Horoscope Shahrukh Khan Wife and Reincarnation & Past Life wife Analysis

horoscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysishoroscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysis
About this article?

  • This article is unique and powerful and it checks this life time wife for shahrukh khan and so also his previous life time wife based on past life karma or reincarnation Horoscope.
  • It looks at what kind of life style shahrukh khan had in previous life time and how it connects to this life time. so also how the energies of previous life time wife or life partner of shahrukh khan connect to this life time wife Gauri khan.
  • what makes gauri khan so successful in arts and creative efforts and with high dignity in this life time. so also it investigates on what was life of shahrukh khan in previous reincarnation as compared to what it s now.
  • gauri khan reincarnation past life wife analysis
    Some basic details about Gauri khan who we would study in this article

  • Gauri Khan is an Indian film producer, interior designer, and businesswoman who was born on October 8, 1970, as Gauri Chhibber. so one can see that there is initiatives of sun energy there, plus creativity of venus in designing and film producing. so also rahu energy is there and Saturn or shani dev for food producing and industry set up for clothes by her.
  • Although she is best known for being Shah Rukh Khan’s wife in Bollywood, she has had a prosperous career of her own. once again prosperity is by venus or shukra in the chart.
  • Along with her husband, Gauri co-founded Red Chillies Entertainment in 2002.
  • Since then, the two have worked together to produce a number of popular Bollywood movies, including the box office hits Main Hoon Na, Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express, and Happy New Year. many of these movies have been big hits.
  • She has made a substantial contribution to the Indian cinema industry in terms of both production and creative aspects of filmmaking. So again we can talk about her creativity and innovation.
  • Apart from her work in movies, Gauri Khan has made a name for herself as an interior designer. This needs great creativity and imagination as well.
  • In 2017, she established Gauri Khan Designs, a renowned name in premium design, and it has since grown.
  • Gauri’s work is renowned for its subtlety, elegance, and modern look.
  • She has worked with high-profile clients, including celebrities.
  • Gauri Khan is a well-known figure in the entertainment and design industries, juggling her many business endeavors and her family.
  • She is respected for her inventiveness, commercial sense, and ability to combine elegance and substance in a seamless manner.
  • gauri khan horoscope shahrukh khan
    what does the Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about Gauri khan his this life time wife?

  • for shahrukh khan’s Horoscope we look at his 7th house lord. that is Saturn and its placement. The characteristics of the partner are reflected in both Saturn and Aquarius or kumbha rashi as the 7th house lord Saturn is in its own sign, Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi).
  • A spouse’s intellectual, unconventional, and humanitarian qualities are enhanced by the placement of Saturn in Aquarius, the sign that rules partnerships, marriage, and relationships as the 7th house’s ruler.
  • aquarius or Kumbha gives gauri khan high intellectual qualities and innovative abilities. yes she has them all and she created design and films with all this. so all this goes to her credit.
  • The spouse’s personality

  • The partner most likely have a sensible, mature, and responsible disposition. which is evident by the success of gauri khan in business life and so also in personal life as well. she has handled shahrukh khan’s affairs very well.
  • shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that he may take a serious attitude to life and relationships, appreciating consistency, self-control, and long-term commitments, as Saturn is the 7th lord. so we know shahrukh khan is still stable with his first wife gauri.
  • Along with being autonomous, progressive, and socially concerned, Aquarians are frequently interested in endeavors that advance society. so this is the personality of gauri khan, she is progressive. her getting married to Muslims in 1990’s itself suggest that she was quite open and progressive of her times.
  • so also shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that his spouse gauri khan may be interested in science, technology, social issues, or both and have an analytical mind. so again gauri khan also helps society doing donations etc.
  • so also gauri khan frequently think logically and rationally, and they might value spiritual or intellectual discussions above sentimental or romantic ones. her being a class apart in creating business niche is a proof of the same .
  • Saturn’s influence may cause the relationship to develop slowly at first, but once it does, it will be strong and stable. the results of the relationships are clear to all of us.
  • Outward Look and Way of Life

  • In terms of physical characteristics, the spouse gauri khan may be tall or slender, with a calm or restrained manner, which is indicative of Saturn’s controlled energy. so yes gauri khan is tall and more towards slimmer side.
  • shahrukh khan’s wife could give off the impression of being modest in appearance and preferring practicality and simplicity to excess.
  • Additionally, the spouse of shahrukh khan or gauri is probably going to lead a disciplined lifestyle that prioritizes routine, health, and work ethics. so sure she is not a party person and leads a more disciplined life.
  • Given that Aquarius is an air sign, the spouse may have a distinct sense of style that strikes a balance between realism and a hint of unconventionality.
  • shahrukh khan’s Horoscope suggest that his life partner could also be drawn to work that is focused on the community, academic endeavors, or humanitarian causes.
  • Their marriage ( marriage of sharukh khan and gauri khan) will probably be built on equality and respect for one another, with a great focus on friendship and common values.
  • past life reincarnation re birth
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about his past life time core, basics ?

  • Now to study or know what kind of wife or life partner shahrukh khan had in previous life reincarnation, we need to study his basic life in past life. so also some comparisons to this life time of shahrukh is also done.
  • In the Past life Horoscope (PLA) of shahrukh khan’s Mars, the ruler of Aries, delivers a complicated blend of tremendous energy, unforeseen life events, and transformative experiences when it is placed in the 8th house with Ketu and Mercury, the lord of the 6th house. so in his previous life incarnation shahrukh khan might have had a tough and very aggressive un predictable life. but so also due to ketu he could have been close to dharma or religion. so again he could have been very passionate and aggressive whatever he did. the same passion is visible in this life time for films in shahrukh khan.
  • The 8th house is in charge of issues pertaining to metamorphosis, concealment, abrupt shifts, longevity, and occult knowledge. so also there is a possibility of occult knowledge to shahrukh khan in previous life time. as rahu ketu axis is also there, it could be to do with religions which are non Vedic. Like Christianity, Islam or Judaism as well.
  • With Mercury as the lord of the sixth house and Mars opposite Ketu, the person may be bold and resolute but also vulnerable to unforeseen setbacks or difficulties in life. so he had chronic ailment, thefts and conspiracies in previous life reincarnation . sure he has conspiracy in this life time as well his son got jailed but still better than his previous life time.
  • Mercury also adds themes of rivalry, conflict, and health-related concerns.
  • Characteristics of the Mind in past life reincarnation for Past life Horoscope (PLA) of shahrukh khan and this life time connection

  • shahrukh khan probably had a strong sense of independence, be very private, and have a keen curiosity about taboo or hidden topics like psychology, spirituality, or metaphysics. So he could have been a maulana or a religious preacher in his life time. be it for Jews or also Christian father.
  • When Mars is in the eighth house, a person may possess strong resolve, fortitude, and the ability to manage difficult situations well. so he had all this and continues to come to this life time as well.
  • The native may be better able to concentrate on spiritual or mystical endeavors thanks to Ketu, the planet of detachment and spiritual insight.
  • This could make them more introspective and drawn to the occult or esoteric domains.
  • But this combination can also result in impulsivity or a propensity to behave hastily, especially when there’s danger or disagreement. so he has carried on this impulsivity in this life time as well.
  • While Mercury’s influence from the 6th house might help shahrukh khan in past life reincarnation become more analytical and sharp-witted, it can also cause mental unrest and over thinking in his previous life times. he has been a bit jumpy in this life time as well. πŸ™‚ observe him in his movies.
  • Events and Difficulties in Life in his previous life time and this life time connection

  • due to mars lordships and in 8th house it comes to life events, this combination portends a life filled with abrupt and erratic shifts, especially when it comes to relationships, health, and money for shahrukh khan in previous life reincarnation. Now in this life time he has been pretty stable. πŸ™‚ so this karma he has worked out somehow.
  • The native may encounter unanticipated difficulties or foes in hiding. the secret enemies part is true for shahrukh khan in this life time as well, but less and more controlled.
  • Mars and Ketu in the eighth house may bring about a dramatic change in one’s life, perhaps brought about by obstacles that force one to mature.
  • Inheritances, shared resources, investments, and financial matters could all involve varying fortunes, particularly because of Ketu’s detached attitude. so as we shared he as more of a maulana of jewish or Muslim or also father of Christian faith in previous life sojourn.
  • In this combination, health complications associated with Mercury (the lord of the sixth house) may include nervous system illnesses, skin problems, or digestive disorders. we don’t know if he still suffers from these unless in this life time,.
  • Conflicts at work or in the court system could also put the native’s forbearance and patience to the test.
  • Notwithstanding these obstacles, the native’s inner fortitude and resourcefulness can result in substantial personal development, especially in the areas of spirituality and self-awareness.
  • Basic cross check of the past life reincarnation of shahrukh khan by other methods

  • Jupiter gets into Taurus and gets energy of rahu and ketu and also mercury and mars. so he was an complex combination of action energy and non conventional or different thinking in previous life time. so all the core energies are getting confirmed now.
  • past life horoscope shahrukh khan gauri khan
    what does the past life or reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan say about his past life time wife and how it connects to gauri khan in this life time ?
    astrological comparison of shahrukh khan this life time wife and past life time reincarnation wife ?

  • The life partner so sharukh khan in previous life reincarnation was likely to combine Sagittarian intellect and adventure with Venusians charm when Venus, the lord of the 7th house, is placed in Sagittarius in the 9th house. so one could expect more dharma inclination of wife of shahrukh khan in previous life time. so also more optimism. yes gauri khan is more innovative and philosophical in that sense.
  • Venus is the sign that rules relationships, love, and beauty; Jupiter rules Sagittarius, which provides traits like spirituality, higher education, and a passion for travel. so education and higher learning and spirituality could have been her focus. all this gels with the maulana saheb possible profile of shahrukh khan in his previous lifetimes.
  • The combination points to a partner of previous life time reincarnation of being free-spirited, philosophical outlook on life and an attractive, pleasant manner.
  • The spouse’s personality past life time and how it connects to gauri khan in this life time

  • The partner is probably highly intelligent, well-educated, and passionate about spirituality or philosophy.
  • They might have a strong moral compass and frequently pursue knowledge of the higher good.
  • Due to their Sagittarius sign, they will likely cherish independence in both thought and behavior.
  • They may also enjoy traveling, experiencing new places, and learning about novel concepts.
  • They will take an open-minded, liberal stance on partnerships, emphasizing mutual respect and growth.
  • The partner is probably going to be upbeat and vibrant, and you might enjoy spending time with them because of their adventurous spirit and sense of humor.
  • Prioritizing intellectual compatibility, they will look for a mate who enjoys learning and discovery as much as they do.
  • Outward Look and Way of Life of past life time wife of shahrukh khan and gauri khan

  • Venus’s influence is likely to manifest physically in the spouse’s pleasing appearance and attractive or young aura for his wife in previous li8fe time reincarnation . venus has a strong influence on gauri khan as well she is a great designer and has invested into films as well.
  • Because Sagittarius is an easy-going sign, they may have an air of informality mixed with grace and elegance. Sagittarian traits are somewhat there in gauri khan but not fully.
  • Their fashion sense is probably understated yet elegant, with a penchant for practical yet cozy clothes that accentuate their sense of adventure.
  • The partner of the previous life time of shahrukh khan will take pleasure in traveling, being outside, and partaking in intellectually stimulating hobbies such as reading, picking up a new language, or going to cultural events. this has some overlap with activities of gauri khan.
  • They could also have a spiritual bent and be drawn to philosophical or religious activities.
  • All in all, their life will be harmonious and balanced, combining the search for truth and greater wisdom with the pursuit of pleasure and beauty.
  • The partner of past life time of shahrukh khan likely to be self-assured, self-reliant, and charismatic when the Sun, the lord of the fifth house, is positioned in the seventh house. this innovation and independence still continues in this life time for gauri khan.
  • The spouse was likely to be self-assured and have leadership abilities because the Sun is a symbol of authority, vitality, and self-expression.so again this is a carried on trait and is present in his wife gauri khan in this life time as well.
  • They might exude confidence and charisma in social settings, endearing themselves to others with their powerful presence.
  • This placement frequently suggests that his past life time life partner values respect and appreciation in relationships and may be an independent, dignified person.
  • They probably take pride in the partnership and are driven, ambitious, and supportive of each other. so his life tumults and connections to dharma had full support from this wife from previous life time.
  • Even if they occasionally might have strong beliefs or a domineering demeanor, their dedication to one other’s development and achievement will probably result in a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.
  • Basic cross check of the past life reincarnation spouse of shahrukh khan by other methods

  • venus if we take in Scorpio sign, we have mars and ketu and mercury there. so also on the back is sun in Libra.
    so high dignity and independent lady is predicted. so also highly action oriented and passionate due to mars and ketu. so again connected to religion or karma as well. once again innovative .
  • conclusion horoscope shahrukh khan wife reincarnation past life wife analysis

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation Horoscope of shahrukh khan was somewhat close to what it is in this life time.
  • but sure he got more relief in life in this life time and it was more stable and successful in bollywood. so also he is more into films than being a religious head or maulana may be in the past life reincarnation.
  • but sure the energies of wife or life partner are similar with more of venus and sun , that is aesthetic sense and art and so also high dignity due to venus .
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • he had similar name and fame and opulence in previous life time, but not to the level he has in this life time.
  • so also his career was connected to arts and theatre or films.
  • so also being religious in previous life reincarnation he got so much success in this life time!.
  • //——————————————————————————————————————-

    Astrology Reincarnation Aamir khan rebirth predictions

    astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictionsastrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions

    About this article?

  • In this article , we at length look at past life reincarnation journey of the aamir khan.
  • we look at his career, family life and life in general and how it was in the past life reincarnation.
  • This is done using the parashari astrology systems and some other systems to do additional checks to see if we have arrived to the right conclusions.
  • we find a lot of similarity in karma patterns.
  • we also find how he was in show business, travel, being in limelight or cinema in previous life reincarnation or Purvajanma as well.
  • The article also connects how past life karma of aamir khan connects to his present life karma.
  • we get to know how karma tracks us or the soul from incarnation to incarnation!
    basic structure astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    How was the basic structure of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or re-birth?
    Libra Ascendant, Venus in the Fifth House, Libra Lagna Lord in the Fifth House:

  • Venus becomes the Lagna lord when Libra or tula rashi is the ascendant, and its position in the 5th house suggests a close relationship with imagination, learning, love, and financial speculation for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth as well.
  • Success in creative or intellectual endeavors, as well as artistic inclinations and a refined sense of beauty, are frequently associated with this position of venus was also there.
  • as venus the planet of creativity and beauty and so also films gets into the 5th house of creativity and higher expression.
  • so all these things are accentuated.
  • With this location of venus or shukra , Aamir Khan might succeed in the entertainment, artistic, educational, or investment domains in his previous life incarnation as well or past life.
  • The planet Venus is also a passionate and love-enhancing planet in the 5th house, which helps to create a harmonious and captivating personality.
  • so all this was true what is true in this life time of having a captivating personality and creativity in personality in his previous sojourn as well.
  • we can see 100% correlation here.
  • This placement was auspicious for creative endeavors, parenting, and riskier endeavors like investing in the stock market.
  • so we can see high risk behaviors of aamir khan was there earlier as well and this is a carried over trait of his.
  • Libra Lagna Lord (Venus in Kumbha Rashi) in Aquarius or kumbha rashi

  • Venus, the Libran ruler, mixes the elegance and beauty of Venus or shukra graha with the creative and inventive force of Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi).
  • We know that venus means creativity and so also Aquarius means innovation and new ways of doing things.
  • so a mix of this gives aamir khan high creativity and innovation in previous life incarnation as well.
  • this is a carried on trait of his.
  • Because of this positioning, Aamir Khan was seen as progressive, idealistic, and humanitarian.
  • in his previous existence as well Venus in Aquarius inspires a desire of independence of Aquarius or kumbha , individuality again of kumbha or Aquarius, and nontraditional partnerships.
  • Individuals with this placement might be drawn to professions in huge organizations, social reform, or technology or some niche work for him in past life reincarnation.
  • Venus and Aquarius make a futuristic or inventive combination that boosts creativity and helps people succeed in areas where creativity and innovation meet.
  • all these qualities of being innovative and futuristic are still there in aamir khan in this life time incarnation as well.
  • πŸ™‚

    Strong Saturn-Venus Conjunction in Kumbha Rashi, with Venus in Aquarius:

  • A powerful Saturn in its own sign of Aquarius denotes duty, self-control, and an attention to long-term objectives.
  • the energies of Saturn get shared with venus or lagna of aamir khan in previous life.
  • so clearly the high discipline aamir khan show in this life time was there in previous life time reincarnation as well.
  • Saturn or shani in Aquarius offers progressive concepts and social improvements a methodical approach.
  • aamir khan continues with the same approach in this life time as well.
  • His movies of lagaan etc clearly reflect his high discipline and socials improvement for a success.
  • When Saturn and Venus align as is the case for him, it can bring creativity and pragmatism into harmony, paving the way for successes in artistic endeavors through rigorous and focused work.
  • This combination frequently denotes success in occupations involving technology, innovation, or big businesses where one’s creative or social ideals are realized via consistent, diligent effort.
  • so all his could have been true for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth .
  • so he could have been involved in big business or matter involving deeper effort.
  • Relationships can also become more stable when Saturn and Venus align, but there may be delays or new duties when it comes to matters of love and partnership.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with other methods for aamir khan general traits
    Jupiter in his previous life reincarnation gets into Pisces sign with sun and mercury.

  • so sure he had great talent and dignity and dharma in previous life time as well.
  • so also aligned to dharma as well.
  • again he had a high dignity life in previous life time as well.
  • so again he was intelligent and quick to understand things as he is in this life time.
  • but he had certain issues in his hasty and indirect thinking and what he spoke.
  • career job astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    work or career of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    Career Lord: Moon, 10th House Lord in Cancer:

  • The Moon becomes the ruler of career and public image while Cancer is in the 10th house.
  • As the lord of the tenth house, the Moon implies a cyclical or variable professional path, marked by periods of expansion interspersed with moments of introspection.
  • So in the past life reincarnation of aamir Khan had a career that was fluid and travelling one.
  • so also it could have to do with cinema or travel due to moon energies.
  • Aamir Khan, whose career is ruled by the Moon in past life , may succeed in industries that deal with nurturing, care, or emotions, like healthcare, hospitality, or counseling.
  • so also in this life time he is dealing with emotions and care.
  • Although the Moon’s influence frequently results in public attention, it can also bring about emotional engagement in the workplace.
  • so again he was in public glare in previous incarnation as well, so sis it true for him in this life time as well.
  • His Careers may have included travel, adjustments, or public interactions; intuition and adaptability are frequently the keys to success.
  • so apart from film industry he might have been in public dealings or feelings related careers.
  • The Lord Moon is located in the 10th House.

  • the 10th house’s ruler, the Moon in the 10th house promotes both public awareness and employment opportunities for aamir khan in previous life reincarnation .
  • as the 10th house is public and moon is travel, so combined means travel in the public.
  • With this placement, Aamir Khan may have had a prominent public or leadership role in a career that is frequently very visible.
  • so πŸ™‚ clearly he was very famous in previous life reincarnation also.
  • A caring approach to career can be indicated by the Moon’s position in the 10th house, which qualifies aamir for leadership positions requiring emotional intelligence and sensitivity.
  • so leaderships, sensitivity and emotional intelligence is highly there in aamir khan in this life timer as well.
  • But the Moon’s erratic behavior could lead to ups and downs in a career.
  • so did aamir khan have ups and downs in this life time as well.
  • This placement also raises the possibility that emotional or familial issues, as well as flexibility in the face of change, could affect one’s reputation and level of success.
  • so also he or aamir khan had familial issues in this life time as well.
  • he married twice or divorced at least once.
  • more reports of possible 3rd marriage were also in.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with other methods for career general traits

  • Saturn or shani in Capricorn, means he had an original work and lot of hard work was involved in the same.
  • Moon aspects Saturn from cancer sign.
  • so again it could have been a public job and to do with human emotions and sensitivity as is the case with films.
  • so over all the structure of past life of aamir khan matches in both lifetimes.
  • family astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions
    Family Life of aamir Khan in his previous life reincarnation or re-birth?
    Saturn in Capricorn with Venus and Rahu in the 5th House, or the 4th House Lord Saturn:

  • Placed in the 5th house, Saturn or shani dev , the ruler of the 4th house (home, domestic life, and emotional foundations), suggests that responsibilities pertaining to children, education, or creative endeavors may contribute to stability in the household in his previous life reincarnation.
  • so aamir khan did have responsibilities for kids children and creative deliveries or films or related work in previous life time as well.
  • πŸ™‚
    This location implies a serious attitude to creative and emotional issues, which frequently requires Aamir Khan to put in a lot of effort in order to feel emotionally fulfilled in his previous earthly sojourn.
  • we can see he is still not emotionally satisfied in this life time and want high perfection in films he does to do so.
  • Although Saturn or shani in the 5th house might cause delays or difficulties with children or risky endeavors in his previous life reincarnation, it also might have brought in structure and discipline, which eventually leads to success in these areas for him.
  • the same discipline continues in this life time as well for aamir khan.
  • Given that Rahu, the North Node, and Venus, the Lord of the Eighth House, are both in the Fifth House, Aamir Khan might have gone profound and life-changing experiences in the areas of love in previous life time .
  • so also sued his creativity, and risk-takingβ€”sometimes by using unusual methods.
  • so also in this life time in movie like ghazni and lagaan aamir khan uses creative and risk taking ventures to re establish himself in movies.
  • so same traits continue.
  • 8th House Lord and North Node, with Venus and Rahu in the 4th House Lord in Capricorn:

  • The placement of Saturn or shani dev , the lord of the fourth house, in Capricorn alongside Venus and Rahu r dragon’s head adds complexity to one’s emotional and domestic life of aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Changes pertaining to home, family, and emotional stability would have been profound, abrupt, and transforming when Venus, the lord of the eighth house, aligns with Rahu for aamir khan.
  • as we shared earlier similar trends are there in this life time as well.
  • This placement might result in a peculiar or out-of-the-ordinary home setting for aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Rahu’s presence suggests outside influences or abrupt, unforeseen circumstances that affect family life or property-related issues.
  • Rahu’s or dragon’s head’s erratic character necessitates careful handling, yet this combination can also result in material rewards through real estate, inheritance, or speculative endeavors.
  • so rahu and venus in his horoscope indicate the instability in married life and this life time as well.
  • we have discussed his divorces and affairs as well.
  • some cross checks for past life reincarnation with other methods for aamir khan family patterns traits

  • venus the karaka for family is taken back on Capricorn or Saturn ruled sign makes it dry and arid for family matters for aamir khan in past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • so also venus has aspect of Moon , that is a traveler.
  • so again there is fluidity in married life and family of past life of aamir khan.
  • this is continued trait for this life time as well.
  • conclusion astrology reincarnation aamir khan rebirth predictions

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation of aamir khan was very close to what it is in this life time in terns of career, love or family life.
  • be it the general life.
  • it was high dignity but t the same time abrupt as well.
  • he had name and fame and opulence as he has in this life time.
  • so also his career was connected to arts, something unique and theatre or films.
  • so is the same in this life time.
  • The only thing is his family life was abruptly affected.
  • something similar to what he has in this life time.

  • Astrology Of Reincarnation Amitabh Bachchan re-birth Analysis

    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm amitabh bachchan

    About this article?

  • In this article, we at length look at past life reincarnation journey of the majestic and king amitabh bachchan.
  • we look at his career, family life and life in general.
  • using the parashari astrology systems and some other systems to do additional checks.
  • we find a lot of similarity and surprises as well.
  • we also find how he was in show business or cinema in previous life reincarnation or Purvajanma as well.
  • The article also connects how past life karma connects to his present life karma. we get to know how karma tracks us or the soul from incarnation to incarnation.
    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    Reincarnation Horoscope of amitabh bachchan
    reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    How was the basic structure of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    Ascendant Lord Venus in Debility in the 12th House:

  • Relationships, money, and self-worth issues can all be impacted by Venus’s debilitation in the 12th house for sri amitabh bachchan in his past life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Losses, costs, and solitude was represented by the 12th house, and the inherent peace and comfort that Venus offers was weakened by a weak Venus for amitabh bachchan’s life in purva janma or previous life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • Amitabh bachchan could had experienced problems in intimate relationships, struggle to feel emotionally fulfilled, or feel cut off in his previous reincarnation. which is quite opposite to this life time πŸ™‚ as he is very emotionally fulfilled here.
  • Financial issues could be brought on either case less expenditure or unreported costs for him. Yes he did face some financial issues in this life time as well when he was broke- but most of it he recovered.
  • he was Participating in spiritual or humanitarian endeavors in previous life reincarnation.
  • To restore emotional equilibrium, amitabh bachchan might turn to spiritual activities or seclusion for comfort. This is yet to be seen in this life time. though he has gone deep into Yoga etc in this life time.
  • Ascending Lord in Virgo Sign:

  • amitabh bachchan with the ascendant lord in Virgo is likely to be analytical, realistic, and meticulous in his previous life incarnation. he continues to had the same talent in this life as well as he carries on the same in KBC or kaun banega crorepati serial managing and handling so many people so well.
  • A Virgo person is methodical in their approach to life and places a high emphasis on routine, health, and service. so he was quite regular and methodical in previous life reincarnation. the same skill or discipline in this life time has given him so much of success!
  • amitabh bachchan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth may had a propensity for overanalyzing things or being unduly critical of other people or himself, but He was probably strong in was as that call for organization and critical thinking.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life reincarnation or rebirth may be drawn to careers of health care , communications, or customer service, and their methodical approach to work helps him succeed in these domains. so also careers to do with arts or films or anything creative. the same continues in this life time as well.
  • amitabh bachchan in previous life time needed to exercise caution, though, so that in their quest for perfection He don’t become overly rigid or worried. the quest for perfection is still high in this life time as well! It is this perfection that to amitabh bachchan so high in life.
  • Ascending Lord with Strong Mercury:

  • Amitabh bachchan had improved mental capacity, communication skills, and adaptability as the ascending lord is conjunct or connected with a strong Mercury even in previous life times or reincarnations.
  • Amitabh bachchan in previous life time with Mercury’s strength has a sharp mind, which makes him articulate, witty, and quick learners even that incarnations. he still retains his wit and Humor in this life time! one can very well see that in films and also KBC serial.
  • Because Amitabh bachchan was able to communicate ideas clearly and efficiently, this combination was advantageous for him in previous life time for vocations in writing, teaching, business, or communication. Films and other creative industries need all these talents.
  • He also had enhanced problem-solving abilities and was easily able to adjust to changing surroundings in his previous life time.
  • Social contacts and relationships were also enhanced for amitabh bachchan in previous life time because He was typically cordial and interesting. his cordiality is still reflected in his behavior in this life time.
  • To prevent anxiety, it can be necessary to strike a balance between cerebral energy and physical grounding.
  • Ascendant Lord with powerful Sun:

  • Amitabh bachchan ‘s self-expression, confidence, and leadership abilities was enhanced when the ascendant lord is linked to a powerful Sun for his previous life reincarnation horoscope. the same leadership qualities are strongly reflected in this life time.
  • Because of the clarity and sense of purpose that the Sun’s strength offers, Amitabh bachchan was driven and ambitious to succeed even in previous life time. so we see continuity of the same energy here in this life time!
  • In both their personal and professional spheres, He was frequently seen as authoritative individuals due to their inherent charisma.
  • Success in leadership roles, politics, or positions of authority was encouraged by this combination, allowing him to shine.
  • However, the powerful Sun can sometimes make Amitabh bachchan appear domineering or self-centered in his previous reincarnation, so He may had to watch out for ego or an oppressive attitude. Now this was true with amitabh bachchan in previous part of his life time but now it is not true for hi.
  • The idea was to strike a balance between confidence and modesty in his previous life time. which is true for this life time as well. he is quite modest and also a great success as well at the same time!
  • some cross checks here of past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji using other methods

  • Jupiter if taken to Gemini clearly suggest that amitabh bachchan was quick witted and highly creative and communicative in previous life time as well.
  • so also a fair Saturn close by in Taurus sign, gave him fair strength and philosophy in previous life times as well.
  • he continues to have the same philosophy in this life time as well.
  • Mars the lord of 11th house form Gemini suggest that it was a high action career even in previous life time of amitabh bachchan .
  • Jupiter in rotation first connects to rahu, so it could mean a work in film industry itself or something to do with diplomacy or communication related work.
  • career job reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    work or career of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    The exalted Jupiter is in the 10th house of career of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji ,

  • IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji his, domains of reputation, public life, and the workplace were extremely fortunate. just like they are in this life time.:) he has a fully fledged raja Yoga of great life in films and success and now he does TV advertisements and KBC serials etc .
  • Jupiter or guru is symbolic of ethics, intelligence, and quick progress while it is in exaltation (in Cancer), making him well-liked in both his field and society in the past . very close to what is there in this life time.
  • This location of Jupiter represents a prosperous person who maintains moral principles, intelligence, and integrity.
  • He in his past life rebirth or reincarnation would usually looked up to as mentors, advisors, or leaders in their field because of their innate capacity to inspire others. The ability to inspires others is there in this life time as well.
  • hw could have greatly preferred to work in the disciplines of education, law, philosophy, spirituality, or any other subject that calls for knowledge and discernment in past life reincarnation of his .
  • Amitabh bachchan probably had a steady, long-term development that raised him to a high social standing and wins him honor and respect even in his past birth.
  • Jupiter’s exaltation will reward their efforts, leading to long-term riches predicated on moral behavior. so is it true in thus life time and he has all the great riches desired by all.
  • 10th House career Lord Moon in Lagna (Ascendant) of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji :

  • When the 10th house lord Moon is in the Lagna (Ascendant),Amitabh bachchan career connected to public life is highlighted in his IN past life reincarnation or rebirth .
  • His identity, emotions, and professional aspirations was closely related, according to the Moon’s placement in the first house to his self.
  • he often had a deep emotional connection to his line of work, which often influences who He was .
  • He most likely had a public presence or operate in a profession that requires frequent interpersonal engagement.
  • This placement may help Amitabh bachchan develop empathy and compassion, which is beneficial in fields like social work, counseling, or health matters in previous li8fe time .
  • However, He should have ensured that job highs and lows don’t had an excessive effect on his mental health because their emotional nature can affect how He leads in their professional life in previous life time. we know his professions was intense in past life time and this life time as well. so also he was somewhat affected mentally by this. but he being initiated in Yoga etc is much better off.
  • Lord of the Tenth House career lord in Libra Sign in the IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji :

  • as the lord of the tenth house is in Libra, the sign of harmony, balance, and relationships, Amitabh bachchan is most likely pursued in diplomatic relations, negotiation, or artistic expression. diplomatic roles he still does in this life time, when you watch him in KBC.
  • Libra is a sign that rules the tenth house and is strongly associated with justice, equity, and teamwork in the workplace.
  • Amitabh bachchan may have been successful in professions like public relations, politics, law, or partnerships that call for harmony and tact. now movie and cinema and arbitrators role, in KBC he is playing the role for public relationships essentially.
  • He was adept at managing relationships in the workplace and often approach their task with charm, reason, and strategy. he has care and adaptive nature in this life time as well.
  • He may need to proceed with caution, though, as it can be challenging for him to make important decisions in their professional lives if He was extremely indecisive or if He rely too much on the approval of others.
  • some cross checks here of IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji using other methods

  • Saturn the karaka for job in its transit would first connect to exalted Jupiter.
  • this gives him great finesse in acting in previous life reincarnation. so also Saturn is in Aries sign or mesha rashi.
  • so some action oriented and leadership work he was doing. in this life time also he is doing a leadership or master hero role.
  • That’s what we call him maha nayak.saturn has an aspects of Moon or mind in Libra the sign of arts and theatre.
  • so clearly a strong influence on arts and theatre was there on amitabh bachchan’s career in previous life time.
  • family reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm
    Family Life of amitabh bachchan in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth?
    the Fourth House’s Lord Saturn in the Eighth House of the Family IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji

  • Family matters could get more difficult and complex for amitabh ji in past life reincarnation as Saturn, the fourth house’s lord, is in the eighth house. so in this life time he is with jaya bachchan ji much better settled and with better status .:0 we will check this with other methods below.
  • Whereas Saturn is associated with responsibility, planning, and delays, the eighth house is associated with transformation, dormant issues, and sudden changes. so thats what amitabh would have experienced in his previous life reincarnation or rebirth.
  • This combination may indicate a strict, conventional, or overly committed family environment in his previous life existence.
  • There may be obstacles or challenges related to family life, property matters, or inheritance.
  • Amitabh bachchan person may have experienced emotional isolation from others or be overburdened with responsibilities that had a negative impact on family relationships in his previous life time.
  • However, Saturn’s influence also encourages fortitude and endurance, which helped Amitabh bachchan deal with difficult familial situations gradually and patiently. The emotionalism and higher sensitivity and fortitude is still to be seen in this life time.
  • Family: Lord Saturn in Taurus, 4th House IN past life rebirth or reincarnation of Sri Amitabh bahchchan ji

  • Saturn or shani dev , the ruler of the fourth house, is found in Taurus or vrishabha sign , the sign that is ruled by Venus.
  • This suggests that tradition, stability, and material comfort was likely be important aspects of family life; nevertheless, these qualities may develop gradually and steadily. the traditions are still strong in this life time for amitabh bachchan ji. so this is a continued karmic trait.
  • Taurus is a practical sign that likes security, thus the family environment might have revolved around creating long-term stability, especially with reference to property or wealth.
  • Even though Saturn is in the comforting and secure sign of Taurus, its placement may also result in delays or labor-intensive commitments.
  • Families also might be valuing traditions and practical lifestyles, even if Saturn can cast a gloomy shadow over family relationships and prioritize practical goals above expressive emotions IN past life reincarnation of sri amitabh bahchchan ji . so just like amitabh bachchan had affairs in this life time, he might have had in previous incarnation and gloom would have gotten covered.
  • Exalted Jupiter Aspected the Fourth House in previous life reincarnation of amitabh bachchan or purvajanma or say rebirth: ji

  • The fourth house is aspected by Exalted Jupiter (in Cancer), which brings wealth, development, and favorable aspects to matters with family and self-perception in his previous life existence.
  • Jupiter’s aspect provides harmony, discernment, and emotional support within the family for him. in this life time also he has all support and security in life.
  • This characteristic alludes to a devoted, kind, and spiritually-minded family environment that places a high value on values like compassion, knowledge, and traditions.
  • Amitabh bachchan may have had favor in their family and community since He was typically viewed as reasonable, devout, and charitable individuals. amitabh bachchan in this life time also is very devout and charitable guy. He gives big donations.
  • This placement strengthens the foundation of family life and gives prosperity, security, and emotional joy.
  • Amitabh bachchan ‘s home life is most likely a peaceful and developing environment, and their moral character and strong familial bonds contribute to their favorable public perception.
  • some cross checks here for past life reincarnation or Purvajanma for amitabh bachchan

  • Venus has mercury, sun and mars with it in the horoscope.
  • venus is in debility so issues in family life were there.
  • but a nice environment mix of intellectualism , fun and thrill and dignity was there.
  • all which is there in this life time as well.
  • Jupiter is exalted in the 11th house in cancer, so a high dignity family life like it is in this life time was there.
  • conclusion reincarnation rebirth karma punarjanm

  • Like a science we can see that past life reincarnation of amitabh bachchan was very close to what it is in this life time.
  • be it the general life.
  • it was high dignity and at a different level.
  • he had name and fame and opulence.
  • so also his career was connected to arts and theatre or films.
  • so is the same in this life time.
  • The only thing is his family life was a bit bad and affected.
  • which is much better in this life time.