Mohammed shami cricketer fast bowler kundli horoscope(birth chart) Delhi dare devils hasin jahan divorce FIR fight conflict 2018 predictions
Some interesting facts about Mohammed shami the Indian cricket team Delhi dare devils cricketer & fast bowler
- He (Mohammed shami) is from amroha district from the state of UP or Uttar Pradesh in India from the village of He has been mentored or coached by Badruddin Siddique who saw is talent for bowling and cricket and brought him up.
- His father is Tousif Ali who is a farmer and also fast bowler in his younger days.
- When Mohammed Shami did not get picked up picked for the Uttar Pradesh Under-19 team, Badruddin sent him to Calcutta later in the year 2005.
- In Calcutta Mohammed Shami used to play for the Dalhousie Athletic Club. While he was playing for this club, he was noticed by Debabrata Das. a former assistant secretary of the Cricket Association of Bengal.
- Mr das was impressed with Shami’s bowling capabilities and put him into his team, Town Club, with a contract amount.
- In the month 2018 of march there was FIR lodged against Mohammed shami and also including his family by his wife hasin jahan. The cause was domestic violence and adultery. Also murder/corruption and match fixing charges were levelled against him.
- As a reaction to the above situation The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) banned Shami from their national contracts list .
Birth details and horoscope of Mohammed shami
- Mohammed Shami
- Born 9 March 1990 (age 28)
- Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Height 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
His wife hasin jahan, a former model,Some interesting details about hasin jahan
- She(hasin jahan) wanted to be an aispiring model but due to family commitments could not pursue the career.
- Hasin jahan is around 5 foot 7 inches tall with brown hair and eyes
- Hasin jahan has been married twice and has two daughters. She got divorced as her previous husband’s family had issues with her further studies.
Birth details of hasin jahan
- Hasin jahan was born on 2 February 1980 in Siuri, Birbhum, and West Bengal, India.
Why Mohammed shami is a great athlete and fast bowler based on his kundli or horoscope(birth) chart?
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of Mohammed shami, Let us look at the moon chart or rashi chart which is more reliable as the birth time is not available.
- Now bowling is done by arms and he is a fast bowler the lord of the third house or bhava should be very strong and blessed.
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of Mohammed shami, The lord of 3rd bhava from moon sign is Jupiter- this planet Jupiter or guru is exalted in the sign of cancer or karkat rashi .
- Further In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of Mohammed shami, the master multiplier ketu is there- which makes it a dhwaja for him. Or a flag of greatness /excellence in the house it sits is to his arms of bowling.
- He may also later in life go deep into religion or spirituality and take up religion very deeply.
- His lagan has rahu in it- which gives him a rebel and rash nature needed for bowling or athletics.
- Given the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of mohammed shami, As the body or mohammed shami’s lagna has rahu near it and blessed with Jupiter rising in the cancer sign- he is a mix of Jupiter and rahu body.
- Venus and mercury near his surya or sun lagan give him fairly good looks.
- Also look at his(Mohammed shami) birth date = 9 March 1990, he has 3(Three) 9’s in his birth date, 9= number of mars and action and aggression. Yes fast bowling and athletics and a higher sex drive come into the purview of mars or Mangal.
- He has to avoid haste and any tendency to take high risks in money and other matters like speculations and racing/lottery.
Why Mohammed shami came in to relationship and compatibility row in 2018 starting
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of mohammed shami, On can clearly see that Saturn (shani) is in the ninth sign of Sagittarius or dhanu for him and making his sade sati start from 2018 onwards due to Saturn or shani transit in the twelfth bhava or house of his.
- His Saturn or shani is old but blessed by Jupiter as a dispositer at 25 degrees.
- Mohammed shami he has some basic protection still.
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of mohammed shami, Jupiter or guru the planet of blessings transits into his tenth house of career. Now 10th house does not suit Jupiter in strait- creating issues in career.
- This may not give the appropriate monetary results and name and fame to your work as it transits the career or job house in this transit of Jupiter in the year 2018.
- For the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of mohammed shami, So from your moon sign in this transit, there could be some decline in wealth flows as guru rules wealth flows as well. One has to take care of the image as the house of image that is the 4th bhava is aspected. He(Mohammed shami) Also tabs are to keep on money matters.
- Jupiter or guru rules his stress/expenditure and also initiatives and comes in the tenth bhava in transit- so spoiling and creating issues for his bowling or action and yes job or career.
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of mohammed shami, Rahu is already in cancer or karkat rashi in transit so spoiling the effects of natal Jupiter or guru which gave him money /fame and talent
What kind of mental strength and make up does hasin jahan have
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of hasin jahan, The mind of hasin jahan or moon is fair in moon sign of cancer or karkat rashi, though a bit old at 28 degrees.
- It suggests that still her mind would stay firm.
- In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of hasin jahan, Moon or chandra gets an aspect of sun or surya, form the lagan- or ascendant – so gives her the element of independence in her mind.
- For the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of hasin jahan, She(hasin jahan) is also Capricorn ascendant from surya lagna, and Capricorn is the 10th sign- with an influence of Saturn and yes sun as well.
- Sun in her kundli or horoscope aspecting the moon lagna, also gives her fame in modelling to whatever little extent it could give her.
- Given the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of hasin jahan,The lord of the 10th house or career from moon lagan is mars is strong and is in the second bhava with Jupiter and rahu in it. This could give her a hard speech and ability to speak aggressively and courageously against any wrong doings.
- For the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of hasin jahan, Hasin jahan has a strong moon influence – she is born on 2nd month(February) and 2nd day making her highly sensitive. Saturn and moon as are not friend would not let her stay comfortable at home.
- She could come out of her current problems by diversion into arts and music and acting.
- Year 2018 till September October would not be great for her and also Mohammed shami.
- But some improvement for her by 2018 October September 2018 and great improvements for Mohammed shami in the year 2019 is there.
Predictions for relationships of hasin jahan and Mohammed shami
- Mohammed shami is clearly having Saturn run or transit in his twelfth house from his moon- it’s a case of sade sati.
- The matters may go worse when Saturn is retrograde or reversed for him in April 2018 onwards to September 2018.
- As Saturn(shani) aspects the second house of family as well, and also the ninth bhava or house- his luck is impacted- he was punished by the cricket board also his father’s health needs care,
- Infact mars(Mohammed shami) and moon( hasin jahan) do not go well as they are enemies. Mars is fire primarily and moon is water sign or rashi. There is a perpetual conflict and steam created.
- But what brought them together? That is rahu their destiny or karma. She is born on 2 Feb. 1980 = 2+2+9 = 13/4. And Mohammed shami is 9 march 1990= 9+ 3+ 1990(=19=10=1) = 9+4= 13/4= rahu!
- So both have a rebellious streak in them that brought them together.
- We wish both of them- hasin jahan and Mohammed shami the best in life.
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