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This article at length discusses what is sadhe sati or the Saturn’s dreaded transit for all the aspects of life like health,family,career, money and children for all sun signs or rashi’s from Aries(mesha) to Pisces or meena rashi.
This article talks in detail about the concept of sadhe sati and its impact on any human being running it in detail. It also discusses in detail about various aspects of Saturn or shani dev energy with you in any kundli to horoscope.
Every concept and ideas in regard to Saturn or shani or sadhe sati is discussed in full and interesting details.
What is the role of Saturn or shani in sadhe sati and why is it dreaded?
which is the mooltrikona sign for saturn or shani rule in the kundli or Horoscope?In any kundli or Horoscope, Saturn (shani) is one of the most powerful malefic- that rules the sign of Capricorn (makar) and Aquarius(kumbha rashi).
what is the classical name of saturn or shani ?It is considered to be malefic and known as shanaischaraye or shanaischaraye a day Saturday is names after the planet.
Does saturn or shani dev move very slowly in the cosmos?Also shani or Saturn is the farthest planet from the earth and is slow in movement. The nature of the planet is cold and un-demonstrative
How long does saturn or shani dev take to cover all signs of your kundli or Horoscope?It takes 30 years to complete the zodiac and stays for almost 2.5 years in each sign or rashi of the zodiac.

What happens in case of saturn or shani sadhe sati if Saturn is not well placed in your horoscope or any one’s horoscope?
when are the negative or minus transit of saturn(shani) reflected in any kundli or horoscope?if saturn is not well placed in a chart- or a horoscope or kundli- it displays the negative traits of Saturn- that is it makes the person morbid and gloomy and always thinking about the negative side of any matters.
what is the sign or rashi’s of debility for saturn or shani rule in the kundli or Horoscope?
Say it is in Aries (mesha rashi) and debilitated or say it is weak in degrees like 0-5 degrees or 25-30 degrees or is in enemy rashi or sign like Leo/simha, Sagittarius(dhanu) or Pisces(meena) or say cancer(karkat).
do people with weak saturn or shani rule in the kundli or Horoscope have mental problems?There could be constant losses due to Saturn or shani and such people become psychic patients or they suffer due to depression.
which element of vata/pitta/kapha doe saturn or shani rule in your kundli or Horoscope?As per ayurvedic astrology – the vata or stress or wind element is high in such people.
could bad placement of saturn or shani in the kundli or Horoscope cause loss of fame, jail and other humiliation to the person?In any kundli or Horoscope, Saturn(shani) is also a planet of confinement- or jail or confinement into problems of life- so a weak Saturn could mean one may have to face humiliation, delays, jail, drug addiction and premature ageing.

What happens if Saturn(shani) is well placed in your horoscope or any one’s horoscope?
How does the saturn or shani rule in the kundli or Horoscope give the discretion of right and wrong?For any kundli or Horoscope, Saturn is the judge and gives awareness of right and wrong. The ability to plan and execute is due to the same.
could the placement of saturn or shani dev in Libra sign or Tula rashi in the kundli or Horoscope?
If Saturn(shani) is strong n the horoscope or kundli like say in Libra sign or Tula rashi or is in friends sign like Gemini/mithuna or Virgo/kanya or Taurus/vrishabha or Libra/Tula rashi-” the person has good ability to judge, plan and execute and as Saturn is an ascetic it makes the person more philosophically oriented.
How could saturn or shani dev in the kundli or Horoscope give longevity or lifespan?For any kundli or Horoscope, Saturn rules longevity or long life- it is the ayush karaka so it gives good longevity to any one where so it well posited.
can the transit of saturn or shani in the kundli or Horoscope tell about job changes?Transit of Saturn is also used to find the changes in job or career.
How does saturn or shani in the kundli or Horoscope give name and fame?Saturn(shani) also gives good sincerity and fame to the person.

How to know that your Saturn(shani) is strong or weak in your horoscope or kundli?
which dates in any month mean high energy of saturn or shani rule in the kundli or Horoscope?If you are born on dates like 8/17 or 26th of any month – you do have control of Saturn on you.
which dates in any month are rules saturn or shani ?If born on a Saturday or any of the dates like 4/13/22/31- ruled by rahu- you still are in control of Saturn.
what is the role of saturn or shani aspect on lagna in the kundli or Horoscope?Is Saturn aspects your lagan or moon or sun sign, you have an influence of Saturn on you and weakness or strength would define how it could come up for you- the above mentioned effects.
How do the nakshatras of saturn or shani in the kundli or Horoscope give good results?For any kundli or Horoscope, If your nakshatra or birth star from moon or lagan or sun/surya is Saturn(shani) like if your nakshatra is pushya,utar bhadra pada- then also there is a great influence of Saturn on you.

What is Sadhe sati and why is it dreaded?
Transit of saturn or shani in which house of the kundli or Horoscope suggest a sadhe sati is running?For any kundli or Horoscope, A Sadhe sati runs when Saturn transits into your twelfth/first or second bhava or house in your kundli or horoscope from your moon lagna or lagan/ascendant .
do the Aries or mesha rashi people have shani or Saturn sadhe sati in their horoscope?
Like for example Aries sign lagna or moon sign(mesha rashi), the current transit of Saturn into the 10th bhava or house is not a Sadhe sati.

Which signs of zodiac run a Sadhe sati due to transit of Saturn(shani) into Sagittarius or dhanu rashi?
which sun sign or rashi’s is running the first phase of sadhe sati of saturn or shani in their horoscope?Anyone having makar rashi or lagna has Saturn or shani in the first bhava or house so it is middle of the Sadhe sati period of 7.5 years.
is Sagittarius or saturn running the last phase of sadhe sati in their kundli or Horoscope?If the rashi or lagna is Sagittarius then one Is running the last phase of Sadhe sati.
Is Capricorn the lagna in first phase of sadhe sati?
If the rashi or lagna/ascendant is Capricorn- then it is in the first phase of the Sadhe sati or the hard phase of 7.5 years of learning that Saturn or shani imposes on every one for proper evolution of the soul.
which rashi’s in the horoscope or kundli have sadhe sati?
So aquarius,Sagittarius, Capricorn OR kumbha/dhanu/makar rashi or lagan ascendant people have Sadhe sati.
how could we look at sadhe sati by solar or surya lagna following sadhe sati? OR people born from 15th Nov to 15 dec, 15 Jan to 15 March born people have Sadhe sati form sun or surya if you refer to the sudarshan padditi.

The effects of various phases of Sadhe sati in your horoscope or kundli?
what is The first phase Sadhe sati of Saturn(shani)?: : For any kundli or Horoscope, as the Saturn transits to the twelfth house ,the twelfth house or vyaya bhava of pleasures and comforts and foreign travel is impacted, so one may miss on pleasures of bed and also if in foreign lands would suffer. due to aspects of Saturn or shani- there could be impact on wealth and status, health matters and male seniors or father. One may issues in following the right conduct.
what is The Second phase Sadhe sati of Saturn(shani)?: : As Saturn transits to The first house, so lagna is impacted- so health is affected, so is your initiatives and people around you, your relationships need a revamp now for sure and so does your profession or career.
what is the third phase Sadhe sati of Saturn(shani):? For any kundli or Horoscope as Saturn transits to the second house, This transit is a bit less intense and milder, by the impact on the dhana bhava(second house) continues and also kids need care. Land deals and property could be impacted.So would the gains and money flows to some extent. before you are free from the third phase of the Sadhe sati

How does Saturn(shani) transit into Sagittarius or dhanu rashi affect various rashi people ?

Aries or mesha lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your 10th House in your kundli or horoscope , 10th(tenth) bhava or house being impacted suggests health of male seniors need care. You bhagya or luck and career and your actions needs care and may not work out great
As your Saturn or shani transits into your tenth House in your kundli or horoscope ,Saturn in a good house that is tenth house or bhava is not good. It could make you change or move out form your current job or work place.
You may face obstacles in your job or career and your image could be impacted.

Taurus or virshabha lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your ninth (9th) House in your kundli or horoscope, The ninth bhava of yours has Saturn in it, shani in the ninth bhava may not give great results as it blocks your luck and fortune- though in transit it could give some gains in land matters whenever it is strong. Male seniors need care
As 9th is a house of longevity and Saturn or shani the karaka for the same, one needs to take care of the same

Gemini or Mithuna lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your 8th(eighth) House in your kundli or horoscope, The 8th house or bhava rules short travel and sex. So transit of malefic shani dev here could affect the same.
Be careful on your sexual conduct, unexpected travel with care and also colon health needs proper care.

Cancer or Karkat lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your 7th(seventh)House in your kundli or horoscope , The 7th house deals with sexual pleasure, also relationship issues and foreign travel.
Saturn here as it is a malefic and so is the 7th house being markesh bhava or bhava, but overall health of life partner needs care. your health also needs care.

Leo or simha lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your 6th(sixth)House in your kundli or horoscope , The 6th house deals with legal matters, enemies, legal matters and also relationship issues.
Saturn here as it is a malefic and so is the 6th house or bhava, so two negatives cancel and your over all sex life would improve, so would legal matters go low and health could improve.

Virgo or Kanya lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your fifth House in your kundli or horoscope, The fifth house or bhava deals with children, your luck in stocks, and your stomach is ruled by sign Leo and fifth house.
Saturn or shani here affects your digestion, kids or children need more care and thinking ha to be kept positive.

Libra or Tula lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your fourth House in your kundli or horoscope, AS the fourth bhava or house of yours rules property and car driving and mother, so shani transit here in this god house is not great.
It is not an auspicious transit and public image could also be affected.

Scorpio or Vrishchika lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your third House in your kundli or horoscope, As Saturn is a malefic and so is the third house or bhava, so Saturn transit here could make you more disciplined and courageous.
Your friends and people around may come forward to help you.
You may take new initiatives now.

Sagittarius or dhanu lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your second House in your kundli or horoscope, The transit of Saturn into your second bhava is not great, as second bhava is a good one and Saturn is a malefic.
So this transit could affect your wealth or status and also impacted the way you speak. Take good care of your face now.

Capricorn or makar lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your first House in your kundli or horoscope ,Saturn in your first house or bhava is not great, it could impact your physical body and you have to take care of your limbs from falls etc.
You have to take care of your image as well. You may wander a lot and fear from prosecution from the government or other people are there.

Aquarius or Kumbha lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your twelfth House in your kundli or horoscope ,AS Saturn gets into your twelfth bhava it is not auspicious, if you are in foreign lands or away from your country this could trouble you.
Also people may deceive you now and you may have to travel aimlessly. Lot of worries could be there .

Pisces or meena lagna(ascendant) or moon sign(rashi) for any Kundli or Horoscope
As your Saturn or shani transits into your eleventh House in your kundli or horoscope ,As Saturn comes in the eleventh house or bhava of yours, this is auspicious transit as eleventh bhava or house is represented by eleventh sign kumbha or Aquarius. There could be increase in salary and gains.
Good for sex life and even bad people come and help you.