Upa Pada Effects Jaimini- India’s Eighth House- Inheritance,Problems,Crime,Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology
- Here we discuss the promise of which will give on the person joy from descendants(children), spouse and so forth. The Pada of Lagn, as discussed about earlier, is of prime significance. Upa Pad is computed for the Bhava, taking after the natal Lagn. This Upa Pad is additionally called Gaun Pad.
- Upa Pada Calculation: In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) For even sign(Taurus or vrishabha,etc) it is the second house and for odd sign (Aries or mesha, Gemini or mithuna etc) it is the twelfth house of the kundli, with respected to which the upa pada calculations are done. This is a sub pada or the sub energies of the pada.
- In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) if Upa Pad is yuti or conjunction with, or gets a Drishti or aspect from a benefic Grah(Like Jupiter or guru, venus or shukra or say mercury or budha or even moon or Chandra), one will acquire full joy from descendants(children and grand children) and life partner.
- In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) Ought to the Upa Pad be in a malefic’s rashi or sign(like Saturn or shanis rashi kumbha- Aquarius or Capricorn or Makar, OR Mars or mangal- ruling Aries(mesha) or Scorpio(vrishchika) or is moon or Chandra is weak and afflicted , or gets a Drishti or aspect from, or is yuti or conjunction with a malefic, one will end up being an austere and abandon a spouse. Please note Upa pada connects to second house of family, wealth and status and also twelfth house of pleasures of bed etc, so a malefic influence here could affect matters related to the same.
- In the event that (in the said conditions) there be a benefic Drishti or a benefic aspect (on Upa Pad, or the related malefic), or a yuti or conjunction, deprival of life partner won’t happen- one can clearly see this is a balancing act. For this situation surya or sun , being lifted up, or in a benevolent rashi or sign, is not a malefic. He is a malefic, if in crippling, or in an adversary’s rashi or sun sign.
- In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) With respect to Pad counts, there are more than two perspectives on similar Sloka of Maharishi Parashar, or an indistinguishable Sutra from Jaimini sutras by maharishi Jaimini. In this content, “Anuchar” is utilized, which means ‘the Bhava, taking after the Lagn during childbirth’. Ordinarily this is Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house of sex, secret pleasures and foreign travel.
- In any case, In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) when we think about different critiques on Jaimini ,we are educated, that it is Vyaya Bhava or the twelfth house on account of an odd rashi(like aries,Gemini, Leo,Libra,Sagittarius,Aquarius OR mesha, mithuna,simha,Tula,dhanu,kumbha rashi) climbing and it is Dhan Bhava or the second house of wealth, status and accumulation on account of an even rashi or sign( Taurus,cancer,Virgo,scorpio,Capricorn,pisces OR vrishibha,karkat,kanya,vrishchika,makar or meena rashi rising).
- In like manner In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) the Pad for the twelfth, or the second from Lagn is called Upa Pad.
- In figuring Upa Pad the guidelines standard guidelines discussed above have to be followed.
- . In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) Impact from the second from Upa Pad. In the event that the second from Upa Pad is a benefic rashi or sign, or gets a Drishti from, or is yuti with a benefic, similar great results (concerning spouse and children) will happen.
- In the event In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) that there is a Graha or planet in the second from Upa Pad in its crippling rashi or sign, or incapacitate ansha, or is yuti(conjunction) with a weakened, or malefic Grah, there will be annihilation of spouse.
- On the off chance In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) that the said inhabitant be in its benefic rashi or sign, or navamsa, or gets a Drishti or aspect from another Graha or planet, there will be numerous enchanting and upright spouses- that is having many wives.
- if In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) Mithuna or Gemini happens to be the second from Upa Pad, then additionally there will be numerous spouses.
- if In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) the Upa Pad, or the second in this way be involved by its own Lord, or, if the said Lord is in his other claim Bhava, the passing of spouse will be at cutting edge age.
- In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) Spouse from the second of Upa Pad . On the off chance that a Grah being steady pointer of spouse (i.e. the seventh Lord, or shukra or venus the karaka for wife or spouse) is in its own particular Bhava, there will be loss of spouse just at a later stage. So one can see a clear balancing act.
- On the off chance In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) that the Lord of Upa Pad, or the consistent significator of spouse is in commendation, the wife will be from a honorable family.
- Opposite would be the situation, In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) in the event that lord of upa pada is incapacitated.
- In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) if the second from Upa Pad is identified with a benefic, the spouse will be wonderful, lucky and prudent.
- In your kundli or horoscope (birth Chart) Ought to shani or Saturn and Rahu be in the second from Upa Pad, the local will lose his better half because of slander, or through death.
Upa Pada Of India- Analysis and impact:
Jaimini system
Now to calculate the Upa pada- the ascendant is even (Taurus or vrishibha for India).
So the second house or bhava is the upa pada.
The lord is in 3rd house(mercury or Budha is the lord of second house) so 2 houses away.
So counting 2 signs from 3rd house we reach fourth house or bhava for fame or India relationships.
Sun is ruling and there is no strong malefic influence- so India is bound to emerge as a leader in relationships matters.
Upa Pada Effects Jaimini- India’s Eighth House- Inheritance,Problems,Crime,Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology
Parashari System:
Jupiter rules the 8th house and is in 6th house.
So astrology, ayurveda etc may not get the thrust that they deserve in their own country.
Crime would come in control more by following of dharma or Yoga( Jupiter).
Also planet Jupiter rules money and this planet in sixth house of debts and taking energy from eighth house is not a great sign for inheritance. India would have to fight for getting what it deserves. Hyderabad is an example on how much India had to put up fight to take up the rightful region, where religious atrocities on Hindus were being done by the fanatical leaders of that place.
But at the same time sage parashar guarantees a win over enemies.
Also the personality if India would be influenced by Rahu and Jupiter, that is at one end fanatics could have their away and on the other majority would be religious due to Jupiter.