About this Article ?
This article talks about what is Arudha lagna in any Horoscope?
How are various padas or houses for entire horoscope like family, sex, business, job ,health, relationships , gains and loss , children etc found based on the Arudha lagna( ascendant) or horoscope?
So all 12 houses can be judged based on arudha lagna or ascendant as well
The article also tells you how to quickly calculate the arudha lagna later in the article.
It also tells about the effects of sixth house for arudha lagna and connects the impact of sixth bhava to the arudha lagna of India .
In regard to debts, health, and other related matters.

What is an Arudha Lagna or ascendant in any Horoscope(Kundli)?
Just like we have normal lagna or ascendant and moon lagna or rashi lagna, arudha lagan in any Horoscope(Kundli) is also a way to look at Kundli energy distributions and make predictions. 🙂
Arudha Lagna tells you simply means how the world would see you . Or your projections to the world.
The Sanskrit word Arudha means ‘Image’, the ascendant or Lagna means what is the rising sign or the ascendant.
so based on your arudha lagna your public image gets defined and so does your money flow or status due to the same.
so the strength of your arudha lagna could make you rich or Poor. 🙂
so the arudha lagna or ascendant deals with your images or the illusions that you may create to the world.
Or one can say the perceptions and impressions, Arudha lagna or Horoscope(Kundli) is very important in judging various materialistic aspects of life based on kundli or Horoscope.
so for example 11th bhava is for gains and 12th bhava for losses or expenditure.
so strong or benefic planets in the 11th bhava form Arudha lagna or ascendant suggest the person would be perceived as friend of friend’s and would have great luck.
Also malefic in the 12th bhava or house from arudha lagna means that the person may not spend on luxuries as negative or malefic 12th house gets balanced with malefic energy.
That is of the malefic like Saturn(Shani), mars(mangal) or rahu(dragon’s head) and ketu (dragon’s tail) there.

How to calculate the Arudha Lagna or Ascendant in any Horoscope(Kundli) ?
This is simple, simply add the number of houses the lagna or ascendant is away from lagna. then add the number the existing house and you get Arudha lagna.
Yes if the house you get is 1st or 7th then as an exception add 10 more houses.
so for example lagan is Zodiac Sign Aries Or Mesha rashi and mars(Mangal dev) is in cancer sign, so cancer is 4 sign away from Aries or Mesha rashi.
simply add 4 to the house number 4, we get 4 + 4-1 = 7th house.
Now as per rule 7th house cannot be arudha lagna. so add value of 10 to the same.
this comes out to be 4th house again!
so the calculations are simple for Arudha lagna.

What are the Names of Various Padas in the Arudha Lagna Horoscope(Kundli)?
The Names of the 12 Arudhas are Lagna Pad – Arudha of Tanu Bhava or first house for health physical fitness and self-image.
That is the Dhana of Dhan or second house of wealth, status, and income.
Vikram (Bhratru) of Sahaj or third house of sibling’s initiatives or action, Matru (Sukh) of Bandhu or the fourth house of mother home family mind, Mantra (Putra) of Putra or the fifth house of education thinking children.
Rog or diseases (Shatru) of Ari or sixth house of any Horoscope(Kundli) are for legal matters health fights & conflicts , Dar (Kalatr) of Yuvati or the seventh house of sex marriage love affairs.
Maran of Randhr of longevity un earned wealth prostitutes death, Pitru of Dharma Bhava or the ninth house of luck fortune money father dharma and religion.
Karma of Karma or the tenth house of career job & action, Labha of Labha or eleventh house of gains income, Vyaya of Vyaya or twelfth house of expenditure sex foreign travel.

So what in summary the 12 padas are?
What are the exceptions in calculations of the Arudha Lagna pada in any Horoscope?

what are the Extraordinary Exceptions for Arudha Lagna or ascendant computations in any Horoscope(Kundli)? .
Similar Bhava or House, or the seventh from it does not turn into its Pad.
At the point when the Pad falls in similar Bhava or house, the tenth in this way be dealt with, as its Pada.
So also, when the seventh turns into the Pad of a Bhava, the fourth from the first Bhava being referred to be dealt with, as its Pad.
In case the lord of a house or Bhava be in the fourth from the Bhava, then the very Bhava possessed be noted, as the Pad.
That is say pada of same ascendant or Lagna as Leo or simha falls in Leo , then tenth form the same is taken as pad
Also if the pada comes out to be the seventh house of any Horoscope(Kundli), like Aquarius( seventh house for Leo Lagna or ascendant), then fourth sign from it that is Taurus is taken as its pada. But this is not correct look at the other rule.
If the lord is in the fourth house from the sign it rules .
then that bhava or house itself becomes the pada. So in the above case for Leo or simha ascendant Scorpio itself becomes the pada.

Padas for Planets or Grahas.
Take note of the position of a planet Graha and perceive what number of rashis or signs away is its own rashi or sign with reference to its position.
Number such a large number of rashis or signs from the said possess rashi or sign and the resultant rashi will turn into the Arudha of the planet to Graha.
So in the above case sun is ins Scorpio, to is Leo is 10th from it, now count 10th from Leo, it is Taurus- so Taurus is the arudha for sun.
On the off chance that a Graha or planet claims two rashis, or, if a rashi or sun sign is possessed by two Grahas.
Then consider the more grounded and announce impacts in like manner.
Like rahu(dragon’s head) connects to Aquarius or kumbha rashi or sun sign and ketu to Scorpio sign or vrishchika rashi or sun sign.
Like the houses no special rules apply to planets
If a rashi is owned by two planets like Aquarius by rahu and Scorpio or vrishchika by ketu.
also kumbha or Aquarius is ruled by Saturn or Shani and Scorpio or vrishchika is ruled by mars or mangal- so stronger of the two contenders is used
Also if a planet own two sign or rashis like mercury(budha),mars(mangal),Jupiter(guru),Venus(shukra) – then stronger if the rashi is taken for consideration.

Comfort and Finances and Money

Some impacts of planets Grahas, in view of Pada.
In case the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) that the eleventh house from Lagna Pada is involved in any Horoscope(Kundli).
or gets a Drishti or aspect from a planet or Graha the person will be cheerful and rich.
Then the riches will come through different means, if a benefic is connected, as above.
A malefic in horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) will give riches through flawed means.
In the event that there be both a benefic and a malefic, it will be through both means.

In the event in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) that the planet or Graha being referred to be in exaltation.
or in possess rashi or sign and so on., there will be a lot of additions and a lot of joy.
in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) if the twelfth house in Horoscope(Kundli) from Lagna Pad does not get a Drishti or aspect.
As the eleventh from Lagna Pad gets a Drishti from a Graha, then the increases will be continuous.
the quantum of additions will relate to the quantity of Grahas or planets in.
or giving an aspect or Drishti to the eleventh house from Lagna Pad.

In the event in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) that there is Argala for the said eleventh.
There will be more gains, while a benefic Argala will bring still more picks up.
In case the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) the said benefic, creating Argala is in his exalted rashi .
The additions will be still higher.

If in case chance that in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) the said eleventh gets a Drishti or aspect from a benefic from Lagna or ascendant , the ninth and so on in any Horoscope(Kundli).
additions will increment in the rising nature.
In every one of these cases.
The twelfth from Pad ought to at the same time be free from malefic affiliation.
A benefic, put in Lagna or ascendant, giving a Drishti or aspect to the eleventh from Arudha Lagna will be still gainful.
On the off chance in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) that the aspect or Drishti is from the ninth from Lagna in any Horoscope(Kundli), it will give considerably more increase.

Comfort and Financial Losses
If in case the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) the twelfth from Lagna Pad gets a Drishti from, or is yuti or conjunct with both benefics and malefics, there will be plenteous profit, however a lot of costs.
The benefic will bring about through reasonable means, malefic through uncalled for means and blended Grahas through both reasonable and out of line means.

If in case the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) the twelfth from Lagna Pad is conjunct sun or surya , shukra or Venus and Rahu(dragon’s head).
there will be loss of riches through the lord.
Chandra or moon, giving an aspect or Drishti to (the said trio in the said Bhava).
It will particularly bring about more such mis-fortunes.

In the event in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) that Budha or mercury is in the twelfth from Lagna Pad and is conjunct or in yuti with.
or gets a Drishti or aspect from a benefic, comparatively there will be costs through father side relatives.
A malefic so identified with the said Budha will bring about loss of riches through debate.

if in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) Jupiter or Guru is in the twelfth from Lagna Pad, accepting a Drishti or aspect from others.
The costs will be through expenses and on the individual himself.

if in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) Shani or Saturn is in the twelfth from Lagna Pad alongside Mangal or mars and gets an aspect Drishti from others.
The costs will be through one’s co-conceived or co borns(siblings) as mars or mangal is karaka for co borns.

How To Calculate Bhava Pada in this Horoscope(Kundli)?.:
Here we will look at Padas (Arudhas) for Bhavas and Grahas planets I any kundli or horoscope(Birth Chart) also, as set around the before the great ones.
The Pad of Lagna or ascendant in any horoscope or Kundli will be as many rashis the ascendant Lord is away.
So say if for Leo or simha ascendant if the lord is in 4th house in Scorpio.
so the pada is 4 signs from Scorpio is Aquarius or kumbha rashi. This is called the lagna pada.
from Tanu Bhava or the first house.
So also Padas for different Bhavas be known through their Lords. “Pad” only signifies the Pad for Lagna.

Summary and Example of pada calculations in any Horoscope(Kundli)?
So the basic process of calculation of Pada is to find out how far the lord of the rashi is from self, add the same number of rashis to it.
So for example in a simha lagna or Leo ascendant if the lagna is in Scorpio sign in the 4th house.
So it is 4 houses away from the lagan counting from self.
So that means the pada here lies in 8= Scorpio + 4-1= 11th rashi that is Aquarius sign or kumbha rashi.
Padas for various other houses are bhava are known from their lords.

Example 2 calculations
Or say the lagna is simha rashi and sun the lord is in the 8th house or bhava, then the pada is 8 + 8-1 = 15= 15-12= 3= 3rd house, that is ruled by Venus or Libra sign.

Arudha lagna :India Kundli Horoscope (Birth Chart) sixth House of debts, epidemics, hospitals & Medical Industry
We will analyze this based on Both the methods. Parashari and Jaimini Both.
India sixth house based on Parashari Vedic astrology:
Doing a bare bone analysis Libra or Tula rules and Venus is in sahaj bhava or third house, as third house rules environment.
Means India is prone to epidemics.
Also getting energy from a malefic Jupiter ruling eighth house of mass deaths- India has to take special care of mass deaths especially when Jupiter is weak and malefic in transits.
The past Bomb blasts or mass deaths in stampedes have mostly been either when Jupiter or guru is retro gate .
it is a 3/12/21/30 date or a Thursday, all ruled by planet Jupiter or Guru.
Also Venus ruling the sixth house suggest, India could do great in hospitality industry or hospital industry.
We know this is growing and people from far flung countries flock to India for treatment

India sixth house based Jaimini Vedic astrology Basic:
First calculate the lagna arudha , Venus or shukra is 10th sign from the sixth house.
And 10th from cancer or karkat rashi is Aries or mesha rashi that is the 12th house .
The sixth house from this is ruled by Virgo or Kanya .
This has no malefic aspect and mercury or budha sits in fourth house or Kendra.
So there is a good protection to country India here
So prime facie both systems help us get fair and accurate results.