About this article?
The article at Length about Moon or Chandra avasthas(situation in horoscope) or state as described in the classical texts of Vedic Astrology.
It also talks about impact of Chandra Avastha or Moon state or situation in any Horoscope and connection with Luck, Money, Job, Relationships, Love, family etc
It tells which Chandra avasthas to state or situation in Horoscope or Kundli could make someone rich, poor, or wicked or famous etc. Very interesting article 🙂
The article then goes ahead to apply the ideas to the case for Yeddyurappa Karnataka chief minister in detail.

In any Horoscope or Kundli what are the Moon or Chandra Dev states & their predictions for Luck, Money, Job, health, relationships etc.?

what is the Chandra Avastha or Moon state in any Horoscope or Kundli for Higher sexual Lust ?
If the planet moon or Chandra is in sayan or shayan avastha in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
It gives the person honour and may make him or her sluggish ;).
There could be higher sexual lust and yes financial issues could creep in.

What are the Chandra Avasthas or Lunar or moon states in any Horoscope or Kundli that could make one disease prone and also less intelligence?
If the planet moon or Chandra is in Upavesan avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
There could be high number of diseases and the person may not be very intelligent.
There may not be much money or wealth and the heart of the person m may be hard.
One may do acts that are not recommended by the society, and one may try to steal from others.

What moon or Chandra Avasthas or state in any Horoscope so one may cause one indulges into bad actions?
If planet moon or Chandra is in Netrapani State or Avastha the health issues may be of prolonged nature and the person may be garrulous or also wicked or crooked. One may indulge not so well-respected actions of the society.

What are the Chandra Avasthas or moon states in any Horoscope or Kundli that could make one opulent like a king 🙂 ?
If moon or Chandra be in Prakash Avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart , the person may be famous and have good virtues.
He may get royal patronage and would have horses/females and elephants and all kinds of wealth and would also visit holy places or shrines.

Can you tell if one would do sinful actions based on Moon state or avasthas in any Horoscope or Kundli?
If the planet Chandra or moon is in gaman avastha in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
or state and is with decreasing rays the person could be cruel and also indulging in sinful acts and may have issues in eye sight

What kind of Chandra Avastha or Moon state in the Kundli or Horoscope could cause more fear in in any One ?
if Chandra or moon is in gaman avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart and is in increasing rays-
Then there could be stress almost always and also fear could be there.

What could cause loss of wealth and also bad habits in a person based on Chandra Avastha or Moon state in any Horoscope or Kundli?
if Chandra or moon is in agaman state or avastha in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
The person could be honourable and may suffer from feet related issues.
also one may indulge in acts that are sinful and money or wealth may be less and so would the intelligence be and same applies to happiness.

What moon avastha or state in any Kundli or Horoscope could make you opulent and important like a King ? 🙂
If the planet moon is in the sabh state or avastha in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
The person would be having prominence and would have honour from kings and would be infact a king of kings.
The person would be handsome infact very handsome- can subdue the passion of women and be very skilled in sexual acts and also be virtuous.

How to identify person who could be violent and wicked and have more wives based on Chandra avastha or Moon state in any Horoscope or kundli?
If the planet or graha moon is in the agam state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
The person may become very talkative and if the moon or Chandra is of dark fortnight the person may have two wives or husbands and may also be ill mostly.
The person may become very violent and wicked.

which moon state or Chandra avastha in any Kundli or Horoscope could give you great honour and conveyances?
if the planet moon is in bhojan avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
The person would get full respect and honour and have conveyances or attendants and good status in the society, wife and yes daughters.
Only if moon is full moon or purna , but if in dark fortnight the good effects may not come to forth.

What moon state or avastha in the Horoscope or Kundli could make a person a singer but be sinful as well?
If the person is born with moon in Nritya lips in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
Also is endowed with fortnightly strength.
He or she would be strong and would have good knowledge of songs and may be a critic of beautiful things.
But if in dark fortnight the person may have less strength and be sinful.

What Chandra avastha or moon state in the Horoscope or Kundli could connect someone to prostitutes or be a sex hungry person?
if moon is in kautuk avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart the person would attain kingship .
and be a master of wealth and also have skill in sexual acts and could connect to prostitutes.

Which lunar state or avastha could make you eminent?
If moon is waxing or getting good energy from Jupiter or guru or be in Nidra avastha or state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
It could make the person quite eminent .

What situation or avastha of Chandra or moon in Horoscope may cause one loose wealth and jackals also cry?
If in waxing state and is in Nidra state in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart .
and at the same time does not get energy from guru or Jupiter – the person may lose wealth on account of females .
also female jackals would cry near his abode or house.

basic calculation of Moon State or Chandra avastha
The remainder you get has to be increased by constant factor as per the planet.
Surya or sun 5, Chandra or moon 2, Mangal or mars 2, Budh or mercury 3, Guru or Jupiter 5, Shukra or Venus 3, Shani or Saturn 3, Rahu & (Ketu) 4.

PRACTICAL application of Chandra Avastha or Moon state to
Yeddyurappa ji 19th chief minister of Karnataka below

Yeddyurrapa ji’s birth details Karnataka chief minister?
Name: Yeddyurappa
Date of Birth: born on Saturday, February 27, 1943
Time of Birth: 02:35:00
Place of Birth: Bookanakere
Yeddyurappa state of moon or Chandra:
Date of Birth: born on Saturday, February 27, 1943
Time of Birth: 02:35:00
Place of Birth: Bookanakere
Lagna number= dhanu or Sagittarius = 9
Moon in nakshatra number & name = Vishakha and number = 16= destructive nakshatra
Birth nakshatra number & name = Vishakha and number = 16= destructive nakshatra
Moon navamsa or d9 = Moon is in cancer or karkat navamsha = 4
Number of ghatis based on sun rise= from previous day, as day is from sunrise to sun rise=
Sun rise on 26th happens in Bookanakere is 6:37 AM so almost till next day sun rise = 24 hours.
so around 4 hours back that is 2:37 it is = 20 hours.1 hours = 2.5 ghati, so 20 +10 ghati = 30 ghatis is the time of birth of Yeddyurappa ji
Let us do this for Yeddyurappa India’s for his planet moon
in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart His moon = number 16
So the number we have is 4(the d9 rashi number) x2(The value of the planet here= Moon=2)x 16(nakshatra or the star number where the given planet is in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart ) = 128= base number
Now add his birth moon nakshatra number to the same=16(vishakha birth moon nakshatra) for Yeddyurappa ji
Also the ghatis passed since sun rise for Yeddyurappa ji is 30 ghatis
Also Yeddyurappa ji in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart lagna is Sagittarius or dhanu rashi= 9
Sum total for sun of Yeddyurappa ji = 128(base number) +16(birth moon nakshatra)+20(ghatis) +9(rashi anka)= 173/12 = 14 Remainder 5 or this is 5+2 = 7th state
in the kundli or horoscope or the birth chart So This is a sabh state of moon
Predictions for Yeddyurappa ji for SABH state of Moon or Chandra in his horoscope or kundli
“the person would be having prominence “
We know he is the resident of Karnataka BJP and has been the chief minister of Karnataka earlier
“and would have honour from kings and would be infact a king of kings”.
Now it is obvious that a chief minister or a top politician has these honours and abilities
“ the person would be handsome infact very handsome- also be virtuous.”
Yes, he must be handsome in his Youth, and also must virtuous
All above is 100% correct barring some modifications by other planets in Sri yeddyurappa ji’s Horoscope or kundli
Who is Yeddyurappa ji?
His full name is Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa and he was (born 27 February 1943) at Bookanakere.
Yeddyurappa ji is a politician from India and now is being sworn in the 19th chief minister of the state of Karnataka.
He may be holding the office the third time.
Yeddyurappa ji also needs the basic vote of confidence to prove or establish his majority .
which has to happen within 15 days of his swearing in as a chief minister or CM of the state of Karnataka.
Yeddyurappa ji is from Shimoga constituency , he is also a member of 16th Lok Sabha of India .
Also Mr. Yeddyurappa is the state BJP president from Karnataka. In the year 2011 he had to resign as he was indicted in a corruption case.