About this article?
The below is a very interesting article on Vedic Astrology, on how various planetary aspects and energy exchanges for signs or rashi of the zodiac for any Horoscope .
And impact of the same on the children, relationships, foreign travel, Love, Marriage and Job.
So is job or career, personality, money flows, Past Life Karma & Relationships or anything in life delved in detail and how planetary aspects impact the same.
So not only the planets, also signs need to be looked into.
As a PRACTICAL example a senior Indian Political leader is also given explaining the drishti and aspects of his horoscope .
Are used to analyze his children, spouse, wealth, status and career, past life Karma reincarnation all based on aspects /drishti etc. in detail

What is Planetary Aspect or Drishti or a Sign Aspect?
The Planetary aspects or sign or rashi aspects in any Horoscope or Kundli deal with exchange of energy between one planet and other planet or say one sign and other sign even if they are far away in the horoscope or Kundli.
Like for say if one has Aries lagna, then mars rules the first house of the horoscope or Kundli. it is the 7th aspect aspects the 7th house of marriage so action or more heat and issues in relationships in marriage are possible.
similarly aspect of mars or Mangle onto the 4th house in 4th aspect of mars or Mangle means one may have trouble at home and also longevity of mother or also driving needed care.
The 8th aspect is on the 8th bhava or house so one may issues in inheritance and colon health of the Aries lagna or ascendant person is an issue.
So now we see Like the 7th aspect is very powerful & generally beneficial, so say any planet in your 1st house would have an aspect or drishiti/impact on your house of marriage and relationships.
that is 7th house. It will strongly influence the kind of spouses(husband or wife) you get married to and kind of marital life you have ๐
The following articles throw light on how planets and signs exchange energies.

The Aspects of drishti of Signs or rashis in Vedic astrology:
The aspects or drishti of movable signs like Aries(mesha rashi),cancer(karkat rashi),Libra(Tula rashi) or Capricorn(Makar rashi) aspects the Fixed sign, leaving the fixed sign adjacent to it.
So say Aries or mesha rashi in the example above would aspect , NOT Taurus(fixed sign), but Leo( again a fixed sign), Scorpio(Fixed Sign) & Aquarius Fixed Sign. So this is a kind of exchange of energies in group of group of say “fixed signs here” barring the immediate next one. ๐

Planetary Aspects Or Drishtis
If A planet or graha in movable sign or rashi(Aries, cancer, Libra, Capricorn Or gives aspect or drishti to 3 other fixed signs. Also, this planet does not give energy or drishti to just adjacent movable sign.
like a planet in Aries Or mesha (movable sign) will not Give its energy to any planet in Taurus or Vrishabha.
The planet in common sign Like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces- Gives drishti or aspect to remaining 3 common signs or rashis.

Sample example the Planetary Aspects Or Drishtis for Horoscope or Kundli of a celebrity
Now this person is a senior most person of the country ;).
one can see mars or raj Yoga karaka is not only in lagna in the Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi so has vrishchika rashi or Scorpio a 7th aspect to the 7th house or bhava.
so, this kind of aspect or energy gives him connection with great people or big dignitaries of the world. as you know 7th house deals with public dealings.

What is the astrology of Love & Relationships and aspects of senior Indian Political leader’s Horoscope or Kundli based on aspects or drishti?
Venus or shukra rules the 7th bhava of relationships .
Venus is weak in enemy sign and aspects the 4th bhava of family for senior Indian Political leader.
Venus is also Karaka for wife.
so over all he is not ordained to get full sukha of wife, he parted from his wife at a very young age.
There is a 7th aspect of Scorpio sign or Vrishchika rashi on the 7th bhava.
this drishti is like a mangal dosha as mars rules Scorpio sign. so does not allow the life partner to stay long with him.
The previous sign for aries( adjacent aspect or drishti) is mesha rashi, so again forma a mangal dosha type situation for him.
so rest is history, he remains almost like an un married person.
The next sign is Gemini or mithuna rashi for his 7th bhava lord.
so mercury is friendly with Venus and also so carets the Yoga of getting married relatively younger for senior Indian Political leader.
we know he gets married at a very young age.

What is the astrology of Job and Career aspects of senior Indian Political leader’s Horoscope or Kundli based on aspects or drishti?
Job or career is ruled by sun or Leo the lord of 10th bhava of the Horoscope of senior Indian Political leader.
so he is bound to lead like a Lion and has the basic leadership karma in him.:) yes he is the honorable prime minister of India as well.
There is an adjacency aspects of next and previous sign Virgo( Kanya rashi) and also cancer ir karaka rashi for him in his Horoscope or Kundli.
So sun and mercury give him good leadership and discrimination in Political situations.:) he is able to smartly manage politics.
There is a cancer or moon or karkat rashi prior to it.
this may not support the Leo sign much, but helps him in contacts with Arab countries and also foreign lands across the sea and also people of the opposite exe or women.
There is a 7th aspect of Aquarius or Kumbha rashi for senior Indian Political leader.
this is ruled by Saturn or shani dev, so he would work for the downtrodden in India, plus he would rule a large class of people as well.
Aquarius or Kumbha rashi aspect or drishti makes senior Indian Political leader very inspired, far sighted and also Picky in his actions or karma.
Also Saturn suggests a slow and gradual growth for him. he started with selling tea and now is the prime minster of th country.
There is also a 9th benefic aspect of Sagittarius or dhanu rashi on the 10th bhava of career for senior Indian Political leader.
so this blesses his career or Job with great dignity.
he will have un imaginable respect from all spaces and people.
as Jupiter also rules the 2nd bhava of his.
he will do work of dharma and also connected to people across nations.

What is the astrology of Money Matters aspects of senior Indian Political leader’s Horoscope or Kundli based on aspects or drishti?
The second bhava of senior Indian Political leader is ruled by Sagittarius or Jupiter.
so grace and wealth flows are there for sure.
but as Capricorn zodiac sign or makar rashi is the next sign and Scorpio or vrishchika is the previous sign.
so the adjacent houses suggest that his growth of money and status would be slow but study.
This is due to Saturn or shani dev.
Also he will have good position and gains from the downtrodden people.
The previous sign Scorpio or virshchika rashi suggests he would do a lot of action and energy put-up to win his wealth and status.
Also Scorpio being the 8th sign, so again support for money from downtrodden people of India would bring in good status for senior Indian Political leader.:)
which is 100% true.
Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi ruled by mercury has the 7th aspect to Sagittarius sign.
so his speaking ability would help him to gain status. note he is utlized as an icon for speaking in election campaigns.
so also Gemini gives him great diplomatic skills and he is able to manage Arab countries with Muslim population, Israel with Jews and also USA people.
Gemini Gives him flexibility to manage matters more effectively.

What is the astrology of past Life Reincarnation and Karma re-birth Matters aspects of senior Indian Political leader Horoscope or Kundli based on aspects or drishti ?
Cancer or Moon, Karkat rashi in his Horoscope rules the past life karma or reincarnation for senior Indian Political leader .
so suggest he was in previous life time also born somewhere near the water body. Like in this lifetime he is born in vadnagar.
not far away from sea.
also sharmistha lake is there is vadnagar Gujarat a water body.
so you see he had all this in past life as well.:)
also he might have been in a locality that had people from foreign lands or religions OR big lord shiva temple was there.
The next sign from cancer is Leo or simha rashi, ruled by sun.
so in his past life reincarnation karma itself he was having some lead role in life like he has it in this life time.
Mercury or budha is one sign ahead of cancer or karkat sign, that is the Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi.
so he had a good intellect in regard to spiritual & dharma related matters in past life as well.
๐ like he has in this life time reincarnation.
There is a benefic 5th aspect of Pisces sign or Jupiter(meena rashi) for senior Indian Political leader’s horoscope.
so sure he did have a lot of foreign lands connections in previous life as well.
Plus he had a lot of travels mostly by water( at that in previous reincarnation karma may be 100’s of years back time ships might have been more popular :).
He was keen into dharma as Jupiter gets exalted. so suggest great dignity to senior Indian Political leader’s in past life and also deep into spirituality as well. Pisces sign brings him closer to moksha .
Aspect 9th from Capricorn or makar rashi suggests clearly, that he had to work very hard in pervious life time as well.
Also he was connected with people in his previous life reincarnation & karma or re-birth, as Capricorn sign or makar rashi deals with jan manas or people as Saturn rules the sign.:)
so one can clearly see senior Indian Political leader had a similar karmic pattern in his previous life time as well, as he has it now.:)
This is the magic of Vedic astrology.

Sun or surya dev is in the lagna or ascendant on the Scorpio sign or vrishchik rashi. so, giving him great action and leadership ability. yes, as we said he is the senior most :0 person heading the country.

Sun is ruling the 10th bhava and is the Leo sign, that is a passive sign. so naturally aspects to all passive signs minus the first one that is Libra or Tula rashis is not there.
so, aspect is for 10th sign Capricorn or makar rashi and also Pisces sign or Meena rashi and also Taurus or Vrishabha rashi.

so, as it has an aspect or drishti on 3rd bhava ( sun in Scorpio in base kundli or Horoscope) so give great action ability and ability to take up new projects and action. so also suggests great will power for the person.;0 which is 100% true.

Sun a malefic in Scorpio sign exchanges energy or drishti with 5th house of children ,so he has no children but 5th bhava being of thinking as well.
it suggests original thinking and also a thinking that would not budge easily. as sun or Leo sends energy or aspects the 5th bhava.

The aspect is there on the 7th house of marriage for this great leader. that is of Leo so at one hand to suggest connections with great people. Leo or simha rashi there- but also on the second hand it means possibility of marriage not working out at all.
Kindly note Leo sign rules the 10th bhava or house for career for him. so also suggest a regal career for him.

It is clear to see that various aspects and drishtis of signs and planets( rashi or graha) of the zodiac have various effects on the destiny of any person or nation.