wealth flows and status.
so Mars or Mangal there means earning by a lot of action and management.
it could also means lot of hard work.
as mars is 2nd to the karma karaka mars.
{Aries= Mercury or budha }–>{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru } –>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}
how could Nadi astrology help us know EDUCATION and CAREER connected to logic and spirituality?
As Jupiter is a Jeevakaraka it is in Taurus or vrishabha sign and behind it is Mercury or budha in Aries or Mesha rashi.
ahead of it is Ketu or dragon’s tail in the Gemini sign.
Now Jupiter is the core personality definition of any one and if it is sandwiched between, mercury the planet of intellect and studies and next is ketu the planet of dharma and religion and deeper analysis.
Then obviously one is good at logic, mathematics or science , plus also one could also get deep into dharma or religious studies.
{Aries= Mercury or budha }–>{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru } –>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or shani } –>{ Leo=mars or Mangal}
How could Nadi astrology help us know TRAVEL in JOB or CAREER ?
Now Saturn or shani is karaka for work or job.
so also rahu and ketu axis or dragon’s head and tail deal with the same .
so also 12th house deals with travels.
so as say Saturn is in Cancer sign or karkat rashi and ketu or dragon’s tail is behind it in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi.
so travels could be there in the Job of the person.
{Aries= Mercury or buddha }–>{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru } –>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or shani } –>{ Leo=mars or Mangal}
How could Nadi astrology help us know about ones interest or JOB as well chanting devi MANTRAS?
so also the process of earning is by the next sign to Saturn or shani dev that is Leo, and it has mars on it.
so the person could be sportive and earn through government as well.
so also mars in the second bhava from Saturn in Leo sign or simha rashi suggest that person could be tough in speech.
but as 7th aspect of Venus is there on the mars or mangal so sweet enough.
🙂 Venus and mars energy in the second bhava from Saturn or shani means one could be chanting devi mantras especially.
so also it has been confirmed that as Ketu or dragon’s tail is next to Jupiter the jeeva karaka, one would be religious as well.
so over all good at chanting mantras.
{ Aquarius = Venus} –>{ Pisces= sun}–>{ Aries= merc } –>{ Taurus = Jupiter or Guru}–>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or shani } –>{ Leo=mars or Mangal}
How could Nadi astrology help us know that a women could impact the status of the person in JOB or CAREER?
Venus or shukra has sun , mercury and Jupiter the next.
all deal with position and money.
also Venus deals with wife or lover.
so gains after marriage are indicated for the person.
sun has Venus behind it, the enemy- so trouble through state is possible.
also Venus or shukra has 7th aspect on the mars or mangal in Leo.
Mars is 2nd to Saturn , so the sign of wealth and status at work.
Venus is enemy of Leo or sun the lord.
so suggest issues by women in career matters for the person.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may study and do JOB in MILITARY sciences – based on Horoscope or Kundli ?
So also as ketu or dragon’s tail is there behind planet Jupiter or Guru and so also mars is there.
so mars or mangal and ketu(dragon’s tail) both are aggressive planets .
so also ketu or dragon’s tail is study, plus next to the karaka for study or mercury or budha we have ketu and mars.
so meaning one could study war related subjects.
so also sun or surya connects to military or leadership professions.
so also as Saturn or shani dev the karma karaka , mars(Mangal) and ketu are in 11th bhava with sun.
so suggest the gains of money would be from military sciences study( sun, mars and ketu in 11th bhava from Saturn).
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may have i) depth of LOGIC ii) commanding Speech – analyzing planets in the Horoscope or Kundli ?
as mercury deals with logic and next to it is mars, sun and ketu.
so mars gives passion and ketu gives depth- so one could have a great logic as such.
so also as mercury is speech in Nadi astrology and next to mercury we have sun, mars and ketu- also give commanding and shrill speech to the person.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may spend on charities – analyzing planets in the Horoscope or Kundli ?
Jupiter or Guru with Venus or shukra gives a good heart to the person :).
also Saturn is karma karaka and 12th bhava has Jupiter to it .
so the person could give a lot of charities to dharma as 12th bhava and Jupiter connect to charity and Saturn to action.
{Aries= Mercury or buddha }–>{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru } –>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}
How could Nadi astrology help us know EDUCATION and CAREER connected to logic and spirituality?
As Jupiter is a Jeeva karaka it is in Taurus or vrishabha sign and behind it is Mercury or budha in Aries or Mesha rashi.
Ahead of it is Ketu or dragon’s tail in the Gemini sign.
Now Jupiter is the core personality definition of any one and i if it is sandwiched between, mercury the planet of intellect and studies and next is ketu the planet of dharma and religion and deeper analysis.
Then obviously one is good at logic, mathematics or science , plus also one could also get deep into dharma or religious studies.
{Aries= Mercury or buddha }–>{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru } –>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or shani } –>{ Leo=mars or Mangal}
How could Nadi astrology help us know TRAVEL in JOB or CAREER ?
Now Saturn or shani is karaka for work or job.
so also rahu and ketu axis or dragon’s head and tail deal with the same .
so also 12th house deals with travels.
so as say Saturn is in Cancer sign or karkat rashi and ketu or dragon’s tail is behind it in Gemini sign or mithuna rashi.
so travels could be there in the Job of the person.
{Aries= Mercury or buddha }–>{Taurus = Jupiter or Guru } –>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or shani } –>{ Leo=mars or Mangal}
How could Nadi astrology help us know about ones interest or JOB as well chanting devi MANTRAS?
so also the process of earning is by the next sign to Saturn or shani dev that is Leo, and it has mars on it.
so the person could be sportive and earn through government as well.
so also mars in the second bhava from Saturn in Leo sign or simha rashi suggest that person could be tough in speech.
but as 7th aspect of Venus is there on the mars or mangal so sweet enough.
🙂 Venus and mars energy in the second bhava from Saturn or shani means one could be chanting devi mantras especially.
so also it has been confirmed that as Ketu is next to Jupiter the jeeva karaka, one would be religious as well.
so over all good at chanting mantras.
{ Aquarius = Venus} –>{ Pisces= sun}–>{ Aries= merc } –>{ Taurus = Jupiter or Guru}–>{ Gemini = Ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Cancer = Saturn or shani } –>{ Leo=mars or Mangal}
How could Nadi astrology help us know that a women could impact the status of the person in JOB or CAREER?
Venus or shukra has sun , mercury and Jupiter the next.
all deal with position and money.
also Venus deals with wife or lover.
so gains after marriage are indicated for the person.
sun has Venus behind it, the enemy- so trouble through state is possible.
also Venus or shukra has 7th aspect on the mars or mangal in Leo.
Mars is 2nd to Saturn , so the sign of wealth and status at work.
Venus is enemy of Leo or sun the lord.
so suggest issues by women in career matters for the person.
{Pisces = Moon} –>{Aries = Mercury } –>{ Taurus = Mars + sun + ketu ( dragon’s tail}–>{ Gemini = Jupiter + Venus}->{cancer = Saturn}
How to know based on Nadi astrology , that a person may study and do Job in MILITARY sciences – based on Horoscope or Kundli ?
So also as ketu or dragon’s tail is there behind planet Jupiter or Guru and so also mars is there.
so mars or Mangal and ketu(dragon’s tail) both are aggressive planets .
so also ketu or dragon’s tail is study, plus next to the karaka for study or mercury or budha we have ketu and mars.
so meaning one could study war related subjects.
so also sun or surya connects to military or leadership professions.
so also as Saturn or shani dev the karma karaka , mars(Mangal) and ketu are in 11th bhava with sun.
so suggest the gains of money would be from military sciences study( sun, mars and ketu in 11th bhava from Saturn).
{Taurus = Ketu or dragon’s tail }->{Gemini = Mars or mangal } ->{cancer = Jupiter and sun}->{Leo = Venus + mercury + Saturn(shani)}.
How Nadi astrology could Suggest CAREER or JOB with FLUIDS or Alcohol etc of any person based on kundli or Horoscope?
Now career. JOB or karma is by Saturn or shani dev .
here Saturn is in debility or weakness.
so also Venus is in debility, so Saturn & Venus in debility suggest that one could deal with wines as Venus (luxury) and Saturn or shani a negative fluid connects to wine or chemicals.
as also as the 3 planets have no aspect of benefic and NO planet next to it to the Saturn could be of laborious one.
{cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope know about the JOB of the person n education line ?
Now Saturn or shani is the karma karaka for the lady and so is Jupiter also there with it in the Virgo sign.
There are other malefic like rahu and sun.
so Virgo is 6th sign and ruled by mercury, so it connects closely to education.
so Jupiter in Virgo and also Saturn there could means she could do job in education.
so also due to rahu and sun being there as Jupiter being weak, there could be quarrels.
{cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope about if one could be reading dharma or religion or shastras?
As Jupiter or Guru being the jeeva karaka or self is along with Saturn and in Virgo sign and with sun there.
so the person may do job in moral codes or shastras or books.
{cancer= venus } –>{leo= Mars} –>{ Virgo= sun + mercury+ dragons head or rahu + Jupiter + Saturn}
How to know based on nadi astrology Horoscope about the WEALTH STATUS of any person ?
as Venus or shukra is 11th from Saturn the karma karaka, so earning of good wealth is there for her.
{ Aries= Sun } ->{ Taurus = Venus + Mercury}———->{Virgo = Jupiter + rahu + Saturn}
How does nadi astrology Help us to tell about work or JOB or profession or WORK type of the person ?
Saturn or shani dev defines the karma, or karma karaka.
if is intellectual sign of Virgo, one does karma of intellectuals.
so also as Rahu suggest your grandfather and is close to Saturn.
so some connection of grandfathers profession to the person’s profession is there.
so also Jupiter is there, so suggest creative and high dignity career or job would be there for the person.
so also Jupiter with karma karaka Saturn in Virgo sign or kanya rashi.
so means person would do good deeds of dharma and would be charitable in nature as well.
{Virgo = Saturn + Jupiter + dragon’s head or rahu}
Based on Bhrigu nadi astrology horoscope, how to know that what kind of business or JOB a person is doing ?
so if Saturn or shani dev the karma karaka or the signifactor of Job or career is in Virgo sign.
the sign of kanya rashi which deals with merchandize as mercury the ruler of the Virgo sign is a merchant.
then a high chance is that the person would be merchant or a business man say.
If Jupiter the knowledge karaka and Virgo sign the education karaka is there , so means the person could be learned in shashtras due to Jupiter and mercury combination.
That is religious texts etc.
{Virgo = Saturn + Jupiter + dragon’s head or rahu} —>{ Scorpio= mars}
Based on Bhrigu nadi astrology horoscope, how to know that what kind of Land or landed PROPERTY a person has ?
Now mars is karaka for land , so is Saturn karaka for land.
so also Saturn or shani dev with rahu, suggest that the land could be dry as rahu suggests dryness.
Dispositer the ownership of land promised by Saturn or shani dev in Virgo or kanya rashi and mars strong in own sign.
so some acres of land would be owned by the person.
{Virgo = Saturn or shani dev + Jupiter + dragon’s head or rahu} —>{ Scorpio= mars}—–>{Aquarius = Moon} –>{Pisces – Ketu or dragon’s tail}
Based on Bhrigu nadi astrology horoscope, how to know how the person would be doing his or her JOB or PROFESSION?
Now if we progress Saturn, it connects to Mars or Mangal dev first and then connects to Moon, then it connects to ketu in Pisces or meena rashi .
Now mars or mangal is electricity and Moon is water.
so Saturn in Virgo with combination promises good yield ( as ketu or dragon’s tail in Pisces or Jupiter sign) by using of electric pumps in the land.
so also sinking wells could also help in getting a better yield in the tilling of land.
{Virgo = Saturn or shani dev + Jupiter + dragon’s head or rahu} —>{ Scorpio= mars}—–>{Aquarius = Moon} –>{Pisces – Ketu or dragon’s tail}
Based on Bhrigu nadi astrology horoscope, how to know about the location of the JOB or Profession of a person?
Jupiter is self and Jupiter is with Saturn and rahu in Virgo sign.
so the person would continue his business in a city( Saturn or shani dev for industries) or say Mars or mangal is next in the Scorpio sign OR be in a suburb as rahu or dragon’s head s also there with Jupiter.
{ cancer = Venus or shukra } –>{ Leo= No planet} –>{Virgo = Saturn or shani dev + Jupiter + dragon’s head or rahu}—–>{ Scorpio= mars}—–>{Aquarius = Moon} –>{Pisces – Ketu or dragon’s tail}
Based on Bhrigu nadi astrology horoscope, how to know about WEALTH, affluence and JOB of a person ?
so also as Venus is 11th from Jupiter or self in house of gains, so the person would have luxury and conveyances.
Body could be lean as Saturn is close to Jupiter a vata dominated planet.
so also finances of the person could be good.
{ Aquarius = Ketu or dragon’s tail + Mars or mangal}
How to know based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology the CAREER kind(like village or city head) a person could become in life?
Now lord of Aquarius or Kumbha rashi is Saturn or shani dev.
so in a sense this placement of Ketu and mars affects the profession or career of the person.
Now ketu is a flag or heightens the things wherever it is there.
so also mars or mangal dev is a planet of leaderships and power.
so the person could be a village head as mars and ketu though give exalted status but are not comfortable in the Aquarius sign.
{VIRGO= mercury}–>{LIBRA = SUN + SATURN}–>{SCORPIO = Jupiter}—–> { CAPRICORN = Ketu or dragon’s tail}—>{AQUARIUS= Mars or mangal}———->{GEMINI = Moon}–>{CANCER = rahu or dragon’s head}—-> { LEO= venus }——–> {VIRGO= mercury or budha}
How based on nadi astrology CAREER or JOb in AYurveda or spirituality etc ?
Now Saturn or shani dev the karaka for Job or career has a strong presence of Jupiter in the 2nd house or bhava from the same.
so Job or career of the person could be well paying as such.
so also after Jupiter in the Capricorn sign or makar rashi, ketu or flag or dragon’s tail is there, so the person may have action or karma of renunciation later in life .
Then we see mars or mangal is in Aquarius.
so we have Jupiter in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi , ketu in Capricorn and mars in Aquarius or kumbha rashi so a chance of following ayurvedic medicines is there for the person.
As mars is not happy, so only for some time the ayurveda could be followed by the person.
so also later Moon or Chandra is there, so Moon in Gemini could give dealing with chemicals or ayurveda.
so also later Saturn or shani dev connects to mercury that is strong in Virgo.
so the person could own a house as mercury exalted.
so also after 44-45 years a lot of earning.
as mercury is in 11th bhava from Saturn or shani dev which takes around 29 years to travel.
so double is 29x 2= 54.
it connects to moon in Gemini 10 years before connecting back to Saturn or shani dev again.
so that makes it 44 years onwards after contacting Moon money flows increase for the person.
The good period could be till 60 years, as Saturn in transit comes back to same place in 29×2 = 54 years.
so also ketu is 3 signs away.
so after 5 years that is 54=5 = 59 years almost 60 years Saturn or shani dev touches ketu or dragon’s tail again, .
that time Saturn with rahu ketu axis, blocks the good period and also could make the person travel to foreign lands.
{Libra = Venus + Saturn } –> { Scorpio = Sun}
based Bhrigu nadi how could one predict about the kind of JOB or CAREER one could have?
So as Saturn is karaka for Job is with a strong Venus a planet of Opulence in Libra sign.
so also SUN is the next planet of Saturn or shani dev.
So also would get good dignity job as well.
As sun or surya dev is there the next planet.
{Libra = Saturn} ——>{Sagittarius = Jupiter }–>{Capricorn= KETU or dragon’s tail}–> {Aquarius = VENUS}–>{ Pisces = sun and mercury}
How based on Nadi astrology or Jyotish, one could find out about CAREER or JOB Highs and lows of the person ?
VENUS the planet of Opulence and comfort is next to Sun and mercury and in a friendly sign.
so as sun is close by and Venus is well placed, high position is possible for the person, especially in the government.
Now as Venus and Saturn have exchanged their places, so one may change his or her profession or career.
as an energy exchange is involved.
when Saturn or shani dev the Profession Karaka Saturn in transit comes over Aquarius or kumbha rashi , which is occupied by Venus or shukra.
so also shukra is close to sun = government and in Pisces sign.
so it will beget the person good name and fame in Government.
whenever Saturn or shani comes in Virgo, sun in the Pisces sign aspects the Saturn in transit, so suggest gain in name and fame and dignity.
{ Sagittarius Or dhanu = Jupiter} –>{ Capricornor Makar = Ketu or dragon’s tail}
How does nadi astrology suggest CAREER or JOB success for a person away from the native place?
so as Jupiter or Guru represents the self and Jupiter is strong in the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi and the 2nd house from the same or 2nd bhava of family and wealth flows has ketu or dragon’s tail.
so the person house could be near a temple.
As Jupiter or guru is retrograde or vakri, so clearly suggest one could get success away from the native place as retrograde means away or reversal of energies.
{Gemini or Mithuna = sun}————————>{virgo or Kanya= no planets }–>{ Libra or Tula= Saturn or shani dev + Moon } –>{Scorpio OR vrishchika = }–>{Sagittarius Or Dhanu = Jupiter}
How does nadi astrology suggest PROFESSION or CAREER or JOB or a Priest, religious head of any Person?
The Saturn the indicator of profession is exalted that is indicating profession is conjunct Moon or Chandra dev in the Libra sign or Tula rashi.
This is called Chandra Mouli Yoga.
Moon and Saturn together is also know known as Vish yoga or poisonous combination, which is seen as not so good for the horoscope.
It is also called as chandramauli yoga in Nadi astrology and is said to be beneficial for dharma or religion and spiritual development of the person.
The adjacent houses are having no planets the person will struggle upto 22-23 years of age.
AS Jupiter or Guru the karaka for self and Saturn or shani dev is in 3rd house and Ketu or dragon’s tail in
the 4th to Saturn or shani dev.
so mental or mind would be on GOD or contemplation or Ketu and action or karma and connection would be on Jupiter or dharma.
so one could be head of religion or religious preceptor and dharma.
Sun aspects on Jupiter means one could settle in a big town and also gate favors from the government.
as in the house of karma or 10th form Saturn is mars and rahu and Jupiter is in the house of initiative with Jupiter in Sagittarius sign.
so the person may establish religious or dharma institutions.
{ Sagittarius = Jupiter } –>{ Capricorn = ketu } –>{ Aquarius = no planet} –>{ Pisces= no planet} –> {aries = no planet}
How does nadi astrology suggest RAJA YOGA in CAREER or FAMILY for any Person?
the person would have a raja Yoga from 28-55 as by 28 years Jupiter would reach the Pisces sign.
as one calculation is 12 years per sign.
so by 28 years Jupiter reaches Pisces and is in Pisces till 28+ 24 = around 52 years.
he will also have conveyances.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.
how to know about CAREER of an Ups and downs based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
AS Saturn or shani is karma karaka and mars is with it in Scorpio sign.
so a metal that is below the earth surface and like iron could be the work of the person.
so The person will work in a Iron machinery firm in his current life, and he will enjoy himself from his 50th year onwards.
That’s is when Saturn covers the dragon’s head in 2nd round things would be better.
Or also look it at this way that Saturn is in Scorpio , next sign is Sagittarius and then Capricorn or makar rashi.
so for each sign depending on how many degrees Saturn is, it takes around 30 years for Saturn or shani dev.
say for Scorpio sign it is at 10 degrees, so remaining 20 degrees in Scorpio means 20 years.
plus Sagittarius 30 years.
then it reaches its own sign Capricorn after 50 years! so then it is strong and gives good results.
According to Venus in the second house of Jupiter, the native will be well-known.
as wealth and status relative to Jupiter or guru that is the 2nd bhava has the blessing of luxury and expansive Venus.
so also one can see as Venus is a planet of opulence, and Venus is also shukracharya or medicine.
Venus being in the second house from Jupiter suggests earnings by knowledge of medicine and good knowledge as well.
Saturn or karma karaka or career related matters when aspects Venus the 2nd sign from Jupiter , so exchange of career related energies with 2nd bhava from Venus.
the person would get good name and fame in career.
{Libra = Moon}–>{Scorpio = Saturn + mars}–>{Sagittarius = sun + Mercury} –>{ Capricorn = Jupiter + ketu or dragons’ tail}–{ Aquarius = Venus}.
how to know about FAME & NAME in CAREER based on Bhrigu Nadi astrology Horoscope ?
the sibling is defined by mars.
Mars pr manage has sun and mercury the next.
then is Jupiter in the chain.
so the person or the sibling could be intelligent due to mercury, and famous due to sun and Jupiter.
so due to consecutive houses of Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter or Guru will become very famous.
{Sagittarius or dhanu rashi = Saturn or shani dev }–>{Capricorn or makar rashi = moon and mars}–>{Aquarius or kumbha rashi= ketu or dragon’s tail}–>{Pisces or meena rashi = Jupiter}
–>{Pisces or meena rashi = No planet} –>{Aries or mesha rashi = sun & venus}
How to know the stress in CAREER based on Vedic bhrigu nadi astrology using horoscope or kundli?
Ketu or dragon’s tail in Aquarius sign ruled by Saturn or shani dev , could make the efforts of the person intense.
but still due to mars and Saturn energy conflict as ketu functions like mars.
so over all the efforts would go in vain.
There could be contraction in the work.
venus the planet for family is in the aggressive sign of Aries or mesha rashi , so not simply increases his passion levels.
it makes him a bit lusty as well.
venus has the malefic sun sitting near it, so over all it spoiled comfort of the family life.

what does the Bhrigu Nadi astrology suggest about sri Rahul Gandhi Ji’s career or job?
The planet Saturn or shani dev is very weak in the 4th bhava of image.
So we know for image sri rahul ji has to work very hard and delays in his success.
Saturn has aspect of Jupiter on Libra sign(Tula rashi), so his work role would be to create a balance in society of India.
So also Jupiter suggest that his work would be on socials and democratic and learning lines.
It may not be strongly the way as Jupiter is weak in Libra sign or Tula rashi being enemy sign.
So also mars or Mangal dev has a strong influence on actions or karma of sri rahul Gandhi ji.
Next is mercury on Taurus sign, so he has to create harmony and manage sensitivity by his intelligence and speech.
As mercury stands for the same.
Kindly note that he is born on June , that is Gemini sign ruled by mercury.
Even By Hindu astrology , after 15 June the Mithuna rashi of Hindu astrology gets active.