Horoscope Reincarnation Rahul Gandhi Past Life Karma Kundli Predictions

horoscope reincarnation past life karma rahul gandhi kundli predictionshoroscope reincarnation past life karma rahul gandhi kundli predictions
About this article

  • This article at length based on Horoscope Talks about the Past Life reincarnation karma of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji Vedic astrology principles.
  • It looks at how the present personality, family setup, job or money matters of this life time reincarnation or karma of Rahul Gandhi ji connect to the past life karma or reincarnation.
  • The investigation I would find it very interesting & deep.
  • horoscope reincarnation past life karma rahul gandhi kundli predictions
    What is Re-incarnation & Past Karma Life Kundli or Horoscope ?

  • Reincarnation of past life karma is one of the most wonderful concepts or ideas of Vedic astrology.
  • it also connects with the ancient traditions and belief systems of
    Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and even some of the Jewish or Christian traditions.
  • It suggests that soul evolves to perfection though various bodies through the process of reincarnation , where it works out the past life karma to improve on core negative traits.
  • Bhagwat Gita of the Hindus clearly endorses past life Karma or reincarnation .
  • horoscope reincarnation past life karma rahul gandhi kundli predictions
    The Basic Profile of Past Life karma or re-incarnation of Rahul Gandhi
    virgo kanya rashi horoscope reincarnation past life karma rahul gandhi kundli predictions
    what is the role of Virgo sign or Kanya rashi for Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • here in this Kundli or Horoscope of Sri Rahul Gandhi Ji , Virgo or mercury rules the past life karma of reincarnation for him.
  • Note this closely connects to this life time being born in Gemini sun sign or June > :).
  • so that string energy of a quick and versatile mind of mercury or budha was there in the past life and strongly connects to Rahul Gandhi ji in this life time as well.
  • mercury budha horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    what is the role of mercury or Budha for Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • but this mercury was combust or very weak in past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope .
  • so we see in the news that many times Sri Rahul Gandhi has to apologize or regrets for what he said in the media.
  • so clearly despite his great intentions(Rahul Gandhi ji) .
  • These are karmic traits that needs to be handled well by him in this life incarnation.
  • being Thursday born compensate for this much and gives Sri Rahul Gandhi a charitable and sanguine disposition as well. GOD bless him.
  • foreign lands horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    How is the birth in foreign lands predicted for Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Also note the structure of the energies of past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji has energies form other planets like sun or Surya.
  • That is ruling the 12th bhava of foreign lands and also mars or mangal that is communist there lord of initiatives of the 3rd bhava of the kundli or horoscope .
  • and also the 8th house of travels and foreign lands and obstacles he had to surmount by his initiatives in past life time karma or reincarnation as well.
  • It clearly suggests that he could have been a leader of a political party in some other country in the past life.
  • yes he is very much Indian but carries a glimpse of a handsome foreigner as well.;)
  • saturn shani horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions rahul
    How does Saturn or Shani dev and mars suggests a tough life of Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • yes the other planets that are malefic like Saturn and mars clearly suggest that it was an uphill task for Rahul Gandhi ji in past life time karma or reincarnation as well to handle opposition many times based on his Kundli or Horoscope.
  • Also life was not a bed of roses for him, and he was also GOD forbid mishap prone in the past life as well.
  • This connects to the karma of his respected father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji.
  • also the entire family and siblings of Rahul Gandhi ji were in to politics as is evident from the past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope .
  • especially his Younger siblings , just like in this reincarnation smt. Priyanka Gandhi ji is with him.
  • so as the saying goes history repeats itself,:)
    so does karmic patterns of past life repeat self.
  • In the past life Jupiter role suggest past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji towards spirituality as well, due to ketu or dragon’s tail.
  • though this past life karma is only mildly represented by being born on Thursday or Jupiter in this life time and 18=1+8=9= also a number of mars and Jupiter.
  • but this energy for dharma or good karma was strong in Rahul Gandhi ji in past life time reincarnation or karma.

  • How did Rahul Gandhi ji Career the past life Karma traits based on his Horoscope or Kundli?
    mercury budha horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    How did mercury or Budha influence Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation career or Job based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • The career or Karma of Sri Rahul Gandhi jis is strongly influenced again by mercury or budha.
  • now this budha is fair for Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope .
  • it gives a connection to Rahul Gandhi ji also being into possible business.
    also a connection of past life reincarnation career or job of rahu Gandhi ji with his past life father.
  • politician rahul gandhi horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    Was Rahul Gandhi ji’s a politician in the past life reincarnation as well based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • now note this is again closely true in this life time.
  • Rahul Gandhi ji is also a politician and so was his respected father in this life time or reincarnation Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji a politician!
  • so one can see the Karmic pattern of the past life continues in this life time as well for past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji. 🙂
  • Once again history repeats itself.
  • again a strong influence of Raja Yoga planets like sun and mars on mercury suggests a strong possibility again of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji being in politics in the past life reincarnation of his. 🙂
  • The intersection of sun and mars energies = politics or some leadership job or work & also business.
  • priyanka career horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    what is the role of Taurus sign or Vrishabha rashi for career or job of Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • The taurus sign or vrishabha rashi in past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Rahul Gandhi ji suggest that whatever he did his family was also involved .
  • as we found our earlier that in his previous life time incarnation Politics career Rahul Gandhi ji’s siblings and friends were also involved and so is his family members also a part of the same.:)
  •  horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    Was Rahul Gandhi ji into family career or politics just like in this life time in his past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • so once again here also in this time reincarnation for the Horoscope of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji, his sister so Priyanka Gandhi ji and his respected mother smt. Sonia Gandhi ji.
  • and also so was his respected father Sri Rajiv Gandhi ji all into politics in this life time.
  • so was his grandmother and great maternal grandfather smt. Indira Gandhi ji and Sri Nehru ji all into politics. 🙂
  • so again history repeats itself! 🙂 in this re incarnating based on past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji.

  • What is the role of Saturn or Shani dev for Rahul Gandhi in past life karma Horoscope or Kundli ? What kind of work did Rahul Gandhi do in past life reincarnation Karma based on Saturn in the horoscope?

  • Saturn or Shani dev is very weak for past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • also it impacts his thinking but also helps him to take care of the enmity and opposition in past life time re incarnation karma .
  • but still Rahul Gandhi ji, despite being action oriented in the past life time reincarnation still did not get much credit for his work.
  • politics horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    Was Rahul Gandhi ji’s a politician in past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • also there was significant opposition to him in the past life time reincarnation karma based on his kundli or horoscope.
  • so also was there suffering and issues in his political leadership position in the past life karma or reincarnation based on karma.
  • Communication and connection could have been his work, but due to ketu or dragon’s tail the career for Sri Rahul Gandhi ji based on past life time karma.
  • or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of his did not grow to the extent it should have.
    angry fights could have been there due to mars in scorpion sign or Vrishchika rashi.
  • jupiter guru horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    How does Jupiter or Guru suggest the inner nature past life Karma re incarnation for Rahul Gandhi Horoscope(kundli)?

  • The simha sign or Leo sun sign gets energy for past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope of Sri Rahul Gandhi ji.
  • obviously making him oriented towards leadership or politics.
  • ketu dragon's tail horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    what were the religious inclination of Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • also so is the lunar node or ketu influence in Rahul Gandhi ji in the past life so making him try to face opposition on his own merit.
  • It also suggests more introspective personality as well in the past life reincarnation.
  • yes dharma or the ethical path was there for him, and he was deeply religious in his past life time reincarnation.
  • yes Rahul Gandhi ji may also have followed certain strict regimens of religion as is evident form Saturn in Aries for Rahul Gandhi Ji.
  • rahu dragon's head lunar node north horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    Does mars or mangal and also rahu(dragon’s head) suggest for him in past life karma reincarnation and also Rahul Gandhi’s success in Politics?

  • but so does it suggest his being risk prone in politics in his past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope .
  • rahu north node horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    Did Rahul Gandhi ji face opposition strongly in his past life as well in his political career? based on Rahul Gandhi ji’s past life reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope?

  • also a lot of Ups and downs in career are there in his Kundli or horoscope.
    rahu or dragon’s head suggests opposition in career or job and a lot of people of opposition comforting him even in his past life reincarnation.
  • yes a lot of work and less results was there due to rahu and mars in the past life karma reincarnation.
  • country of borth horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    Which country was he born in Past Life re-incarnation of Rahul Gandhi?

  • if born in India it could be places where lord Krishna lived like Dwarika, Mathura or even puri.
  • if foreign lands it could be Cyprus or say Tasmania.
  • High chance of European countries like Ireland.
  • also Capri, Rhodes, the Greek Islands.
  • in some rare as it could be Cuba, East Timor, Serbia, so is Tanzania, South Africa , and possibly Yemen.
  • money family wealth horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    The Basic Money, Family and Luck factors of Past Life karma re-incarnation of Rahul Gandhi
    family horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    was Rahul Gandhi ji’in a joint family or a large family in his past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • Money was great even in past life reincarnation based on Rahul Gandhi Ji’s horoscope.
  • Rahul Gandhi ji based on his past life karma Kundli, or horoscope had big family and great money flows and living and close family.
  • it was a religious family. 🙂
  • Mother was also very religious or dharmic following the religion to book.:)
    so was money great.
  • good gains rahu Gandhi ji had from his past life reincarnation mother.
    the you could be enjoy pleasures, all kinds of wealth, family life and honor and be adventurous.
  • money wealth horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions
    How was the career or wealth and status for Rahul Gandhi ji in his past life reincarnation based on his Kundli or Horoscope?

  • for Rahul Gandhi’s past life time karma or reincarnation Kundli or Horoscope family or career life & status was great .
  • Dhan Bhava of wealth, you could be enjoy pleasures, all kinds of wealth, family life and honour and be adventurous.
  • Sri Rahul Gandhi ji was endowed with good learning, virtues, ornaments, lands, conveyances, and maternal happiness in his past life reincarnation.
  • horoscope reincarnation past life karma kundli predictions

  • It is very clear that Rahul Gandhi ‘s Horoscope(Kundli) or kundli suggests a strong continuity of his having same kind of or similar personality traits that helped him to connect to political career in this life time as well.
  • yes Sri Rahul Gandhi ji has strong indications of being int politics in some foreign land in past life as well.
  • Yes he had tough life and opposition in his past life time karma or reincarnation as well based on his Kundli or Horoscope .
  • So clearly Sri Rahul Gandhi ji is learning lessons from past life reincarnation . It helps him to grow significantly in this life time in money, relationships, family or even Job for that matter.
  • also Vedic astrology or Jyotish provides suggestions to remedies to reduce issues in karmic debts that could be there in past life reincarnation and helps to connect to this life time!


  • All above content personal opinion for entertainment purposes only .