About this Article?
This article in detail discusses what is a Karakamsha Horoscope and how does the 4th house of the Karakamsha Horoscope define how your home and happiness look like.
It also discusses how various planets and strength of planets influence the results of the 4th house of horoscope or the kind of home one may have.
Then as a live example it discusses the 4th bhava or House of Sri Narendra Modi ji.
and show how magically Vedic Astrology is able to predict what kind of home or house he would have had in the past.

What is Karakamsha and what does the 4th house of Karakamsha mean in any Horoscope?
Now karakamsha as we know is the planet in the d1 or lagan chart with Highest degrees passed.
This is then put in the Navamsha chart, that is whichever sign this plan in d1 with highest degrees is placed in the d9 or Navamsha chart becomes the Lagna or the ascendant of the Karakamsha chart.
The jaimini system of Vedic astrology gave the concept of karakas or karakamsha to the science of astrology.
This concept excludes planets like rahu (dragon’s head) or Ketu dragon’s tail from the scheme of Karakamsha system of prediction.
Yes the various other Karakas or significators of facets of life are assigned to remaining 7 other planets( starting from sun, Moon, Jupiter to Mars etc) could assume various roles in any horoscope are.
Like for example atama karaka or soul so if say Saturn or shani dev is the highest degree planet so it becomes the Atma karaka for the horoscope.
Similarly we have Bhratru karaka (Brothers significator), also the Pitru karaka(Father’s significator) as and Matru karaka(mother) and others.
Various planets with different degrees int he sign accordingly assume different roles connected to our life.
Also now Looking at the core of Vedic astrology basically it is the atma karaka which is the most important and fundamental.
Lot of astrological software’s would help anyone to calculate this in an instant.
So In Summary
At the CORE Fundamental, Jaimini system of karakamsha is primarily decided based on degrees the planet has covered in the sign in the d1 or Lagan chart for any horoscope.
excluding the shadowy planets like Rahu(dragon’s head) or Ketu(dragon’s Tail) as discussed above.
One can clearly see that the work Karakamsha is made of two words.
(1) Karaka or significator like the Atma karaka( for soul) Dara karaka (for wife or Husband ).
(2) The other word amsa connects to the Navamsha or the divisional diagrams or charts.
so the lagna of the karakamsha Horoscope is where the planet with highest degrees is placed.

What is the Impact on life OF THE 4TH FROM KARAKAMSHA?
One can clearly see the energies of the planet associated with the 4th house or Bhava of the horoscope defining the kind of house one may have.
So in brief if the 4th bhava from the Karakamsha is close to Venus and the Moon.
one will possess palatial (or enormous) structures as Venus is palatial houses and Moon is also for proving biggest thing in terms of imagination.
so would be the related planet in the Fourth house give similar results :).
It is given more in detail below on how the 4th bhava or house form Karakamsha would define the place where you stay.

What is the impact of fourth from Karakamsa (fourth house deals with Family, Mother, Home or Palace and public Image).

if in case in any horoscope Or Kundli (Birth Chart) the fourth house from Karakamsha happens to be connected with by shukra or Venus and Chandra (moon).
one will claim extensive structures, similar to castles and so forth.
As Venus (shukra) deals with home/comforts and also moon deals with beautiful structures.
Compared to above, if in the horoscope Or Kundli (Birth Chart) if the planet is exalted and is in the 4th house of the horoscope.
This magnifies the energy of the house and give great benefit of family, mother, and image.

A house, made of stones, is signified by the fourth from Karakamsa In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart).

If there is Rahu(dragon’s head) and Shani or Saturn in the 4th bhava In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart).
as these planets( Saturn and rahu) deals with stones or pashana .

Mangal or mars and Ketu in the fourth In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) from Karakamsa shows a house, made of blocks 🙂

If Jupiter or Guru is In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) fourth from Karakamsa .
It indicates a house, made of wood as Jupiter rules forests and woods.

if in the karakamsha horoscope the planet Sun or surya in the fourth house from Karakamsa will give a place of grass.

if in the birth chart, Chandra or moon is in the fourth from Karakamsa.
one will have union with his better half in a house that is not a full compound or closed form all side or say it is an open place.

What is Sri Narendra Modi Ji’s image ,family and conveyance indications from Karakamsa or Jaimini Jyotish

In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) of Narendra Modi ji, The Atma karaka is Saturn or Shani dev and is in sign of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi.
So Sagittarius (dhanu)sign is the first house for Narendra Modi ji as per the jaimini jyotish system of Vedic astrology.
In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) ,The fourth house of sri Narendra Modi ji is ruled by planet mars or mangal .
That is sitting weakened in the 7th house on a moon sign cancer.
A weak house of mars does not indicate a great dwelling place .
Which is true for Narendra Modi ji who started from a humble beginning when we was neither the chief minister of Gujarat or Prime minister of India.
But at the same time Mars or Mangal is a royal planet and deals with kings and politicians .
This planet also gets energy form might planet sun(ruler of 8th) and mercury(ruler of 6th and 9th).

In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) of Narendra Modi ji,Sun or surya the ruler of 8th gives him a promise of royal and exceptional abode and abode of lions.
his staying in prime minister’s residence is a clear-cut indication for the same of the fulfilment of the promise.
It is this sun that gives him the right image.

In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) Mercury or budha the ruler of 9th connects him with the Mantra( Virgo or Kanya rashi .
and 9th house or bhava ruler ship), we know he was in Himalayas for a while doing sadhana.

Mercury or budha rules the business class and sun the politicians and mars(mangal) the warriors.
so over all Narendra Modi ji has core contribution from all the three
The party Bhartiya Janata party was earlier more popular with business class.
also within the politicians he holds a good image and yes the fighter class or the heads of business who want to transform India also create sri Narendra Modi ji’s image.
So we can clearly see 3 (three different) promises of home for Narendra Modi Ji:
a) Humble one
b) Himalayas and sadhana
and also c) Royal or prime ministers’ type for Narendra Modi ji.
So the promise is in any case fulfilled.