Salman Khan horoscope & Kundli gets 5 yrs jail in black buck poaching case: Bail actor night at Jodhpur Central Jail Predictions 2018
The blackbuck poaching case and salman khan crime jail Jodhpur context
- This case of black buck poaching has been there for last two decades or 20 years when Mr. Slaman khan the actor of bollywood was charged with killing of two blackbucks in Rajasthan. The location of killing was pagoda ki dhani and the village of kankani on 1st and 2nd October midnight. The conviction comes under the wildlife protection act with a maximum of 6 years of punishment & a minimum of 1 year jail term
- salman khan was held guilty by the jodhpur court and the actor was announced a five year imprisonment that would be of simple in nature and also a penalty was imposed for 10,000 rs.In contrast to other co accused like Tabu/neelam/saif ali khan and sonali bendre have been aquitted by the honorable court.
Birth details of Mr.salman khan bollywood actor
Name: Salman Khan
Date of Birth: Monday, December 27, 1965
Time of Birth: 14:30:00
Place of Birth: Indore
Longitude: 75 E 54
Latitude: 22 N 42
Time Zone: 5.5
What planetary conditions in the horoscope or Kundli made the salman khan conviction happen?
- In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,One can clearly see his lagan or ascendant is mars /Aries(mesha lagna) or Mangal ruling and he has the Saturn (shani dev) and mars sitting in his 9th(ninth) bhava house and are conjunct. There his natal sun(surya) also sits – so is close by.
- Given the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,Now sun(surya) rules his image and father- and also his court verdicts- so this is badly afflicted by mars and Saturn(shani).
- In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,as Saturn(shani) gets the agitated energy of mars- so is his tenth bhava of career and eleventh bhava of gains impacted here- so there could be some fair enough impact for several months for Mr. salman khan for coming few months.
- In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,also note mars(mangal) or lord of action is exalted( he had good muscles and good action hero we know) in the 10th house or bhava- aspecting his public image house or the 4th bhava afflicting venus his comforts and female followers.
- In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,Jupiter(guru) represent legal matters and so does venus, Jupiter gets bad energy due to mars and Saturn(shani) conflicts and also note mars is the lord of the eighth house or bhava of unexpected obstacles/accidents and jail or Mr. khan. so there is a strong indication of conviction.
- His lagan or mars is also agitated so further confirming the possibility of conviction that hs happened on 5 April 2018.
- also note In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan, the malefic rahu sits on his bhava of public image and mother- is close to the bhava Madhya- so his public image and yes his respected mother and also father needs care.
how long is the bad period for salman khan?
- In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,he runs Saturn-rahu sub period till February 2019 of coming year.rahu as a malefic has seen badly impacts his public image the fourth bhava and also the tenth bhav of career.
- Saturn(shani) rules his career and gains so rahu-Saturn would give some jolt to his career and gains. But not much as rahu would be going away from bhava Madhya and slowly when Jupiter is direct slaman khan will gain in some strength
- For the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,he runs Saturn-rahu-Saturn sub period till July mid 2018. now Saturn(shani) rules his tenth and eleventh house form lagna and also his lagna and twelfth bhava- so he may have to go to jail for small period of time.
- In the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,from the sun or surya Saturn is a markesh- so he would face certain issues in the process.
- For the kundli or horoscope of mr. salman khan,So by the time Jupiter gets direct- this year 2018- September/October onwards he has a strong chance to get MARRIED for sure. Also HEALTH could be concern in 2018 ending and 2019- we all should pray for him.
what does western astrology & numerology say about conviction of salman khan?
- salman khan is born on 27th dec 1965 ,
so he is number 27=2+7= 9 = mars
also December 27 falls in the Capricorn sign- ruled by planet Saturn or shani dev.
- now 9=mars is unhappy and agitated with number 8, so natally he is not comfortable with his sun sign plus the year 2018, has ‘8’ Saturn in it also this year could be very eventful. also 2018 is a year of moon , moon is cancer that is water and moon x mars is water x fire- causes steam in the media.
- also note charges were filed against him(salman khan ) in 1998 , you have an 8 ending there with strong conflict with his mars and so has 2018 8 ending there.
- April month 2018 would be hard for him and he may remain in jail for some time.but later months and by April ending he could get relief.
- till July 2018 more stress could be there
- September October 2018 onwards and 20129 marriage a high chance and also health needs care.