Horoscope Saturn Retrograde Shani Vakri Rashi Astrology

440px-Retrograde_Motion.bjb.svg Saturn retrograde shani vakri IndiaSaturn mars Saturn retrograde shani vakri India horoscope kundli
About this article ?

  • this is a very interesting article That discusses the importance and significance of Saturn or Shani dev getting vakri or retrograde for any Horoscope or Kundli in detail. 🙂
  • It answers questions like When do we say Saturn is retrograde or Vakri?
  • How does the retrogression of Saturn impact health, wealth, career, Luck, fortune or children, relationships for nay Horoscope ?
  • It also at length discusses the impact of Saturn or Shani getting retrograde or vakri for all the 12 Ascendant or lagans signs or rashi’s(Moon Lagna) of the zodiac for any Kundli or Horoscope.
  • So that as at least every year, for 6 months Saturn is retrograde, so anyone could quickly look at the effects.
  • It later takes up what could be the impact of Saturn(Shani) getting retrograde for the Kundli for horoscope of India for India’s economy, society, war possibilities and overall, wellbeing.
  • Saturn shani retrograde vakri India horoscope
    Why is Saturn or Shani retrogression(Vakri Shani) so important for any Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Saturn or Shani is one of the most powerful planets in the cosmos and is also malefic or has the maximum negative energy released in the cosmos.
  • Saturn or Shani deals with heavy industry, people especially of the lower class or the subjugated class.
  • So any retrogression(vakri Shani) or reversal of energy means issues or reversal is in the above-mentioned areas.
  • Also Saturn or Shani dev deals with planning and execution ,management of the various aspects of life & industry and yes it has to unfortunately to do with destruction’s.
  • So retrograde Saturn(vakri shani) impacts the planning /execution of projects to some extent as there is reversal of Saturn energy.
  • In addition Saturn(shani) has additional effects of reversal or delays in the houses ruled for various lagans or ascendants.
  • So in summary Saturn, or Shani, is one of the most significant and impactful planets in Vedic astrology.
  • Its retrogression, often referred to as Vakri Shani, holds particular importance in a kundli (horoscope) for several reasons:
  • 1. Karmic Implications

  • Saturn is known as the “karmic planet” in Vedic astrology.
  • It is associated with discipline, structure, responsibilities, and karma—the actions and their consequences.
  • When Saturn goes retrograde, its karmic effects are intensified.
  • This retrograde period often brings up past karma that needs to be addressed or resolved.
  • Individuals may experience situations that force them to confront past actions, review unfinished business, or deal with unresolved issues.
  • This makes Saturn retrograde a time of deep reflection and learning from past experiences.
  • 2. Intensification of Saturn’s Themes

  • Retrograde Saturn intensifies the themes associated with Saturn, such as delays, restrictions, hard work, and perseverance.
  • The areas of life that Saturn influences in the horoscope may undergo a period of reevaluation and restructuring.
  • For example, if Saturn rules the 7th house of partnerships, retrogression could bring about challenges in relationships, requiring more effort and patience to maintain harmony.
  • It is a time when Saturn’s lessons become more personal and internal, urging individuals to take a closer look at their responsibilities, boundaries, and long-term goals.
  • 3. Significance in Life Transitions

  • Saturn’s retrograde often marks significant life transitions.
  • It can signal a period where major changes in career, relationships, or personal life may take place.
  • These changes are usually geared towards creating more stability and structure, aligning one’s life path with their true purpose.
  • The retrograde motion slows down the pace, allowing for thoughtful planning and careful consideration before making any significant decisions.
  • This can lead to more profound and meaningful changes that are sustainable over the long term.
  • 4. Challenges and Growth

  • During its retrograde period, Saturn’s restrictive and disciplined nature may manifest as challenges or obstacles, but these are opportunities for growth.
  • Individuals may face delays, frustrations, or setbacks that test their patience and perseverance.
  • However, overcoming these challenges leads to personal growth and maturity.
  • Saturn retrograde encourages individuals to develop a strong sense of responsibility, discipline, and resilience, which are essential qualities for achieving success and stability.
  • 5. Internal Reflection and Self-Improvement

  • Saturn’s retrograde period is ideal for internal reflection and self-improvement.
  • It encourages individuals to look inward, analyze their fears, insecurities, and limitations, and work on overcoming them.
  • This period is about self-discipline and taking control of one’s life by setting realistic goals and working diligently towards them.
  • It is a time to reassess one’s priorities, make necessary adjustments, and develop a more structured and balanced approach to life.
  • 6.Impact on Specific Houses and Signs

  • The effect of Saturn retrograde varies depending on the house it occupies and the sign it influences in the natal chart.
  • Each house represents different aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, and wealth.
  • Retrograde Saturn’s impact on these houses can bring about specific challenges and opportunities for growth in those areas.
  • Understanding its placement and aspects can provide valuable insights into how to navigate the retrograde period effectively.
  • 7. Long-Term Consequences

  • Saturn’s retrograde is not just about the period it is retrograde but also about the long-term consequences of the actions and decisions made during this time.
  • The lessons learned and the changes implemented during Saturn retrograde have lasting effects.
  • They shape one’s future by creating a more solid foundation for success and stability.
  • This makes Saturn retrograde an important period for making thoughtful and wise decisions that will impact one’s life in the years to come.
  • In conclusion, Saturn’s retrogression is a powerful period in astrology that encourages deep introspection, karmic resolution, and personal growth.
  • It is a time to face challenges, develop resilience, and realign with one’s true purpose.
  • By understanding and embracing the lessons of retrograde Saturn, individuals can achieve greater stability, maturity, and fulfillment in their lives.
  • 440px-Retrograde_Motion.bjb.svg Saturn retrograde shani vakri 2018 India
    What does Saturn or shani retrogression( moving vakri) mean ?Thats is what kind of energies does Saturn or shani dev release in the cosmos for Horoscopes when Vakri or Retrograde?

  • Just like all other planets Saturn or shani moves in an elliptical path around sun or surya.
  • So at times Saturn (shani) could be seen moving slower or a bit faster at apogee and perigee.
  • that is due to the elliptical orbits. One can look at the image below but never in a reverse motion as is viable from earth.
  • so what happens that in elliptical orbits when the planet like Saturn or shani is near apogee or perigee it may appear to be moving in a reverse direction instead of going straight.
  • This causes the longitude of Saturn or shani to reduce that could cause retrograde motion to Saturn or shani as it is called.
  • it is just a matter of relative speed, say you are sitting in a bus and the bus overtakes a bicycle, the bicycle would appear going in the opposite direction.
  • though still moving in your direction. this is called the retrogression phenomenon.
  • When Saturn (Shani) goes retrograde, it releases specific types of energies into the cosmos that influence individuals and horoscopes in distinct ways.
  • These energies are associated with Saturn’s inherent nature and the symbolic meaning of retrogression.
  • Here’s a look at the kinds of energies Saturn releases when it is retrograde:
  • 1. Karmic Realignment and Lessons

  • Saturn is often referred to as the Karmic planet, dealing with the cause and effect of one’s actions.
  • During retrograde, Saturn’s energies focus intensely on karmic issues.
  • This period acts as a time for karmic realignment, where past deeds—both positive and negative—are revisited.
  • Individuals may face situations that require them to settle old debts or revisit unfinished business from the past.
  • The energy is introspective, making people more aware of their actions and responsibilities.
  • This can bring a sense of destiny or fate, highlighting areas where personal growth is needed.
  • 2. Delays, Restrictions, and Patience

  • The energy of Saturn retrograde can create delays and restrictions.
  • This isn’t to punish but to ensure that everything is meticulously reviewed, reassessed, and handled correctly.
  • Projects may slow down, and obstacles may seem more prevalent, requiring individuals to adopt a patient and methodical approach.
  • This period emphasizes the importance of taking time to build a solid foundation.
  • The retrograde phase challenges people to find inner strength and resilience, testing their capacity to endure and persevere.
  • 3. Self-Discipline and Responsibility

  • Saturn’s energy during retrogression pushes individuals to develop greater self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.
  • It encourages a focus on structure, order, and long-term planning.
  • The retrograde motion turns Saturn’s gaze inward, prompting a review of one’s commitments, obligations, and the discipline with which they approach life.
  • This is a time to revisit personal goals and assess whether current habits and behaviors align with one’s long-term vision.
  • Saturn retrograde urges people to be accountable for their actions, leading to personal maturity and growth.
  • 4. Introspection and Inner Work

  • Saturn retrograde’s energy is heavily introspective.
  • It encourages deep inner work, contemplation, and self-reflection.
  • Individuals are urged to examine their fears, limitations, and past experiences that may be holding them back.
  • This introspective energy helps uncover hidden truths, offering a chance to heal and transform deep-seated issues.
  • Saturn retrograde is a period for looking inward, understanding one’s true desires, and making necessary adjustments to align with one’s authentic self.
  • 5. Reevaluation of Authority and Boundaries

  • During its retrograde phase, Saturn’s energy brings up themes related to authority, boundaries, and control.
  • People may question existing structures, rules, and authorities in their lives.
  • There may be a reassessment of one’s relationship with authority figures, whether in personal life or at work.
  • Saturn retrograde encourages individuals to establish healthy boundaries and to assert themselves appropriately.
  • It’s a time to evaluate whether one is too rigid or too lenient and to find a balance that allows for both personal freedom and social responsibility.
  • 6. Transformation and Endurance

  • The energy of Saturn retrograde can be transformative.
  • It challenges individuals to confront their limitations and fears, pushing them towards inner strength and endurance.
  • This period is about breaking down old structures that no longer serve a purpose and building new ones that align with one’s true self.
  • The retrograde energy is not about quick fixes but about enduring change that lasts.
  • It’s about learning to work through difficulties and emerging stronger and wiser.
  • Summary

  • In essence, Saturn retrograde releases energies that are introspective, karmic, disciplined, and transformative.
  • It compels individuals to slow down, reflect, and reassess their lives with a focus on responsibility, endurance, and personal growth.
  • By embracing the energies of Vakri Shani, one can navigate this period with patience, wisdom, and a renewed sense of purpose, ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilled life.
  • what does Saturn or shani retrograde(vakri) in your horoscope or kundali mean in terms of Impacts on personality, money , wealth, family or children, Job etc for any Horoscope or Kundli?

  • Saturn or shani is an old and hard planet and if it is retrograde(vakri), that means one could go to extremes of doing karma or action.
  • As Saturn is the planet of karma and action as well ruling the tenth sign Capricorn(makar rashi) and the eleventh sign Aquarius(kumbha rashi) in any kundali or horoscope.
  • Just like for the Mughal emperor Aurangzebb Saturn or shani had a role of reversal or was hard that he went in extreme to follow his religion.
  • He also wants to the extreme to do the conversions. so, reversal of Saturn energy could at times make a person goes to extremes or even makes the person lazy and slow.
  • the actual impact to effect of retrograde Saturn or vakri shani in a kundali or horoscope also depends on the lordship of the house in your horoscope.
  • Also placement of the horoscope in a house and energy exchange of Saturn(shani) with other planets makes the difference.
  • So in summary Saturn retrogression, commonly referred to as “Vakri Shani” in Vedic astrology, occurs when the planet Saturn appears to move backward in its orbit from the perspective of Earth.
  • Although Saturn isn’t actually moving backward, this apparent retrograde motion has significant symbolic and astrological implications.
  • Here’s what Saturn retrogression means:
  • 1. Illusion of Backward Movement

  • From an astronomical standpoint, retrogression is an optical illusion caused by the relative positions and motions of the Earth and Saturn.
  • As Earth, which is closer to the Sun and thus moves faster, overtakes Saturn in its orbit, Saturn appears to slow down, stop (station), and then move backward (retrograde).
  • After a period, it appears to slow down again, stop, and then resume its forward motion.
  • This backward movement, or retrogression, typically lasts for about 140 days.
  • 2. Symbolism and Astrological Significance

  • In astrology, Saturn’s retrograde motion is a period of introspection, review, and reevaluation.
  • It is often associated with the following:

    Karmic Reassessment:

  • Saturn is known as the planet of karma, discipline, and responsibility.
  • During its retrograde phase, it is believed to bring up unresolved past karma for review and resolution.
  • Individuals may face the consequences of past actions, leading to a period of introspection and self-reflection.
  • Delays and Obstacles:

  • Saturn is a slow-moving planet associated with delays, obstacles, and challenges.
  • When retrograde, these qualities can become more pronounced, leading to delays in projects, difficulties in achieving goals, and obstacles in personal and professional life.
  • This period can test patience and perseverance.
  • Inner Reflection:

  • Retrograde Saturn turns the focus inward, prompting individuals to reassess their goals, responsibilities, and commitments.
  • It is a time to reflect on one’s long-term objectives, evaluate progress, and make necessary adjustments.
  • This introspection can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose.
  • Structural Changes:

  • Saturn represents structure, stability, and long-term planning.
  • During retrograde, there may be a need to reevaluate existing structures, whether in personal life, relationships, or career.
  • It is an opportunity to identify what is not working, make changes, and create a more solid foundation for the future.
  • 3. Impact on Personal and Professional Life

  • The effects of Saturn retrogression can vary depending on its placement in the natal chart, the houses it influences, and the aspects it forms with other planets.
  • However, some common themes include:

    Professional Life: There may be delays or setbacks in career advancement.

  • It is a time to reassess professional goals, review work ethics, and make necessary changes to achieve long-term success.
  • Personal Life: Relationships may be tested, requiring more effort and commitment.

  • It is a period to work on resolving conflicts, strengthening bonds, and building trust.
  • Financial Matters: Saturn retrograde can bring financial challenges, requiring careful planning and budgeting.
  • It is a time to review financial strategies, manage debts, and focus on building long-term financial stability.
  • 4. Lessons of Saturn Retrograde

  • The primary lesson of Saturn retrograde is about patience, perseverance, and responsibility.
  • It encourages individuals to take a disciplined approach to life, face challenges with resilience, and work diligently towards their goals.
  • It is a reminder that success requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from past mistakes.
  • In summary, Saturn retrogression is a powerful period of introspection and reevaluation.
  • It is a time to face challenges, learn valuable lessons, and make necessary changes to align with one’s true purpose.
  • By embracing the lessons of Vakri Shani, individuals can achieve greater stability, maturity, and fulfillment in their lives.
  • images-solar-system-planets Saturn retrograde shani 2018 India
    How does Saturn or shani retrograde(vakri) IMpact various aspects of life like Job, Love, Career, Money, Children, Family in transit in any Horoscope in general ?

  • The planet Saturn or shani is retrograde or reversed (vakri) in transit is a regular cycle that happens just over every twelve months.
  • so lasting about four and half month or 4.5 months , and the total degrees in transit it is around 6 or 7 degrees of the zodiac.
  • when the planet Saturn or shani is retrograde or reversed- it could be a time of one feeling limitation, increases restriction, anxiety and fear.
  • Also whatever you touch in this period of retrogression be it career/love/relationships/money/legal etc comes back to you again in the cycle when Saturn or shani gets direct.
  • The impact of retrogression of Saturn or vakri shani is discussed below briefly for various rashi’s or signs of the zodiac.
  • rashi sign  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    What is the basic impact of a retrograde Saturn or shani or in various rashi’s or signs of the zodiac?

  • some of the basic effects are given below- for other report of shani transit could be ordered
  • Aries or mesha rashi may face issues in career and or gains/acquisitions, Taurus or vrishabha rashi may have problems to male seniors and career.
  • also the mithuna rashi or Gemini people may have issues in land or if travelling abroad,
  • the cancer or karkat rashi people may have issues in relationship and job and yes fights.
  • The Leo or simha rashi people may have several legal issues or health problems and yes relationships, Virgo or kanya rashi people may have issues with kids or children and yes health,
  • the Libra or Tula rashi people may face problems in driving and at home and yes children, the Scorpio or vrishchika rashi people may have problems in projects they start and family.
  • the Sagittarius or dhanu rashi people may have wealth and family issues and may take harsh steps now,
  • the Capricorn or makar rashi people may have health and image issues and yes wealth issues. The Aquarius or kumbha rashi people may have issues in foreign lands/hospitalization.
  • And also health issues and Pisces rashi people may have trouble in travels and also gains and friends could be impacted
  • India-horoscope Saturn retrograde shani vakri 2018 India
  • Saturn Retrograde- Shani Vakri India and you? what are the effects or predictions based on your Horoscope?
    Saturn shani vakri India horoscope kundli
    What is the impact of Saturn or shani being retrograde in cosmos on any chart?

  • based on your Lagna(ascendant) or moon sign the impact of effects of Saturn getting retrograde are given below for each of the 12 zodiac signs or rashi .
  • rashi sign  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Aries Sign or mesha Rashi

  • Retrograde Saturn (Shani) in a natal chart can have significant and varied impacts depending on the zodiac sign it occupies.
  • Saturn, known as a planet of discipline, karma, and restrictions, turns retrograde for a few months each year, and during this period, its effects can be more intense or introspective.
  • Here is the impact of retrograde Saturn for each zodiac sign:
  • now if Aries is your Lagna/moon sign so that means that Capricorn sign(makar rashi) rules the house of career and action and Aquarius or Kumbha rules 11th house of a gains.
  • Now if Saturn getting retrograde could cause problems in career reversals in situations of promotion etc. so if a promise of promotion is there it will not go through.
  • It may also mean that you may not do the right deeds , health of your elder brother of sibling of yours could get impacted.
  • Impact:

  • When retrograde Saturn is in Aries, it brings about a strong focus on self-discipline and personal development.
  • Saturn’s restrictive nature challenges Aries’ inherent impulsiveness and desire for quick action.
  • The retrograde motion may slow down Aries’ usually fast-paced approach, causing frustrations or delays in their efforts.
  • However, this period encourages Aries to develop patience, persistence, and strategic planning.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Aries individuals may find themselves reassessing their goals and motivations, especially regarding career and leadership roles.
  • Saturn retrograde compels them to examine their responsibilities and commitments more deeply, ensuring they align with their long-term aspirations.
  • This time can be excellent for self-improvement, where Aries learns to harness their energy constructively and maturely.
  • rashi sign retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Taurus Sign or Mesha Rashi

  • Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi Saturn rules 9(Luck and fortune)/10 th house career .
  • so, if it gets weakened, so father of father figures need care / Luck and fortune may supportive take .
  • Job needs care and so does your karma and action . It has to be done properly with ethics.
  • Impact:

  • Retrograde Saturn in Taurus affects stability and material security, areas where Taurus naturally seeks comfort.
  • Saturn’s retrograde motion may bring up issues related to finances, property, or self-worth, requiring Taurus to reevaluate their approach to wealth and possessions.
  • This can manifest as a need to restructure financial plans, savings, or investments to ensure long-term security.
  • Personal Growth:

  • During this period, Taurus may feel a sense of restriction or limitation in their usual comforts, prompting them to reconsider what truly brings them security and happiness.
  • It’s a time to focus on inner values rather than external acquisitions, developing resilience and a deeper understanding of what constitutes real stability and security.
  •  rashi sign retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Gemini Sign or Mithuna Rashi

  • Gemini sign or Mithuna Rashi Saturn(shani) rules the 8th and 9th house of your Horoscope.
  • so drive with care and take good care of health needs care . Money matters and fortune may not be very support .
  • Impact:

  • For Gemini, retrograde Saturn emphasizes communication, learning, and social interactions.
  • Saturn’s influence can cause a slowdown in the flow of ideas and communication, making Gemini feel restricted in expressing themselves or facing obstacles in their educational pursuits.
  • This period may also involve reassessment of relationships with siblings, neighbors, or community members.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Gemini individuals are encouraged to develop more disciplined communication skills and a deeper understanding of their thought processes.
  • Retrograde Saturn prompts them to focus on clear, structured, and meaningful communication rather than superficial or scattered conversations.
  • It’s a period for serious learning and refining mental agility.
  • cancer karkat rashi sign  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Cancer Sign or Karkat Rashi

  • If Saturn is retrograde for cancer sign or Karkat rashi . so, in this case the Saturn or Shani Dev rules 7th and 8th house of the horoscope .
  • so relationships need care at home and also in career . if you are on a foreign travel or travel .
  • Then you take care unexpected mattress may come up. handle wealth well.
  • Impact:

  • With retrograde Saturn in Cancer, the focus shifts to home, family, and emotional security.
  • Saturn’s restrictive nature may bring challenges related to family responsibilities, care giving, or home life, prompting Cancer to confront fears or insecurities about their emotional foundations.
  • There may be a need to restructure or redefine family roles and responsibilities.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Cancer individuals may need to establish stronger boundaries and take on more responsibility within the family.
  • Saturn retrograde encourages Cancer to develop emotional resilience and maturity, understanding that real security comes from within.
  • This period can lead to profound emotional growth and a stronger sense of self-reliance.
  • sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Leo Sign or Simha Rashi

  • Saturn or shani dev rules the sixth and seventh house so one has to take care of health issues .
  • Plus if you are embroiled in a court case or legal matter you too take care .
  • In this time conflicts have to be avoided . Your relationships need special care life partner may behave in a different manner.
  • Impact:

  • Retrograde Saturn in Leo impacts self-expression, creativity, and leadership.
  • Leo, a sign that thrives on recognition and creativity, may feel a sense of restriction or doubt in these areas.
  • Saturn’s influence can cause Leo to question their abilities, confidence, or leadership qualities, prompting a reevaluation of their creative projects or leadership roles.
  • Personal Growth:

  • This period is a time for Leo to develop humility, patience, and persistence.
  • Retrograde Saturn encourages Leo to refine their talents and approach to leadership, focusing on substance over style.
  • It’s an opportunity to build a solid foundation for their creative endeavors, ensuring they are sustainable and impactful.
  • rashi sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Virgo Sign or Kanya Rashi

  • Virgo sign or Kanya Rashi here shani dev or Saturn rules 5th and 6th house. One has to use Positive Thinking .
  • Plus one has to avoid depression this time. Your children need care . Plus, on the health front your stomach and intestines need care
  • Impact:

  • For Virgo, retrograde Saturn affects work, health, and daily routines.
  • Saturn’s influence can bring challenges related to efficiency, organization, or health issues, prompting Virgo to reassess their work habits, routines, and health practices.
  • There may be a need to adopt more disciplined and structured approaches to daily tasks and responsibilities.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Virgo individuals are encouraged to focus on long-term goals, health, and well-being.
  • Retrograde Saturn helps Virgo develop a more balanced approach to work and life, avoiding overwork or excessive perfectionism.
  • This period can lead to improved health habits and a more sustainable approach to work and service.
  • sign rashi sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Libra Sign or Tula Rashi

  • Libra sign or Tula rashi is ruling 4th and 5th house of your horoscope(kundli) . so, drive with care now.
  • your car/scooter etc may need more care. maintain family peace .children need more care .
  • thinking has to be positive and not negative . You need to do yoga exercises
  • Retrograde Saturn in Libra highlights relationships, partnerships, and social harmony.
  • Saturn’s influence may cause delays or challenges in forming or maintaining relationships, prompting Libra to reassess their partnerships and social interactions.
  • Issues of fairness, balance, and commitment come to the forefront during this period.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Libra individuals are encouraged to develop deeper commitments and take responsibility for their relationships.
  • Retrograde Saturn helps Libra understand the importance of balance and fairness in partnerships, ensuring that relationships are based on mutual respect and shared goals.
  • This period can lead to stronger, more meaningful connections.

  • Scorpio Sign or Vrishchika Rashi

  • Scorpio sign of Vrishchika Rashi and Saturn or shani dev rules your 3rd and 4th house.
  • so at this time no new project should be started .good relationship with siblings is needed. as we maintain health and driving needs care and so does your home.
  • Impact:

  • For Scorpio, retrograde Saturn affects transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological issues.
  • Saturn’s influence may bring up fears or challenges related to control, power, or shared finances, prompting Scorpio to confront and overcome deep-seated fears or insecurities.
  • There may be a need to reevaluate financial arrangements or joint ventures.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Scorpio individuals are encouraged to focus on self-mastery and transformation.
  • Retrograde Saturn helps Scorpio develop resilience and strength by facing their fears and embracing change.
  • This period can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of their inner power and resources.
  • rashi sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi

  • Saturn or shani dev rules overall health for you. but you need special care .Not worry but : ). prayers to Lord Shiva would help .
  • take well-thought initiatives. new initiatives have to be taken with care with your siblings.
  • Impact:

  • Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius impacts beliefs, higher education, and long-distance travel.
  • Saturn’s influence may bring challenges related to personal beliefs, philosophical outlooks, or educational pursuits, prompting Sagittarius to reassess their long-term goals and aspirations.
  • There may be a need to adopt a more disciplined and structured approach to learning and exploration.
  • Personal Growth: Sagittarius individuals are encouraged to focus on developing a deeper understanding of their beliefs and values.

  • Retrograde Saturn helps Sagittarius refine their goals and adopt a more mature and realistic approach to life.
  • This period can lead to a more profound sense of purpose and direction.
  • rashi sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Capricorn Sign or Makar Rashi

  • The Saturn or shani dev rules the first and second bhava or house. so, take care of health .
  • also sure wealth and status and money flows need care and management. You need speak with care.
  • You may have to eat up your words at times :). take good care of health
  • Impact:

  • For Capricorn, retrograde Saturn affects career, status, and public reputation.
  • Saturn’s influence may bring challenges or delays in career advancement or recognition, prompting Capricorn to reassess their career goals and strategies.
  • There may be a need to adopt a more disciplined and focused approach to achieving their ambitions.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Capricorn individuals are encouraged to focus on building a solid foundation for their career and public life.
  • Retrograde Saturn helps Capricorn develop patience, persistence, and a long-term perspective, ensuring that their achievements are sustainable and impactful.
  • This period can lead to a more responsible and disciplined approach to success.
  • rashi sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Aquarius Sign or Kumbha Rashi

  • If you have Aquarius sign or Rashi Kumbha Rashi. Saturn or shani dev rules on Lagna and the 12th house .
  • so personality needs care and mental stress needs care you. You may have travel this time. You need to maintain good image and health
  • Impact:

  • Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius emphasizes social connections, innovation, and humanitarian goals.
  • Saturn’s influence may bring challenges or restrictions related to friendships, group activities, or social causes, prompting Aquarius to reassess their social involvement and community goals.
  • There may be a need to adopt a more structured and organized approach to social interactions.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Aquarius individuals are encouraged to focus on building meaningful and lasting connections within their communities.
  • Retrograde Saturn helps Aquarius develop a sense of responsibility and commitment to social causes, ensuring that their efforts lead to positive and lasting change.
  • This period can lead to a more disciplined and strategic approach to innovation and social involvement.
  • sign rashi sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    Pisces Sign or Meena Rashi

    If your lagna or rashi’s is Pisces sign , your Saturn rules your 12th house & 11th house. so, when it is retrograde .

  • You may have travel in foreign lands or distant places.
  • Your sexual conduct has to be discreet. if involved in affairs it may come to open. yes, gains from friends and people may not be great.
  • Impact:

  • For Pisces, retrograde Saturn affects spirituality, dreams, and subconscious issues.
  • Saturn’s influence may bring challenges or restrictions related to spiritual practices, creativity, or dealing with subconscious fears, prompting Pisces to confront and overcome illusions or unrealistic expectations.
  • There may be a need to adopt a more grounded and practical approach to spirituality and creativity.
  • Personal Growth:

  • Pisces individuals are encouraged to focus on developing a deeper understanding of their inner world and spiritual beliefs.
  • Retrograde Saturn helps Pisces develop resilience and clarity by facing their fears and embracing reality.
  • This period can lead to profound spiritual growth and a more grounded approach to life’s mysteries.
  • Each sign experiences the retrograde of Saturn uniquely, based on its inherent characteristics and areas of influence, prompting growth, reassessment, and realignment with one’s long-term goals and responsibilities.
  • sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
    What is the impact of retrograde Saturn or vakri shani in the chart of India?

    • Now based on India’s Kundali or horoscope as one can see India’s is ruled by Taurus or vrishabha lagna so the 10th sign(Tenth sign) of Saturn or shani.
    • That is Capricorn sign or Makar rashi falls in the ninth bhava of India and the eleventh sign of Aquarius or kumbha falls in the tenth house of the India’s kundali.
    • IN India’s Kundali or horoscope The ninth bhava or house rules the judiciary/politicians/rules/corruption and higher education policies
    • Also for the tenth bhava rules – stock markets, overall economic growth, and the rule of the state.
    • So over all for India’s Kundali or horoscope whenever Saturn or shani is retrograde or vakri, India would face issues in the above said areas.
    • Especially when Saturn or shani is conjunct with other malefic like mars or rahu or ketu(dragon’s head & tail). Or other planet even benefics in retrogression.
    • Also note Nirav modi issue to do with finances of India came up in February when Saturn is retrograde.
    • Same was true when there was a dokhlam situation with china in the year 2017 when Saturn was conjunct with mars or Mangal in the eighth bhava or house of India. The eight house deals with tension in the country.
    • So over all whenever Saturn is weak- we would in India face issues in judiciary and more of corruption as 33 % times in 12 month cycle Saturn could be retrograde or vakri.
    • That is one of the issues we have more corruption, the judiciary is helps by Jupiter or guru the karaka of the ninth bhava or house in India.
    • sign rashi  retrograde Saturn or vakri shani  kundli horoscope
      Conclusion about retrograde Saturn or vakri shani:

      • whenever any planet or especially Saturn(shani) is retrograde(vakri), it sends different kind of energies to the cosmos- so one needs to take care of how to act and behave.
      • Saturn or shani when it gets direct or margi( instead of vakri), it will try to send energy black to whatever any person or country had encountered during the period of retrogression.
      • well thought actions based on Vedic astrology guidance or advice is very much needed for overall success/happiness and lesser troubles or losses. whenever Saturn(shani) or vakri or any planet is weak or retrograde .
  • Your Shani Sade sati Or Saturn Transit Report plus this year RETROGRADE Saturn effects-Detailed Analysis & Remedies . Saturn mars CLICK HERE