About this article ?
This article in depth looks at past life karma re-incarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears and also the inner meaning of reincarnation and past life.
and tries to find out how and why based on planetary Yoga’s she was so exceptionally talented?
was she rich and famous in her past lives as well? 🙂
We clearly see the continuity of karma or our actions for various life times.

What is Past Life Karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli about?

How is past life karma or reincarnation followed in other religions as well?
The past life karma or reincarnation concept is being followed by Buddhist, Hindu, and Abrahamic religions so there are religion’s similarities and differences.
It is clear that every religion accepts an afterlife. Buddhists, Jain’s, and Hindus believe in a continuous cycle of death and rebirth, which completes in Nirvana or Moksha, respectively.
Now here the Karma as a driving force for the human being to travel between cycle of rebirth.
Good karma or actions always give noble consequences – even in the present life or in future births.

why is there past life karma or reincarnation?
so they should voluntarily joins to swim in the ocean of Samsara or world(reincarnation being continually reborn).
so in this life time will be able to correct himself and engage in more humanitarian or good deeds in the form of service to humans and animals.
As said in the shastras it is rare opportunity to be born as a human being and states that during the evolution process, the ‘soul’ constitutes two aspects:
The is Nama (part of the being) and Rupa (physical body).

How from past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli Britney spears carried so much of talent ?

How does Venus or shukra give great success in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
Venus the planet of beauty and luxury and also connects to aesthetic arts like dance .
It is in the friendly sign of Capricorn or makar rashi in the bhagya bhava in the past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
so it clearly suggest that Britney spears could have been good at arts and dance in her the past life karma or reincarnation as well!

How does Venus or shukra give great success in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?

How does ketu or a dragon’s tail give exceptional success in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
Ketu or dragon’s tail close to Venus to shukra suggest that based past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
she was exceptional into dancing arts .
as Venus + ketu being a flag or dhwaja gives exceptional ability to Britney spears in dancing.

How does Moon or Chandra give exceptional success in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
so is the planet Moon of arts, singing and dance very close by in past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
so moon, Venus and ketu clearly suggests exceptional talents of Britney spears in her past life reincarnation to do with creative arts or imagination.
that would include dancing and singing etc. which she is doing well in this life time as well:)

How does the previous-to-previous life karma help in exceptional success in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
also the blessings of the GOD and her previous-to-previous life karma is helping her to do this based on the 9th bhava lord of past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
so one can see that Britney spears has not come out only in this life time 🙂 or she had luck etc.
she has been doing this dance and singing for many life times to be such a master now in this life time. 🙂
Cleary the past life to past life karma lord Saturn gets very good energy from 5th house of past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
so she gets full support from her past-to-past life to be a success in previous life as well.

was Britney spears bound to be exceptional success in dance and art based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
YES she was bound to have a great or exceptional talent in arts and dance etc and also she was bound to be successful as the lord of luck in her past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears .
It connects to purva punya the 5th house( the previous-to-previous life reincarnation ) as well.

How from past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli Britney spears was famous in previous incarnation as well ?

How does sun or surya contribute to exceptional fame in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
Two of the core reasons of fame 🙂 and success we have already discussed for past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
i) Britney spears exceptional talent due to Venus, Moon and ketu
ii) the lord of luck of the past life is in Purva punya bhava Saturn, so she was born successful in the past life as well 🙂
sun or surya the planet of name and fame in lord of 4th house for past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
it is well placed in the Kendra bhava and promises great name and fame and public connection to Britney spears.
so three things
(a) sun is natural karaka for fame
(b) also it connects to Kendra bhava to do with public and people
(c) its naturally the lord of name and fame 4th bhava of past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears
All these factors were there in her past life to Give Britney spears exceptional fame in her past life as well.:)
so we have to fight our battles in this life time and conquer them as the great masters have always said.

How does mercury or budha contribute to exceptional fame in dance and art to Britney spears based on her past Life Karma or reincarnation horoscope or Kundli ?
mercury the lord of wealth and status and also purva janma punya connects to sun the lord for name and fame in the house of public for past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
so CLEARLy says great Money for Britney spears due to her public connects and name and fame.
so nothing new happened in her this life time. 🙂
she had the talent that was exceptional, and seeds of success were already there.

which location in the world or India was Britney spears born in her past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli Britney spears was famous in previous incarnation as well ?
so based on past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears Countries she might have been born in include India.
may be Mexico, also Bulgaria, or say Great Britain, also the United Kingdom, or Albania, may be Afghanistan.
also Lithuania, also Bosnia, may be it is Brunei, also the Czech Republic, may be Haiti, Nauru, or Slovakia, and Sudan.
also the Cities that are ruled by Capricorn are brussels, Brandenburg, new Delhi:), could be Mexico City, etc,
but it has to be a place with Venus very strong or luxury and comfort and openness to art and culture and aligned with Britney spears nature.
so it could be Mexico or United Kingdom.

We can very clearly see based on past life karma reincarnation Horoscope or Kundli of Britney spears.
that there is continuity of karma from previous lives. just like there is cause and effects in economics, sociology, and mathematics .
so is there cause in effect between two life times. we need to start accepting it and working based on it.