Your Career Horoscope & Success, Name & Fame in Career-job and Your Actions (Your KARMA in life) – Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish-Bill Gates example

career karma 10 house horoscopesuccess-805552_1920-career

About this article ?

  • The article below discusses the career or karma lord(10th House0 in depth. It looks at various placements and conjunctions of the career lord to create great wealth. to create great happiness :). one doing great or good deeds. one is learned. one gets problems in career or job. one not doing work at all. one being removed from job etc all in depth. 🙂
  • It later at the end discusses the case of software Mogul bill gates horoscope and how his career and karma lord took him to such heights:)!!!
  • Your Career Horoscope & Success, Name & Fame in Career-job and Your Actions (Your KARMA in life) – Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish

  • is this world our karma bhumi or place of job? This world is our karma bhumi- that is action place , where are to work. We all do actions to live or survive. We all want recognition for your actions- but some get and some don’t.
  • how do we compare Bill gates and Larry Page in terms of career or success? Like people working as hard has Bill gates the computer Microsoft icon, would they get the same success? Or be it the Google guys Larry page and sergei. The answer is NO. Different people have different action or karma paths and the fruits of karma are different for all.
  • Below are given some combinations or yoga’s elaborating the points of karma, fame and fortune, name and fame.
  • what is the role of career 10th bhava lord in horoscope for success? For good success in career- good strength of the lord of 10th is needed.
  • can sun or surya in horoscope Give good recognition? Also strong sun for fame or recognition
  • is planet Jupiter in horoscope for expansion and growth? Jupiter is needed for expansion in career or business
  • does mercury or budha in horoscope help in better decision making in business? Mercury is needed well placed for proper decision making and managing money.
  • Various Combinations or Yoga of Planets for Career and karma:

  • father success career karma 10 house horoscope
    what conditions of the career house lord in your horoscope(kundli) could give fame and success through father?If the lord of 10th house is strong in exaltation or in its own sign or rashi or navamsha- the person could get happiness through father, the fame would be good and also he would do good actions.
  • religious prayer career karma 10 house horoscope
    how could rahu and also the career house lord in the horoscope(kundli)make your do religious prayers? If the lord of 10th house or karma lord is weak, then the person would face obstacles in work. Also if rahu is in angular house (4/7/10) – then due to these effects the person may perform religious sacrifices or prayers.
  • loss of job career karma 10 house horoscope
    what combinations could cause loss in career based on horoscope?
    If lord of 10th house/tenth house or career is in good bhava or house OR is with a benefic planet- the person would have gains in business and career. If the lord of career house is not in good house like 6th or 8th or 12th, or with a malefic like Saturn, rahu, mars- there could be troubles in career.
  • bad things life career karma 10 house horoscope
    what combinations could make one do bad things in life based on 11th bhava lord in horoscope? If the house of labha /eleventh and also house tenth both be occupied by malefic (mars/Saturn/rahu/ketu) – the person could indulge in bad actions and let down his own people.
  • rahu dragons head career karma 10 house horoscope
    what kind of rahu presence in career horoscope or 10th house could make one hate others?
    If the lord of career house or karma bhava is in eighth house ( randhr bhava) and also malefic rahu is there- the person would hate others( rahu stands for others) , be foolish and do bad deeds.
  • In what conditions could the lord of 10th house of career or job in the horoscope(kundli)cause high sex desire?The sexual desire in a person could be very high is the lord of action(karma, the career house lord ) is in seventh house of relationships.
  • dignity success career karma 10 house horoscope
    what conditions of career lord in horoscope give great value & dignity to the person? If the career house lord is exalted and also be with planet Jupiter(guru) and also the lord of ninth house or dharma bhava is in tenth- the person would have wealth,honor and inner strength.
  • Also the person could be fond of eating.
  • what kind of combinations of career or job house lord in horoscope make one happy?:)The person would be happy if the lord of eleventh house or labha bhava is in ascendant or of the lord of career house is in conjunction with the lord of house of gains (11th) in a trine(1/5/9)
  • happiness career karma 10 house horoscope
    what conditions for the career or Job lord in horoscope could make one happy? :0 If the lord of career house is strong in the Pisces sign along with Jupiter(guru), the person would get clothes, ornaments and also be happy.
  • loss career karma 10 house horoscope
    what combinations of career or job lord in horoscope make one break his or her job? If the malefic like rahu, sun(surya) and mars be in house of gains or labha bhava- the person would stop working.
  • wealth career karma 10 house horoscope
    could the conjunction of venus with the 10th bhava or house lord or (career & karma lord) with venus or Jupiter cause great wealth? If the planet Jupiter is in own sign Pisces and also in conjunction with Venus(shukra) and also eh ascendant(lagna) is strong and also moon is exalted – the person would b learned(due to strong Jupiter) and also wealthy(due to exalted venues).
  • venus precious stones career karma 10 house horoscope
    could venus or shukra in horoscope along with the career or karma lord make one work with precious stones? If the lord of career house is in the house of gains and the lord of gains(labha bhava) and Venus(shukra) are in 10th house- the person would have precious stones. As Venus represents luxuries and precious stones.
  • good actions career karma 10 house horoscope
    what roles does trine, angular or benefics like Jupiter play with career lord or karma lord for one to do good actions in life?
    If the lord of career house is exalted and in an angle(4/7/10) or trine ( 1/5/9) and is in conjunction with benefic Jupiter(guru) or is aspect by Jupiter- one will do very good deeds.
  • happiness good actions  career karma 10 house horoscope
    what is the role of the angular houses 4/7/10 and also trines like 1/5/9 help the career or karma lord in any horoscope do good actions? If the lord of ascendant or lagna is with the lord of career and also moon(Chandra) is in 4/7/10 house or in 1/5/9 house- the person would do good deeds.
  • obstacles career karma 10 house horoscope
    what role do the malefic like Saturn, mars or rahu and ketu play in blocking all your good actions- based on your karma and career lord of horoscope? If planet Saturn or shani is in tenth house of career horoscope and along with a weak planet, also the career house in navamsha or D9 is occupied by a malefic like mars/Saturn/rahu-ketu- the person may not do actions at all.
  • bad actions career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could career or karma lord in any Horoscope indicate bad actions?If the lord of the career house or the tenth house is in eighth house or bhava and also the lord of eight houses is in karma bhava or career horoscope along with a malefic planet there- the person could be involved in mean and bad actions.
  • obstacles career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could the placement of career or karma lord in the horoscope impact your ac to ability? The person may not be able to do actions properly if the lord of career house is in debility and also both the career house and the house tenth from karma have malefic in the same.
  • name fame career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could one get name and fame based on career or karma lord placement in any horoscope? 😉One could get good fame if planet moon is in career house ad also karma bhava lord is in trine(1/5/9) from career house and the lord of lagna is in an angle(4/7/10).Similar effects will come to pass, if Labh’s Lord is in Karma Bhava, while Karma’s Lord is strong and gives a Drishti to Guru.
  • money welath 11th house career karma 10 house horoscope
    could the 11th bhava a play a role with the career or karma bhava in horoscope to give fame? A person could be famous also if the lord of gains/labha bhava is in career house and also the lord of career house is strong and aspects Jupiter.
  • fame career karma 10 house horoscope
    How could the 9th bhava lord along with career or karma lord play a role in giving fame to a person? 😉 The person could become famous if the lord of career house is in ninth house or dharma bhava and also the lagna lord absorbs good energy by being in career house.
  • downfall career karma 10 house horoscope
    can we predict issues in career based on career or karma lord in a y horoscope? The effects on career could be guessed based on relationships of lord of lagan and lord of career house. Like for Leo- house of action is by Venus ruling- issues in career.
  • Bill gates Example:


  • For Bill gates the lord of ascendant is Jupiter (Pisces sign) in 10th Tells us why he turned more towards philanthropy later
  • Jupiter is in house of action,6th house(Leo) from 10th with Pluto. Gives him great initiative, exceptional courage and initiative due to Pluto and also obstacles. But he has overcome them all. That makes his a mogul in software(IT) industry.
  • Pluto rules new technologies and software. That’s what he does.
  • Moon in career house blesses him with peace and goodness.
  • Your complete FULL Life Job/Career/Love/Money/sex/family/Legal etc with Accuracy worked out in 12 Houses and Coming 1 to 3 years predictions! . horoscope-images  arnab goswami career horoscope vajpayee CLICK HERE