What are certain interesting facts about Yuvraj Singh the Indian cricketer ?
Why did T20 cricket matches 2016 turn in favor of Yuvraj Singh? What is his inner self. Discover all this by science Vedic astrology
Date of Birth: 12th December, 1981
Time of Birth: Un Known
Place of Birth: Chandigarh (India)
The cricketer yuvraj Singh was born on 12th December 1980 and also is a great Indian cricket team left handed batsman . In regard to bowling balls he us left handed he also balls slowly . Yuvraj Singh is also a great fielder and his father sri yograj Singh ji was a great cricketer from Punjab and also a film actor
Yuvraj Singh has been a vice captain of the Indian Team ODI from 2007 to 2020 . in the 2011 world cup he took 5 wickets that was a big achievement by Yuvraj Singh . by 2011 Yuvraj Singh was detected of Cancer or basic tumour in his left lungs. which he was treated and he seemed too got cured by the March of 2012 and he made a comeback.
Yuvraj Singh has also been conferred with arjun award.
Yuvraj Singh Horoscope and Birth Details
December 12, 1981
Time of Birth: 21:45:00
Place of Birth: Chandigarh
Time Zone: 5.5

What planetary makes Yuvraj Singh one of the biggest cricketers of the world?
for Yuvraj Singh the cancer sign or karkat rashi Rises that sits in the 12th house. so obviously giving him a tendency towards cancer . also we note that rahu sitting in the cancer sign in the lagan for Yuvraj Singh. which gives a different and a distinct way of doing things in Bowling and batting for him. so for Yuvraj Singh there is some distinction here in doing things.
IN the horoscope of Yuvraj Singh the Lord of
4th house of public image Venus or shukra is in the 7th house of relationships. it is aspecting his Lagna that gives him access to good comfort & luxury. also money from cricket is there. It is also giving him(yuvraj Singh) good image . The benefic Jupiter or guru is sitting the Venus house in the 4th house. that that is giving Yuvraj Singh expansion in image & career .
now we know that in cricket it is a game of arms and action – be it bowling or batting. The lord of career for Yuvraj Singh is mars or Mangal . mars the lord of action and karma for Yuvraj Singh stands for action . also mars are sitting in the 3rd house that is the arms for Yuvraj Singh.
It is sitting with Saturn or shani dev.which is ruling the 7th and 8th house and giving him very powerful shots to play.
The 8th house lordship of Saturn helps him to play hard shot on the cricket field. he is 6 foot 3 inch tall and very study. mars and Saturn in the 3rd bhava or house of his and Saturn give in the basic aggression . mars give great action in Bowling and batting
From the Moon Lagna the 10th lord is Pisces sign or meena rashi. so for Yuvraj Singh the 10th house is ruled by Jupiter or guru. It is the benefic that clearly indicates great Prestige and gains in his career for him. also the moon Lord 2nd house which gives him very good creativity . from rashi Jupiter or guru also rules a 7th house so giving him very good success in love matters . we will talk about the love matters of Yuvraj Singh later.
what planetary combination made Yuvraj Singh contract cancer in 2011?
we have noted the lagna of Yuvraj Singh is cancer or karkat Rashi . and Rahu is sitting here. Rahu directly deals with cancer like disorders . so Rahu in Cancer combination creates a cancer like situation for Yuvraj Singh unfortunately.
now Yuvraj Singh had cancer in the left lung. so one can see moon that is the fourth cancer sign lord . now 4th sign rules lungs. the 4th house Lord Venus is sitting along with Ketu in the 7th house . now ketu is a malefic that could cause cancer type problems to yuvraj Singh’s lungs.
also Jupiter or guru being in Libra sign in the 4th house cause Yuvraj Singh to come out of the cancer problems.
what about love and married life of Yuvraj Singh? what type of women would he marry based on astrology?

in 2015 Yuvraj Singh dated gurbasant kaur or Hazel keech and they got married in 2016 this lady is a British -Mauritian model . hazel keech has also worked for movies like Bella and Bodyguard.
Now Saturn or shani dev rules his 7th house. that is gives a bit dark complexion to his wife and also because Saturn sits in the third house and is with mars, gives athletic build to his wife . all this is true for hazel keech.
as Venus sitting in the 7th house of Yuvraj Singh. It suggest his wife to be very beautiful. she was a model . also as Ketu sitting there .so whenever Rahu Ketu are weak in transit Yuvraj Singh has to take care of the compatibility in relationships with his wife hazel keech or gurbasant kaur.

what is in store for Yuvraj Singh in 2019 ?
In the horoscope of Yuvraj Singh Ketu comes in the 12th house of his kundli. so he has to be a bit careful in driving and his family matters . otherwise it’s ok for him. also Ketu aspects his house of public image .but at the same time Jupiter strengthens his fifth house because it is transiting the same.
as Jupiter or guru ruling the 6th house as well . it affects the house of image for yuvraj Singh. also the family of Yuvraj Singh as well. so he has to be a bit careful on this front . 2019 could be a bit emotionally demanding time for Yuvraj Singh . we wishing all the best in life!

Natal Chart /Natal Horoscope Analysis and Future Predictions for Yuvraj Singh :
Yuvraj Singh the cricketer has Mars is the ruler of his sign Scorpio(Though he is Sagittarius as per sun sign).Number 3 (Jupiter)& 9(mars) are important for him.
2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9= mars has given him the lead in T20 cricket series in Australia.
. The direction ruled by his lagan/ascendant is north, that means he is better posies in North India based cricket matches. He is a passion driven person and could do miracles due to his passion in cricket ..
Yuvraj Singh’s ascendant Lord is in the XIth house of gains, so Yuvraj Singh will generally get good gains and have great qualities, also would have world fame and plus proper gains from Based on his placement of his ascendant in 11th house. We know all this is true for Yuvraj Singh.
Now sudden turnaround in T20 cricket matches in Australia have given him a flip in image to better.Earlier he was it seems playing slow.
2016 horoscope predictions for Yuvraj Singh in cricket
In year 2016 Yuvraj Singh’s Jupiter is a bit weakened in transit in 10th house in its transit, but it could still give gains for his career and give him good name. It means improvement of family as aspect (drishti) on 4th house of family and mind is there.
He might get more inclined to dharma and ethical living could come in the year 2016.
There could be significant gains in wealth and also status in cricket circles could be there due to aspect (drishti) on 2nd house due to cricket . There is also an aspect (drishti) on 7th could mean better adverting offer offers or marriage happening for Yuvraj Singh.
In Yuvraj Singh’s horoscope Rahu transits in 10th house, has an aspect (drishti) on the 4th house and also sends energy to 2nd house of wealth flows , earning capacity status. It also aspect (drishti) on his 5th house of fun and romance in year 2016 apart from cricket .
So over all gives Yuvraj Singh in year 2016 the ability to do un conventional actions that are of surpising Sudden turnaround in the last over of T20 cricket series in Australia is a clear example of the same.
Yuvraj Singh can take very clear and confident decisions in 2016
. Yuvraj Singh’s mind could be troubled by people with low ethics or people who are against him within cricket circles. This could cause trouble in family. He has to take care of his image as well.