About this Article?
This article at depth talks about the principles of Longevity and Lifespan based on any Horoscope or kundli(birth chart).
It covers the role on Longevity Life span of 3rd and 8th house of Horoscope and all planets in the zodiac .
Also the Longevity or life span of Sri Jawahar Lal Nehru ji the first prime minister Of India.
The planets covered are right from Sun(Surya dev), Moon, Jupiter(guru), Moon, Mercury, Venus, ketu(dragon’s tail), Rahu(dragon’s head),Saturn(Shani) or Mars(Mangal) being lord of 3rd or 8th or being in the said houses.
This article also tells if one could be Travelling at the time of departure or longevity or lifespan getting completed or would you be at your home.
Later it gets deeper to check your drekkana chart or d3 divisional or Varga chart looking for what kind of treatment of soul after departure to the person.
As suggested we have taken case study of longevity and lifespan for Sri Jawaharlal Nehru father of smt. Indira Gandhi ji former prime minister of India’s horoscope or kundli and a former congress leader of India. One of the greatest statesman.

Longevity or Lifespan based on Kundli or horoscope
There are several factors that influence longevity or lifespan for any Horoscope or kundli.
Now longevity or lifespan has two aspects one the is the physical or body aspect that is form the lagna or ascendant.
and the other is soul that is from the 8th house or bhava of the Horoscope of kundli.

so are there the other factors that is benefic or good energies effects of Jupiter or guru .
If strong it removes a lot of negative energies connected to longevity or lifespan in the horoscope .

In contrast Saturn or Shani dev which cause malefic or negative energy to flow in the horoscope or Kundli impacting the longevity or lifespan for the person.

so are the malefic houses and presence of benefics present in them in any Horoscope defining longevity or lifespan of that person.
Like the 6th, 8th, and 12th house of the Horoscope or Kundli.
The span for longevity or lifespan by rishis has been assigned 120 years or 108 years. There are various schools of thought.
The strength of lagan or ascendant is most important factor in knowing the longevity or lifespan .

How is Longevity or Lifespan strengthened or weakened by various aspect of the Horoscope ?

There are other factors which affect the longevity or lifespan like the nakshatra or star sandhi or interface points.
The rashi sandhi or the conjunction point and also the tithi to date sandhi or the conjunction point. Planets here are naturally weak and les in vitality.
Good energies or benefics in the Kendra bhavas like 4th, 7th or 10th and 1st help in longevity or lifespan

The Third house and eighth house in any kundli connect to longevity or life span- practical application
In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),the third house or bhava and other eighth house or bhava deal with the longevity as third house or bhava is eighth from eighth, so it is also for longevity or life span of a person.
The conditions existing here define the leaving of the world – the conditions like/fever/operation/accidents/murder or leaving in peace all are indicated here.

What is the role of the Sahaj bhava or the third house to tell us about departure from world?
In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),the role of the sahaja bhava or the third house and death. If sun is strong or Surya is strong in the third bhava, one may leave this world due to legal or governmental or legal punishments may be in jail etc.
In any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),
Moon or Chandra in Sahaj bhava could cause the departure due to tuberculosis as moon rules chest, but if Mangal or mars is there this could cause death due to weapons, fire and also thirst.

What is the role of Malefic like Saturn(shani) & rahu(dragon’s head) in the third house or bhava for departure from the world?
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),If the sahaja bhava or the third house is occupied by Saturn or Shani and rahu, the departure from this world could be due to poison, water, or fire or from fall from heights or even confinement or jail.
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),If Chandra(moon) or gulik is in the third bhava the death would descend due to Chandra or guliks or even there is a drishti or aspect to the third house or bhava.

Does Jupiter or guru or Venus or shukra bless you or curse you in the third bhava or house?
If planet guru is in the Sahaj bhava or giving aspect or drishti to this house- the death could come by swelling or tumors.
If For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),If shukra or Venus is in the third bhava or gives an aspect to the third bhava the death would come by urinary problems.
If there are several planets occupying the third house the departure could be by many diseases.
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),Budha(mercury) here could mean death by fever.

How do benefic in the third house impact the departure?
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),If the third house or bhava or the sahaja bhava is occupied by a benefic the departure from world could happen in a holy place like a shrine or a temple.
and if sahaja bhava has a malefic there, the death would be in sinful places or hospitals.
If there are mixed kind of planets in the third house one may have mixed results in regard to departure from the world.

How conscious we would be at the time of departure?
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),there could be consciousness at the time of departure if guru(Jupiter) or shukra(Venus) sit in the third house or bhava.
If other grahas or planets are there- one may be unconsciousness.
Where is the departure at home /while travelling or foreign lands?
If sahaj bhava or the third house is a movable sign or a dual sign or a fixed sign.
The departure from the world would happen in foreign lands or other than birth place or in own house or while moving.

What is the role of eighth house or bhava in departure from the world-part 1 ?
Given any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),The occupants of the randhr bhava also tell the cause of departure from this world. Like sun or Surya here means departure due to fire
if Chandra or moon is in the eighth bhava then departure by water.
If Mangal or mars then by weapons, if budha here then through fever- if Venus or shukra here then it is due to hunger and if Shani or Saturn then it is due to thirst.

What is the role of eighth house or bhava in departure from the world-part 2?
If the eighth house or randhr bhava receives drishti or an aspect from a benefic, while the ninth lord of dharma’s lord is in conjunction or yuti with a benefic .
The person may die in If randhr bhava or the eighth house is occupied by or receives and aspect from a malefic .
while dharma bhava lord or the ninth house or lord is in yuti with malefic planet, the departure would be in place other than a shrine.

Fate of the Human Physical System at departure from the world.
For any kundli or horoscope(birth chart),If there is the 22nd drekkana in the eighth house or the 22nd division of d3 divisional or varga chart .
That is the decanates chart- the body would be consecrated to fire as per shastras. Else if a malefic it goes to water or thrown to water.

Longevity or Lifespan PRACTICAL application to the Horoscope or Kundli of Sri Jawahar Lal Nehru ji
The below article discusses all the principles of Longevity and Life span to a real-life example of Sri Jawahar Lal Nehru ji and how accurately Vedic astrology is able to predict Longevity.

Longevity & Life-span, Kundli or Horoscope(birth chart) Third & Eighth Predictions-Jawaharlal Nehru Congress prime minister India leader

Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru kundli or horoscope analysis for longevity and lifespan
Name: Jawaharlal Nehru
Date of Birth: Thursday, November 14, 1889
Time of Birth: 23:30:00
Place of Birth: Allahabad
Longitude: 81 E 50
Latitude: 25 N 57
Time Zone: 5.5
For Jawaharlal Nehru ji’s kundli or horoscope(birth chart),The third bhava or house for Jawaharlal Nehru ji has mars- representing heart attack primarily.
also fever and also the lord mercury or budha is in the fourth bhava along with benefic Venus so departure at home due to fever plus urinary problems is clear here.
He left for his heavenly abode in home itself , also he is said to suffer from fever earlier.
For Jawaharlal Nehru ji’s kundli or horoscope(birth chart),The eight-house lord a weak Saturn afflicting the Leo sign, also indicates a higher chance of heart issues.
also an aspect to the third lord by Saturn or Shani is there, double confirming the departure by heart or blood pressure related issues based on medical astrology.
For Jawaharlal Nehru ji’s kundli or horoscope(birth chart), Kindly note the aspect of malefic Saturn(Shani) the lord of eighth house on the fourth poor heart lord Venus .
Also the lord of the third bhava in fourth bhava.
We pray for his soul to rest in peace in the heavens