About this Article?
This article talks at length Astrology of How planetary combinations made Smriti Irani carve a career from a TV actress to a Topmost Politician of India of BJP(bharatiya Janta Party).
How would be Smriti Irani Ji’s Family Life and Married life and relationships.
This artciela also checks he Education or studies and Luck factor , Good Karam from previous life times ,for smriti irani Politcian horoscope Kundli.
This article at length talks about what makes smriti irani ji so elegant and smart and also a success in TV or film industry .
plus she is good at politics and was the HRD minister as well.
It looks at her possible causes of political success, over all life and predictions for future success or God forbid failures.

Birth Details of Horoscope (Kundli) About smt smriti Irani ji:
Let us analyze what does Vedic astrology say about her.
Date of Birth: 23rd March, 1976
Time of Birth: Not Known
Place of Birth: Delhi, India

What Planetary combinations(Yogas) in Horoscope or Kundli make The actor cum Politician , Smriti Irani ji what makes her so different from others ?
Now let us explore the question of smt. Smriti Irani ji’s success in Arts and television first – what makes her a success? What made Smriti Irani win and come into politics?
Thinking about Smriti Irani brings in mind the TV soap serial “saas bhi Kabhi bahu thi” 🙂 and also the image of the HRD minister.
Now looking at her Lagna Rashi( ascendant sign) is Gemini sign or mithuna Rashi gives .
as Mithuna(Gemini sign) is the 3rd sign and 3= number of Jupiter so a lot of creativity would be there with her.
so smriti Irani very good ability to deliver or communicate dialogues or speech is there due to mercury.
Also, the Gemini sign or mithuna gives a restless mind but a quick one.smt Smriti Irani Ji has her Mercury or Budha sitting in the 10th bhava of Smriti Irani ji .
also we have mercury sitting in the 10th House with planet sun or Surya. so mercury is combust and debilitated (It’s in the Pisces sign or Meena Rashi).
This gives her fair enough success in delivering dialogue due to mercury and also being in Kendra desire being retrograde and debilitated.
All this makes Smriti Irani get involved in a lot of initiative creating more success for her in Hindi serials that she worked for.
She also got fame and recognition as also the planet of politics sun setting in the house of Pisces.
so sun or surya in her Horoscope or Kundli gives good image and recognition.
The planet Jupiter or guru gives in her Horoscope gives smriti Irani a good inclination towards formal religion .
so maybe that is one of the reasons she has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party and also her father was a part of this party earlier it seems.

What do the planets or stars say about the Family Life o for Smriti Irani ?
AS mercury or budha is strong in Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) , also as mercury rules 4/7 is strong would give good land and property to Smriti Irani.
As Saturn or shani dev is in fourth house of Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) .
Also fourth house is a Kendra house and a benefic, Saturn here causes trouble to family life or differences in family for her.
It could cause not so great health or a tough life(learning’s and struggle) in early years of smriti Irani.
This placement of Saturn or shani dev could also give winds and phlegm to smriti Irani ji. Yes Saturn or shani dev creates a basic issue in the family life.
. Smriti Irani would have fairly OK education, is true .this lordship of mercury or Gemini gives good immediate surroundings for her-:) yes earlier she was in TV serials and now she is a cabinet minister 🙂 .
Friends of smriti Irani ji could be mostly intelligent and understanding. The respected mother of smriti Irani ji would have good virtues .
Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) suggests that she would have large circle of friends .
Conveyance or cars would be better than average for her :). Generally smriti Irani ji would have al’ comforts and luxuries.

What do the planets or stars say about the Love Relationships(Marriage) for Smriti Irani ?
As mercury or budha in Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) is strong then the life partner is talented , learned and intelligent like the m mercury sign :).
sri zubin Irani ji is a smart businessman.
Rahu or dragon’s head is a foreign planet and is in seventh house of Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) means that she may marry someone outside the Hindu community.
which she did by marrying sri Zubin Irani who is a parsi. As rahu or dragon’s Head is an outcaste or foreign graha or planet.
Smriti Irani may be Grand and open in habits and may eat rich food generally .
The diabetes for Smriti Irani Ji has to be kept in control as the age advances and one is prone to ghosts and fear as such(just a general indication).
The lord of Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) seventh house sits in 12th- so again connects her to foreign people and love with someone is foreign to the religion she follows( zubin irani ji is a parsi).
also it suggest that husband and wife would have to stay away mostly from each other.
Though lord being strong it would give Smriti Irani a relationship.
Smriti Irani would generally marry well and wisely .
There could be a code of conduct as far as relationships are concerned.

What do the planets or stars give great career and Job for Smriti Irani ? Plus a great name and fame too 😕
LORD = JUPITER or Guru of this sign Sagittarius or dhanu rashi
There is NO kendradhipati dosha or defect in Jupiter, but if it is strong it can give Smriti Irani good amount of money and gains.
Smriti Irani will spend money on helping people and Smriti Irani will have good name 🙂 in the world( she is a politician and also well known TV actress in “saas bhi kabhi bahu thee”).
she by her own efforts would stand up in life.
As in the Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) the 10th lord is in 1st bhava so smriti Irani ji would generally very successful in career and would command respect and honor from people.
All this is 100% true.
AS the 10th house or Karma Lord is in Tanu Bhava(first house), the Smriti Irani could be have good accumulation of knowledge. as this is raja yoga for her .
Such a combination or Yoga in the Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) makes her famous and also be a poetic and artistic.
This Yoga or combination in Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) gives her good interest in music.
yes childhood could have had issues.
Based on Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli), above Yoga or combination – her wealth or money could be increase day by day .
. The above Yogas confirm Smriti Irani Ji’s religiousness in generally.
It suggest Smriti Irani could get into public life or Politics.
so is TV shows also connected to public life. Based on Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) Smriti Irani may also get interested in social work .But the credit for her social work might be less for her .
Based on Smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli) she would be caring and motherly and would generally not harm other people.
Smriti Irani r actions could be more towards dharma or religion.
you note BJP is connected to dharma, her father was in RSS- so a natural strong connection with dharma is there .
Generally growth and expansion in Smriti Irani ji’s work and name is there as Jupiter or Guru rules this sign Sagittarius or dhanu that is lord of 10th house.

What planets in the Horoscope(Kundli) makes Smriti Irani JI such a big success in Politics ?
we know that the planet sun for Smriti Irani ji is in the 10th bhava or House of the Horoscope(Kundli).
This gives Smriti Irani great image success and also money.
all this is 100% true for Smriti Irani ji.
Sun or Surya stands for power and command so it also gives her political power and yes one may work for the state or the government services.
Now we know Smriti Irani is working as a politician for Bharatiya Janata Party)BJP).
This is clearly indicated that the sun is functioning as a benefic for smt. Smriti Irani ji.
Also note that and sun is ruling the third house of initiatives and self-effort.
so being close to mercury suggest smriti Irani would do self-studies, own projects for politics to help people
EQUALS smriti Irani
Note as we mercury is in the 10th House and is debilitated in smriti Irani’s Horoscope(Kundli).
so this impacts the education for Smriti Irani ji. so this also creates obstacles in for her in getting an education.
which is 100% true for Smriti Irani ji and was in news as well. sri Narendra Modi Ji has a tough time defending her.
But at the same time, she should be very keen to gain education and learning.
Smriti Iranis Horoscope suggest that her actions could be more tuned to learn more .
also Smriti Irani will learn more knowledge and get fame. Mercury could give her some troubling time to time. and cosmic Mercury may impact mathematical skills but overall slowly over the life, she will build up good math’s handle matters in mathematics.
Venus is fair in Aries so fair success in creative arts and gains from the same as in eleventh bhava or house of hers from the moon Lagna or Rashi.

What is the Future for Smriti Irani Ji in Politics?
Now looking at the horoscope of smt. smriti Irani ji the Pisces sign or Meena Rashi rules the tenth House of hers.
It is situated very well in the seventh house in own sign of Sagittarius or dhanu in the Horoscope(Kundli).
All this would be giving her great expansion in career and also the expansion of her dignity and Honor to Smriti Irani.
We need to know that Pisces or the 12th sign of Meena Rashi is connected closely to spirituality so she will do something to do with Vedic culture or Hindu culture growth or learning.
We also have to note that sun or Surya and mercury both are in her tenth(10th) House this gives Smriti Irani ji good Fame and fortune as we discussed earlier.
It also adds to her good ability to speak or give speeches.
She would also be committed to the political environment and get good recognition for the same.
The sun + mercury combination in smriti Irani’s horoscope currently with a strong Jupiter in the seventh bhava aspecting the lagan or self.
Makes Smriti Irani grow in stature and image day by day.
At the moment Jupiter or Guru for Smriti Irani ji is in the 6th (sixth) house .
so transit of the seventh lord in 6th house of the Horoscope may not be great but after Nov 2019 and in 2020 matters could be of great value to smt. smriti Irani ji.
she may get honors and maybe some good or big portfolio to do with Vedic culture or Hindu culture.
so it is clear that after November 2019 and in 2020 there could be great growth in her image and she may get a very responsible position in the BJP government.
As by January 2020, Saturn or Shani Dev would be in her eighth house.
so that would destroy all her Enemies and opposition. but yes she has to take care of the health of her father figures also luck may not be a bed of roses always.
but because of strong Jupiter she can get very good connections within the BJP party and blessed with a good position hello

Some interesting predictions based on anka jyotish or numerology for future of smriti Irani ji ?
also based on Anka Jyotish 23rd of March very clear that she is very strong Mercury
( march is ruled by Pisces sign or Meena Rashi or ruled by Jupiter)
She is born 23 March she has a strong mercury and Jupiter influence and yes Jupiter influence gives her great communication capabilities pus very good thirst for knowledge .
all this is proven beyond doubt as she has been a super success in TV serials and also as a spokeswoman of BJP.
All this also helps her to react to situations very well. so it is the Jupiter and mercury combination in her numbers .
which makes sir fit for becoming a spokesman bJP party in yes that’s why honorable e Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi Ji and sangha pariwar(RSS) gave her key postings.
as we said earlier the year 2019 is not that favorable for her but still better than average because of Jupiter and Mars energies. but in 2020 Rahu(dragon’s head) and Saturn(shani) effects come to fore and she could get and gains and good position expansion, also a lot of popularity based on her numbers.
So she may get a portfolio to do with Hindu Dharma or Vedic culture in 2019 itself. June 2019 is a good time. Moon is the lord of wealth and status for Smriti Irani ji.
It is creating instability in a career as Ketu energy is mixed within.
so whenever moon gets very weak or Jupiter gets very weak Smriti Irani Ji would face troubles political career.
so till July 2019, one has to wait and watch. then she can expect better sailing after July 2019 and much better in 2019 Nov onwards.

What planets in the Horoscope(Kundli) suggest for education of smt. Smirti Irani ji ?

what is the role of placement of lord of 4th house for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji and education ?
As the fourth house lord of the Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji for is in Vyaya Bhava or the 12th house.
so indicates either education in foreign lands OR losses or vyaya in education for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji .
The eighth house lord Venus for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji is also close by in the twelfth house of hers, so simply blocking the initiative of education for her.
so is Mars or mangal the malefic in the fourth house of Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji .
The only saving grace is that mercury the Karaka for education is the lord of 4th house and is in the friendly sign in the Aquarius sign or Kumbha rashi for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji .
so she gets fair education, near graduation as such.
Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji has Mars the lord of ninth house and second house in the fourth house of education, so mars ruling the house of dharma( 9th house) and second house of speech and status for any Horoscope.
This gives passion for smriti Irani ji to learn new things about dharma or religion.
yes that’s one of the reason she is in BJP.
Plus her passionate speech would help her to communicate to a larger set of people and learn more and More.

what is the role of Jupiter or Guru or ketu(dragon’s tail) in Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji and education ?
so also learning in dharma or education especially Hindu dharma is confirmed by Jupiter or Guru close to Ketu for smriti Irani ji’s Horoscope or Kundli.
Jupiter and ketu together in second house give her a great ability to educate or talk about dharma.
Plus also helps Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji to get deep into religion and dharma related matters and connect to herself image that is the fourth house.
Mercury in the twelfth house for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji also effects her domestic and other comforts.
so does it cause mental stress to Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji .

What is the role of mercury or budha and education for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji and arts to TV related education ?
Mercury or Budha is with Venus to shukra for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji .
so clearly learning arts or creative stuff was written in the sky for her.
🙂 ” she was the key actress for TV serial “saas bhi kabhi bahu thi “.
so also gives her good intellect and feminine flexibility.
so also Venus gives her name and fame for arts.
yes she as a success in the TV serials.

what is the role of 5th house for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji for her education
As Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji Putr’s Lord is in Karma Bhava or the tenth house( planet Moon).
she would enjoy a Raj Yog.
she indeed is a senior minster in the cabinet of BJP.
Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji suggest that she will have fame and other fun in life for sure.
so would she have lands and good education in terms of discipline of Mind that is Yoga.
🙂 as Moon sits on a Jupiter sign of Sagittarius.
This again suggest deep study into ancient vedic texts.
she will let religious activities grow and thrive the best.

What planets in the Horoscope(Kundli) makes Smriti Irani JI such a big success in Politics ?
As 9th bhava lord is in 4th house ,so speaks well for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji, especially her father.
yes he was also in BJP.
Plus it speaks she will get great image as such.
🙂 rest is History.
so does it talk about great previous life incarnation karma for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji.
It suggest and active and passionate past life karma or reincarnation for Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji .
she was highly active in her past or previous life incarnations as well and also intellectual as well.
Due to mercury dispositer and mercury conjunct with Venus clearly suggest great connection to arts and drama in previous life incarnation as well.
so did she have great image and popularity due to passion, arts, drama and yes intellect.
so you see the previous janma Good traits have come up in this life time as well.
Horoscope(Kundli) of smt. Smriti Irani ji also suggest good property and success for her.
so also good inheritance of spiritual or dharma Knowledge from her father.

Smriti Irani-Looses HRD-why? What next in 2016? Based on Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish
Her ascendant or lagna Jupiter (guru) the planet of dharma and religion is in 2nd house with ketu.
This clearly indicates a tilt towards dharma or Hindu religion as Ketu and Jupiter both support the same.
Her grandfather was in RSS and she herself is in BJP the party generally associated with Hinduism.
Sun at the ascendant or Kendra gives her the fame and image in society and success she has.
Sun or Surya Dev in the ascendant but ruling sixth house( Vighna and enmity) gives her the over-assertive streak at times. Also, the sun gives her a distinct personality.
Her public and political life here is represented by the fourth house is in the twelfth house- mercury ruling the same along with mars sitting in the same in Kendra.
Mercury exchanges energy with Venus the lord of the eighth house and also third house.
so she could have unexpected issues in public or political life is mercury or Venus is weak in transit or mars is weak.
Mars ruling her public life and wealth and status and yes career as fourth house planet aspects her house of career the tenth house as well.
So causing her downfall.
Mercury and Venus both are in Gemini, so is sun- so mercury though strong is combust(directly rules her public image and life)
and also Venus is not so strong combust and rules the malefic house eighth.
So there is a high chance of downfall now this month of July 2016. Unfortunately that is what has happened.

Smriti Irani 2016 horoscope forecast. What lies ahead of her now in future?
By august September 2016 Jupiter would be transiting in her seventh house- so giving a healing touch to her relationships and the work she does.
Saturn or shani transit in her house of career would make her more disciplined and focused in her career.
But yes with some problems.
So issues or the impact of this fall would continue in 2017 as well.
This year 2016, she should have taken care of the words she speaks- but anyway things would slightly improve for her by year end.
2017 would definitely bring in more enthusiasm and fun in her personal and professional life – but with a slight dark lining as Saturn ruling 12th aspects her career and yes her public image.
She has to avoid stress and not to get into any depression as she might be prone to by November 2016,Saturn sits in cancer.
She could do more of YOGA or aerobics to proactively avoid the same.
We prayer to GOD that the respectable lady get a chance to recuperate from the rude shock of destiny

About smt smriti Irani ji: