This article in depth explores based on planets in the Horoscope or kundli of Malaika Arora Khan on what makes her such a great success 😉 in Film industry
or Bollywood?
Also what planetary Yogas makes Malaika Arora such a great dancer ;)( “Chaiya chaiya” song was filmed on her) .
Also a big success in TV shows.
Plus it also explores on what makes her so dazzling and smart. 🙂
The article also later looks at the compatibility of Malaika Arora Khan and cause of conflict .
Also looks at the causes for Malaika Arora Khan to get into het into relationship with Arjun Kapoor.
Plus what could have made them click together 🙂 despite the age gap?
It also looks at based on Horoscope or Kundli on what made Malaika Arora Khan
and Arbaaz Khan part their ways(Divorce) after 17 years of staying together.
despite best efforts by Salman khan the Bollywood super-star to stop it.
Surya Lagna is Taken and for maximum accuracy a combination of Vedic Astrology and Numerology(anka Jyotish) both is used :).

Name: Malaika Arora Khan
Date of Birth: Thursday, August 23, 1973
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Malaika Arora khan numbers and sun sign
Birth number =23/5= Mercury
Sun sign =Leo & Virgo both, so numbers = 1(sun) and 5(Mercury)
Destiny number = 23+8(august) + 2( Total sun of 1973) = 5+8+2=15/6= Venus
Name Number = 3= Jupiter

what planetary combination in the Kundli or horoscope makes Malaika Arora Khan a great dancer & a popular Indian actress?

How Venus or shukra in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan makes her an adept in dancing ?
Malaika Arora Khan’s kundli or horoscope is Ruled by Libra sign or Tula rashi.
This sign in turn is ruled by planet Venus or shukra which is debilitated in the 12th house .
But being in 12th two negatives combine to give a positive or neecha bhanga or exaltation kind energy or Venus or shukra for Malaika Arora khan.;)
How Pluto in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan makes her an adept in dancing ?
also note Malaika Arora khan’s Venus is with might planet Pluto. suggest her great approach and attitude towards dance, films, and arts .

How is Venus again in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan giving her success in Bollywood ?
as Libra being the mool trikona sign of planet Venus or shukra in any horoscope suggest Malaika would do great in arts and creativity.
Venus also deals with the film industry & presentation or good things of life ;). Luxury and comfort.

How does Mars or Mangal in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan makes her a great dancing ?
we also note that the malefic and aggressive planet mars is sitting in the 7th house in Kundli and horoscope of Malaika Arora Khan .
Now mars in the 7th bhava of Malaika Arora clearly aspects the lagna of Malaika Arora khan.
Mars or Mangal have to do with physical exertion and dancing we know ad also martial arts. so, mars in this position for Malaika Arora khan gives her .
good action , dancing, and expression ability. it also gives goof aggression and ability to dance extremely well with energy ;).
also note that Mars or Mangal is number 9 and Venus is number 6 .
both 6( 2×3) and 9(3×3) are artistic numbers so enhance Malaika Arora khans’ artistic abilities and expression.
plus being born on 23rd that is 2+3= 5 is equal to Mercury ,that gives Malaika Arora khan very good ability and flexibility in dancing

what makes Priyanka Arora Khan get TV success and also what gives her so much of gains, name, and fame from film
Malaika Arora gets good name in TV or films because of Venus in her kundli or horoscope is debilitated but at the same time in the 12th house so creating a Neecha bhanga Yoga.
so, Venus or shukra gets strong. also, Saturn or Shani dev the lord of public image and name and fame is in the 9th bhava of fortune and luck.

so, this give Malaika Arora good public image and name. Moon the planet that connects to films and TV serials rules her 10th bhava for career .
Also it sits near 4th house lord Saturn or Shani dev .
This happen along with ketu(dragon’s Tail).
so, a connection of career(moon) and Saturn(name and fame) in the 9th house of luck and fortune plus ketu the planet of exceptions gives Malaika Arora khan great name and fame.
This combination also suggests a good parentage for Malaika Arora khan.
also note that Moon being a sensitive planet it along with Venus is connected with film industry plus the TV industry.
so, Saturn, moon, ketu and 9th house play a key role in giving Malaika Arora khan a big name in the Film industry or Bollywood.

what makes Malaika Arora Khan so gorgeous and beautiful?

How does Mercury in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan gives her Flamboyance and Younger Looks?
now as we do not have the lagna kundali of Malaika Arora Khan we use her Chandra kundali for making predictions.
She has Saturn or Shani dev in her horoscope sitting in the lagna and the Lagna (ascendant) is chirpy Gemini sign.
Now Gemini is ruled by mercury and mercury is number 5.
Giving flamboyance and beauty and smartness to the person or Malaika Arora here.
also note Malaika Arora is born on 23rd, that again is 2+3= 5= mercury of budha.
Giving her youthful looks and chirpiness still in her mid-forties!

How Pluto in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan makes her an adept in dancing ?
Also, note that her Saturn(Shani) in her Horoscope or Kundli that is with the moon gives her great discipline for her to be a success.
also, the moon gives fair complexion plus Saturn(Shani) give some darkness to the face.
One can see that she is whitish with some tanning on the face. Saturn or Shani ruled the ninth (9th) and 8th house of the blessings of the past life Karma.
so, all this comes to Malaika’s rescue, and she has made it well in the modelling and the film industry.

How does the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan suggest growth in career?
so, this placement of 9th lord ins the 1st bhava gives expansion and growth.
also, the moon is ruling the second house of status and rules beauty and sensitivity.
so, sitting in Lagna(ascendant) naturally gives Malaika Arora Khan beauty and sensitivity to the face. so overall this gives a beautiful face yes with a slightly dark complexion. 🙂

How does Mars the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora Khan suggests gains in modelling ?
Also, one may note that a strong Mars(Mangal) and also The Lord of 11th Bhava(house) suggest of gains to her through sports and modelling kind of work is 100% true for Malaika Arora Khan.

what could have caused twice its first with Arbaaz Khan and now she might be planning to marry(dating) Arjun Kapoor?
Now the planet Jupiter or Guru is ruling the 7th house of Malaika Arora Khan. It also rules the 10th House of career and action for Malaika Arora Khan.
yes, it is weakened and debilitated in the 8th house in Capricorn sign or Makar Rashi. It indicates a possible break or strong issues in marital relationships.

How does Jupiter & Rahu in the Horoscope of Malaika Arora khan suggest multiple marriages?
but also, as Jupiter(guru) being there the lord of 7th bhava and is a planet for expansion and sitting in the 8th house.
also, Rahu sitting there suggest out of marriage connections or possible relationships or overall new relationship apart from the marriage.
so that is why one can clearly see why Arjun Kapoor comes into the picture! secondly, because Jupiter is weak in Capricorn(Makar Rashi) it suggests that her partnership one relationship is prone to break.
so, she broke off with Arbaaz Khan.

What planetary combinations in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora suggests she could marry someone not from her community ?
Rahu being a foreign planet suggest connection or relationships with foreign or people out of the community.
she married a Muslim Mr. Arbaaz Khan. Now let us look at her love life.

What planetary combinations in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora suggests her love relationships with Arjun Kapoor ?
The house of love is the 5th house, Venus rules the same.
Now Venus also rules love matter.
also, the Planet of love, Venus(Shukra) ruling it giving her great beauty. Plus being in the 4th house from the moon and being in Kendra(angular houses) it is blessed.
plus, this Venus also aspects the 10th House of Malaika Arora’s career. so clearly suggest that she will connect to someone who is in the film career or Bollywood.
so, both Arjun Kapoor and Arbaaz Khan are from Bollywood.
Plus, Venus the lord of love ruling the house of love, suggest that high chance of one falling into love and sustaining it.

Name: Arbaaz Khan
4 August 1967 (age 48)
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Arbaaz khan numbers and sun sign
Birth number =4 (rahu),
Sun sign = Leo= ruled by planet Sun = Number 1
Destiny number = 4+8(august) +
Name Number=9= Mars

Compatibility Analysis for Malaika Arora khan and Arbaaz khan Numerology :

How rahu or dragon’s head or North node in the Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora suggests rift with Arbaaz Khan ?
Now based on Numerology Horoscope let us first analyse the base birth numbers of Arbaaz khan (4=Rahu) and Malaika is 5=mercury.
Now Rahu(dragon’s head) and Mercury go on well, but with a difference in approach towards life.
That is Rahu(Dragon’s head), number 4 is more reserved and disciplined, fixed and could be unconventional/rebellious, but mostly stable- but mercury at the other end could be restless, outgoing, fun loving and talkative number to have.
So, there is harmony in 4 and 5, but at the same time suggests difference in opinion due to the same.

How sun and Mercury in the Numerology Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora suggests rift with Arbaaz Khan ?
The Numerology sun sign number of Arbaaz khan is Leo, is number 1, so he could be very un-conventional and may sudden at times in his behaviour.
May be insistent on his views.
Based on Numerology Horoscope or Kundli For Malaika Arora khan, it is a mix of Leo and Virgo, so Numerology number 1 and 5.
Based on Numerology Horoscope or Kundli Many 5’s in her core numbers makes her restless more than usual, independent , outgoing and may be more outspoken.
So though number 1(Arbaaz) and 5(Malaika) go on well

How does Mars or mangal energy that year based on the Numerology Horoscope or Kundli of Malaika Arora suggests rift or divorce with Arbaaz Khan ?
Apart from the two basic conflicting qualities of Malaika being may be too outspoken and outgoing & flighty and Arbaaz being icons is not at comfort with number 9 of 2016.
It makes Malaika Arora more restless, impulse and may be outspoken.
It could be a depressing phase for her, she would be out of this by year 2016 ending.
With a more harmonious phase starting for Malaika Arora based on her Numerology Kundli or Horoscope.
She should go in a well-planned manner and avoid sudden behaviour.
You can clearly see how numbers and planets affect our behaviours and present and future events.
Taking preventive steps can always help us to come out of the matter.
We at astrozing.com wish both Malaika Arora khan and Arbaaz khan the best in life.