what is this article about?
this article is about reincarnation or rebirth that is the soul’s journey to perfection! almost every religion or mystical traditions like cabala of the Jews believes in the soul returns back to godhead after perfecting all the bodies. The sanatan Hindu dharma says that we have physical, astral and casual body karma all this has to be worked out before we go back to GOD head.
This article discusses the facts and framework behind reincarnation or rebirth based on Vedic astrology . The core model of predicting is based on d1 or lagna chart, d9 or navamsa chart, d12 or dwadashamsha chart and the d60 or shashtiamsha chart.
also as a sample example case of sri Rahul Gandhi ji and his past life or rebirth is discussed at length

What are the past life or reincarnation Indications of Rahul Gandhi ji based on his horoscope?

Predictions of past life sri Rahul Gandhi ji based d1 or Lagna chart ?
what does the 5th house of Purva punya say about sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?
In the Horoscope of Kundli of sri Rahul Gandhi ji the 5th house of bhava so purva punya is ruled by Taurus sign(Vrishbha Rashi). The 9th house of purva janma or past life is again ruled by Virgo sign(Kanya Rashi). so mercury or budha the planet is ruling his ninth house . This very clearly indicates that sri Rahul Gandhi ji is born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has great Karma of the past life.As 9th bhava lord sits in the 5th house and both are Trikona signs and mercury as the lord of the same.
9Th house lord of sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?
As the lord of 9th house for sri Rahul Gandhi ji is mercury or budha so he in his past lives or rebirth could have be born in good places like Dwaraka,Rameshwaram and Ayodhya as lord Krishna rules the mercury sign or Budha.
As mercury or Budha is the ruler of the 9th house so indicates that sri Rahul Gandhi ji could have been into vyaapaar or business. he also may have fair mathematics or mathematical mind in the past life. also note that for him mercury sits in the venus sign so indication of Business or business of beauty and luxury products like jewellery also is possible in the past life.
His 9th house lord mercury also has an aspect of very weak and debilitated Moon.
So taking view of all If in case sri Rahul Gandhi ji was born in the past life foreign country other than India. It could be countries or deshas like Brazil ,crotia Congo and yes ancient Egypt. slight possibility of Iraq is also there. more information & confirmation could be gotten based on his Numerology or numbers- but here we focus only on Vedic astrology.
the role of moon or Chandra in the past life or rebirth of sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?
now looking at his 5th house of D1 or lagna chart or horoscope of sri Rahul Gandhi ji . we have it basically see Taurus sign ruling the same. that is Venus the lord of same is sitting in the 7th house of foreign lands as well. It’s on the karkat Rashi or cancer sign. so that means a lot of moon energies on rahul Gandhi ji as moon or Chandra also aspects his 9th house lords mercury.
so this adds to the countries like Scotland(high chance),United States as well parts of Western Africa .

what does the d9 chart or Navamsa of Rahul Gandhi Ji reveal about him?
now let us again look at the d9 or navamsa chart of Rahul Gandhi ji. we see that Mercury ruling his 9th bhava or house in the lagna chart or d1 again in the d9 is in the Taurus sign or vrishabha Rashi. This clearly indicates that Rahul Gandhiji might be in business because and as it is the 6th sign()Virgo or kanya rashi) . so it could a large family business in the past life . may be to do with luxury and yes food items as well(restaurants and hotels).
as here in the navamsa chart of sri Rahul Gandhi ji Venus(shukra) and mercury(budha) energy is there .so that could be dealing with beauty products or Care and luxury industry in the past . he could be doing business in the beauty products and Care industry(hotels and restaurants like is Grandfather, father of Sonia gandhi ji).

Now interesting things does the d12 or dwadashamsa chart say about the past life or rebirth of sri Rahul Gandhi ji ?
Now looking at the d12 chart dwadashamsa chart or horoscope say about the parents karma( sri rajiv gandhi ji and smt. Sonia gandhi ji). any good karma for the parents see that in his 5th house . this is very strong Venus for sri Rahul Gandhi ji in d12 or dwadashamsa is connecting with Mercury or budha again..this indicates very good Karma of his parents that is Shri Rajiv Gandhi ji and Rahul Gandhi ji :).
and it helps him in this lifetime + also the sixth house scorpio sign and it has a very strong Jupiter there so this indicates that some for his parents is there but it is only there bless both Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi ji because the 6th house has lot of Jupiter images that connects to the spiritual life

What does the d60 or shahstiamsha chart of rahul gandhi ji say abuot his past life?
next we will look at the look at the shashtiamsha chart or horoscope of sri Rahul Gandhi ji . In this chart we will look at the Mercury . now mercury sits in even sign in the d1 or lagna chart. that is a Taurus sign(vrishabha Rashi) at 14 degree 26 minutes.
So that means 14x2s = 28 + 1 =29 so that is equal to 29th division of the even sign. no interestingly sri Rahul Gandhi ji’s this division is the Kala division in the d60 chart .This relates to pottery, crockery and cutlery service . all this has a strong influence on Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life . that is resturanting ,cutlery,crockery and all to do with venus energy.
note mercury is in the 8th bhava of d60 as well so over all great wealth of lands also was there for sri Rahul Gandhi ji .
Venus or shukra lord is in the cancer sign or karkat rashi. which is at 8 degree 51 minutes . that is 8 into 2 =16 plus two divisions because 51 minutes i+ 2 divisions. This means scholarly person ,unusual knowledge and interest in Veda. but this is less likely. Note as Mercury absorbs a lot of energy from this house
sri Rahul Gandhi ji Moon 22 51 scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi in kaal division so suggest he might be a risk taker as well in the past life.
we wish sri Rahul Gandhi ji long life of 120 years!!! 🙂
Reincarnation:The various Yogas or planetary Combinations Indicating the same.