About This Article
This article at length covers How the Karakasmha Kundli or horoscope .
Also the 8th house of Karakamsha Horoscope or Kundli.
Also eighth house related ideas like travel, unexpected happenings , foreign travels is discussed at length.
The article suggest how could Karakamsha 8th house Help you know about Foreign travels?
Also how does it connect to Un-expected health or money Problems?
Also how using the Karakasmha Kundli and 8th Bhava analysis we can know about terror attacks in any country?
The article also explores how the eighth house or bhava of Karakamsha Kundli could be used to measure Longevity or Life Span of anyone?;)
The article deeply analyses the 8th house or bhava from the Karakamsha for any Horoscope or Kundli.
As the 8th house deals with longevity, foreign travel, and life span plus legacy or terrorism. It takes that up.
Based on the eighth house of any Horoscope or Kundli the article also takes up an illustrative example of a former prime minister of India to explain foreign travel.
Also say sudden death due to terrorism and yes longevity of the same.
It then takes up an illustrative example of Sri Narendra Modi Ji to explain how Jaimini astrology based Karakamsha eighth house can predict about his Legacy.
Also foreign travels and also longevity etc.

What is the role of 8th bhava in the karakamsha chart or horoscope
Overview of Karakamsha eighth(8th) House

The eighth house of the Karakamsha Horoscope makes the person and attracted to his or her religion ,if 8th house lord is strong enough in the Horoscope.
This religion here could mean occult , astrology or Vedic dharma & tantra .
If the planet moon is here it would cause the person to have a slightly negative attitude towards teachers and elders .

What is the Role of Double Malefic energy for the 8th bhava from Karakamsha?
If the Malefics like Rahu,Saturn, Mars or Sun are there in the 8th bhava of the Karakamsha.
Then there is double malefic energy ,so can cause issues to the colon health issues and on the positive side foreign travels for the person.
If in the above situation the eighth from karakamsha lagna is strong ,it in man’s horoscope suggests attraction to female and for women attraction to men.
But Mars or Mangal here in 8th bhava does affect the longevity or life-span as such.

How is Longevity or Lifespan Influences by the 8th Bhava from the Karakamsha?
Many malefic here in the 8th from karakamsha suggest issues in longevity of the person.
also higher malefics like Mars or Mangal here suggest issues in travel to distant lands as well.
sex or sensual pleasures may also be high in the person
When Saturn or Shani dev here and is afflicted in 8th and a weak lagan bhava lord is there, means short lifespan .

Some more details of travel and Longevity or Life span from the 8th bhava from the Karakamsha
On the contrary if a benefic planet is there in the 8th bhava or say there is a presence of good planets like Jupiter(Guru) , Venus(shukra) or mercury(budha) in the 8th bhava.
This means enhancement in lifespan or longevity for the person.
The king planet sun here causes some issues in travel and longevity matters .

How does the 8th house or bhava from Karakamsha in Kundli Or Horoscope suggest about Longevity of a Person ?
Now what does 8th house from karakamsha horoscope reveal ;)?so it reveals that if benefic or good planet like Jupiter(guru), Venus(shukra) a strong moon(Chandra) is there in the 8th house from the karakamsha.
the person has long life or longevity.
but if it has a malefic or negative planet like Ketu(dragon’s tail), Rahu(dragon’s head) , Saturn, or Shani and also mars or Mangal or even mercury/moon with negative influences there.
Then the longevity or life span gets reduced.

How the various good or bad effects of Karakamsha in Kundli Or Horoscope could impact the longevity or lifespan ?
so, all the above good and bad effects apply for aspects or conjunction by benefics or malefic with the 8th house or 8th house lord.
also if there is a balance of negative and positive energy going to the 8th house or bhava (lord or house itself).
Then the lifespan or longevity of the person is average .As there is a mix of energies here.

what roles do the 8th house of karakamsha Horoscope play for to do with Travels and Foreign Travels?
How does the 8th house or bhava from Karakamsha in Kundli Or Horoscope suggests foreign travels ?
Going by the same thinking as foreign travel or short foreign Travels . also how does it has connected with 8th house has to be understood.
so following similar rules like above if eighth house and lord is strong so one would have very fruitful Journeys 🙂 in foreign lands. But if the 8th House Lord is weak.
then there could be issues or concerns in regard to the journey of the person.
The 8th house is very closely related to longevity of the person . so stronger is it more deerghayu longevity of the person

Impacts of the eighth House planets and other energies from Karakamsha.
what is the role of benefics and malefics from the 8th house from Karakamsha in Kundli Or Horoscope in longevity or lifespan ?
If in the horoscope or Kundli (Birth Chart) On the off chance that a benefic (moon/Venus/mercury or Chandra/shukra/budha).
or the Graha, owning the eighth from Karakamsha, happens to be in the eighth from ascendant or lagan, the person will be seemingly long lived.
while a malefic (like rahu, mars or Saturn- that is rahu or dragon’s head, Mangal or Shani).
Set in the eighth from Karakamsha, will decrease the life expectancy of the person.
Drishti or Yuti (aspect)of both benefics and malefic will yield a medium traverse of life.

A study of karakamsha Horoscope as an example for a VIP person , who left at a Young due to terror attacks and also had travelled extensively to foreign lands
Now as a sample case we study one of the VIP chart.
The overall Longevity Aspects and Foreign Travel aspects.
so now looking at the horoscope(kundli) of the gentleman he has atma Karaka that is the planet with maximum longitude as mercury or budha.
This planet is at 28 degrees 37 minutes . so now look at the Navamsha chart .
The planet mercury is sitting in the dhanu rashi or Sagittarius sign and the 8th house from the same is Cancer sign or Makar rashi.
we have a Rahu(dragon’s head) sitting there and exalted Jupiter is also there.
From the Navamsha lagan mercury or budha is sitting in the 6th house. The 8th house from the 6th house Sagittarius sign of Dhanu Rashi is cancer as we shared above.
now the 8th house is ruled by moon or Chandra.
This moon is sitting in the 10th house from the karakamsha lagan dhanu or Sagittarius. This helps in giving him the VIP status.

How is the foreign Travel suggested for him in the karakamsha Horoscope or Kundli?
Now 8th house of this VIP has Jupiter and Rahu . so, he was in fact in foreign places. rahu(dragon’s head) is also karaka for foreign travel.
but also Rahu(dragon’s head) means un-expected attack .as Rahu(dragon’s head).
Is very aggressive on the cancer sign as it is fire and cancer sign are water.
also note that Jupiter is the lagan so stands for the body of the person.

How is the Unexpected Terror Attack suggested based on the karakamsha Horoscope or Kundli?
Now as lagan Lord sitting in the eight house of the horoscope. so that means unexpected accidents are possible.
The 8th(eighth) house stands for accidents as well.
plus Rahu(dragon’s head) is also there so there is a high chance of unexpected and terror attacks on the person.

Does the karakamsha Horoscope or Kundli suggest love with a foreigner?
So, 8th(eighth) house and malefic and agitated Rahu(dragon’s head) cause this person to have a bomb explosion in a terror attack and got killed or shaheed for India.
But sure, due to exalted Jupiter or Guru in the 8th bhava or house .
he had dignified travels to distant lands & was also married to a foreigner as well .
So, all this based on Jaimini astrology karakamsha chart is 100% correct!

Karakamsha , the Eighth House(Bhava) of Kundli – rules longevity, foreign travels, unexpected matters – Horoscope Analysis & Predictions

Karakamsha , the Eighth House(Bhava) of Kundli – rules longevity, foreign travels, unexpected matters – Narendra Modi Ji Horoscope Analysis & Predictions
If in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) In As Saturn(Shani) is the Atma karaka in Sri Narendra modi Ji’s Kundli, it being in sixth house or vighna bhava of navamsha.
also eighth from the same is rules by cancer or Karkat Rashi or planet moon sitting in tenth house .
Also the lord of twelfth & fifth sitting in the eight house.
If in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) ,Moon ruling the eighth house in Kendra or tenth house give Narendra modi Ji has a good longevity.
Moon also gives Narendra modi ji – good chances of travel.
He has been travelling and moving even before he became the prime minister of India or chief minister of Gujarat.
If in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) of sri Narendra modi ji, Mars or Mangal ruling twelfth(travels) and fifth house of learning sits in the eighth house.
This would give him good, landed property sooner or later in life.
Also he might donate land for religious institutions or ashrams as the mars rules lands and religious institutions for him.
There is a strong connection of sri Narendra Modi ji’s countrymen (children the fifth house) to his house of land and longevity the eighth house.
If in the horoscope or Kundli(Birth Chart) sri Narendra modi ji, has the eight-house lord in his tenth house of karma or action( career and job).
so creating unexpected political enemies for him.
Yes travels in job are a high chance for him.
As moon energy takes care of his longevity( d9 or Navamsha chart the division of cancer is important for him), so he needs to take special care in periods or sub periods of moon( that is dasha or sub dasha of moon).

What is Karakamsha-? the karakamsha in any Horoscope or Kundli get defined?
Now what is karakamsha? so karakamsha is basically planet in the d1 chart or horoscope, which has the highest longitude amongst the planets.
In this accounting rahu(dragon’s head) and ketu(dragon’s Tail ) are excluded, though some texts suggest including the same.
but being shadowy planets and by experience this does not work out.
so essentially the planet that has spent the maximum time and energy in a sign and absorbed the same is considered the highest energy 😉 planet.
the basic sutra is this.
The house in the d9 or Navamsha chart which the planet with maximum longitude sits is considered the lagna or the ascendant of the horoscope.
also, karakamsha concept is a part of jaimini system of Vedic astrology