This article talks at length analyzes the planetary conditions in The Horoscope of celebrity Indra Nooyi on which stars or Yoga’s help her to become the CEO of PepsiCo and be world famous;).
The article looks at ,what role does Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope play to make a mark in the Forbes magazine and have such great Name, fame and wealth ;)? all analyzed in detail .
It also analyzes the causes of Indra Nooyi’s success, over and above the hard work and dedication Indra Nooyi has for her work- and also to the astrological root causes hidden in her Horoscope.
Like what planetary combinations and Yoga’s Made Indra Nooyi’s world image as a celebrity.
also which planets Indra Nooyi’s world class work, Indra Nooyi’s super success .
How the celebrity Indra Nooyi balances her family life .
This article also discusses in detail Family Life and education based on Indra Nooyi Ji’s Horoscope or Kundli.
What planetary combinations in Indra Nooyi gave her significant money and wealth situation.
What energies in the Horoscope or Kundli of Celebrity Indra Nooyi’s gave her name and fame 🙂 etc.
All based on her horoscope or Kundli.; ).
so be ready for a very interesting and exciting article about one of India’s greatest business woman Indra Nooyi :0)

About Celebrity Indra Nooyi Birth Details and Horoscope(Kundli) Predictions:
Name : Indra Nooyi
Date of Birth: 28th /October/ 1955
Place of Birth: Chennai/madras, Tamil Nadu, India

About Indra Nooyi Birth Details and Horoscope Predictions:
Name : Indra Nooyi
Date of Birth: 28th /October/ 1955
Place of Birth: Chennai/madras, Tamil Nadu, India

Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Future Predictions for Indra Nooyi :

What does the Horoscope of Indra Nooyi say about her family life?
Based on her solar chart ,the lord of her ascendant rashi/sun sign Libra is planet Venus. The planet of beauty and comfort and home.
She has a happy family, all comforts of life and yes money – all majorly due to Venus that is placed in her ascendant.

What planetary Energies made Indra Nooyi Join PepsiCo Products?
Please note that PepsiCo products are also products for home- we could put them in hospitality industry ruled by planet Venus.

What planets in Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope define her over all Physique?
The physique of this rashi is medium and it s biped sign/rashi. We know that she is of medium height .
So sign rules the west( so she is fine in the west= united states of America/USA), and she will do well.
Venus or lagna or ascendant Lord for Indra Nooyi is Venus in own sign. so strong value of planet Venus is there in her personality.
That gives her dignity and Opulence as well.
There is also influence of sun though weak, giving her dignified looks and presentable personality.
Also exalted Saturn makes her a hard task master 🙂 to get results done.
she could be very good at executing stuff.
This is for sure.
her Moon lagna is Kumbha or Aquarius so Saturn or shani dev once again.
so this again makes her picky about quality of delivery and good and delivering with processes as well.
This enhances Indra Nooyi’s tough personality to be a good executive who delivers results.
Saturn again is in the Libra sign or Venus, so clearly products like PepsiCo products is a good fit for Her.:)
As Saturn or shani dev is the karma karaka as well, which connects to Venus the planet of luxury for Indra Nooyi.

What is Indra Nooyi’s inner personality?
As the lord of lagan sits on itself (the 1st house) , it gives the person physical strength and happiness.
It gives person a bit restless disposition and good intelligence.
Jupiter or Guru in Leo(simha rashi) gives her a personality of a leader a lion. also a person who loves green technologies.
Jungles and is blessed and forgiving as well.
she has been donating books(scholastic) at the tune of 187000 books.
It also makes her highly dignified in her approach to do things .
A debilitated rahu(dragon’s head) in Scorpio also impact her so at times tempers could go High for 🙂 Indra Nooyi.
Moon or Chandra in Kumbha or Aquarius makes her very picky and choosy in her behavior.:)
she will not compromise with standards and always get new ways of doing things.
which her subordinates may not initially understand.

What makes Indra Nooyi an Action Guru?
The rajasik guna are predominant. Now west/USA is action oriented country and this guna is strong in any case.
Mars and mercury are next to her jeeva karaka Jupiter or guru and gives her very quick and great intelligence.
It gives her high connection to family due to Virgo sign or Kanya rashi next.
Plus quick ability to take managerial decisions.
mercury also gives her good ability to deal with finances as well.
mars in Virgo sign gives her great ability to manage commerce or money and manage her decisions and make quick decisions for best results.

From where does Indra Nooyi Get her sharp administrative abilities?
She could be a sharp administrator and ability to handle people due to her strong Venus.
clearly Indra Nooyi has strong influence of sun in the lagna and also Saturn. Saturn is called the school teacher or manager of Managers.
so this gives indra Nooyi a very good administrative and management ability.
mars or Mangal next to jeeva karaka and also Virgo or kanya rashi with mercury there gives strong administrative ability to manage matters.

What are the planetary combinations made Indra Nooyi such a top position in PepsiCo company?

What gives Indra Nooyi Luxury, comforts and all good Things in Life? 🙂
For Indra Nooyi the Lord of the lagna(ascendant) is Libra(Tula rashi) and Venus occupies her Lagna itself.
which very clearly indicates great opulence, luxury, money and dignity for her.
Venus or shukra has to do with luxury and comfort(family). now PepsiCo is a drink and it is for luxury items or people food items .
Venus or shukra the planet of comfort or relaxation and luxury has exalted Saturn in it.
so karma or Job could create Opulence for Indra Nooyi for sure.
Also Venus is strong enough in own sign of Libra or Tula rashi, along with Kingly sun there. so Great opulence luxury and comfort would be there for Indra Nooyi for sure.
she will amass a lot of wealth for self. 🙂
Venus has debilitated rahu, next so she may donate things to old people or people who are not well accepted in the society.
she may also at times spend in haste.,

What makes indra Nooyi a Leader? ; )
As Venus rules the family and food items and sun(surya) the Lord of 11th house of gains for Indra Nooyi is sitting in the lagna .
This gives Indra Nooyi definite distinction in her career and leadership qualities.
we also note that she is born on 28 2 + 8 = 10 = to 1 + 0 is = 1 = number of Sun.
so she is born to lead she is lot of initiative and original qualities to do things or get things done/deliveries.

What planetary energies in Horoscope of Indra Nooyi make her a legend and give her name and fame? 🙂
we also note that Saturn or Shani Dev which is Lord of public image the fourth house for Indra Nooyi and lord of her thinking her 5th house which is Aquarius(kumbha rashi) is sitting on the lagna or ascendant.
so this gives Indra Nooyi a very original approach to solve day-to-day business management problems .
From where does the inspiration Of doing things New way Indra Nooyi come in? 🙂
AS Aquarius in the 5th house of deep thinking gives her a very unique way of looking at things and being inspired and a leader basically much ahead of others .
The 4th house Lord the Capricorn(Makar Rashi) sitting in the lagna suggest she would have a great public image and connection of Saturn with sun gives very good public image.
Also Moon is in Aquarius or Kumbha sign or rashi, so gives her idealistic and different inclination to Indra Nooyi.
she may get rigid at times due to this, but over all a great lady. she can start new schemes and think differently.:)
Moon or Chandra here makes her a bit picky as well

now what are special Gifts 🙂 and challenges in future predictions for Indra Nooyi?
How would coming year turn up for Indra Nooyi By November 2019 Jupiter(guru) would come into a 3rd house of Indra Nooyi .
so she may start expanding her operations and also connecting to better guys in her company or colleagues .
The people she connects to would be more ethical and kind minded to help her in her endeavors.
What specific steps could Indra Nooyi take in 2020 and in future?
sure Jupiter would also make her do new initiatives and expand the business and the overall dignity of the business of PepsiCo .
Saturn or shani transit in Capricorn by January 2020 in Indra Nooyi’s 4th house suggest that she take care of her mother or mother figures. Also her public image would grow for sure.
yes blood pressure is to be taken care of .

How would be the Family Life of Indra Nooyi based on Her Horoscope or Kundli ?

What is the role of planet Saturn or shani dev in the Family Life and matters of Indra Nooyi ji’s Horoscope ?
As the 4th bhava lord for Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli is in the 1st bhava or House it makes her very learned and attached to the family .
she is definitely learned and has done her done graduation in mathematics and post graduation from IIM Calcutta and Masters from Yale university.
As Saturn is exalted in the lagna or ascendant, so Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest she would be close to family.
But as Saturn is a malefic as well, so stress in family matters and relationships could also be there for her.
as Saturn aspect her relationships or husbands house as well.
so is Aries sign or mesha rashi ruling the seventh house of Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli, so she could have issues in relationships with her spouse at times.
This is natural as she was a high achiever and less time for family might have been there at times.
also in her initial days Indra Nooyi might have may faced some shyness in public speaking, but by her own effort she has come in well.
Indra Nooyi has created her own wealth plus also inherited a lot of wealth.
As her horoscope indicates she must have been born in a fair enough family background.

What is the role of planet SUN or Surya dev in the Family Life and matters of INdra Nooyi ji’s Horoscope ?
Sun or surya is malefic planet and also 4th bhava is house of mind for Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli.
so sun influencing the fourth house make her a bit stressed for her family matters.
But still a string Saturn the fourth house lord and sun in the fourth house gave indra Nooyi the great image she enjoys now.
sun or surya dev here makes Indra Nooyi move around a lot away from her home.
which is highly probable for such High position.
sun gives her good karma from her father as well.
sun or surya dev is also a Guru of Vedic knowledge so Indra Nooyi could have keen interest in occult and philosophy.
yes she is a vegetarian and does not eat meat.
sun or surya is the planet in Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli that makes her so popular as such .

What is the role of planet Venus or shukra dev in the Family Life and matters of INdra Nooyi ji’s Horoscope ?
As Venus or planet of opulence is influencing the 4th bhava or house of Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli.
Venus is close to Saturn in the lagan or ascendant.
she may develop keen interest for arts an inclination for music as well.
This also blesses Indra Nooyi with good manners and connection to her dear mother.
Gives her great cars or conveyances and home that is lovely enough.
Venus protects her family matters.
Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli suggest clear cut Religious inclinations.
Note her aunt aruna sairam was a great musician, so something must have rubbed to Indra Nooyi as well.

What is the role of planet Saturn or shani dev in the Family Life and matters of INdra Nooyi ji’s Horoscope ?
As Saturn or shani is lord of fourth house of Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli.
as the fourth house is a Kendra house and a benefic, Saturn or shani energy here might have caused health issues to mother of Indra Nooyi.
It could cause sickness in early years.
Indra Nooyi may have more of vata or winds at times.
Saturn does cause some difference of opinions or issues for Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli.

How would be the Education of Indra Nooyi based on Her Horoscope or Kundli ?

What is the role of planet Moon or Chandra dev in the learning’s and education of INdra Nooyi ji’s Horoscope ?
The planet Moon in 5th bhava of Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli .
so it gives her good imagination and lateral thinking ability .
also gives her good clarity of mind .
moon is a female planet and is in the fifth house of Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli, so is fifth house fro children .
so it ensures happiness from children , especially female children.
Now INdra Nooyi ji has two daughters and she is with them happily.
🙂 Moon in the 5th house where the karaka is Jupiter blesses Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli with acquisition of lands and precious ornaments etc,
The lady Indra Nooyi ji would be straightforward and would speak the truth generally.
Moon also encourages INdra Nooyi ji to learn more and be the best .
she would also have Good brains or education on how to mitigate risks in management.
also one of the kids or daughters if Indra Nooyi ji would become famous.
What is the role of planet Saturn or shani dev in the learning’s and education of INdra Nooyi ji’s Horoscope ?
The planet Saturn or shani dev influencing the fifth house of Indra Nooyi’s Horoscope or Kundli, gives her good discipline and ability to understand and study mathematics.
yes she was a graduate in mathematics.
she could at times get too tough in getting her management stuff done.
This Saturn suggest that Indra Nooyi may focus on learning Philosophy as well.
There could be some delays or gaps in education at times.

Could Indra Nooyi gets an award in 2020?
As Saturn or shani connects with sun of Indra Nooyi in her Lagan or ascendant. So that means by hard work and discipline she will do really well in 2020.
Indra Nooyi might get some very different or distinct award as well in 2020 .

Does she have to be careful of her health in 2020?
yes because Venus is connecting to the Saturn and sun in lagna and also aspecting the 7th house.
Indra Nooyi needs to be bit careful whenever Saturn(shani)is retrograde in 2020 as that could cause serious problems health issues for her/family members.
Also her heart has to be kept healthy .
Indra Nooyi should be doing regular exercises & Yoga in 2020 to keep fit :). it would be great time and she would grow and scale a lot as well. 🙂
We wish Indra Nooyi all the best in life!!! 🙂

horoscope predictions for Indra Nooyi
- This transit of Jupiter in her 10th house could give her exceptional gains and recognition in career.
- It is good for Indra Nooyi the kids as Jupiter aspect (drishti) (drishti)the 5th house of kids and fun.
- The transit of Jupiter is also beneficial for job and marital relationships due to aspect (drishti) (drishti) (drishti) of Jupiter to the 7th Suggests good relationships with her hubby.
- Rahu transit impact on 11th house so could slightly reduce the impact of Jupiter transit.
- She needs to follow conventions of society and not to try something out of the blue- that is some very new experiment or initiative is not suggested now.
- Kids need to be taken care of due to rahu after July 2016. Due to aspect (drishti) to 5th house of rahu in transit.

- we know Indra Nooyi the current CEO of PepsiCo, Listed in Forbes List of One of the Most Powerful woman, with 17 million dollar salary !!!

- How she could manage such a senior position? what the stars say about her.
- why she is like that and what awaits her in the coming years? Know all this by science Vedic astrology