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Abhijit Banerjee second person around Economics now we take his Surya Lagan or sun lagna(ascendant) is Aquarius or Kumbha rashi.
also being the eleventh sign, it makes him quite inspired
sun or surya is the lagna.
at the same time, we look at the planet moon Rashi or Moon lagan for him. It is Aries so that gives a great action oriented-ness to do research or carry forward what he wants to do.
what gives Abhijit Banerjee an original mind to win the Nobel prize?
1 = Aries is 1st sign Chandra lagna,11th = surya lagan and sun=number 1.
so that makes Abhijit Banerjee a very inspired original and innovative person. we also know that Ketu is there the lagan or ascendant for Abhijit Banerjee.

What roles does 8th house of bhava play for Abhijit Banerjee Kundli or Horoscope to make him think about commerce and about poor people ?
we at the same time note that planet Mercury or budha the lord of 8th bhava gives him big thinking and mercury closely connects with economics for Commerce.
Does Mercury or Budha have a role in Abhijit Chatterjee’s Nobel prize?
mercury also rules his sitting in 5th house of long term thinking and education.

Does mars or Mangal give great passion or zest to Abhijit Banerjee in his Kundli or Horoscope ?
Mars or Mangal is also there in the 5th house of his horoscope so great action and passion to do things is there for this Nobel prize winner.
so over all Aquarius sign(kumbha rashi), Aries sign(mesha rashi), sun(surya) and mercury contribute to the greatness of Abhijit Banerjee.
What do the planets in the horoscope or Kundli of Nobel prize winner Abhijit Banerjee which talk about his Education?
we look at education of Abhijit Banerjee based on his 4th bhava. from the surya lagan or ascendant in his kundli, Venus(shukra) is exalted as we can see.
which planets give him taste for cooking and other artistic things
what kind of education do the planets point out for Abhijit Banerjee in his horoscopes(kundli)
Now looking at the moon Lagna of Abhijit Banerjee that is Aries sign or mesha rashi. We have moon or Chandra ruling the 4th house of education.
we also carefully note that for Abhijit Banerjee’s horoscope(kundli) the fourth house has an aspect of a strong Saturn or shani dev his core karaka for success in poverty alleviation and debilitated Jupiter or guru is there.

What roles does Saturn or shani dev play for Abhijit Banerjee Kundli or Horoscope ? to make him work for downtrodden people
Saturn or shani number 8 gives Abhijit Banerjee the Nobel prize winner the education to do with logic and as we discussed .

Which planets in Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope made Him go for higher studies or Ph.D. and research ?
which we know for 100% sure ,he got the Nobel Prize for poverty ridden people. Jupiter which is lord of 9th house of Dharma and higher education(from the moon sign Aries) and is close to Saturn in the 12th house of surya lagna.

which planets in the Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope suggest his taking higher education in foreign lands?
Now connecting this conjunction with the fourth house of education, suggest for Abhijit Banerjee that he would have very good and dignified higher education abroad( USA here).
what special does the Moon lagna say for his education?
we also know that because moon is lord of 4th bhava from moon lagan or Aries. so that means Abhijit Banerjee would do something to do with psychology and political science. as moon or Chandra is the mind and political science and psychology connect to it.
What do the planets n the horoscope(kundli) of Nobel prize winner Abhijit Banerjee say about his Higher education?

Does Libra or Tula rashi suggests based on Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope That he would work more for justice or social balance?
Now looking at the higher education of Abhijit Banerjee the Nobel prize winner.

What is the role of Venus in Higher education based on Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope ?
so, the higher education for Abhijit Banerjee is ruled by planet Venus(shukra) is exalted in the Pisces sign(Meena rashi).

what is the roles for Gemini sign or Mithuna rashi for Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope in his winning the Nobel prize ?
Now looking at the same from the Surya Lagna Gemini sign also rules higher education for Abhijit Banerjee. It has mars sitting in the Gemini sign .
What planets in his Horoscope of Abhijit Banerjee gave him a Nobel prize- intensity, success, and fame all :)?

How does Sun or surya in Abhijit Banerjee Kundli or Horoscope suggests Good name and fame for him ?
also, Sun the Surya is the Planet of public image in general(Karaka for the same). sun is a bit weak in the lagan bhava of Abhijit Banerjee.
what gives him(Abhijit Banerjee) such a great image in the world?

what is the role of sun or surya in Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope to give him great image? From the surya lagna the lord of 4th bhava or Taurus sign(vrishabha rashi)of public image and family and home.

how does Pisces sign or 12th sign in Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope help him to travel and settling in foreign lands?
we note that Venus sits on the Pisces sign or Meena Rashi .which is very good for Abhijit Banerjee the Nobel Prize winner :).

what are the two strongest planets in Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope ?
these are the two strongest planets for Abhijit Banerjee Venus is ruling the house of public image(4th) and Saturn is ruling the lagan (ascendant) and 12 and is there.
what do planets say about his area of work of Abhijit Banerjee ?That is to do with poverty and economics?
what made him choose economics as his career?
what planets in Horoscope of gives Abhijit Banerjee Give Him great research capability for the Nobel prize ?
what makes Abhijit Banerjee work for downtrodden or poor r people based on his horoscope(kundli)?

which planet in Abhijit Banerjee’s Kundli or Horoscope give him great career or job success ?
he may also have sudden elevation and depression as well in career. Jupiter which is The Lord of the past life Karma and is weak.
also 8th aspect of mars or Mangal is there to Jupiter- so apart from giving him dignity. Abhijit Banerjee would head research . this is 100% true:).
something about the career of Abhijit Banerjee the Nobel prize winner?
How is Love and Married life for Abhijit banerjee based on his Kundli or Horoscope?
He then divorced here and married his co-researcher, MIT professor Esther Duflo;.
so, let us look at the 7th house of Abhijit Banerjee from surya lagna. IN the 7th house sun rules and is in the enemy sign of Aquarius.
Abhijit Banerjee is born in 21st February 1961 and is an Indian born American economist