About this article?
This article in detail discusses the planetary aspects of any Kundli or Horoscope in Vedic astrology.
It as a PRACTICAL example applies the aspect concepts to the recent India Pakistan surgical strikes with very interesting results.
Over all what kind of aspects are there by various planet in any Horoscope or Kundli are explained.
Also how to do calculations for various aspects in any kundli or Horoscope is elaborated.
Special aspects of Mars or Mangal and Saturn or Shani dev are also discussed at length for better understanding.
Aspects helps you to tune predictions accurately for any kundli or Horoscope and this article helps you to do that :).

Drishti’s or aspects of the planets or Grahas- in any Kundli or Horoscope(birth Chart)
The aspects in views of the (a)Rashis or Sun signs have been discussed (b) the other kind is between Grahas or planets , are given
The prime aspects are the ones like :
> Third(3) aspect
> and Tenth(10) aspect,
>Fifth(5) aspect
> and Ninth(9) aspect,
>Fourth(4) aspect
> and Eighth(8) aspect and
> in conclusion Seventh(7).
all this applies to ALL planets in any kundli or Horoscope from sun or Surya, moon or Chandra, Jupiter, or Guru, Rahu or Uranus ,Mercury or budha.
Also the planets like Venus or shukra, Neptune or ketu(dragon’s tail), Saturn or Shani or mangal or mars.
On these energy points or the Drishti’s increment steadily in strength in the order of , i.e. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and to Full is the maximum energy that a planet can exert.
So the energy flow would be proportionate as given .
ALL the planets or Grahas give a Drishti to the seventh aspect completely.so this is a general rule
The planets like Saturn or Shani, Guru or Jupiter and Mangal or mars have unique Drishti’s or aspects , and are discussed below separately,
The third and the tenth aspect is for (Saturn or Shani) in any kundli or Horoscope ,
The fifth and the ninth aspect or Drishti is of (Jupiter or guru) in any kundli or Horoscope .
the fourth and the eighth aspect is of (Mars or mangal) in any kundli or Horoscope .
The old preceptors or Vedic rishis have clarified these, which common.
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what is the method For the Assessment of the Drishti’s or aspects of the Grahas or planets ?
Deduct the longitude of the planet or Graha (or Bhava), that gets a Drishti, from that of the Graha or planet , which gives the Drishti or aspect.
In case that the total surpasses six rashis, deduct the entirety again from 10 Rashis.
Like say for example sun( at longitude 10 degree) in 7th aspect aspects planet Moon( 190 degree) or Chandra.
The deduct 190-10 = 180 drees you get .
Change over the last whole into degrees and separation by two.
The resultant item is Drishti Kona (or aspectual edge).
So in above case 180 degrees or exact 7th aspect is the found aspect for sun and moon
If in case the difference in longitude is in excess of 5 Rashis( 5 x30=150 degree).
Then dis-regard the rashis and increase the degrees and so forth by 2, which is the actual estimation of the Drishti or aspect .
If in case that difference is in excess of 4 Rashis, deduct it from 5 Rashis, and the resultant degrees is into the Drishti status .
If in case the difference is in abundance of 3 rashis, deduct it from 4 rashis and (increment 30 by) split the item to get the Drishti status.
If in case the difference is above 2 Rashis, dis-regard the rashis and add 15 to the degrees and so on to get the Drishti status .
In the event that it is in excess of one rashi, dis-regard the rashis and gap the degrees by 2 to get the Drishti esteem.

What are some Extraordinary thought for Saturn’s or Shani’s Drishti’s or aspects?
As Saturn or Shani is the Graha or planet, that gives a Drishti or aspect.
Find the difference between planets and the Graha or planet that gets the Drishti;
if the Total value is above 1 Rashi, increase the degrees and divide by 2 to get the Drishti status.
if in case the Total above Nine Rashis, the degrees to slip or difference by be multiplied to get the Drishti esteem.
If in case that the whole is above 2 rashis, the degrees and so has to be divided and deducted from 60.
if in case the total goes beyond 8 Rashis, add to the degrees and so forth a figure of 30 to get the Drishti esteem.
In different cases, the aggregates are prepared, as clarified earlier.

What are some Un-common thought for Mangal’s or mars Drishti’s or aspects?
Deduct the longitude of Mangal or mars from that of the Graha or planet that gets the Drishti or aspect.
If in case that the aggregate is 3 rashis and c, or 7 Rashis and c, the degrees and so on be lessened from 60 degrees.
If in case that it is above 2 rashis, the degrees and so forth be expanded by half of it and then 15.
On the off chance that the aggregate is 6 Rashis, one Rup is the worth.

what are some Un-common thought for Guru’s or Jupiter’s Drishti’s?.
Deduct the longitude of Guru or Jupiter from that of the Graha or planet, that gets the Drishti from Guru or Jupiter.
If in case that the resultant is 3 Rashis and c, or 7 Rashis and c, divide the degrees and so forth and increment it by 15.
If in case the total is 4 Rashis and c, or 8 Rashis and c, the degrees and so forth is subtracted from 60.
This will be the Drishti esteem. The whole, being in congruity with others than these, be dealt with, as expressed prior.

The Planetary Drishti’s or aspects- the current India Pakistan war Like imbroglio.
Following the Uri attacks on the army camp where 18 army Jawan’s were killed on Indian side.
India retaliated on 27th September morning by Indian army commandos attacking terror bases near like of actual control.
Killing around 40 terrorist in the training camps

India Pakistan war after surgical-attacks?-
Is there a possibility of War Like situation Between India and Pakistan? Why No
was born on 15 august 1947 0:000 New Delhi

And Pakistan

14th August 1947
Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
Asc Taurus 01-47-03 Krittika 2
Sun D Cancer 27-03-29 Ashlesha 4 Friendly
Moon D Gemini 19-17-49 Ardra 4 Friendly
Mars D Gemini 06-49-04 Ardra 1 Enemy
Merc D Cancer 11-56-44 Pashyami 3 Enemy
Jupt D Libra 25-48-40 Vishakha 2 Enemy
Venu C D Cancer 21-21-56 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
Satn C D Cancer 20-19-21 Ashlesha 2 Enemy
Rahu R Taurus 05-07-11 Krittika 3
Ketu R Scorpion 05-07-11 Anuradha 1
Uran D Gemini 02-01-06 Mrigasira
Nept D Virgo 15-41-55 Hasta 2
Pluto D Cancer 20-02-27 Ashlesha 2
Why did the India and Pakistan conflict Arise Astrologically?: based on Horoscope or Kundli (birth Chart) of Pakistan and India
Now we know whenever mars(mangal) and Saturn(Shani) are close or conjunct wars start.
Mars was weak and transiting into Jupiter and Saturn still in Scorpio or vrishchika rashi the seventh house of India.
It shares the energy of malefic ketu(dragon’s tail) or Neptune that generates energy like mars and affects relationships and yes aspects the ascendant that is the body of the nation.
We can clearly see the attacks happened on 18th September 2016. (18= 1+8=9 + September -9 and 2016 = 2+0+1+6=9) , now 9= Planet mars.
Also the total number of surgical attacks(The rightful retaliatory attacks by India) comes out to be 9( 27th September 2016).
We can clearly see the role of mars or mangal here in creating war like situations between India & Pakistan.

What Could Happen In October 2016 between India & Pakistan?
But now Mars have gone top Eight house of India the sign or rashi Sagittarius.
This might create anger and aggression and war like situation as Mars or Mangal is not very comfortable in eight house .
For Pakistan Mars or Mangal rules first and eighth house(obstacle, inheritance, wars, death) .
and Jupiter sits in seventh house of (relationships, sex, marriage), gets into the ninth house*dharma, religion, fortune, luck) .
and sends energy to the relationships house badly affecting the relationships of Pakistan.
Eight house rules religious fanaticism and yes wars and anger- so the religious hardliners could combine with the Pakistan army to express anger against India.
There could be rhetoric’s at Pakistan’s end against India to mobilize religion and yes the terrorists to fight against
Pakistan’s image could get affected due to this due to eighth aspect of Mars or Mangal on the fourth house Of Image or Pakistan.
There could be infighting in Pakistan.(slight possibility)
Till 7th of October more of angry messages might be exchanged .
The period 7th to 14 October 2016 could be tensed one- when India would have to deal with care and restraint.
Third week is a time when matters have to stay cool, lots of message and communications would go and may be the tempers cool off.
India would communicate and make it a peaceful matter hopefully.
May peace reign all nations.