About this article ?
this article this is a very interesting article which discusses how longevity or lifespan is measured or found based on the d1 lagan or d9 navamsha chart or the horoscope or kundli.
additionally, the nakshatras roles in longevity and lifespan determination(addition or subtraction) in very clear terms is discussed.
All would help you to know your own longevity and lifespan to some extent ;).
Also as a sample example the case of Shri Sanjay Gandhi ji is taken. who left for the heavenly abode t at a very young age in an aircraft accident. It is evaluated based on Vedic astrology principles for evaluation of his longevity and life span .

How is Longevity Judged in any Horoscope or Kundli? what is The basic model to judge the longevity or life span?
now basic longevity or life span for any Kundli or horoscope is very simple. it is basically the measure of your life force or prana or body strength that GOD has given you at the time of birth. this gets decreased by negative influences of health and GOD forbid accidents or operations that happen on the Human Body.
are the basic life span for any Kundli or horoscope is based on the strength of the first house and your eighth house . once again the good and bad influences as explained above are taken into account.
so for Longevity or life span for any Kundli or horoscope one goes on further to check the malefic or negative influences on the core houses( 1 and 8th) and also what are the energies shared with the 1st 4th 7th and 10th house plus the trikona houses like 5th and 9th house.
Then in the process to check longevity or life span for any Kundli or horoscope we check how much energy gets added or reduced .like say for example how much good planets like Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and moon sitting in the negative houses like the twelfth house the third house or the sixth house impact the total life for or energy balance in the body.
The overall assessment for longevity is primarily based on 1)The basic Lagan chart and 2) also the d9 navamsha chart and the 3) The Nakshatra energies shared across your horoscope or Kundli as explained in the article below

how is longevity or lifespan measured based on chart on the Nakshatra chart ?
so based on strength of the core planets of the d1 or lagna chart like the first house lord of the horoscope the strength of same is checked and so is the 8th house lord of the horoscope strength checked in the in the d9 or the navamsha chart or horoscope.
also the same principles as discussed in section above are applied for judging longevity or life span for any Kundli or horoscope . Like what about 1,4,7,10th and 5th and 9th house of the horoscope .
Is it absorbing positive or negative energy? also what kind of benefics or malefic planets are there in these houses like benefics= Jupiter, mercury, Venus and strong moon OR malefic like mars, Saturn ,Rahu-Ketu axis.

similarly the additional influences of Nakshatra or the stars of the zodiac is measured for longevity or life span for any Kundli or horoscope ?
Like say the dhanishtha nakshatra is ruled by mars or Mangal. so say in your Horoscope mars is ruling the twelfth house or say the 6th house or the 8th house. so being a negative planet mars and also due to the Nakshatra lordship of mars and lordship of 12th in a horoscope .
so overall it become a more malefic in effect. the same logic applies to benefic planets like Jupiter. if say the planets are like Jupiter and is sitting in good houses like Kendra hours 1st 4th 7th 10th House 9th. but still say sitting on dhanishtha nakshatra which rules the 12th house it is called the negative Nakshatra for longevity or life span .
This problem could also happen if this nakshatra lord mars rules the third house, in the second house (markesh bhava) , 7th bhava the markesh bhava or house or even f ruling the 6th house . so this could naturally reduce strength of Jupiter or Guru for longevity of the lifespan calculations despite sitting on the good houses like 1,4,10 or 9th or 5th.

Birth Details and Horoscope of sri Sanjay Gandhi ji:
Name: Sanjay Gandhi
Date of Birth: Saturday, December 14, 1946
Time of Birth: 09:27:00
Place of Birth: Delhi
Longitude: 77 E 13
Latitude: 28 N 39
Time Zone: 5.5

Strength of Lagna(ascendant) for Sanjay Gandhi ji
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sanjay Gandhi ji, lagna is Saturn or shani and is in the enemy sign of moon(cancer/karkat rashi) in the seventh house or bhava that is Kendra.
The total shadabala of Saturn is less around 350.1
Moon(Chandra) the dispositer of lagna or ascendant is OK, but in the eight bhava of accidents and attack prone house eighth.
Strength of 8th (Eighth) house bhava for sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji, the eight houses or bhava is ruled by the royal sign Leo(simha) or the lordship of sun(surya), sun is with malefic ketu who functions like mars & mercury the lord of ninth and the sixth bhava.
Also note that mercury(budha) sits on Anuradha nakshatra, which is ruled by planet Saturn a markesh for sanjay Gandhi ji.
Malefic Hemming considerations- eighth bhava lord and also lagna
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji, the eighth lord sun has malefic influence of ketu and also mars sitting close in the twelfth bhava.
Ayushkaraka(longevity significator) Saturn or shani for sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri Sanjay Gandhi ji, Saturn(shani) is just OK in Kendra in the seventh bhava and is retrograde- here. Giving him average scoop of longevity or life span.
strength of moon or Chandra for sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji, Moon(Chandra) is fair in the eighth bhava or house.
Moon gets weakened in the eighth bhava day by day and is at 359.63 shadabala, which is not high.

Malefic or negative planets placements in Horoscope (kundli)for sri . Sanjay Gandhi Ji
In the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji, Saturn is in seventh bhava or house of Kendra, rahu is in the fifth bhava, sun and ketu are in the eleventh house and mars in the twelfth bhava or house.
So over all just OK. Malefic like Saturn in the seventh bhava and lordship of the second bhava of Saturn make it a first rate killer for sri sanjay Gandhi ji.
Planet moon is also a markesh for him.
He was running moon-mercury period when he left for his heavenly abode in June 1980.
Markesh or the killer Identify for sri . Sanjay Gandhi president Congress(India)
For the kundli or horoscope(Birth chart) of sri. Sanjay Gandhi ji, The markesh is moon and Saturn clearly, Saturn is a powerful markesh for him.
IN d9 or navamsa also the markesh is Saturn and moon.
Mercury absorbs the energy of ketu and sun(the eighth lord), causing sudden accidents.
Nakshatra or birth star based identification of malefic for sri. Sanjay Gandhi longevity or lifespan analysis
Already done above.
The varga chart of Navamsa or d9 considerations for longevity for sri Sanjay Gandhi ji
The killers in navamsa are moon and Saturn.
Based on moon chart mercury is the second lord and is a markesh for sanjay Gandhi ji.
So is Saturn. Now Saturn sitting on moon sign cancer makes it a high class killer.
So over all moon-Saturn and moon –mercury dasha period would have been hard for sanjay Gandhi ji. His chance of getting hurt in an accident is high, the plant sun and his other factors are in the nakshatra of mercury- so indicating a possibility of air accident.
We wish peace to his soul.

About Sri Sanjay Gandhi India- minister India Congress party
Sri Sanjay Gandhi ji was born on 14 December 1946 and he left for his heavenly abode on 23 June 1980).
He sanjay Gandhi ji was an Indian politician. He was a family member of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.
In his life he was expected to succeed his respected mother, smt. Indira Gandhi ji as head of the Indian National Congress, but due to his early death in a plane crash his elder brother Rajiv Gandhi ji had to become his mother’s political heir,
Sri Sanjay Gandhi ji’s widow smt. Maneka Gandhi ji has a son sri Varun Gandhi ji who is a leading politicians in the BJP.