About this article?
This is a highly interesting article on Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi people’s kundli or horoscope
It tells you in detail what makes the personality of Aquarius Or Kumbha rashi people unique?
It accurately tells about what kind of love and relationships do Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi make in life :)?
The article also tells you what is the married life type and quality of Aquarius sun sign or Kumbha rashi people?
Career, Love, Family life, foreign travel, and relationships etc for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people are discussed at length at the end of the article.
Also interesting things like What kind of health problems are Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi people are prone to?
Or say What colours, numbers, or amulets(yantra) best suit the Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi to bring in luck & prosperity:)? and yes much more in detail …:)

What are certain Interesting Things about Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi based on their Kundli Or Horoscope
The Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi is ruled by Saturn or Shani dev .
The color of this Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi is brown and it is like a man holding a pot.
The Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi people’s build is medium, and it is fairly strong in day time.
Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi is a biped sign.
It lives in deep waters and is an airy sign.
It is of lower order nature(tamasic),rules the lower caste and rises with its head. The direction ruled is the west.

More interesting things about Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi people

Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi energies decided based Moon sign, sun sign or ascendant being the same?
Aquarius sign or Kumbha Rashi extends from the cusp of Capricorn (Makar Rashi).
so Moon, sun and regular ascendant are 3 lagnas or ascendant of the Horoscope and if any where we find Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi- we say the personal is ruled by Aquarius zodiac sign or Kumbha rashi.:)
Also if we look only based on position of sun – so 1st February to 21 February, it gets into its full energy from zodiac Aquarius sign or Kumbha Rashi.
But every 24 Hours Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi rises at the Horizon.
Also Moon takes around 28-29 days to travel around the zodiac so Moon is approximately 28/12 = 2day and 8 hours in Aquarius- so we have Zodiac Sign Aquarius or Rashi or Kumbha rashi people every month.
Also, some energy of Aquarius sign or Kumbha Rashi remains from dates 21st of February to 28th of February of any year if in case we look at sun or solar transit only.

Aquarius sign energies decided based on Moon sign or ascendant?
people who have their Moon in Aquarius or Lagna(ascendant is Aquarius OR if the sun is placed there

Does Saturn or Shani dev make Aquarius sun sign or Kumbha rashi or lagna(ascendant) people very recluse at times?
these people are highly sensitive and due to Saturn ruling this sign, they at the same time may feel alone.
These people have a lot of idealism in them. also, these people are highly sensitive.
but they will not show their love but still would surrender to the loved person.

How do the zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people behave in groups or with friends?
These people also have a good intuition so can understand people and situations very quickly .
yes zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people are very compassionate and giving in nature.
so, zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people always try to help others.
being intellectually sound.
they will try to remove issues in conflict situations.
One may also find these people may suddenly demonstrate their talent.

Avoiding This Would Make you Pure Gold:
You need to control over sensitivity as else it could affect your nerves. Use your will power , without taking matters to ego for success.
You have a deep sense of feeling- use it effectively to your advantage.
Be forgiving in most of the situations, this could help your soul evolution.

Are the zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi sensitivity prone?
if they can control their sensitivity and build up more confidence say by doing Yoga etc, they can become real winners in any area of life.
as due to the good Saturn energy in them they can work very hard.
despite their staying within themselves.
they may love places like theatres and places of Recreation. they may also take interest in large public movements where a lot of people are there.
All this is there due to the good Saturn or Shani energy there.

Your talent- That You Should Polish To Shine Like a Gem:
You have a good ability to read people , so trust your instincts in personal or professional life both to judge people.
Due to influence of Saturn or Shani dev and position of sun or moon or Lagna(ascendant) this time, you have good ability to reason & debate matters.
You could do well in business and money or financial matters.
You are highly strung and have the ability to control others in a subtle manner- use this to best of your advantage.
Yes, zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people are prone to stress.
but may not easily get excited in situations and they will help other people who are stressed.
yes, they are very helpful and hence they need to be careful about the people they connect to. They also need to build up more on the confidence.

The Health of Aquarius people or Kumbha rashi people
The health for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people or Saturn ruled people liver and spleen needs care and so does any stress-related problems need definite care.
yes, they might also trust more of natural medicines. They need to invest to build strength by going for yoga or gym or other methods.
One needs to note that due to the influence of Saturn and Uranus there could be unexpected upside down in their life.
Yes, they can gain from banks and legal matters as well.
If they are not able to take the right decision then issues could cover.
Due to Uranus effects and Saturn(Shani)also they may unexpectedly get gains in money of Love matters.

What is the Equation of Life for Aquarius Or Kumbha Rashi People?

Love relationships and Friendships for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people
zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people are perfectly fine with people born in the Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi(their own sign).
also in love and relationship matters zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi are totally ok with the Gemini sign people or the mithuna Rashi guys.
They also work well with the Libra sign people or the Tula rashi.
The friendship or long-term relationships house of the Horoscope is ruled by sun or Leo for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
so this clearly suggest ego issues would be there due to picky nature of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
also 7th aspect of Saturn or Kumbha rashi in the Horoscope is also there on Leo sign.
so there could be dryness in relationships as well for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
Yes they will try to have very discreet and distinct relationships as such.
The previous sign in the Horoscope or Kundli to Leo is cancer and it is OK with Leo or sun but not OK with Aquarius or Kumbha or Saturn or Shani.
so issues and problems in relationships could be there.
so is Leo or sun not in harmony with the lagna Aquarius or Kumbha rashi, so strong conflict in married life and also long-term relationship or Job could be there based on their Horoscope or Kundli.
especially if no benefic aspect of Venus or Jupiter or say mercury is there is there.
Also Virgo or Kanya rashi in any Horoscope or Kundli is OK with Leo or simha rashi as mercury is the lord.
so is it OK with the lagan or ascendant Aquarius or Kumbha Horoscope .
so good intelligence of theirs helps somewhat in maintaining the relationships.

How is the Career or Job life for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people ?
The career or Job house of horoscope or zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people is ruled by Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi and it is in direct conflict with Saturn(Shani) or lagna Aquarius or Kumbha .
so based on Horoscope of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people may face lots of agitations or tiffs in their career.
There is a 7th aspect of taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi in their Horoscope.
so this pacifies the above effects and smoothens a bit of the agitations by mars for zodiac sign aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
also Venus or shukra is a good friend of Lagan or ascendant lord that is Saturn or Shani for any Horoscope or Kundli :).
so this brings in good luxuries and comforts for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
Libra or Tula rashi is a prior sign to Vrishchika rashi or career bhava in their Horoscope or Kundli.
also Sagittarius or dhanu is the next sign.
Now again a Libra is OK with Scorpio sign or Vrischika rashi and also the lagna for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people’s Horoscope .
so yes they get good gains and Balance of justice turns towards them in office or Job situations as well.:)
also Note Libra or Tula rashi is a friend of the Lagans or ascendant that is zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi. 🙂
The next sign is Sagittarius or dhanu in the horoscope, that is the planet of expansion and divine grace, ruled by Jupiter or Guru here.
it is also friendly with Scorpio the 10th house or career or Job lord for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi in the Horoscope or Kundli is also a friend of the lagna or ascendant for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi.:)
so they(Aquarius zodiac sign or Kumbha rashi people) get good enough expansion, action, and gains in their career life in general.
Barring a few jarring notes due to mars and Saturn conflicts

How is the Family life for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people ?
The family bhava for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people’s Horoscope is ruled by Taurus or vrishabha or Venus and it is a friend for lagan or ascendant.
also there is an aspect of Scorpio sign the 7th aspect. so Love , passion and also fights are High in the family of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
as Mars or Mangal though OK with Venus or Taurus is not so OK with Scorpio or mars or planet mangal in that sense in the Horoscope.
Mind has to be kept cool and away form too much of passions or sex for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people based on their Kundli or Horoscope.
The previous sign to taurus or Vrishabha or the 4th house or bhava lord of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people’s Horoscope.
the next one is Gemini sign or ruled By mercury in their Horoscope.
now Aries or mars/mangal is a big enemy of Aquarius or Saturn or Shani dev.
so yes in family a lot of passion , love is there for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people- but so are agitations as well.
So in family zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people have to take well thought actions.
But sure the next sign Gemini or Mithuna rashi is OK with the lagna or ascendant Kumbha or Aquarius in the horoscope and also Gives a Lot of family friends to zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
so is there a lot of fun and outings for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.

How is the foreign travels for zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people ?
The 12th house in the Horoscope of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people is ruled by Capricorn or makar rashi and is Saturn or Shani dev in the horoscope or Kundli.
This is a great friend of self :0 that is the zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi lagna. so their stay in foreign lands can be great and fun .;)
There is a 7th aspect of Moon or Chandra( cancer sign) to 12th house in Horoscope of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people.
so obviously they are more prone to travel and benefit from travel.:)
The previous sign in the Horoscope of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people’s 12th house in the Horoscope is Aquarius or Kumbha ruled by Saturn and the next is Sagittarius or dhanu ruled by Jupiter or Guru.
Now Saturn is OK with Saturn, so zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people may have niche travels and they may gain money and name form travel.
as Jupiter is prior to Capricorn or the 12th house lord of zodiac sign Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people. so they get good money , name, and dignity in the foreign lands’)

Your Lucky Years:
20,22,30 ,31,28,35,44, 33, 53
Your Years Of Caution:
19, 27,36,38,46, 47, 54
Your Lucky Months:
May, October, November.
Your Lucky Color:
Electric Blues.
Your Lucky Stones:
Moon stones. You also need to get full horoscope checked to ensure Saturn is not ruling malefic houses or weak in natal chart.
Which stone exactly would be suitable for you & which stone could work against you can be suggested only after study of your complete horoscope.
Lucky Stones Or Gemstones have been worn since ages by Kings, Great Emperors, Sages and Common Man alike- to solve their worldly problems & Attract vibration of wealth, prosperity & Happiness from the cosmos to themselves. If You would like to know more about this- CLICK HERE 
Your Lucky Charm or Amulet:
You could draw this on a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket.