About this article ?
This article interesting covers all unique facts about Donald Trump.
His career, wealth, and family status
Interestingly it also Looks at an alternative view on the Horoscope of Donald Trump.
To check on what makes Donald trump so successful in business or Politics based on stars.
Which planets made him a big success and also a failure in business.
also which planets made Donald Trump marry thrice etc

Certain Interesting Facts About Donald Trump?:
Donald John Trump is basically a business and also a television person plus yes a politician.
His business is into real estate and other matters. He is a nominee for presidential seat by the Republican Party for the 2016 presidential elections.
He is also a billionaire, as listed by Forbes magazine.
Donald trump is the 45th president of USA. also he was the president of America 2017 to 2021 starting.
Donald trump had joined his father’s real estate business. he also did other miscellaneous businesses.
That is basically making license out of this name’
Donald trump also owned brand of beauty pageants from the years 1996 to the year 2015.
in fact Donald trump became bankrupt 6 times in life!
He is from the republican party and while campaigning it seems he had made many racist comments.
It is said that in 2016 Donald trump won elections by Russian help. but there was not much conclusive evidence to support this assertion.
2020 Donald trump lost to Biden in Us elections n but refused to accept defeat.

Family life of Donald trump?:
In the year 1977 Donald trump married Czech model Ivana and he has 3 children from her.
He has divorced Ivana in 1992.
Donald trump also had an affair with actress Marla Maples, they divorced in 1999.
Then again in 1999 Donald trump married Slovenian model Melania Knauss. he has one son of her.

wealth of Donald trump?:
In the year 1982 Donald trump was listed in Forbes list of being a millionaire. Donald trump had around 200 million worth then.
but in 1980 Donald trump faced financial losses and he was dropped from the Forbes list from the year 1990 to 1995.so he become the richest politician.
but in 1995 his losses were 915 million.
In 2015 Donald trump claimed he had 10 billion.
Donald trump has certain debts as well.

career of Donald Trump?:
Donald trump has built his business projects in Russia as well.
it is in real estate. Donald trump initially worked as his father’s real estate company.
Donald trump also built Trump tower a skyscraper .
his headquarters are at Donald trump’s primary residence.
Donald trump has also invested in casinos.
Then obviously Donald trump joined politics or the republican party of USA.

Donald Trump- Birth Details
Donald Trump: Astrology and Horoscope
See the photo Born: June 14, 1946, 10:54 AM
In Jamaica (new York)-USA

Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Forecast for Donald trump- Based on Vedic Astrology Or Jyotish :

As the ascendant(LEO) Lord is in tenth house of career for Donald trump.
This gives Donald trump a Raja yoga, though not very strong as sun is weak in Taurus

But apart from the raja Yoga above, Donald trump has Uranus and Rahu the dragon’s head (exalted) in 10th house.
giving Donald trump exceptional ability to work .
Also as rahu shares energy with planet sun(leadership), so means becoming leader of people ruled by rahu( That is Christians).
We know America is mostly a Christian country.

Also Donald Trump’s exceptional ability to work is reflected in the fact that his name is in the Forbes magazine and has given great successes and failures as well for businesses.
Also Rahu gives success in Politics- Donald trump is running rahu maha dasha and he is fighting lections in Christians dominated country(Rahu), he has a much higher chance to win.

Donald trump’s mind is reflected by his moon in Scorpio, it is weak and makes him anger prone and moon being in fourth house of family disturbs his family life.

Donald trump has married thrice! The planet Saturn or Shani dev the lord of marriage for him not only rules seventh house of marriage.
But house sixth(ari bhava) of conflicts/litigation and fights sixth house and is in twelfth house of withering.

So apart from a possibility of Donald trump losing upon his marriages, his inclinations for sex could also be strong.
Note is he is Gemini( number 5) and also born on 14th= 1+4=5= mercury.
so could Donald trump be good at business but also inclined to sex. Just an indication confirmed based on planets.

Also 5-5 double combination for Donald trump suggest that Donald trump has to be careful or his speech, he has been into controversy many times recently for his speech

Donald trump’s Moon or Chandra is in Scorpio(Vrishchika rashi) and Scorpio being the fourth house of mind for Donald Trump’s Horoscope.
suggests a strong interest in love and sex life PLUS interest in religion.
Tendency to dig into past matters( religion is a matter of past, especially in countries like USA/America) and Donald trump would dig into the same as confirmed by his speeches.

Donald Trump’s stars suggest that he might have a deep dis-like for some people- his speeches about migrants and Muslim’s sort of confirms the same.
Vedic astrology or jyotish is a magic wand to un-ravel the secrets of any one’s life or destiny

2016 horoscope(US presidential elections) forecast for Donald trump
• Rahu-MARs till 17/11/16
• Jupiter -Jupiter- till at least 2018

We have discussed that Rahu or dragon’s Head Maha dasha could bring him intensely into points and also give Donald trump success as rahu is exalted
Rahu(dragon’s head) rules public image and affects the house of public image- that is the fourth house beneficially for Donald trump.

Mars or Mangal is a Yoga karaka(mars rules 9/4, now ninth house is of fortune and luck and fourth house rules public image.
so Donald trump would get support of public due to his rahu and mars both) for him and is fair enough strong in ascendant.
Over all he will get an exceptional thrust to Donald Trump’s public image and he should win in all probability.
Let us look at post-election time for Donald trump.
its ruled by Jupiter or Guru that is benefic.

In the second house of gains and status also transit Jupiter would be in his second house of dhana(money) and status by this year 2016 end.
Jupiter rules 5/8- so could give Donald trump exceptional gains and victory.

Also Donald trump would get the respect and honour as Jupiter is on a strong dispositor.
mercury or Budha y is in the house of gains
So Jupiter would give Donald trump windfall.
more action or work to do as president.

get into public image and also help the down-trodden and focus on religion/dharma.
Donald Trump will actively help Christian missionaries & have active participation in reducing terrorism by talks and pacification of terror groups.
He has a much higher chance and indications to win- GOD bless him and America.