Jupiter Transit into Libra (Tula rashi) sign in kundli(Horoscope) Kim jong un North Korea USA war guru 2017 2018 predictions:

jupiter-new-2017 jupiter transit guru libra tula rashi sign kundli horoscope kim jong un north korea usa war 2017 2018 predictions
kim jupiter transit guru libra tula rashi sign kundli horoscope kim jong un north korea usa war 2017 2018 predictions

Jupiter Transit into Libra (Tula rashi) sign in kundli(Horoscope) Kim jong un North Korea USA  war 2017 2018 predictions:

Something important About Jupiter or Guru

  • In any kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart), Jupiter is one of the most powerful and benefic planets amongst all. It is also the heaviest planet, that s why it is called Guru or heavy.
  • It is one of the most powerful benefics amongst the Venus/mercury or even moon to some extent. It bestows one with a right guru or teacher, right knowledge or benevolence form good, good for education, karaka for knowledge and education and also foreign travel and liberation as 12th sign of Pisces or meena rashi is also ruled by planet Jupiter.
  • Jupiter rules the 9th bhava, so it also rules number 9 and also number 12 now 9= 3x(3) and 12= 3x(4) the common element is number 3= core number of planet Jupiter or guru.
  • In any kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart), Jupiter is a planet of justice and illuminations all spiritual masters or people who have competent or sidha gurus have a strong Jupiter or guru in their horoscope or charts. Jupiter or guru is also the planet of power , control and courage, speech and gives the ability to dominate.

What are The relationships of Jupiter or Guru in your Horoscope or kundli?

  • For any kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart), Jupiter is a friend of planets like moon, Venus or mars, it is exalted in the sign of cancer or karkat rashi and is weak in the sign of Capricorn or maker rashi. Jupiter is in the sign f detriment in mercury ruled signs of Gemini and Virgo or mithuna and kanya rashi as such. We know in 2017 Jupiter the lord of lagan for kim jong un of Korea was weak. But as it gains it strength in the sign of Libra or tula he will slowly come to compromise or good thinking would prevail on him . but the period of caution is till oct end till Jupiter and Saturn both strengthen.
  • Jupiter or guru rules liver or the region form wait region to the thigh.

What is the role of Jupiter and women or Girls and their husband?

  • In any kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart), Jupiter naturally rules your ninth bhava of luck and pasty life good karma and also the 12th house of sex and salvation. For any lady or woman Life span status and good character is also ruled by planet Jupiter.AS it is the karaka for husband
  • Given any kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart), A weak Jupiter or conjunct  or in exchange in energy with rahu/Saturn  or ketu or in signs of debility along with  Gemini or Virgo( mithun and kanya rashi) ascendant as causes  issues to marriage and also obstacles in marriage and also divorce possible.
  • As for Gemini Jupiter rules -7th bhava so has kendradhipati dosha and lagan is ruled by mercury that is enemy of Jupiter. For Virgo lagna or ascendant –again Jupiter rules the 4th bhava or the Kendra so suffers form kendradhipati dosha and also Jupiter is in conflict with core mercury energy of the horoscope so could lead to divorces.
  • How would this Jupiter(Guru) Transit in Libra(Tula rashi) Impact your Career/Love & relationhips/MOney/Family matters based on Transit AND Dasha Periods Both- for coming 12 Months accurately? CLICK HEREjupiter-new-2017

kim-korea-horoscope jupiter transit guru libra tula rashi sign kundli horoscope kim jong un north korea usa war 2017 2018 predictions

What would  Kim jong un of North Korea Do in regard to war with USA in 2017-2018?

  • He was born on 8th jan 1984, solar chart or kundli (horoscope ) is ruled by Jupiter or guru. So this may give a sigh of relief to all people of the world and also the USA president Mr. Donald trump.
  • In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of kim jong un of north korea, As Jupiter was weak in Virgo ruling his house of karma that is his actions and career the 10th bhava, now transiting to the house of wealth in the 11th bhava suggest getting into house of gains and also it aspects the 3rd bhava of the army initiative- so smoothens that as well. No nuclear war is seen atleast after October ending 2017.
  • In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart), of north korean head Kim jong un’s mind gets good energy from Jupiter which is happy in the Libra sign ruled by Venus of number 6 = 3 x 2 = is in harmony as 3 is the number of Jupiter. Moon was sitting in the sign f Aquarius making him a bit rigid about his views about situations and people around in the kumbha rashi. We are bound to see the mollification of kim the king of Korea as Jupiter gains strength and so does Saturn or shani come in his 1st bhava by October end of 2017.
  • North Korean head Kim kong un’s hardest period would be 21st oct to 31s October and also Nove ending and dec to a lesser extent.
  • In the kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) of kim jong un of korea, His mars or mangal in the 11th bhava gets energy – impacting his way of thinking form aggressive to more of aggressive cum more toned by wisdom as we reach November 2017.
  • He will be more protected after November 2017 starts as his longevity lord moon gets energy. His chance of getting affected in a coup attempt or attack is also less as Jupiter and Saturn gain in strength.
  • In the  kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) kim jong un of korea Jupiter tones down his Saturn so helps in earn money and also helps him retain his status- after November 2017. Yes September and October 2017 are critical periods for him. But sure the protection of Jupiter or Guru is with him.
  • In the  kundli or Horoscope(Birth chart) kim jong un of korea, September ending and October could be slightly  risky for kim he has to take care of trust issues , that is all people around him may not remain trust worthy. He may again land up into controversy in November period( he will have hiccups and a lot of events now) and also somewhat in December when he may again lock his horns- just Jupiter would protect him and so would Saturn by that time.
  • We wish all the best to the entire world/Korea/usa and India all.

How would this Jupiter(Guru) Transit in Libra(Tula rashi) Impact your Career/Love & relationhips/MOney/Family matters based on Transit AND Dasha Periods Both- for coming 12 Months accurately? CLICK HEREjupiter-new-2017

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    If You Want To Know More About This Report- please continue reading below:Why Is this Transit or Gochhar of Jupiter(or Guru)  from Libra ( Tula rashi) to Scorpio sign(Vrishchika rashi)Important for you?Jupiter is the 5th planet from the controller of our  solar system sun and is a  giant being largest planet in the solar system. So it has the maximum gravitational force to cast influence on any other planet including our planet earth and the beings  that live here. That is the people of earth. Jupiter is primarily composed or hydrogen and helium.
    Human Body has around 75% of water with every water molecule having Hydrogen in it.

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