About this article ?
This article in depth Looks the core astrological causes of Loss of wealth or money in any horoscope(Kundli), be it due to business loss, health loss or legal or litigation related loss etc, all discussed in depth.
This includes astrological study of increased outflows due to health, business or other reasons in any Horoscope or Kundli.
Plus astrological factors could reduce the Money flows in any Horoscope or Kundli for that matters.
It covers how the connection of good house(2,5,11) and bad houses (6,8,12) or planets like rahu, ketu, mars or Saturn or shani dev would cause losses or outflows. so also poverty causing yogis are looked into . so also role of jaimini astrology combinations for losses are also looked into for more completeness.
Plus as a PRACTICAL real Life example the Case of Fugitive Nirav Modi is taken to explain How planets in any Horoscope could in reality cause outflows of Money, losses and affect status.

What Could CORE causes Loss of Wealth/Money or Status based on any kundli or Horoscope?
A weak lord of second and eleventh house in natal chart or in transit( this could create temporary losses).
If a malefic like rahu(dragon’s head) or mars(mangal) or Saturn(shani dev) sits in 2nd house and is weak.
If a malefic lord of 6th/8thj and 12th house sits in 2nd house or 11th
If the karaka for wealth Jupiter or Guru is weak or afflicted in the Horoscope or Kundli.
If the karaka for status sun or surya dev is afflicted in the Horoscope or Kundli.
The other specific combinations are elaborated below.
According to astrology, a number of planetary positions, house lordships, and aspects that denote erratic finances, difficulties obtaining money, or unforeseen expenses might result in wealth loss.
A thorough description of the different astrological causes that could cause money loss is provided below.
wealth loss operates on a simple logic of if the good houses of wealth connect with negative house or planets then outflows or losses of wealth happen. Like the good houses for wealth gains are 2nd,4th,5th, 9th and 11th. so also the negative houses for losses are 6th, 8th and 12th. so any connection amongst the negative or positive houses means losses of wealth.

Malefic planets in the 2nd, 11th, and 5th Houses of wealth
The 11th house is responsible for gains, profits, and revenue, whereas the 2nd house is in charge of wealth, family, and acquired assets.
The 5th house rules speculative gains such as stock market success, lottery prizes, and investments, even though it is primarily associated with creativity and children.
Malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu can cause losses or postpone the accumulation of riches if they are placed in these houses.
These planets may bring difficulties such as excessive spending, poor financial judgment, or losses from mishaps and unanticipated events.
Now say simple case 2nd house deals with wealth and money flows. so also 11th house with gains from well wishers and 5th house is for high risk activities like stocks and gains for the same.
Financial difficulties, sluggish income, and delays in realizing gains might be brought on by Saturn in the second or eleventh house.
It frequently denotes prosperity attained with tenacity and hard effort, but it can also portend losses and disappointments, particularly if the native lacks discipline in their money management practices.
Mars in the second house can result in reckless spending or financial loss as a result of confrontations, aggressive behavior, or hazardous endeavors.
Mars may bring unexpected costs associated with disputes or legal matters.
so very clearly a malefic like Saturn in 2nd house means losses of wealth or at least accumulation of money matters. so also mars could also spell some problems. as mars are a planet of conflicts, so it could give losses due to conflict matters. or may be speech of the person.
Astrological signs Rahu and Ketu in the second or eleventh homes can result in illusionary wealth, where the native may enjoy brief profits that are abruptly followed by losses as a result of speculative investments or dishonest financial schemes.
so again if the house of gains the 11th house connects to the planets like rahu or planet of illusions and ketu the planet of contraction, there could be sudden gains or losses in case of rahu being in 11th. but mostly ketu there means losses only. But as rahu ketu axis is unpredictable the gains could also be there.

2. Sick or feeble members of the 2nd, 11th, and 5th Houses of Lords
Financial losses may result from the placement of the lords of the 2nd, 11th, or 5th houses in dusthana houses (6th, 8th, and 12th houses) or from malefics like as Mars, Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn.
A weak second house lord in the eighth house can point to debts that come as a surprise, inheritance problems, or abruptly declining prosperity.
The lord of the eleventh house in the sixth house can suggest difficulties obtaining income via employment, where the native may run into problems with coworkers, the law, or with money matters.
the association of 2nd house, 5th house even 9th and 11th house lord with negative houses of 6, 8th and 12th could spell losses. like for example 2nd house with 6th house or lord connection means losses due to theft, conflicts and otherwise. So also say lagna the self or even say the wealth and status house of 2nd connects to 8th house inheritance and sudden matters. so sudden losses or issues in inheritance matters is there. so also say 5th house or lord connects to 6th house, then losses in stocks or high risk adventures could be there. so also 5th house connection to 8th house means sudden losses in high risk investments.
all the same or similar applies to positioning or aspects of mars,saturn and rahu ketu as malefics. Like mars on 5th house, say disputes and haste could cause losses in stocks . Mars in 11th house means issues or rift with well wishers causing issues in gains. so also say Saturn connects to 5th house, so means delays in stocks maturing or gains only after delay.
Malefic planets affecting the lord of the fifth house might result in losses from risky financial endeavors like gambling or speculative investments.
Financial stress may result from investments in the stock market that do not provide positive results, for instance, if the 5th lord is debilitated or positioned with malefic planets.
rahu or ketu axis in 5th house could give sudden losses and so also gambling related work. as gambling is under the table( rahu) and high risk( 5th house) work.

3.Sudden Losses and Expenditure in the Eighth and Twelfth Houses
In astrology, the eighth house stands for unexpected developments, losses due to inheritance, taxes, or mishaps.
A strong malefic influence on the 8th house or its lord can point to indebtedness, unexpected financial losses, or problems involving shared resources like income from a spouse.
Furthermore, the placement of the 2nd house lord in the 8th house may indicate that financial security is subject to abrupt swings or that riches might be abruptly lost. As 8th house nullifies the good effects of 2nd house.
8th house is the master losses house. it functions like rahu and can cause sudden losses. so if say 2nd house connects to the same or 8th house, so sudden loss of income is there. so again say 11th house connects to 8th house, so sudden issues in expected gains or benefits form well wishers and friends .
Losses, costs, and donations to charities are within the jurisdiction of the 12th house.
A 12th house or its lord in trouble might result in wasteful spending, adversaries that remain concealed, or financial loss as a result of uncontrollable circumstances like medical bills, trips abroad, or spiritual sacrifices.
12th house is to do with health issues outflows and so also travels and outflows on sex and passion matters. it could also mean wasteful outflows. so say a connection of 2nd house with 12th house could mean outflows of money gains for health issues or sex and passion matters.
In the 12th house, Rahu or Ketu can result in unreported expenses or losses associated with dishonesty, fraud, or involvement in overseas affairs.
While Saturn in the 12th house may suggest a slow but steady erosion of money due to ongoing expenses or long-term obligations, Mars in the 12th house might lead to aggressive spending or legal troubles that result in financial drains.
now if rahu or the deceptive planet is there in the 12th house. so being foreign and hidden in nature means sudden outflows of money. so also money in hidden sex matters. so also outflows in fraud and dishonest dealings. Saturn in 12th could also mean losses due to over planning. Mars could mean losses due to over aggression at times as mars leads to aggression . so also mars and 12th house means spending on legal matters.

4. Sick or feeble Lagan Lord
The general wealth and well-being of the native people is symbolized by the Lagna lord.
The native may have volatility in fortune and direction in life if the Lagna lord is feeble or affected by malefics, particularly if it is positioned in the 8th or 12th houses.
A weak Lagna lord might hinder the native’s ability to handle wealth and cause them to make bad financial decisions.
Lagna means self and personality. a weak self or lagna first f all does not give benefits to self. so also if placed in 8th house or 12th house means one is prone to sudden losses(if in 8th) and so also sudden health issues or hospital expenses.
For instance, if Mars or mangal is the Lagna lord for Scorpio ascendants and is located in the 8th or 12th house, it may result in unexpected medical costs, legal issues, or accidents that cause wealth loss.
so also say Libra or venus is the lagan lord in 12th house, it could generally mean expenses or outflows on luxury relate matters.

5. Dasha and Transits: Times of Wealth Loss
The primary period (Dasha) and sub-period (Antardasha) of the planets are crucial in determining stability and riches.
A malefic planet associated with the 8th or 12th house might cause financial losses or other difficulties for the native during its Dasha.
Similarly, adverse planetary transits over the 2nd, 11th, or 8th houses might cause unexpected financial strain, particularly those of Saturn (Sade Sati) or Rahu/Ketu.
so if the any of the negative planets like mars , rahu , ketu or Saturn in transit connect to good houses like 2nd, 5th and 11th or even 9th. losses or outflows are there. so also if 6th, 8th or 12th house lord come in contact with good houses, losses can happen.
A weak planet or a planet in the 8th or 12th house during its Dasha can indicate times of financial difficulty.
For example, financial loss due to mismanagement, bad investments, or legal inheritance disputes can result from a weak Dasha of Jupiter in the 8th house.
as Jupiter is karaka for money and finances and its presence in 8th house could mean loss of the same.

6. negatives losses due to benefics
Beneficial planets like Jupiter and Venus can have less of an impact on prosperity if they are retrograde or combust (too near the Sun).
Venus is naturally benefic; nevertheless, a combust Venus in the 2nd house may cause issues with luxury or wealth acquisition, which could lead to financial instability.
Likewise, a retrograde Jupiter can make it more difficult to make prudent financial judgments or postpone reaping rewards.
sun can remove the good effects of any planet if it is close to the same. so if say venus is close to sun, the luxury quotient goes low and losses in luxury related matters could be there. something similar is there for Saturn where losses of job could happen. again if close to mercury means issues in education or losses could come in. or may be issues in financial matters. sun close to moon could create mental health issues and issues into relationships. So also retrograde planets could lead to reversal of result. Like retrograde Jupiter could lead to reversal of finances.

7. Spiritual and Karmic Roots of Wealth Loss
Astrology takes karmic influences on money into account as well.
Given that the 12th house is associated with losses for spiritual development, a strong Jupiterean or other spiritual planet influence here may suggest that the native is destined to lose money for more lofty, non-materialistic motives.
As part of their karmic journey, natives with significant influences from the 12th house could have to provide money or resources to charitable organizations.
Although this could seem like a financial loss, there is a spiritual benefit.
so also 12th house though the house of losses, could also mean outflows due to spiritual matters. planet connected to 12th house could depending on the planet type and lordship create outflows issues. say mars lord of 12th connected to 12tth house could mean outflows due to aggression or loss of job due to the same.

Astrological Remedies to Reduce Wealth Loss
Boosting the Planets Associated with Wealth: If the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are weak or afflicted, strengthen them by doing remedies such as wearing jewels or reciting mantras.
but at the same time one needs to realize that the lord of 2nd and 11th house are not lord of malefic houses like 6th or 8th or 12th. IN that case mantra chanting would be preferred.
Handling Expense: Exercise caution while making needless purchases, particularly when facing challenging transits or malefic planet dashas.
remedies of various planets based on the dasha system or even transit could give good benefits to mitigate the negative effects.
Donations and Charities: Give to charitable causes that are associated with houses or planets that are afflicted, such as feeding the hungry or supporting religious institutions. When events like hunger are supported by food donation , than problems due to Saturn get reduced. If Saturn or shani dev is the cause of the problem, give especially on Saturdays.
Fasting or Observing Rituals: You can lessen financial difficulties by fasting on certain days associated with planets associated with prosperity, such as Thursdays for Jupiter and Fridays for Venus.
Natives can better manage their financial well-being by being aware of these astrological signs of wealth loss and taking proactive measures to remedy them.

What Are The Causes of Loss Of Wealth (money),Excess Expenditure & Loss of Status in Society?
To know about losses 🙁 we need to know about gains as well. 🙂 How is it reflected in the Horoscope or Kundli?
If the lord of second house or Dhana bhava is in houses 1/5/9 and also the lord of 11th houses(labha or gains) is also in trines or is aspected by /has a drishti or conjunction with Jupiter(Guru) and Venus(shukra)- good money flows would be there.
What is the role of Money flows house and status un case of Poverty or outflows of money ?
If the lord of second house is in an bad or malefic house 6/8/12) and so is true with the labha bhava lord(11th house) and there is a malefic sitting in 2nd house( malefic are mars/Saturn/rahu).
Money would be very less.
If the lords of the above houses are com-bust or with malefic- then this problems would be right from birth.
How could royal punishments or punishments by state or government cause issues in flows of money or finances?
If the lord of second house and eleventh house is in 6/8/12 house and mars(mangal) be in 11th house and rahu be in 2nd house.
There could be loss due to royal punishments as mars represent government or the king
How to find out Good and bad money flows based on Horoscope or Kundli?
There could be expenditure for good reasons if the planet Jupiter(guru) is in eleventh house or labha bhava .
while Venus is in second house (Dhana bhava).
While a benefic is placed in 12th house, also the lord of 2nd house has a benefic drishti.
What happens If there is an energy exchange of ascendant severe enough with twelfth house of Vyaya or outflows
now ascendant or lagna means self and comforts, so any reduction in this is indicated by lagna or ascendant in the twelfth house of expenditure or vyaya.
This gets reinforced by a mutual exchange if the twelfth house lord of expenditure
is also there in the ascendant.
so mean excessive expenditure other in luxury or health matters or even matters of sex.
so does it get further reinforced by a marak like mars or Saturn or shani dev or rahu or ketu aspect on the lagan or ascendant.
This further creates issues and delays in what one deserves.
what could create poverty due to court cases, or conflicts or even Hospital bills?
AS first house or ascendant is Lagna and it suggest the physical body or comforts.
Now sixth house is of debt and ligations or legal issues.
so a mutual exchange of lord of sixth and first house.
Like first house or ascendant lord is in the sixth house and so is the reinforcing the sixth house lord is in the lagna or ascendant.
so there is a double energy of losses.
so this could make one lose money on health or due to enmity plus also due to litigations or legal issues.
So also if all this is reinforced by mars or mangal , Saturn or shani or Rahu or Ketu or dragon’s head aspect the lagna or ascendant .
or may be the 8th house lord aspect or may be the 7th house aspect to lagan this could happen.
What role does Chandra lagna and ketu and eighth house in any Horoscope play for one being without much money or comforts or even accident prone?
The ascendant or lagna if it connects with Moon, so there is double Lagna at one place.
so any negative happening would happen very strongly as Moon lagna and Normal lagan both are together.
so is ketu or dragon’s tail the number 7 , reducing the materialistic things or moksha karaka.
so presence of ketu or dragon’s tail with the double lagna, could cause poverty or reduction in wealth.
so is it additionally confirmed if the lagan or ascendant and Moon are in the house of deprivation that is eight house of any Kundli or Horoscope.
so all this suggest deprivation of comforts as eighth house is house of deprivation and lagna lord there means comfort deprivation to the person.
so the person may not have money or comforts.
This also makes anyone more accident prone as well.
How could weakness of ascendant or second bhava or dhan lord cause poverty or less flow of money?
Now we know first house or ascendant speaks about luxuries or basic comforts to body of anyone .
Plus second house means the wealth flows and status of anyone.
any weakness here or both signifactors means comfort and status both would not be there.
so if the ascendant or lagna is weakened in sixth, eight or twelfth house.
Plus the second house lord is weak due to being in enemy sign, or in debility.
the overall comfort would be less to the person, plus money flows could be less for the person.
This also means person could have nervous break downs and separation from family members.
Could malefic conjunctions in Horoscope or Kundli cause poverty ?
If the ascendant or lagna the signifcator of self and comfort has any conjunction with the malefic houses like sixth house, eight house or twelfth house of the Horoscope.
Or instead of above situation if aspect of Saturn the planet of extreme penury or wealth is there.
so is there no good energy from good planets like Jupiter or Guru, mercury or budha or venus or shukra or string moon coming there.
The person may not posses great wealth.
How does our sanchit( accumulated) past life reincarnation karma helps us to lose wealth ?
The luck or past life reincarnation karma or fortune is suggested to be stored in the fifth and ninth house of the Horoscope or Kundli.
If they get negative energy like fro being in the sixth or house of debts and bad health or conflicts , plus additionally in the twelfth house of expenditure or outflows that is the twelfth house.
Plus in addition the 5th and 9th house lord receive energy from malefic mars or mangal , Saturn or shani dev or rahu and ketu, dragon’s head or dragon’s tail.
the money outflows could be high on health, conflicts and the person may not have much money or wealth flows.
How to mars or mangal , Saturn or shani or rahu ( dragon’s head) or Ketu( dragon’s tail) in ascendant or lagan or associate with Lagna in some form impact the money flows to any person ?
If the ascendant or lagan has the malefic like Saturn or shani dev , mars or Mangal, rahu or dragon’s head or Ketu be in ascendant.
Or even is in conjunction with above malefic or having aspects for the same.
Barring if the malefic are ninth house of fortune lord.
so one may in that case have very less money.
as the conglomeration of malefic energy blocks good sukha(happiness) or luxury to self or lagan causing the problems.
Ninth house if fortune house so acts like a protector, so manages the energy to fair extent.
Are the dispositers of the malefic houses also causes of losses of wealth ?
also the planets that rule the houses or sign where the extreme malefic like sixth house, or eighth house or twelfth house lord are placed, are themselves placed in bad houses.
‘Or connect or associate to the negative planets or house lords , then the money flows get reduced as the negative energy in the horoscope or Kundli is very high in that case.
so the total negative energy here is very high.
(i) due to the effects of sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house lords.
(ii) due to aspects of malefic planets like Saturn or shani dev, rahu or dragon’s head or ketu(dragon’s tail) or even mars or Mangal.
what is the role of moon and d9 chart or navamsha lord in money flows of anyone?
The 9th divisional chart or d9 or Navmsha functions like any other Lagna or ascendant.
so if the ascendant of d9 or navamsha is afflicted means comfort would not come to the person.
so if Moon sits is the lagna or ascendant, so double confirmed its the master Lagna or ascendant for the person.
so is Moon connects in some form to the lagna or ascendant lord , Plus it is in the negative or killer houses like eighth or even twelfth or sixth OR have an aspect of malefic planets Like lord of sixth, twelfth and eight or natural malefic like Saturn or shani, mars Or Mangal or Rahu( dragon’s head) and Ketu (dragon’s Tail), the person cannot have comfort.
so also money flows would be affected.
That is wealth and status could be affected.
How could the lagna and navamsha combined and malefic aspects cause losses in wealth and money or status for any person?
Now as the d1 or lagna chart or ascendant lord also defines the self or physical body and so does the lord of d9 or Navamsha chart lord.
so if they both have aspects from malefic house lords like sixth house lord, eighth house lord or twelfth house lord Or make be the malefic like Saturn or shani, mars or mangal or rahu or ketu or dragon’s head or dragon’s Tail.
Then the persons longevity and money flows both are impacted and may have less wealth.
That is wealth and status could be affected.
How could incorrect placement of good and mad or malefic or benefic planets cause loss of wealth and food ?
The planets gain energy in Good houses and looses energy in negative houses, this is the principle.
so if the good planets like.
so if good planets like strong mercury, Venus or shukra, Jupiter or Guru is in sixth, eighth or twelfth house of the Horoscope or Kundli.
so are bad effects for money, wealth and status there if malefic like Saturn or shani, mars or mangal or Rahu or dragon’s head or ketu dragon’s tail in the Good Houses like Kendra (first fourth, tenth and seventh) or trines Like first , fifth, or ninth house of the Horoscope .
IN that case the Horoscope or Kundli gets weak and the person does not get good status or money flows or wealth.
which is logical.
How could one lose money in dasha periods or have localized losses?
So when we talk of minor or localized financial losses, then say a planet call it Jupiter or Guru , if it is affected or somehow associated mostly conjunction of Lords of sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house.
Plus additionally t there is no aspect from Kona or angular Houses(1,5,9 house) lords , as good energy is there for sure in these lords.
In case of Kendra’s Like 4,7,10, if is benefic and weak so kendradhipati dosha impacts the positivity of the planets.
so also come balancing could happen if natural benefics like Jupiter or Guru, strong mercury or budha or string Moon or Venus or shukra aspect this planet who is in conjunction with 6,8 or 12th house lord.
so in that case negativity cancels.
Else in the planetary periods of the planet that is conjunct with the sixth, eight or twelfth lord losses or lesser fortune could be there.
how could lagna or ascendant lord or Atma Karaka confirm losses or poverty?
so it the jaimini atma karaka or soul signifactor and the d1 lagna( rashi chart) or ascendant both together of they have similar negative influence the poverty is confirmed.
so for that case for both the lagna’s or ascendant (d 1 and atma karaka lagna), if the eight(sudden losses), twelfth( losses on medicine or health) or sixth house( losses due to legal matters) lord aspect the ascendant losses could be there and one could become poor due to the same.
How could expenditures or outflows happen by own choice?
Now again if there is a double confirmation of one having expenditure or being spend thrift based on lagna or rashi chart then one could lose money by spending.
Like if the twelfth house from the atma karaka gets and aspect from dispositer of atma karaka or the lagan of the jaimini kundli(dispositer).
that is go ahead to spend from the self .
Also if the twelfth house receives aspect from lagna or self or go ahead from self, the outflows or expenditures are high.
how could Saturn mars promise great fortune or losses of wealth and the second house or bhava of any Horoscope or kundli ?
so looking at the core second house or bhava for wealth, if malefic like shani or Saturn and mars or mangal sits in the second house or bhava of any horoscope, the wealth of the person would wane out.
But if the money or discretion planet mercury aspect this planets.
Then there could be great wealth as person spend and actions( Saturn and mars) with great discretion then.
How could the combination of sun or Saturn and connection with the second house of any Horoscope or Kundli cause great name or fame and money or Losses or poverty as well ?
Now second house is the core focus for wealth flows and money.
so sun a malefic in the second house or bhava plus also getting energy from malefic Saturn or shani dev can cause money losses.
as sun being malefic and its energy could burn the money one earns and status.
here there is a conflict of Saturn and sun energy as well that has to be looked into.
so if this sun does not get the aspect or drishti of Saturn, then name and fame of sun and money could be obtained by the person.
Now if we exchange shani with sun, that is shani in second house and receiving aspects from sun again creates poverty for the person or less status.

Birth details: of nirav Modi
Nirav Modi
Born 27 February 1971 (age 47)[1]
Palanpur, Gujarat, India
Has Disappeared since February 2018
Status he is the Most Wanted Interpol looking for him

What made Nirav modi so rich? the planetary combinations.?
In the surya kundali of nirav modi Jupiter rules the second bhava of wealth and status and is well placed in the tenth house or bhava.
That is a raja yoga karaka and great for wealth.
as Jupiter means wealth and also being in the friendly sign of mars(Scorpio) is even better. so over all a great raja Yoga for money or wealth and Financial status for Nirav Modi
also note mars or Mangal is strong in the Scorpio(vrishchika rashi) sign itself this is really a great combination for success by action.
yes mars being a malefic it impacts Jupiter that causes loss of wealth as well.
as we will study in the next section of loss of wealth.
But still mars is far off at 28 degrees and Jupiter at 12 degrees in the sign of Scorpio
Jupiter or Guru also rules the eleventh bhava of gains, it is again in the tenth bhava of karma indicating a clear raja Yoga for Nirav Modi.
yes he would amass great wealth. which is 100% true.
mercury the representative of lord Vishnu and husband of lakshmi ji is in the lagna indicating one would posse wealth and intelligence to do so.

From moon sign gains for nirav modi analyzed
the lord of action or career is Jupiter or dev guru is in the ninth bhava or house of past life karma good blessings so this gives wealth to the person in abundance but with proper action and also dharma should be there.

What planetary combination made Nirav Modi Bankrupt or caused loss of money?
Note the moon the lord of sixth bhava of debt and losses is in the second bhava of wealth and status so this indicates a possibility for family issues and one getting into debt situations here and then. which is the case now.
also mars with Jupiter impacts Jupiter and the wealth lord of the second bhava causing possibility of wealth & status loss for nirav modi.
he did diamond business so Venus, is strong Saturn sign but in the twelfth house of losses plus with rahu suggesting some under cover happenings which is true for nirav modi.
mercury or budha the lord of eighth house in the first bhava suggest issues or jail caused due to intelligence and also losses of wealth.

From Moon sign loss of wealth analysis for nirav modi
From moon sign Aries is the second bhava and has weak Saturn in the second house suggesting a strong possibility of loss of wealth.
also note that Saturn is the lord of wealth and also lord of losses that is the eleventh and twelfth houses, so a strong chance fog loss of wealth is there.
Mercury the Markesh and also the lord of relationships are in the twelfth house from moon or Rashi for Nirav Modi.
This could cause relationships to suffer.

What are 2018-2019 predictions for nirav modi?
- Saturn for , surya lagan is in the eleventh bhava or house of gains for nirav modi, so blocking his money flows in this transit.
- Jupiter in transit is in eighth from moon and ninth from the sun sign or surya lagna, it would get into his ninth from moon and tenth form surya lagna this could give him some relief as he enters the year 2019.
- Rahu is very agitated for him and conjunct in the sixth house, so could cause all kinds of mental agony and career troubles.
- but after July 2019 he or nirav modi would be better off. but sure October November 2018 onwards Nirav modi would see some relief for him.
- 2018 was indeed bad for him and yes state of India.
- we wish India gets its money back .

What are the causes of Gains(2 Billion dollars!) & Losses for Nirav Modi? the Fugitive with Interpol behind him.

Interesting facts about Nirav Modi how he is etc?
- Nirav modi is 47 year old and has his full name as Nirav Deepak modi. He is a businessman from Gujarat and also a fugitive who is under investigation.
- he is asked to for my Interpol or the international police.
- He is said to be involved in money laundering case.
- His brother as well Mr. Neeshchal Modi is also wanted in the same case since the august 2018.
- The alleged fraud is to the tune of $2 billion dollars from the Punjab national bank of India. He has applied for bankruptcy and has taken asylum in UK or United Kingdom
- He or Nirav modi has founded Nirav Modi Global Diamond Jeweler House this was established around 8 years back in 2010 time frame