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Various Planetary Combinations & Conditions for Good Wealth Flows and Bad Wealth Flows explained Below:
What could make you wealthy and Popular?
does your second house indicate about your wealth matters as well>
What is the Impact of Various Planets in the 2nd House In Any Horoscope or Kundli?
Sun in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli -Effects
Moon in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli :Effects
Jupiter in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli :Effects
Rahu in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli :Effects
Mercury in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli :Effects
Venus in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli :Effects
Ketu in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli: Effects
Saturn in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli : Effects
Mars in Second House of your Horoscope or Kundli: Effects
What are other planetary combinations of Second House, Ascendant or Lagna, Eleventh House or D7 or saptamsha kundli or Horoscope strength that could promise great money flows or wealth?
How could the second house of Horoscope or Kundli suggest great gains of money?
How could the second house of Horoscope or Kundli suggest fair amount of money flows?
How could the second house of Horoscope or Kundli , d7 or saptamsha and lagan or ascendant suggest great gains of money?
Note the ascendant or lagan represents the physical body or self, if that is well fortified in the sense wherever it sist in the d7 or sapatamsha chart.
What does Venus(shukra) and Jupiter of any Horoscope or Kundli suggest great gains of money?
How could the second house, Jupiter and also ascendant of any Horoscope or Kundli suggest great gains of money?
How could the tenth house of Horoscope or Kundli, also lord of the d3 or decanate occupied by the same suggest great gains of money?
How could the eleventh house of Horoscope or Kundli, also the special division or vaisheshak amsha suggest great gains of money?
what combinations of second bhavas or house lord and d9 or navamsha suggest great money flows?
additionally if the lord of the second bhava or house is in “Vaisheshik-” amsha or special division- the person could have a lot of money. 🙂
what special conditions of the second bhava or house could make one a successful money lender or a Banker?
The person could be a money lender and lends money on interest.
what conditions of the second bhava or house lord in the Kunldi or Horoscope Make some one a Banker or money lender?
what conditions of the second bhava of the Horoscope could make one lose a lot of money ?
How could second bhava or house cause losses and debts based on Kundli or Horoscope?
how could poverty come in based on the second bhava lord or house lord and also d60 or shashtiamsha chart?
Why did Anil Ambani gain wealth(Money) and Loose it?
sample wealth report pasted below
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We have tried to do a detailed analysis of your chart and tried to give you the best.
Your Birth Details:
dec 21 1982
20:47 kanpur
Month of birth
year of birth
time of birth
first name
middle name
last name
minutes of birth
hour of birth
place of birth
• Your Horoscope:
• Your Divisional Chart-2(D2), the Money Related Harmonic Chart:
Special BONUS readings based on d2 for you
• Hora represents happiness/gains and losses due to wealth we earn. It is an expansion of the 2nd house or bhava
• In hora or d2 divisional chart all planets occupy Leo and cancer, so signifying the moon and sun energies-0 that means gain through parental blessings. Sun= father and moon = mother
• Your sun or surya is in own Hora so makes you relatively more courageous and gives you the ability to work hard.
• Mars is in moon hora or d2, so afflicts the wife.
• Mercury is in sun Hora, so one has to avoid excess criticism or any kind of back biting to attract more money.
• Venus is in moon hora so sexual conduct has to be proper.
• You will generally earn by your own efforts as Leo rises n your hora chart
• Jupiter the karaka for wealth is fair in the 6th bhava, and with sun the lord of 2nd bhava and also rahu.
• Sexual conduct over all needs basic care as Jupiter the planet of dharma is in 6th along with rahu.
• Money for oldage has to be saved
a. MOST Suited areas/jobs/investments
The lord of wealth is sun or surya is in the 6th bhava with benefci Jupiter. So leadership and initiative does promise gains for you.
Innovation and gains form government or state is possible.
Sun is in the hora of sun in the 1st bhava so this itself promises gains for you by past life karma from d2.
Leo rues your hora chart in the d2.
So innovation/doing new things or government jobs could help you gain good money.
Category 1(Sun)
1. Government contract and projects
2. Innovation
3. Your own initiative or business that entails your originality
4. Sports as sun rules sports
5. Scientific or speculations in regard to money matters as Jupiter close so god gains.
6. You could also head large organizations or could be self employed, not taking any subordination, as a strong sun could make person not to take the same easily.
Category 2(Jupiter)
In d1 Jupiter is in12th bhava exalted though, so more gains from foreign lands. Also by self effort than only good karma of the past.
1. Trainers/Teachers- anything to do with training or imparting knowledge in any areas
2. Research and investigation into new areas
3. Legal advisors or arbitration
4. Financial advisors
5. Yoga /ayurveda or religion related work
6. Physicians or healers
7. Religious leaders/preachers or anything to do with dharma
BONUS Remedies:
The other alternative is wearing Ruby , atleast 5 rattis in gold in the ring finger of the
right hand.
• Serving ones father and old age needy persons
• Give wheat soaked in 20 gms Gur /jiggery to cow on Sundays
• Do suryanamskaras at sunrise
• Observe law of the land
• Chant sri sukta
• Could wear sri yantra
• Could chant shiva chalisa
b) Overview of planetary periods:
The planetary period you run
Mercury Main period
• JUP till 15/ 1/18
Mercury is 12/3 and is in 6th in Jupiter sign with sun the lord of 2nd bhava.
So doing your own initiative to do with your intellect/thinking and your own work/using your intelligence /mathematical or financial skills could give you gains and money.
But you need to avoid taking heavy debts now.
In d2 mercury is in lagna in sign of sun /Leo- so basic blessings are there for you.
Yes, stress could be there- so avoid stress by Yoga and avoid possible conflicts.
Mind also need to be kept positive and family life and image cool in 2017 in general for best results.
BONUS donation of pencils/rubber/books to school kids would help a lot.
Think and then act.
Matters regarding finance could expand fair enough in this time.. Fasting on Thursdays would directly help finances. Growth possible in matters to do with teaching/training and religion. Good time to expand.
Returns could be fair this time
• SAT till NOv 2020
Saturn rules 7/8 and is in 11th by lagna.
So one has to guard in partnerships and sudden losses or challenges for money , especially after 2019 October ending onwards.
You have to take care of the kind of people you connect to or partner with this time.
2019 and 2018 oct onwards may mean good enough gains for you.
But 2020 and 2019 ending(beyond October) needs care partner selection.
2020 might mean taking more initiatives and proving- then only gains or money would come by.
As from moon Saturn rules 8/9 and is in 12th- so this might mean you may travel long distances for various business and personal reasons.
Gains are promised but you have to guard on unlanned or sudden problems due to lordship of 8th bhava.
Hard work and planning would give you great results.
This time could promise great gains. Success would come with well planned efforts. This time the mantra is planning- execution. Good chance of improvement in flow of money. A disciplined investment is bound to give returns. Success in heavy machinery and management related matters.
Yearly Break Up in detail your pratayantar dasha wise
• RAH 15/ 1/18
• There could be a basic opposition to work you do now for earning. You have to maintain a good image as rahu afflicts the 2nd bhava and also the sun.Health needs proper care. Relationships and over all sexual conduct and ethics need a proper care.
• SAT till 18/ 6/18
• Lot of hardwork is needed at your end. Unexpected matters and blockage might came in regard to money maters.Only planning and prince and systematic effort to resolve then would help you.
• A more demdning time for you from decision point of view, misunderstanding has to be ignored and focus more on better decision making.
• Let not stress takeover.
• MER till 5/11/18
Health and proper decisions need care to go ahead this time.
Lot of work and obstacles may confront you. Need patience and perseverance to get them solved.
God decision making in money matters is needed and yes potential to earn, so stay firm in decision that are well planed along with your inherent creativity and insight into them to win.
• KET till 2/ 1/19
Again a lot of work- and excellent decision making is needed. Good for money matters as slowly your money matters would start improving now.
Planning and execution needed for success
BONUS Remedies:
Saturn is very important for you to balance for job.
• Be considerate to servants and subordinates
• Offer simple salty food to birds
• Donate black pulses or mustard oil on Saturdays
• Donate to organizations that help the poor people as much as you can.
• Hanuman chalisa
• Bajrang Baan
• Hanuman Bahuk
• Shiv chalisa
• Shiva srota
• rudrashtak
• Get this yantra engraved on steel and wear it in middle finger on Saturday- would be very helpful for health and happiness.
14 7 12
9 11 13
10 15 8
Aum sham shanaishcharaye namah aum 108 times on Saturdays as many times you can in a Shani Mandir. This mantra would help to charge the yantra for proper benefits. Do it with devotion to shani devta.
For Jupiter
Wearing 5-6 rattis pukhraj (in gold to be worn in index finger on Thursday) would be very
good help in education.
• Offering service to one’s Guru/teachers
• Prayer every morning
• Offer banana pieces to birds
• Offer bundi laddue to birds.
• Could chant shiva sahastraanam
• Do rudra-abhishek by trained person