This articles talks about Yantras & Amulets(Called mandalas as well). Plus, how various yantras or amulets could eb used very effectively for health , wealth and prosperity and everything in life;) .
How The yantras or amulets work and draw energy from cosmos is explained in depth.
What are various kinds of Yantras ;)? How to recharge or charge the Yantras and Amulets with energy?
what Yantras actually are? What kind of shape and sound Yantras have? all etc etc
Plus this article also talks about various planetary Yantras to enhance your health, longevity, and happiness.
It then talks about how Yantras help your Luck and destiny to manifest well, that is to Make You super Lucky.;) and change your luck and Fortune .
Yantras to do with Love and Relationships and marriage matters area also discussed.

What is a yantra or amulet
The first and foremost is that we need to first understand a Yantra. then only we can bets utilize the energy for the same ;).
It is from the Tantric traditions.
Yantras represent devi and devtas of Hindu Mythology so are sued to worship the same. as Yantras represent the energy of the deity.
Yantras over all help the sadhak in meditation and focusing his or her energies.. It suggests Yantras or amulets give occult powers to the sadhaka or practitioner.
Yantras are built on pure symmetry for more beauty.

How are the yantras Used or applied for benefits for all kinds? 😉

What do the Yantras, Amulets or Mandalas connect to the consciousness of?
Yantras or amulets connect to specific deities or devtas and Devi’s.
they protect the person from harmful effects of energies connected to that deity and also bless with the powers of success and wealth etc associated with the deity.
Yantras are generally prayed in temples, at home and could be worn as a pendant or in fingers as well.

What is the most important goal in case of Yantras or Amulets to develop?
The most important thing is that Yantras develop your power of focus and Concentration by Meditation.
as Yantras suggest the deity so focus on the same gives all the powers if the deity. Generally, there is a central point for Yantras.
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What kind of shapes would yantras or Amulets Have?
the shapes of various yanatras could be circle from or even triangles(like used in sri yantra) even hexagons and symmetrical and many other symmetrical shapes.
It includes circular Yanatras as for the planetary yanatras come.
There are many options to create Yantra or amulets- that could be on paper or pen of by some tail of a bird or some kusha or grass. Also, on metals.
we now have many 3-dimensional yanatras as well like the Pyramid yantra.

What are the core yantras, Amulets or Mandalas in the universe?
The key Yantras are sri yantra for mother Goddess and also for lord Shiva is sri chakra . so, such Yantra or Mandala represent Infinity or the entire cosmos.
One infinity mean ONE cosmos ;). all energy is there in these Yantras .

How do the yantras, Amulets or Mandalas get energy from the universe?
Yantras, amulets or Mandalas represent the deity it represents and needs to be charged with mantras to get good results.
yes the Yantras are also called mandalas. The person energizing the yantras Puts all his energies into the yantra and just like a battery the mandala Or Yantra stores this energy.

what is the purpose or Goals of Yantras or Amulets ?
Various Yantras or mandalas are created for various reasons. like defeating enemy, or pacifying planets, for wealth or family peace etc.
Yes yantras were earlier written on bark of trees like birch and also paper.
Prayer of the mandala or yantra may include flowers , ashes paste of tress and fruits etc.

How & why do Magical Amulets or the Yantras Change our destiny or Luck?
- As we saw earlier- to respond to the say rahu(dragon’s head) energy well- first thing is rahu(dragon’s head) has to be there along with other negative energies. Just like inoculation for any diseases needs the same kind of microbes to be put in.
- So when this positive energy is added, the karma stored in the chakras is modified in accordance- so right kind of events and mindset is attracted by the wearer of yantra. For any purpose be it career/love or money etc.

Special Note on Business or Career Yantras and Love Yantras
- We know based on numerology that number 8 is for money and also your career so in any career or money yantras- more of 8’s would be there.
- This is the number of Saturn that adds to the discipline levels and decision making of the person to naturally attract more money and also work harder in a planned and organized manner.
- Also love is represented by goddess of love that is Venus or shukra= number 6, so you will naturally find more of 6’s or 2’s or other love or marriage number there.
- So it all depends on your goal , based on which you wear the yantra or the amulet.

What is the Role of Yantras and how the power within the Yantras or amulets work
- Just like vitamins & other supplements could help you to keep better health, but exercise and proper food you have to do along with.
- So is true for yantras or amulets. They help to attract and maintain a specific kind of energy or prana to counteract negative influences in your horoscope or other wise to fair extent.
- But again the person has to put his or her conscious effort .
- The power to yantra comes from factors like
- A) The magical numbers that are put and which represent the various natural forces
- B) Also highly from the specific muhurtha- when the planetary conditions and numbers are most suitable to create the yantra. Like creating a mars yantra in moon period or when mars are afflicted could not yield good results.
- C) Your faith or trust in yantra.
- {1)Your Past karma} +(PLUS)
- {2)Your Present Effort} +(PLUS)
- {(3)YANTRA}

what are Navagraha or planetary Yantras?
now let us look at the Navagraha or 9 planets yantra what are there .
These Yantra work on mystical numbers on a plate generally 9 in number.
There are others like or mars that works on Lines and geometry .
actually, these numbers represent status or Devtas that is the mystical energy .
Various number combinations on the Yantra help to attract the right energies from the universe .
so everyone based on his or her horoscope and date of broth needs Yantras.

Sun or Surya Yantra
- surya Yantra or sun amulet. this is called the number one yantra and people with simha Lagna or Leo or how are born on 1st,10th,19th and 28 can attract Goodwill by using this Yantra for success, name and fame and longevity.

Moon or Chandra Yantra
- This is the number 2 yantra that is the moon yantra. This yantra or amulet is worn by people who have cancer ascendant or lagna. This yantra helps karkat rashi or cancer people .
- or people born on the dates of 2/11/29/20. using this yantra they can build up more confidence and they also build up more Cooperative attitude.
Jupiter or Guru Yantra
- Number 3 yantra is called Jupiter Yantra. This is the Jupiter Yantra & can be worn by people who have Meena Rashi or Sagittarius Lagna.
- That is the Dhanu Rashi people or people were born on 12th/3/21 or 30th of any month.

Rahu or Dragon’s head Yantra
- This is the number 4 rahu(dragon’s head) yantra. If rahu(dragon’s head) is very weak or afflicted in the horoscope. it needs some energy .
- so it could also be worn but with care for people born on 4th 13 22nd and 31st of any month. One has to observe the effects then only continue wearing it ashtadhatu based yantra.

Mercury or Budha Yantra
Number 5 yantra is the yantra for Mercury or Budha. this is to be worn by people who have Gemini or Virgo( mithuna rashi and Kanya rashi) as the Lagna or ascendant .
This also applies to people born on 5/14/23.

Venus or Shukra Yantra
- This is the number 6 Yantra . people who have Libra or Tula rashi as Lagna or even Taurus as the lagna they could wear it.
- but for people with Taurus as the lagna they may test this yantra first as Venus rules the 6th house as well. Instead a safer option is to maybe be feeding Birds with white sweets. this Yantra could also be worn by people p born on 6th 15th 24th of any month .

Ketu or dragon’s Tail Yantra
- Number 7 yantra is the yantra for ketu(dragon’s Tail) . this can be worn by people if ketu(dragon’s Tail) is troubling a lot or it is very weak in the horoscope. This yantra could be worn by people born on 7th 16 and 25th of any month.
- also this yantra has to be worn with care and observe what happens after wearing ketu(dragon’s Tail) yantra. else they could instead start feeding brown dogs or donating to temples .

Saturn or Shani Yantra
- number 8 yantra or is a Saturn Yantra .people that have Capricorn or makar rashi as their lagan or ascendant. they could use it.
- Aquarius or Kumbha rashi people have to wear this with care because Saturn in their case also rules the 12th house as well. instead they could donate to poor people. also note people born on 8,17 and 26 of any month could also wear this yantra if Saturn is weak in strength.
- But again this yantra has also has to be worn with care .

Mars or Mangal Yantra
- number 9 is for mars yantra this is could be worn by people with Aries lagna. or who have string benefic energies of mars. for Scorpio sign we have moon ruling the sixth house as well so yantra may not suit much .
- so instead one could either help your brothers or do Hanuman Chalisa. people born on 18,9 and 27th of any month could also wear this Yantra.
- if you wear them you will see lot of change in your life, but you wear them with caution after proper consultation.

What is Destiny or Luck?
- We are born with certain set of karma form the past life PLUS we add some karma from this life- the net resultant gives us what we call Luck.
- Now the question is where GOD does the master engineer and creator store our karma?
- He stores it in the sookshma shareer or your subtle body in your chakras.
- So once again one may think what happens say when by rahu(dragon’s head) dasha comes into picture?
- At that time the specific chakras of your release energy to the cosmos along with accepting energy form the cosmos. This impacts your way of thinking and also events that come to you this time. Generally, from your mooladahara chakra.
- As a result your destiny or events or what you call luck gets defined by your past life karma and yes present karma.

- So if say rahu(dragon’s head) is negative and you by your Upayas and effort and amulets make this rahu(dragon’s head) or number 4 energy positive, it will create positive events and mindset for you. So that you attract more positive in life.
- If this in turn or rahu(dragon’s head) energy is negative – one will attract negative people, rash people, people who are naturally rash, drunkards etc.
- One can see clearly see in the first row 13 is the starting number and 13= 1+3 = rahu(dragon’s head) energy. Next is 8= number of Saturn the elder brother of rahu(dragon’s head) and next is 15= number of magic and Venus- shukracharya the demon GOD all friends of rahu(dragon’s head) . That is rahu(dragon’s head) ->Saturn->Venus negative(shukracharya).
- Then in the next row or 2nd row is 14 = 1+4= 5-(mercury negative) , then is 12= Jupiter negative and then 10= Saturn again we have a ‘0’ or shunya here also is sun negative.
- In the last row we have 9= number of mars, then is 16/7 = highly malefic ketu(dragon’s Tail) and then 11= 1+1=2-= highly negative number of moon.
- Now the question is with so negative numbers how come positivity comes. Remember negative x negative = positive.
- -1 x -1 = +1 simple mathematics. So, keeping almost all malefic including rahu(dragon’s head) /Saturn/sun/ketu/mars/moon negative and Jupiter negative- the yantra creates positive ambience around!
- But there are more specific yantras which are created for any person to attract manifold more positive energies- description given below.
General versus specific Yantras or amulets
- Most of the yantras are general in nature- but there are certain very specific mantras that are created for a) specific purpose and b) for you based on your horoscope
- We tell you about how to easily create such high energy specific yantras at the most auspicious time based on power of rashi or moon/horoscope and numbers. One of the rarest & best methods to create high energy positive yantras to get the best results.
- One could order design personalized yantras or amulets here- the design includes the exact set of numbers to be used and location, the metal to be used, the muhurtha or most auspicious timing based on moon & numerology & Vedic astrology Horoscope to get the best results.
- It takes us a total of 12-15 hours’ time to come to the correct design of any yantra or amulet for a specific purpose for a person.
- 55% is Yantra or amulet design cost and 45% detailed Muhurtha calculations cost.
ORDER Highly Personalized Design -Yantra Only(Without Muhurtha)