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What are some Interesting points about Lalu Prasad Yadav’s Interesting Life?
What are some Interesting points about Lalu Prasad Yadav’s Interesting Life?
Lalu Prasad Yadav ji has married Rabri Devi ji in 1971.
They have 2 sons and 7 daughters.
Lalu Prasad Yadav is the 2nd child of his parents. his elder brother is a clerk.
Lalu Prasad Yadav has completed his graduation in law and master’s in political science.
he also worked as a clerk in the Bihar veterinary college.,
How is the Political career of lalu?
Birth details lalu Prasad yadav
- Name: Lalu Prasad Yadav
- Date of Birth: Friday, June 11, 1948
- Time of Birth: 03:07:00
- Place of Birth: Gopalganj
- Time Zone: 5.5
Why this conviction happened for lalu Prasad and why now he is in Jail, based on his horoscope or Kundli?
- Lalu Prasad Yadav’s trouble started 2017 ending and also in 2018 march it has been more intense.
- In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav, If his horoscope that is available publicly is correct.
- He is running mars.
- Saturn or Shani sub period or Mangal-Shani antar dasha and maha dasha of Mangal.
- Given the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav ,In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav.
- So one thing is clear that this mars and Saturn period could be highly eventful for him or lalu.
- Yes Saturn(Shani) gets retrograde by this May 2018 end- this could be a real hard time for lalu Prasad yadav, especially when mars is combust or weak in transit.
- For the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav ,Now mars or Mangal is the lagna or ascendant and 8th bhava lord(eighth house lord as well) .
- and Saturn(Shani) rules his career/karma/job and gains the tenth and eleventh house .
- and is in his house of public image that is the fourth bhava.
- Here rahu or the malefic is in the transit – which impacts his public image badly in the fourth house of bhava of public image.
- In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav As rahu close to this bhava Madhya as well. The hardest time for him would be April ending 2018 and May 2018.
- He has to take good care of his heart/public image and bloods pressure then- viz. April ending & especially May 2018.
- From June to December he has to takes special care of heart and public image as moon is in the 4th bhava and keep his mind stable- which will be there as moon in cancer makes it strong moon.
- Given the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav From moon or rashi Saturn or Shani is markesh or the lord of the seventh bhava, sitting one’s self and also lord of the eight houses of jail/convictions etc.
- Mars rules the career and is in the second bhava from moon. So affect or impact on image could be there, despite some gains by leaderships and action as mars is malefic. So health and longevity needs care and prayer.
- The months of august and September 2018 need special care for lalu Prasad yadav health wise and otherwise .
- Now for sri Lalu Prasad Yadav lord of Lagna is Mars or Mangal for Aries(mesha rashi). It is a planet of action sitting in the 5th house which gives him good at comedy and sense of humour Plus also gives him Rajya or state as mars is a Rajya karaka planet.
- also Capricorn or makar rashi is the lord of career for Lalu Prasad Yadav . This sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which in turn is a bit weak in the cancer sign .
- That is karkat Rashi in the 4th house for Lalu Prasad Yadav. Now 4th house also rules the public image for Lalu Prasad Yadav.
- It rules the masses and people. also note that Jupiter or guru is sitting in the ninth house for sri Lalu Prasad Yadav in own sign of dhanu rashi (Sagittarius).
- so all this clearly means that he or sri Lalu Prasad Yadav has very good blessings of his past life and public.
- Saturn or Shani the 10th house lord is sitting in the house of public image.
- Note that lagna or ascendant of sri Lalu Prasad Yadav has Rahu sitting there.
- so this very clearly indicate that sri Lalu Prasad Yadav will have a very different kind of career .
- He would rebel against the norms and create something out of the blue :)>
- Also Rahu has to do with the public life .
- Saturn or Shani dev also rules the public image and public.
- that is the masses and yes sri Lalu Prasad Yadav ruled the public.
- so there would be a lot of politics and involvement in public image for him. Surya or sun other planet to do with fame and name for Lalu Prasad Yadav rules 5th house o is in the 2nd house of sri Lalu Prasad Yadav.
- so for Prasad Yadav it is a natural karaka for wealth and status . so this also gives in good status in the world to him and provides him with great communications ability.
- All these also give great connection of sri Lalu Prasad Yadav to the people of the public of Bihar.
What makes lalu Prasad yadav a funny and creative politician? - Lalu Prasad yadav is famous for his funny bone and practical jokes and unique style of creating humour or solving problems differently.
- He is good at lateral thinking.
- Infact IIM guys and people from top management institutes wanted to know how he could solve problems creatively.
- He gave many lateral solutions ,Like creating tatkal seva(instant reservation service) for railways etc.
- He is also a politician- so how this gets reflected in his horoscope?
- In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav .
- Lagna or ascendant the self or the lagna ruled by mars or Mangal is in the house of children or the fifth bhava and also the house of thinking.
- So clearly suggest a child like fun loving nature of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav.
- Also mars(Mangal) in the house of thinking and Aries ascendant or mesha lagna- now Aries or mesha rashi is number 1 rashi and number 1 = sun so he is a born leader.
- In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav .
- Plus he has rahu in the lagna or head- rahu stands for politics.
- so clearly gives him the ability to do politics and diplomacy.
- For the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav.
- The moon(Chandra) the planet of public image and appeal to masses is sitting along with Saturn.
- The planet Shani dev that rules the downtrodden or the neglected part of the society –so clearly indicating string hold of lalu Prasad yadav on the lesser empowered people.
- In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav .
- Saturn(Shani) the lord of action or karma in the fourth bhava or house of public image and public clearly indicates a public career. So he is born to work for public.
- Also sun or surya the lord of politics is lord of thinking with mars the planet of action here in the fifth house plus sun in the house of wealth status and speech the second bhava.
- So clearly indicates a distinct speech for lalu Prasad yadav and a fluctuating status as sun is weak. Also indicates struggle in child hood for Mr. Lalu.
- Also his thinking would be influenced by mars- action and yes sun = leadership.
- Given the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav Moon is with Saturn in fourth bhava from lagna or ascendant.
- and from fourth bhava from moon or rashi Scorpio or Vrishchika rashi rules so thinking with the neglected and down trodden is indicated.
- He will also be fairly aggressive in his way of doing things due to mars.
- For the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav , Mars(Mangal) the lagan lord is fair in the fifth bhava or angles. This gives him fair boost to longevity.
- For the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav , Mars is also the lord of the eighth house or bhava that is the ayushkaraka bhava.
- So again good longevity is indicated.
- Moon(Chandra) is strong in own sign and Saturn is close to the same. Saturn or Shani is also ayushkaraka.
- From moon sign or rashi, Saturn the lord of longevity is just OK in the lagna itself. This is OK.
- Mars is fair in the eleventh bhava of gains – but with rahu and sun(surya) in the navamsha or d9.
- So over all he has the longevity of at least 75+ to 80 years or more.
- But the current markesh dasha till September October at least he has to be careful, and prayers are much needed.
- In the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav .
- He has Jupiter(Guru) the karaka/significator and lord of dharma in the ninth bhava or house of dharma, which is a good sign.
- This indicated strong religious connections in the past life and also following the religious practices.
- Also is a good karma of the past. In his past life the planet Jupiter(Guru) is in the sixth bhava in mars sign or Mangal of his career.
- So his career has a strong connection with his past life.
- L A L U P R
- A S A D Y A
- D A V
- The ruler-ship is of mercury or budha- that gives him a fun-loving nature and creative use of his intelligence. this he has been using as a crowd puller in political campaigns as well.
- He runs mars period till 2022 and then rahu period for most of his life time.
- For the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav , Jupiter Mars or Mangal is a natural malefic but his lagna(ascendant).
- and also rules first and eighth house, so may not be very bad- he still could be in active politics. Barring the current mars Saturn period , at least till august/September
- He will keep facing legal issues in following mercury period as budha rules the sixth bhava or house of legal matters or litigation.
- For the kundli or Horoscope (birth chart) of Mr. lalu Prasad yadav ,apart from mangal maha dasha current period(till 2022) now .
- Also in rahu(dasha) period from 2022 to 2040- he may have issues of restrictions/confinement and also health issues or stress, vata and he may still be active in political circles.
- One can clearly read lalu Prasad Yadav’s life like a book.
- His traits and life events are clearly read based on his horoscope
- He is into 71st year of Saturn ,as 7+1=8= Shani, but matters could improve very slightly for him as year 2018 comes to an end and 2019 starts.
- Also note he is more dominated by moon/sun and mars- he is born on 11th, 11=1+1=2 moon and also 1 = sun, 2018 has 8 ending or Saturn- sun and moon both have enmity with Saturn, causing his fall.
- 2019 would also remain hard for him with a lot of stress but less than 2018.
- 2019 ending onwards in 2020 he should be better
- Lalu Prasad yadav is an Indian born politician from the state of Bihar , he was born 11 June 1948.
- He(lalu Prasad yadav) is from the state of Bihar in India and is also the President of the Rashtriya Janata Dal.
- he formerly has been the Chief Minister of Bihar as well, and also was UPA government Minister of Railways, & also a member of parliament
- Lalu Prasad yadav started his career in politics at Patna University as a student’s leader and was also elected from Janata party in year 1977.
- he was very young at the age of election.
- In the year of 1990 lalu Prasad yadav became Chief Minister of the state of Bihar but had to later leave his post in the year 1997 .
- After the corruption charges related to the Fodder Scam got up in the air against him.
- He came into power after a long gap or duration in the year 2015 in partnership with Nitish Kumar of JD(U).
- But Mr. Nitish Kumar left His party in the month of July 2017 as CBI(central Bureau of investigation) lodged several criminal cases against him or Lalu Prasad yadav.
- His wife smt. Rabri Devi, his son and former deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Tejaswi Yadav, in connection to dis-proportionate assets matter and railway tender bribery scam during when lalu Prasad yadav was as a Railway Minister.
- In the month of March, of this year 2018 the CBI Court convicted him in the fourth fodder scam case that is to do with money manipulation to the tune of 3.13 crore from the Dumka treasury.
- In the Dumka Treasury case he(Mr. lalu Prasad yadav) has been awarded 14 years imprisonment and 7 years additional under prevention of corruption act, and a fine of Rs 60 lakh fine .
what planetary combinations makes Sri Lalu Prasad Yadav a distinct leader in India and his getting into politics as his profession?
So over all planets like Saturn(Shani), moon(Chandra), Mars(Mangal) and Sun(surya) and Jupiter(guru) all contribute to sri Lalu Prasad Yadav for his being in politics of Bihar.
Longevity or Lifespan considerations for lalu Prasad yadav RJD
What roles have past life karma have on lalu Prasad yadav in this life?
What is the predictions for lalu Prasad yadav for future- 2018/2019 and beyond….
Some interesting facts about lalu Prasad that you may Like to know 🙂