About This article ?
This article at length discusses how d3 or drekkana Varga or divisional chart in Horoscope is used to make accurate predictions about the brothers and sisters, initiatives or projects and business, career and professional and travels etc for any person.
Or even if it is used to find lost or stolen things. π
It discusses the various 3 divisions of the d3 drekkana chart namely Agastya, Narada and Durvasa.
The impact of d3 or drekkana on the Navamsha chart or d9 and life events is discussed in detail.
Later it discusses how to erect a d3 horoscope quickly if the need be.

What is d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga or Divisional chart all about ?
The d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga or Divisional chart is used to get a magnified view of the third house as numerically it is the same or number 3.
d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is used to see the courage of the person, short travels , it also rules the throat . The d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is sued in horary astrology on catching of the thief.

How are the 3 divisions of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga OR Divisional chart used?
so basically, from the 0 degree to 10 degrees and it is the same sign . Like if its in the first division of Aries sign it would be Aries itself.
Then the 2nd division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is from 10 degree to 20 degrees .
This is the fifth house from the sign occupied. Like for Aries it would be the Leo or simha sign.
Then the 3rd division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is gotten from taking 5th house or sign from Leo that is the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.

How is the basic nature of the person judged based from d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga Or Divisional chart
The basic nature of the person is seen from d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart and it was the basic initiative & inclinations of the person. the three parts of the d3 or drekkana chart are ruled by three different sages.
So, for the fixed sign of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart it is ruled by sage Agastya.
The dual signs for d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart are ruled by sage Narada.
so for the dual sign it is Narada or Narad Bhagwan. Makes the person is backbiter of Gods and great yogi but there could be fall to the basal Desire .
Any planet in the mixed sign of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is ruled by sage durvasa.
The Agastya division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart the planets have very strong determination and can also control mountains and seas or water .
,li> The Yogi qualities are there and connects to noble person . It destroys Enemies like and would prefer to stay at one place .
now it is durvasa division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart , it is the angry division the person is hot tempered , strict, and orthodox .would follow the traditions very strongly the
What is the impact of planets in various divisions of the d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart ?
Fr the durvasa division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart the Patience is less and firmness is high.
as d3x 3= d9, so we get Navamsha from d3 or drekkana. each group of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is divided into 3 division each called one Navamsha or d9 division of 3 degrees 20 minutes each.
in is the first division is devas or gods. The second one is nara or human and the third one is rakshasa or cruel. That is sattvic, rajasik and tamasic
also, Lagan or Lagan lord give physical frae and mental disposition is given based on the moon placement .

What is d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart all about ?
The d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is used to get a magnified view of the third house as numerically it is the same or number 3.
d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is used to see the courage of the person, short travels , it also rules the throat .
,li> The d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is used in horary astrology on catching of the thief.

How are the 3 divisions of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart used?
so basically, from the 0 degree to 10 degrees and it is the same sign . Like if its in the first division of Aries sign it would be Aries itself.
Then the 2nd division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is from 10 degree to 20 degrees .
This is the fifth house from the sign occupied. Like for Aries it would be the Leo or simha sign.
Then the 3rd division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is gotten from taking 5th house or sign from Leo that is the Sagittarius sign or dhanu rashi.

How is the basic nature of the person judged based from d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart
The basic nature of the person is seen from d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart and it was the basic initiative & inclinations of the person.
the three parts of the d3 or drekkana chart are ruled by three different sages.
So, for the fixed sign of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart it is ruled by sage Agastya.
The dual signs for d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart are ruled by sage Narada.
so for the dual sign it is Narad or Narad Bhagwan. Makes the person is backbiter of Gods and great yogi but there could be fall to the basal Desire .
Any planet in the mixed sign of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is ruled by sage durvasa.
The Agastya division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart the planets have very strong determination and can also control mountains and seas or water .
The Yogi qualities are there and connects to noble person . It destroys Enemies like and would prefer to stay at one place .
now it is durvasa division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart , it is the angry division the person is hot tempered , strict, and orthodox .would follow the traditions very strongly the
What is the impact of planets in various divisions of the d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart ?
Fr the durvasa division of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart the Patience is less and firmness is high.
as d3x 3= d9, so we get Navamsha from d3 or drekkana. each group of d3 Horoscope or drekkana Varga chart is divided into 3 division each called one Navamsha or d9 division for 3 degrees 20 minutes each.
in is the first division is devas or gods. The second one is nara or human and the third one is rakshasa or cruel. That is sattvic, rajasic and tamasic
also, Lagan or Lagan lord give physical frae and mental disposition is given based on the moon placement .
How to Calculate Drekkana or D3 Horoscope or Varga birth Chart ?
The 1/3rd (one third) of sign or a rashi is drekkana. So total drekkanas possible are 3×12= 36.these are same as decans in western astrology.
The 1st,5th and 9th sign lords from a sign are the 3 drekkana or its divisions. Like say Aries is the sign we are looking at .
so the division of Aries ( 0-10 degrees , 11-20 Degrees and 21-30 Degrees) are ruled by Aries(1st sign) Lord= mars, Leo Lord(5th sign) = sun and Sagittarius Lord(9th sign) = Jupiter.
The lord of these divisions are rishis or sages :
β’ Narada
β’ Agastya
β’ Durvasha