About this Article?
This article in detail discusses Aries Sign Or Mesha Rashi(Moon sign) people’s various aspects of life like Health, Career, Money, Family, Name and Fame etc. for their Horoscope or kundli.
Like what in the Horoscope(kundli) makes Aries Sign or Mesha Rashi people action oriented?
Could the Aries sign people have curly hair or straight hair ?
What kind of married life does Aries Sign or Mesha rashi people have?
Plus why do Aries Sign (Mesha rashi) or ascendant people have a strong physique or body in general?, what kind of health problems are they more prone to suffer from in life?
also are the Aries Sign or Mesha rashi people more prone to accidents?
Which part of their body is more prone to health problems?
What kind of Height weight do the Aries Sign or Mesha Rashi people have? why are they more youthful π than other sun signs of the zodiac and much more ;).
Also what planetary combination in the horoscope makes Aries ascendant people so angry or impulsive ;)?

Disposition and Personality For Aries Ascendant or Mesha Lagan in your Kundli or Horoscope (birth chart)

Is Aries sign or Mesha rashi compared with Fire? If yes, why?
Aries is a fiery sign or rashi of mars or planet .
Mars or Mangal is the ruler of the Horoscope, If Aries Ascendant or mesha lagna rises in the kundli or horoscope (birth chart).
These individuals have great vitality due to being the first sign and also mars( Mangal) energy- as mars (Mangal) is a planet of high energy and action.

why do Aries ascendant or lagna people(mesha rashi) people have such a high initiative levels?
Aries sign or Mesha rashi is the 1st sign = 1= number is of planet sun or initiative.
Aries ascendant or Mesha rashi people are constantly prepared to do something and take initiative.
They are straightforward in nature due to influence of sun or Surya dev and mars(Mangal) on this sign. They are pioneers in their area of work; they do not care for taking requests from others as they work for themselves also.

why do the Aries Sign or Mesha rashi people take High risks?
They have the typical Martian characteristics and are more prone to take risks. Aries Ascendant individuals are immediate in discourse and regularly excessively candid and undiplomatic;
in this manner they for the most part fall into warmed verbalization or contentions effectively.
They are unyielding and their sudden impulses that are generated .

Can Aries Sign or ascendant(Mesha Rashi) people be masters of their skills or engineering?
Yes mars or Mangal rules the Aries sign or Mesha rashi skills and engineering. Aries ascendant people or Mesha rashi people have some imprudence here and there gets them into some inconveniences.
May not be Not exceptionally attached to water( as mars(Mangal) is weak here in cancer ruling water element) and they acknowledge excellence craftsmanship and style.
Individual conceived under Aries sign(mesha rashi) are sensible, charming yet enthusiastic with high energy levels in them.

why are Aries Sign people or Mesha rashi people so energetic and Youthful?
Mars(Mangal) being a young planet- they are very youthful and energetic in their disposition.

Health For Aries Ascendant or mesha lagna in your kundli or horoscope (birth chart)

Can Aries ascendant or Mesha rashi cause stomach troubles and yes injuries or problems of head or brain? also why?
If Aries Sign or Mesha Rashi rises in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart).
the individuals experience the ill effects of illness frequently relating to cerebral pains, especially headaches, sunstroke, neuralgia, and depression prone.
As Aries being the first sign rules the head region in kala purusha.
They are additionally inclined to conditions like Indigestion and anxiousness(due to haste caused by mars or Mangal) and their thoughtlessness.

why do Aries ascendant or Mesha Rashi people have troubles to do with Blood disorders?
rashness at their end makes them to get physical wounds, also fear form fire is there.
Numerous Aries or mesha rashi people may have pigmentation on the head or facial zone as more energy of mars (Mangal) is concentrated here.
Individuals conceived under Aries or mesha sign are inclined to circulatory troubles like hypertension and so forth- as mars(Mangal) adds haste and also rules blood.

Are the Aries Sign or Mesha rashi9Moon sign) people more prone to accidents or Boils or even operations?
If mars are strong they have good health else not so good.
They are prone to accidents, boils, could be short tempered, blood related disorders .This is the mooltrikona sign of mars.

Physical Appearance For Aries Sign or mesha lagna in your kundli or horoscope (birth chart)
what to expect as height or weight or obesity factor for Aries ascendant or Lagan people?
If Aries Ascendant or mesha lagna rises in the kundli or horoscope(birth chart) – individuals have solid and reddish complexion, with a conspicuous nose and mouth.
They are athletic & muscular built due to effects of mars or Mangal , of normal stature and work.
Also they may have wavy hair, a jutting curve of the eyebrows, tan appearance.

Could Aries Sign people or Mesha rashi people have scars on face or have wavy hair?
a virile deportment for guys, and a dynamic personality for females. They over all look sturdy.
They typically have cocoa or light dim wavy hairs. They frequently have an imprint or scar on their head as head is ruled by the first house and the first sign Aries.
Generally have conspicuous veins and there are imprints emerging out and wounds could be on the body.

Why ascendant is Important ?
The first house is viewed as essential in Vedic astrology or jyotish as it is the backbone of your horoscope.
At the time a person is born.
the sign which ascends in the sky is known as the people ascendant and the sign which comes in this house is known as the ascendant sign.
The ascendant aides in computing granular details of any one’s life through Vedic astrology or jyotish. .
The ascendant determines the 60% energy available in the horoscope- so becomes very important in interpretation.
Aries Ascendant In Horoscope Or Kundli (Mesha Lagna in the Birth Chart ) Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish article closes here