Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji Kundali Horoscope Varga or Divisional charts spiritual legacy predictions
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sri sri ravi shankar ji Kundali & Horoscope , Varga or Divisional charts spiritual legacy predictions
Birth Details of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji
Name: Ravi Shankar Guruji
Date of Birth: Sunday, May 13, 1956
Time of Birth: 00:00:00
Place of Birth: Papanasam
Longitude: 77 E 23
Latitude: 8 N 46
Time Zone: 5.5
What planetary combinations or Yoga’s lead sri sri Ravi Shankar ji lead a life of an ascetic (non house holder?)
now for Family matters we look at the 2nd house and the 4th house of sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji both from Lagna(ascendant) from Moon sign or Rashi chart for Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji.
4th house lord is Mars or Mangal for sri sir Ravi Shankar Ji and Mars is very strong in Lagna(ascendant) for sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji in Capricorn sign(makar Rashi) is exalted. so this very clearly indicates that he will have a very large family . : ) but we know that he is not married ; so how come he’ll have a very large family?
1)now we look at as because sun(surya) is in the 4th house of sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji and as it is also malefic . so this denies sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji having a family . we also note that Mars is a malefic and has the negative power of 11th house .
2)sun is again a malefic and lord of 8th house in 4th house of sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji . This denies marriage or family life for sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji .
also look at the same time look at the lagna chart or the d1 the second house from Lagna Bhava also rules the family for anyone .
what does the moon chart of sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji say about this family life and being an ascetic though with people?
What planets gave sri sri Ravi Shankar ji such a High public image and following and laurels form the entire world?
very clearly indicates that great self respect and image for the person . It makes the person(sri sri Ravi Shankar ji) passionate and have good intelligence as well . all this is hundred percent true for sri sri Ravi Shankar ji.
What Yoga’s or energy exchange suggest that sri sri Ravi Shankar ji would have a great following and ashram like art of living or AOL foundation?
What Yoga’s or energy exchange suggest that sri sri Ravi Shankar ji may contribute significantly for spirituality and Dharma?
so sri sri Ravi Shankar ji create a large religious organisation and a technique of sudarshan kriya. also as from d1 lagna the fourth house is very strong so clearly indicates a strong indication of the art of living Foundation. We wish him long life and peace!
What makes him so spiritual? his Ninth house analysis
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji’s lord of the ninth house dharma is mercury or Budha the lord of the sign Virgo or Kanya Rashi . Mercury here generally gives connection with people of the foreign lands. We know that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji’s art of living has speared all across the world.
- In the Kundli or Horoscope, Also mercury sits in the house of thinking, so giving him the intelligence to understand religion intellectually as well and think intellectually.
- For the Kundali or Horoscope, Mercury is conjunct with Ketu the planet of salvation making him deep into spirituality.
- Moon or Chandra the lord of seventh and karaka for the mind is there in the fifth house of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji, so making him connect to intellectual and people of the foreign lands that is the seventh house and the moon both deal with foreign lands.
- The aspect of strong exalted mars on mercury gives Sri Ravi Shankar Ji action and technology to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji’s spirituality. So he developed the Sudarshan kriya technique and Indian Yoga Pranayama technology.
- Plus mars or Mangal also give the ability to work and do great work in life.
- In the Kundali or Horoscope of Sri Sri Ravishankar ji, In Navamsa chart or d9 Varga chart of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji mercury is in the twelfth house of salvation and rules the mind and the personality. So entire intellect of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji is focussed on salvation or nirvana and GOD. Moon with Ketu in fifth gives constant thinking about God and spirituality.
- sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji He has an exalted Jupiter or guru that is in Atma karaka at 29+ degrees in the tenth bhava or house of action or karma/career or Job. Which makes him do the action to do with religion, good humanitarian work and yes Jupiter the lord of dharma would lead him ascendance to God that is his working with dharma activities is predestined and his work would take him to complete liberation. Which it seems he already has.
What is the future for an art of living Ashram?
- For the Kundali or Horoscope, In the year 2017 Saturn or Shani is the lord of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji first and second house of personality and wealth & status. This enters the twelfth house of dharma, foreign travel and expenditure and health care.
- Also in 2019 his health needs care. His focus on dharma or spirituality could go high.
- In the year 2019 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji organization art of living may spend more and his connections to foreign lands would increase significantly in this Shani gochar or transit.
- In the year 2019-2020 Jupiter or guru transit in the tenth house after September might mean more expenditure on the art of living again, that is increased expenditure. The environment issues might also come up again.
- We wish Sri Ravi Shankar ji and his art of living organization all the best.
What is the Role of ninth house lord and the divisional Charts?
- Which house deals with your better past life Karma? In the Kundali or Horoscope, The ninth house lord deals with dharma or religion and ethics. This house also deals with your past life Punya or good deeds. The past life karmas are all reflected here. In fact, where one was born could be decoded from this house.
- IN the article below the presence and strength of the ninth house lord In the Kundali or Horoscope, in various AMSA or divisional charts(Varga charts) and the corresponding results, are analyzed.
- How does d9(Navamsa chart) and d10(dashamsa) chart impact your Luck? Say the lord of the ninth house is strong in two amass or divisional charts say d9(navamsa) and d10(Dashamsha), then it is said to be Parijatamsa. Now like 2 or second house deals with wealth and status, this kind of strength in two charts gives a lot of luck and fortune to the person. This is a kind of Vedic numerology that is there.
- Below is Given the Kundali or Horoscope, analysis of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji, the spiritual Guru of Millions and his ninth bhava or house
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji was born 13 May 1956 is an Indian spiritual leader in south India Bangalore. he is referred to as Guru dev or Guru or Sri Sri as a matter of Honour.
- He founded the Art of Living Foundation in 1981, the goal of the same is to relieve individual stress, societal issues and anger leading to
- In the year 1997, he established a Geneva-based charity, the International Association for Human Values, and a Non-Governmental Organization that does relief work and rural/village development and aims to encourage shared global values.
- For his service to humanity, he has received some of the topmost awards from many countries including India, Peru, Colombia, and Paraguay. In India in the month of January 2016, he was awarded the “Padma Vibhushan” by the Government of India.
- Sutra 1:which planetary combination causes one to Visit religious places? In the Kundali or Horoscope, If Dharma’s Lord (ninth house or bhava lord of past life Punya & Luck)is in Parijatamsa Or Varga Chart(meaning is strong or exalted in at least two of its divisional charts Varga charts), the person will visit religious places,
- Explanation: Now if In the Kundali or Horoscope, the ninth house lord that is the dharma or religion lord is strong in three divisional charts that are Parijatamsa- then or is quite obvious the person would not only be religious, he/she would be lucky and might visit religious places.
- Sutra 2:which planetary combination causes one to Visit religious places in past life? In the Kundali or Horoscope, if in Uttamamsa Or Varga Chart (when three Vargas are gained then the Uttamamsa or Kusumamsa), has been going to great places in the past births and he will do similarly inside this lifetime,
- Explanation: The reason is that number three or 3 represent planet Jupiter also ninth house means the past life good deeds or Punya, so when the ninth lord is strong in three Varga or divisional charts- one might be going to religious places or doing good religious activities in the past life.
- Sutra 3:which planetary combination causes one to do karma Kanda? In any Kundli or Horoscope, if in Gopuramsa Or Varga Chart(Strong in four Divisional charts or Varga charts), will perform appeasing traditions,
- Explanation: As again the lord of ninth has to do with dharma and number four is of karma or Karma Kanda- so if the lord of the ninth house is strong in four amass one could be engaged in karma Kanda or appeasing activities.
- Sutra 4:which planetary combination causes one to surrender to all religions? For the kundali or Horoscope, if in Simhasanamsa Or Varga Chart(Strong in five Divisional charts or Varga charts), the person will be solid and strong, conqueror of his resources and will concentrate just on the Brahman, surrendering all religions,
- Explanation: In the Kundali or Horoscope, As the ninth house is strong in five amass and five is the number for Leo or Simha sign that’s the reason called Simhamsa- and fifth house so of deep thinking and learning, so connection of fifth and ninth house make one focus only on the GOD
- Sutra 5:which planetary combination causes one to become a monk? if in Paravatamsa Or Varga Chart, will be the best of monkish life(Strong in six Divisional charts or Varga charts),
- Explanation: For any Kundali or Horoscope, As the lord of ninth is strong in six amsas and sixth sign is for Virgo or Kanya sign and also the sixth house represents taking one away or moving away- so this combinations takes one away from society and make him or her a monk.
- Sutra 6:which planetary combination causes one to become a Nanga baba? If for any Kundali or Horoscope, if in Devalokamsa Or Varga Chart(Strong in seven Divisional charts or Varga charts), will be a self-denying, holding a club (Lagudi), or he will be a religious drifter, that has revoked each and every conventional association and passing on three long battles, laced, in his right hand (Tridandin) and,
- Explanation: The reason is that seventh house represents Libra or Tula ruled by planet Venus, this is the house of sensual pleasures and sex – so the lord of dharma or religion the ninth house here takes one way from the religion and puts him or anger situation into conflict situations.
- Sutra 7:which planetary combination causes one to become lord Indra? In the kundli or Horoscope, if in Brahmalokamsa Or Varga Chart(Strong in eighth Divisional charts or Varga charts), will perform Aswamedh Yagya (Horse Sacrifice) and will achieve the state of Lord Indra,
- Explanation: The eight house deals with fights and death, so dharma to do with the eighth house means sacrifice – that is what Aswmedha Yagya is about.
- Sutra 8:which planetary combination causes one become an avatar? if in Iravatamsa Or Varga Chart(Strong in nine Divisional charts or Varga charts), will be an identical expression of Dharma, or standards just, as Lord Ram and Yudhishthira.
- Explanation: For any given Kundali or Horoscope, As the ninth house and number both represent dharma, so this is the super-excellence of dharma and it means the person would an image of ethics like king Yudhishthira of Mahabharata times or lord Sri rama of treat Yuga.

Who is sri sri Ravi Shankar ji(spiritual leader)?
Effects of the Divisional Dignities of Dharma’s Lord (ninth house or bhava lord of past life Punya & Luck) or the Ninth House (Luck House) lord.