About this Article
This article discusses in detail and with many interesting new kinds of facts about the strength & behaviour of shadow planet Rahu(dragon’s head) in any horoscope or Kundali.
Apart from regular astrology principles several other unique methods of Vedic astrology are used.
That is the avastha or state of rahu or (dragon’ head) in any horoscope for accurate Life predictions!!! .
As a PRACTICAL example of Rahu(Dragon’s strength) , the article also looks at roles of Rahu’s(dragon’s head) strength in any Kundli or Horoscope for Sanjay Dutt’s getting into legal matters or getting jailed.
It analyses role of rahu(dragon’s head) strength in Horoscope of Sanjay Dutt on why and what makes him big star in Bollywood.
Also the role of his father and mother Sunil and Nargis Dutt in his success and what causes his multiple marriages.
all in detail based on Rahu or dragon’s head strength in the Kundli or Horoscope connection.
What made Sanjay Dutt Marry two times.
As an additional PRACTICAL example of rahu(dragon’s head) strength, case of Adolf Hitler is also taken later .
It is a typical case of dictator of Germany- Adolf Hitler as an illustrative example for Rahu strength in any horoscope.

How do you judge Rahu(dragon’s head) strength in Horoscope? Also what role does rahu or Dragon’s head play in any Horoscope?

What is Rahu actually? 🙂
Rahu(Dragon’s head) is a natural malefic and is the intersection point of moons orbit with the ecliptic or the plane on which the other planets move.

What does rahu represent?
Rahu is the ruler of number 4= underworld/dacoits/revolutionary people and people who rebel. It also is for things that are hidden.

When does Rahu give great results Or very Bad results?In the below article the strength of rahu is checked based on its state or situation .
it is in over and above the exaltation and debilitation of rahu in Taurus or Scorpio signs

What is the role of Rahu in Sanjay Dutt’s Life
Sanjay dutt is a son of the veteran hero Sunil dutt and has gotten success in films or movies in working in negative roles connected to rahu or dragon’s head. Like dacoit, thief, or a gang leader etc.

What is the Roel of Rahu(dragon’s head) strength in Horoscope or Kundli predictions ?

1) If the planet rahu is in agam state or avastha –
How could rahu avastha or strength create legal and financial issues in anyone’s life?
In what situation could Rahu or Dragon’s Head cause serious Legal issues in one’s Life?1:the person could be mentally distressed and may be afraid from his or her enemies.
There could be legal issues as well.
His or her own people may go against .
The person may be crafty in behaviour and may have a lean and thin body. His or her finances would not flourish.
In the agama avastha rahu is not strong.
2) If the planet rahu is in the bhojan avastha,
How could rahu strength impact the education and also wealth for any horoscope?
What condition or state of Rahu could make a person Go hungry without food? 2:.
the person may not even get food and be very dull or with low IQ.
There could be lack of courage as well. There could also be less marital and happiness form progeny or kids.
In the Bhojan avastha rahu is not strong.

(3) If the planet rahu is in the nritya lips avastha or state
How can Rahu badly spoil someone’s Health and also wealth?
3: The person may get serious ailments or diseases.
There could be difficulty in one to subdue the same.
The eyes sight could be impacted, and the enemies may dominate the person.
There could be a financial misfortune as well.
In nritya lips avastha or state rahu is not strong.

4) if the planet rahu is in the kautuk state –
Could rahu strength in Horoscope cause one to steal wealth?
What Rahu condition could cause one loose position in Job or Career? 4: .
The person may not be able to hold his or her position. The interest of the person may be in others and also opposite. The person may be prone to steal wealth.
In kautuk avastha rahu is just OK.
5) if the planet rahu is in the nidra state or avastha

How could rahu strength in Horoscope impact one being courageous?
Which state of rahu could make you very courageous? 5: The person would be very virtuous and would be having a souse (husband or wife) .
and also children, he or she may be very courageous and bold and from an affluent family.
In nidra avastha or sate rahu is strong

Sanjay Dutt the Film star of Bollywood birth details
Born Sanjay Balraj Dutt
29 July 1959 (age 58)
Bombay State, India

what is the Role of rahu in sanjay dutt’s life and career?

what roles does Rahu strength have on one’s way of thinking based on the Horoscope or Kundli?
In the horoscope of sanjay dutt, Rahu(Dragon’s head) is in close conjunction of bhava Madhya or midpoint of house of sanjay Dutt’s horoscope in the eleventh house of friends and gains.
These rahu(Dragon’s head) aspects his third bhava or house of people around and his actions and the fifth house of his thinking and yes the seventh bhava or house.

How rahu(dragon’s head) strength in horoscope of sanjay dutt cause his arrest?
Given the horoscope of sanjay dutt as results rahu in eleventh gives deceit from friends- or people you trust he got arrested for keeping arms in Mumbai bomb blast case. also rahu here makes the person gain and loose wealth suddenly due to nature of rahu energy.

Does rahu strength for sanjay Dutt suggest that his sister would join Politics?
For the horoscope of sanjay dutt Rahu aspect on the third bhava or house gives sanjay dutt roles of villain s third is the house of action.
Rahu(dragon’s head) aspect on his younger sister house with Saturn retrograde there means his sister would.
also be very independent minded person and may rebel in some form the society.
she is into politics and domain of rahu.

does rahu strength in the horoscope of sanjay Dutt cause stomach troubles to him?
Aspect of rahu on sanjay dutt’s fifth house causes him to work and think as a rebel at times. ketu in the fifth bhava .
so stomach trouble would be there.

Does rahu strength in Horoscope of sanjay dutt make him have multiple marriages?
In the kundali or horoscope of sanjay dutt aspect of rahu on the seventh bhava or house of relationships suggest that he may marry multiple times and may have relationships with multiple females.
his seventh lord is mars is weak but is passionate in Kendra house of tenth with Venus. so giving sanjay dutt above average sex urge.
he is said to have dated around 300 girls in his life

What makes Sanjay Dutt such a great actor and a person?

Is Mars or Mangal raja Yoga karaka for sanjay dutt?
now looking at his Lagna or ascendant, it is ruled by aggressive Mars or Mangal and is Raja Yoga karaka into e tenth house for Sanjay Dutt.
It makes him successful in film or Bollywood roles.
one can very clearly see or observe that mars are sitting in the tenth or 10th House or bhava of career and action for Sanjay Dutt.

does mars or Mangal give good muscles to sanjay dutt?
he also has a strong enough Venus sitting nearby to mars into the tenth house, which is weak by being in the

what does the Horoscope of sanjay dutt say about his mother?
Leo sign or Simha Rashi. It is the Lord of the twelfth or 12th house .
but still, it is ok it gives him and passionate good enough sensitive image along with masculinity of mars.
Venus(Shukra) and Mars(Mangal) aspect the fourth house of mother Nargis Dutt of Sanjay Dutt.
What is the Equation Of Life of Sanjay Dutt ?
+ Leo
== Films & sanjay Dutt

which planets made Sanjay Dutt have multiple marriages?

does rahu strength have a role in making sanjay dutt marry a non-Hindu?
also one can see that he(Sanjay Dutt) lost his first wife Richa Sharma due to cancer and then left the second wife Rhea Pillai who was an air hostess turned model.
and yes now he is married to Manyata who is originally Dilnawaz Shaikh.
Now we can notice that close to Venus(Shukra) for Sanjay Dutt is malefic mars which impact the health of wife and relationships as well for him.

Does Venus or shukra and also may be rahu play a role in multiple marriages of sanjay dutt?
also one can see that Venus(Shukra) is Lord of the seventh or 7th house or Bhava .
yes it definitely rules his wife or wives and Venus aspected by malefic Mars indicates multiple marriages for Sanjay Dutt .
also Mars is Lord of 6th (sixth)house of 6th bhava .
so a lot of negative energy of bad health and legal conflict etc is coming through mars.

what kind of support Sanjay Dutt got from his father Sri Sunil Dutt and set. Nargis Dutt based on his horoscope and kundali?

Could Jupiter have cause ego to sanjay dutt based on his horoscope(kundli)?
now looking at 2nd Bhava lord that is. Jupiter or guru is twelfth or 12th house lord. so his status can go to a walk or zero due to the same. also, Jupiter in 12th gives great ego to the person. also Jupiter in twelfth may make one less dharma at times.

what does the Horoscope for sanjay dutt say about His father Sunil dutt ji?
The ninth bhava lord of luck and Fortune/father moon(Chandra) is exalted in the seventh or 7th house itself.
that itself gives great support to him through his father Sunil Dutt.
we have noted that his ninth house Lord rules his father Sri Sunil Dutt.
so his father gives great support. so that way Sanjay Dutt Ji’s is lucky.

does the Horoscope of sanjay dutt Promise windfalls and gains?
well so his Lord of public image of the games that we get from is movies of films is Saturn that is in 2nd Bhava .
are there indications of great success for sanjay dutt in his horoscope?
so certain give him good power and image as well Rahu sitting in 11th house gives in unexpected ways that are the windfalls in the movies the Lord of 11th house in the 9th house forming a good Raj Yoga.
and give Sanjay Dutt
Also, Jupiter is lord of gains and wealth and status

what planetary combinations suggest that his mother and father would be distinguished people ? .

what does the Horoscope of sanjay dutt say about his mother Nargis dutt and Father Sunil dutt?
we know Sanjay Dutt’s parents like Sri Sunil Dutt and smt. Nargis Dutt jis is would renowned people.
now the moon in the chart represents mother that is smt. Nargis Dutt and for Sri Sunil Dutt .
also, we have moon the lord of the ninth bhava that is exalted in the Taurus sign or vrishabha Rashi in the seventh house.
so clearly suggests that his father Sri Sunil Dutt ji would be well placed and yes good support of wealth and fortune over all to Sanjay Dutt.
the Lord of the tenth or 10th House career in the ninth house suggests that his father would be close to him in career.
that is a film industry .he(Sunil Dutt) would be a dignified person.

does rahu(dragon’s head) strength in the horoscope of sanjay dutt play a role in his film roles?
also, Mercury The Lord of gains is in the ninth bhava of dharma, so that also suggests that his father could be connected to the film industry .
and so would is his mother as the Virgo sign has Rahu sitting in it . also Rahu deals with the film industry roles.

what planetary combinations got him engaged in legal tangle or court etc in 1993?
Now the question is that why did Sanjay Dutt’s name come in 1993 terrorist and disruptive activities Prevention Act >?
it is primarily his Saturn or Shani the Planet of his public image is sitting in the second bhava. Saturn/Shani is weak in transit and rules his public image.
also the dispositor Jupiter is weak in sitting in the 12th bhava of loss and confinement. so we know that why his public image gets impacted.

what roles does Venus play in the Horoscope of sanjay dutt to send him to Jail?
12th Bhava Lord Venus rules Court cause/ jail is sitting into the career house.
also note that planet Sun the planet of public image is there with the 8th House Lord Mercury(Budha) .
and Venus lord of 12th is sitting in the 10th House suggests that he will have to do some work to do with jails, hospitals, and legal matters could pester him.
so overall this makes him take hard Journeys and make him work very hard for jail

what Rahu(Dragon’s head) energies with Venus(shukra) makes Sanjay Dutt choose film industry or movies ?
does mars play a strong role in the Horoscope of sanjay dutt to have good muscles? 😉
Now once again what makes him take the film industry or Bollywood and be so successful in it?
In his horoscope or kundali we know that mars are the strongest planet, and it is the lagna or Scorpio for Sanjay Dutt.
so makes his works as an action hero and yes a muscleman.
now as for Sanjay Dutt, mars is very close to Venus(Shukra) that deals with the film industry.

does moon and Venus in the horoscope of sanjay dutt Give him close connections with films in the Bollywood?
A strong connection with the film industry is there. also, all this energy as well is there in the house of action.
that is karma house. So Venus gets the moon energy as the moon is sitting in the Venus sign of Taurus(vrishabha Rashi.) .
also the energies of the 9th house of the moon also blesses Sanjay Dutt with good success and support from his father Sunil Dutt.

does rahu strength in the Horoscope of sanjay dutt play a role for the loss of name for him?
Now we know that for the film industry Rahu or dragon’s head is sitting in the eleventh or 11tyh house of Virgo or mercury(Kanya Rashi).
so this suggests that there could be blemishes on his name work.
which is where we know for Sanjay Dutt in the terrorist act.
also that the same time sun and mercury sitting on either side of career house gave him great name/image and status in the film industry as well.

what does the Numbers or Numerology say about sanjay dutt apart from his horoscope and his family as well?
we also note that based on numerology his total numbers comes to 6 = Venus the planet for acting and film industry in Bollywood.29 July 1959 = 29/11/2 + July(7) + 1959(24) = 33/6(3+3=6).
and he or Sanjay Dutt his born on 29th of July./ so this is a very strong moon influence on him.
moon gives him great variability of the image to him and also makes a big success(moon might reflect the energies of the sun).
so cancer(July energies) and 29=2+9=11= Neptune and 1=moon gave shim big boons from his parents as well Sri Sunil Dutt and smt Nargis Dutt.
rest is the history we know how accurate all the analysis is.
we wish him best of luck in life.

Predictions for sanjay dutt for 2018-2019
sanjay dutt is running Saturn mercury period in his horoscope or kundali.
Mercury or budha rules his house of gains the eleventh house or bhava so he would make good money out of the royalty of the film sanju.
mercury also rules the eight houses or bhava and sits in the ninth bhava or house.
also so he or sanjay dutt may have more frequent foreign travels in this period till 2019 ending.
sanjay dutt should take good care of his health now as eighth house lord is a tertiary markesh for sanjay dutt. he also needs to think and then act.
We wish him all the best in life.

Something interesting about sanjay dutt?
sanjay dutt’s full name is sanjay Balraj dutt. he is born on 29th of July on the cusp of cancer sign(karkat rashi) and Leo or Simha rashi.
He is primarily a film actor and a producer. he is known for his work on Hindi cinema
sanjay dutt has studied in Lawrence school in sanawar . he is the son of the leading Hindi film actor Sunil dutt.
sanjay dutt started acting in films from 1981 itself and have worked over 180 films or movies.
sanjay dutt has got great success in negative roles or even as a villain.
this includes working as dacoits or gangsters or even as a police officer.
On the June of 29 of 2018 , a film made on him(sanjay dutt) has been released starring rishi Kapoor’s son Ranbir Kapoor.

How does dragon’s head or Rahu Play a role in the horoscope of Dictator like Hitler ?
Now Rahu or dragon’s head is in the 10th House of Adolf Hitler.
The 10th house or karma & career bhava for Adolf Hitler is ruled Gemini sign or Mithuna Rashi for him.
as we have Kanya Lagna as the ascendant for Adolf Hitler.

what is the role of strength of Rahu(dragon’s head) in horoscope for him?
Now Rahu being in the house of action of Adolf Hitler means find Rahu is sitting in the 10th House of Karma or actions for him means.
the actions of his could get to the low level as well as Rahu is that kind of planet.

does Rahu strength cause aggressive actions based on Hitler’s horoscope or kundli?
so basically as Rahu or dragon’s head is a malefic and mlechha Planet one has to take care of negative actions and also negative behavior .
we also note that Gemini is ruled by Mercury or Buddha there means that Buddha or intelligence or the discrimination of Adolf Hitler gets affected .

what based on horoscope or Kundli caused him to kill people?
so he May find very creative ways of killing and destroying others( wrong use of budhi or intelligence due to rahu or dragon’s head).
that’s what Adolf Hitler did for Jews .
he unfortunately put them in gas chambers giving them very bad departure from the world.

how is the rahu strength impacted Hitler’s Horoscope or Kundli?
As Rahu(dragon’s head) sits in Gemini the 3rd sign the other sign 6 sign of Virgo is connected with Rahu as well.
as Mercury rules both these two sign .
Virgo being the 6th sign and 6= family and people and yes country for sure.

was rahu(Dragon’s head) strength and malefic energy responsible for him
so Rahu(dragon’s head) sending malefic energy to home and family for Adolf Hitler means that he by his actions will destroy the homes and families .
so all this is 100% percent true for Adolf Hitler .
that he impacted a large set of Jews and lacs of them got unfortunately destroyed in gas Chambers.
Lot of creativity Gemini + rahu energy in 10th house was used to impact others.

what is the role of rahu aspect for Hitler?
we also note that rahu or dragon’s head aspects the 7th house in 7th aspect .
there we have moon sitting in the 4th house from lagna.
that very clearly indicates that this could not give him right set of actions and thinking for Adolf Hitler.

did he have Guru chandaal Yoga in his horoscope?
we also have Jupiter sitting in the 4th house so that could incline Adolf Hitler somewhat to Dharma religion.
but Rahu aspecting it could create guru Chandal Yog as well .
As essentially and Guru Chandal Yog Rahu and Jupiter energies are connected together, and this is what exactly is happening in the Kundali for Adolf Hitler!

How does Rahu(dragon’s head) make a difference for Adolf Hitler from Chandra Lagna?
does rahu has a role in getting him killed?
also from the Chandra Lagna of Adolf Hitler Rahu sits in the 7th house and is markesh in that sense.
This clearly indicates that Rahu(dragon’s head) could cause death to Adolf Hitler by hidden or secret ways .
rahu who is the secret of planet caused death of Adolf Hitler by Russian Armies very clearly known.
yes he committed suicide.

what role does Sagittarius or dhanu play in his horoscope?
Also from Chandra Lagna of Sagittarius sign of Adolf Hitler .here to know that moon rules the 8th house of Adolf Hitler and secret attacks could cause his death .
also they could be sudden an Unexpected in nature.
that also with Rahu aspecting the same(moon) very clearly confirms Hitler’s death may not be in so great environment and maybe when he would be travelling because moon is a fluid planet and represents travel.

what role does rahu’s(dragon’s head) strength or Jupiter have for Hitler’s public image?
also from the Moon Lagna Jupiter rules the Lagna or ascendant and the 4th house of public image .
so public image of Adolf Hitler gets maligned due to Rahu aspecting Jupiter in the moon chart.
It very clearly means one will see him see Adolf Hitler as against the normal ethics of society.
Rahu and Jupiter energy is there in the public image house .
suggest the person would be popular some by hook or Crook him will get popularity but he will destroy his public image sooner or later.

Numerology or anka Jyotish of Adolf Hitler
what does the numerology or number and also number4= rahu say about him?;)
also based on anka Jyotish of Adolf Hitler .
he is born on April and April is a fourth(4) month to definitely the strong influence of Rahu as 4= number of rahu.
there and April month is Rule By mars or Mangal.
so Adolf Hitler has a strong energy of Rahu and Mars running for which gives a great aggression to him.
he also has great ability to cut his Enemies into pieces(mars + Rahu).
Adolf Hitler Being born on Thursday so that does give him some religious inclinations as well to some extent